official god

Chapter 2163 Wind

Xia wanted to be silent.

Silence does not mean that he is afraid. Silence is just that he wants to calm down and consider the serious or serious consequences that the matter may cause, or what the other party wants to use this matter to achieve.

Suddenly thinking of the chance encounter between Zhou Hongji and Ye Tiannan just now, Xia thought that the inspiration flashed in Xia's heart. On the matter of [words], the civilian series and the anti-series joined hands again?

Of course, Xia wants to draw a conclusion from Gu Qiushi's half-easy and half-serious expression that so far, the situation has not been serious enough to get out of control. However, he should not take it lightly. Recently, he has been committed to developing the economy in the western province and promoting the successful transformation of the energy-based economy, which has touched the interests of conservative forces. The heavy action against the collusion between officials and businessmen has touched the bottom line of conservative forces. The other party must have been waiting for an opportunity to hit him.

triggered a diplomatic disturbance, which created an excellent reason for the other party to attack. I'm afraid that the other party will catch this matter, so that he will hit it with one blow and kill him with one blow.

But so far, the other party has probably not decided how much effort to use this matter to suppress him. From the performance of the meeting with Zhou Hongji and Ye Tiannan just now, it can be concluded that they do not know what happened, or what problems they are about to face.

"If the United States is no longer unreasonable, there is nothing I can do." Xia wanted to say, "If something goes big in the end, I will bear all the consequences for my [words]."

Gu Qiushi was silent for a moment: "It depends on how old someone wants to be, and it also depends on Fusheng's final attitude." If it's okay to just oppose the appearance of the first series, even if the civilian series remains silent, as long as the general [book] does not speak, as long as the family forces firmly oppose it, no one can do anything about him.

But I'm afraid that the civilian department will take the opportunity to fight against him. If he puts forward some exchange conditions to make it difficult for the general [book], he may have to make a self-criticism even if he will not face the danger of punishment.

What doesn't matter in the review is the bad impact of the incident. If the United States protests, the high-ranking officials of the [China] country have to make a self-criticism, then it will open the opening of the United States' interference in the [China] domestic affairs, which also makes the international image of the [China] country greatly lose points.

The attitude of Dai Fusheng is also critical.

Xia wanted to think about it in depth and understood another link. I'm afraid that the reason why the opposition system took this matter with great fanfare is not what he really refers to, but in the name of attacking him to embarrass Dai Fusheng!

For Guan Yuanqu's win, the opposition to the first series and the civilian series nodded, but there was a lot of controversy about Dai Fusheng taking charge of the State Council. In fact, the earliest generation of Fusheng was cultivated as a successor. At the last moment, he was opposed to the failure of Dai Fusheng in a historical event, which led to the failure of Dai Fusheng!

In fact, the opposition to the first department is to directly let Dai Fusheng unable to take over the position of reason, but it did not go as expected. Therefore, there has been a lot of dissatisfaction that Dai Fusheng is about to take charge of the State Council.

Unexpectedly, Dai Fusheng took advantage of the close relationship with the family forces to let Xia want to visit Europe, but Xia thought brought trouble to him. For the opposition to the first series, it was a God-given opportunity, and he must grasp it tightly.

If Dai Fusheng strives to protect Xia in the face of accusations and pressure, then his own prestige will be impacted. If he does not protect Xiaxiang and Mingzhe, then his efforts to get close to the family's forces with Xiaxiang will end in failure, and it may even provoke the family forces to eventually lead him to the opposite of the family forces.

A very smart move!

If the strategy is correct, you can even reverse the muzzle of the gun in the middle, no longer blaming Xiaxiang, and instead attack Daifusheng, so as to unite the family forces and the civilian series to form a three-sided attack to launch a fierce attack on the regiment and Daifusheng himself.

It's okay if Xia wants to think about it or not, but he was shocked when he thought about it!

I thought I could welcome the 18th National Congress calmly and steadily, but I didn't want the wind and clouds to change again.

Admittedly, this matter is indeed caused by him, but the development of the matter has been pushed to an unpredictable direction by people with intentions.

Seeing that Xia wanted to be silent for a long time, Gu Qiushi smiled and said, "Have you figured it out?" Xia wanted to nod: "If you figure out part of it, maybe it's not all right, but it should be far from the truth." Gu Qiushi got up and patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder: "Think about it again."

Another meaning of thinking about it is to hope that he will stand firm, and hope that he and the family forces will unify their mouths and see the direction clearly in the upcoming shock wave.

Xia thought of Zhongnanhai and went straight to the old house.

In fact, he should go to the Wu family first and discuss with the old man about the disturbance caused, but after thinking about it, he thought it would be better to talk about it later. If things slow down, it will be round, and he can't be worried.

Seeing that at noon, the sun was strong. Xia wanted to come to the old house and saw the old man watering the watering can. The water overflowed all over the ground, but it was still pouring. Obviously, he was distracted.

"Lao Gu, I'm back." Xia wanted to shout.

When the kettle fell to the ground, Lao Gu turned around and saw that it was Xia, and he was overjoyed: "Stinky little

Zi, you have come back from the old man's happy expression, the gaffe of hitting the kettle, and then calling him a stinky little

Zi, Xia thought that he knew that the old man's mood was indeed not as good as before. He used to be concerned about national affairs, but since he handed over the military team, he only knew the joy of family.

It was also Gu Yu's going abroad that touched the old man's heart, and because of Gu Yu's pregnancy, he let Lao Gu's successor, so he missed the distance.

Xia wanted to hold Lao Gu forward and took out a picture of Gu Yu.

Lao Gu sat on the bench, looking at the photos of Gu Yu one by one, with a satisfied and gratifying face, and the kindness and compassion in his eyes, he was not the ancient general who immediately crossed the sword in those years.

It can't go on like this. You can't let the old man's mind only fall on Gu Yu. He is happy and sad, angry hurts the liver, and thinking hurts the spleen. It's better to let the old man change his mind and do something.

Xia thought about the idea and said, "What's for lunch?" You can do whatever you want." Lao Gu smiled, and there was sadness and loneliness in his smile. "It would be better if the jade girl was here. She could make peace with Meimei." At noon, Xia wanted to have dinner with Lao Shi. Meals are commonplace, simple and delicious, and pay attention to health preservation.

During the meal, Xia wanted to talk about his trip and experience in Europe, focusing on his speech at the Sino-German dinner.

"Well said, there is momentum!" The ambition of the old man was worn out by the years, and was aroused by Xia's words again ** "The country, like people, is bullying the weak and afraid of the hard. 〖 China is not a small country. No matter how powerful the United States is, it does not dare to go to war with China. He lives a very rich life with a person. In order to pursue a richer life, he will definitely not bet on all his wealth and a fight with an equally strong man. Only those who have nothing have the courage to work hard.

Even people at the age of Lao Gu know the truth, will the senior management of the country not understand? Of course, some people also know that the United States does not dare to fight [China] countries, but the United States dares to fight their assets and wives and children in the United States, so they are afraid of the United States.

Xiaxiang then said the great uproar caused by his [words] theory in the world.

Lao Gu applaud: "Okay, the more arguments there are, the better. There are arguments to prove that touch the other party's bottom line, indicating that your words have played a certain role in knocking." But the problem is that international debates are not afraid, but that there are also domestic debates. Xia wanted to attract Lao Gu's attention step by step. "I just heard the news that someone wanted to use my [words] to talk about the problem to trigger the incident."

Lao Gu's face darkened: "And this abundance?"

Xia thought made the whole story clear and revealed his guess.

Lao Gu's face became more and more gloomy, and he put down his chopsticks heavily: "Have I been so idle recently that some people think I'm too old to walk?"

He stood up and walked to the door with his fork. Lao Gu pointed to the huā grass and vegetables in the yard with his hand: "The old man can grow huā and raise grass, and he can also carry a knife. Xia Xiang, you don't have to worry about the affairs between the old people, let the old people solve them by themselves... You can make an appointment with Lao Wu for me, and just say that I have something important to talk to him.

Xia wanted to smile with relief. It was not for him to encourage Lao Gu to come forward to resolve the upcoming crisis, but for him to successfully divert Lao Gu's attention and no longer miss Gu Yu every day.

For the elderly, it is a good thing to do something. People can't be idle. When they are idle, their thoughts will be light, and when their minds are light, their vitality will be weak.

In the afternoon, Xia Xiang came to Wu's house.

Wu Caiyang is not here. It is estimated that he is still in the Central Organization Department, and only Mr. Wu is at home alone. The afternoon sun is very quiet, which makes people drift away. Although Mr. Wu's only granddaughter is not around like Lao Gu, he has at least three sons, and his descendants are full of children, much happier than Lao Gu.

The master just got up from a nap, sitting in the living room waiting for Xiaxiang with a cup of light tea and a paper fan.

He knew that Xia would come to Wu's house after he wanted to return to Beijing.

"I heard a little movement. It seems that someone is going to toss around again. Don't be afraid. I'm not dead yet." Mr. Wu's faint majestic expression said, "The conference will be held soon, and I still want to do something big, and even want to use the United States to push from the periphery. I'm very angry!"

Mr. Wu was very angry and the consequences were very serious.

While talking, Wu Caiyang came back unexpectedly.

As soon as he entered the door, Wu Caiyang did not look well: "I just had a meeting, and some people wanted to continue to promote Xia Xiang [yan] on the impact of the incident. Germany and the United Kingdom also summoned the ambassadors to China and expressed their concern and dissatisfaction with Xia Xiang's [yan]. Now the situation is developing in a bad direction." "Xia think, what do you say is not good, but what diplomacy [say]" Wu Caiyang nodded Xia thought a little, and there was a faint anger on his face. "But some people are also whimsical. They really think that this can stop Xia Xiang from moving forward? Think about it beautifully!" Xia Xiang was calmer than Wu Caiyang and said, "In fact, some people are not aimed at me, but Dai Fusheng..."

"Oh?" Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang were shocked at the same time.