official god

Chapter 2176 The overall situation is initially settled

In a narrow sense, Li Dingshan is not Xia Xiang's political team, let alone the Song Dynasty, but in a broad sense, Li Dingshan and Song Chaodu are both the most determined allies of Xia Xiang, not the team is better than the team. In Xia Xiang's future political pattern, Xia Xiang has a great help than the help of the political team The promotion and the progress of Li Dingshan are also good things that Xia wants to see.

After Qi Province appointed Lu Ming as the deputy governor, Li Dingshan also successfully served as the executive vice governor. It was originally scheduled to be Qiu Renli to leave Qi Province after entering the bureau, and then the provincial party committee of Qi Province made a major adjustment, but [Zhongzhong] The central government adjusted the Qi provincial party committee team in advance, which was also Dingshan took a small step forward.

Li Dingshan has been in the position of deputy department for a long time. If it goes well, he can be corrected after the executive vice governor takes office. Xia Xiang also hopes that Li Dingshan can have the opportunity to be in charge of the government. With Li Dingshan's talent and ambition, he should have a world where he can show his skills.

After Li Dingshan's appointment, Xia Xiang called to congratulate him as soon as possible.

"Congratulations to Governor Li"

"Gun Governor Xia, you're welcome. To tell the truth, I've come to this point, and I should thank you." Li Dingshan sighed with emotion. For a moment, he remembered his time in Ba County. Who would have thought that the subordinates in those years were not only higher than his, but also his promotion benefited from the operation of his subordinates in the past. It was indeed a moment.

At the critical moment of business failure that year, he was very lucky to follow Xia's advice and stepped into the official career with a gorgeous turning posture. From then on, his life opened a new page, and he had today's achievements.

If it hadn't been for Xia's guidance and advice at that time, he might have returned to the newspaper in the capital, carried the shame of failure, and died in the capital all the time.

Now, although he is not very popular, he is at least successful, and he is only one step away from the governor's throne for more than ten years. How can he imagine today's position?

The opportunity of life is really wonderful. If the road went to darkness in those years, then he really doesn't know how depressed he is now. Throughout his journey, without the shadow of Xia Xiang all the time, Li Dingshan couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart. The greatest luck in his life was to meet Xia Xiang!

Xiaxiang is the greatest blessing in his life.

Xia Xiang naturally did not know Li Dingshan's inner feelings, but he also heard the vicissitudes of life in Li Dingshan's tone. He also smiled loudly when the past things rushed to his heart: "Gun Governor Li, the past has passed, and the future has not yet come. Only by grasping the present can we live a wonderful

Li Dingshan also smiled: "What a wonderful life. Good, with your good words, I have the confidence to do a great thing in Qi Province."

Xia Xiang was also infected by Li Dingshan's pride. He talked and laughed with Li Dingshan.

Li Dingshan's step forward has also played a positive role in promoting Xia Xiang's overall situation in the country in the future. After a few years, Li Dingshan was finally able to help and served as the governor. Li Dingshan, who was in charge of the province, shined brilliantly in the era of Guanyuanqu and made indelible contributions to

After that, Li Dingshan successfully ranked in the sequence of feudal officials under the strong recommendation of the Song Dynasty and Xia Xiang, and became the number one figure of the provincial party committee of a province [book]! If Shi Laoquan knew, he should be gratified. When he was dying, he entrusted Xia to take care of Li Dingshan, but he didn't expect that Xia Xiang would take care of Li Dingshan all the way to the high position of the provincial party committee.

Li Dingshan also lived up to expectations. During his tenure as the provincial party committee, he set an example for the reform of the political system in the new era. At the same time, he also paved part of the grassroots road for Xia Xiang's victory.

After Li Dingshan successfully served as the executive vice governor, Chen Tianyu also took a crucial step in his life from the municipal party committee [book] to the deputy minister of agriculture!

It can be said that in Xiaxiang's political team, in addition to Peng Yunfeng's promotion, Chen Tianyu's next step bothers Xiaxiang the most. How to arrange Chen Tianyu's deputy position is related to whether his future growth path is smooth. Among the more than a dozen political team, Peng Yunfeng and Chen Tianyu are the most

It is also the two people that Xia wants to focus on cultivating the most. If Xia wants to see it, Peng Yunfeng and Chen Tianyu are the two people who are most likely to follow his footsteps and enter the game.

Peng Yunfeng, based on Yan Province, is expected to be promoted to governor in Yan Province, and then leave Yan Province to serve as the provincial party committee of other provinces.

Go to the road of the provincial party committee [book] within ten years. With his ability and Xiaxiang's support, it is not a big problem.

Peng Yunfeng really lived up to Xiaxiang's expectations, and even stepped into the main part a few years earlier than Xiaxiang expected. In the next ten years, as Xiaxiang's most loyal and powerful subordinate, he has been following Xiaxiang, coming up with suggestions for Xia, and successively calmed down the attacks of some domestic forces on Xiaxiang, for In the end, he won the crown and made an unrivaled contribution.

If it was ancient times, Peng Yunfeng was the first hero of the dragon.

Of course, Xiaxiang can't live without Chen Tianyu.

If Tang Tianyun is the role of the first think tank around Xiaxiang, then Peng Yunfeng is the first housekeeper around Xiaxiang. A few years later, Tang Tianyun is the director of the Xia Office, Peng Yunfeng is the director of the Central Office, and Chen Tianyu is the most determined implementer of Xiaxiang's decree, similar to Chen Hao The role of the book to remember the intention.

After Chen Tianyu's position as Vice Minister of Agriculture expires, he was parachuted as governor as soon as he left Beijing. A few years later, he entered the bureau and took charge of Lingnan Province. Chen Tianyu is very pioneering, and he is calm and calculating. He does everything step by step and never makes mistakes. His shrewdness and scheming make all the opponents defeated by him afraid!

Many people said in private that Chen Tianyu got the true biography of Xiaxiang. As the great master of inheriting Xiaxiang's methods, many people call Chen Tianyu the second in Xiaxiang, and even some people even said that if Chen Tianyu were not older than Xiaxiang, he might be trained as a successor by Xiaxiang.

In fact, what no one thought was that Xiaxiang did not have the intention to cultivate successors, nor did he designate successors. From the training of his political team, he can get clues. Most of the political teams are either the same age as him or his secretaries, and there is no obvious intention to train successors from it. Zhong Yiping is the youngest person in the political team, but he is not a few years younger than Xia. Many people are very puzzled by Xia's behavior. With Xia's momentum in China, if he wants to appoint a successor, he will basically not encounter any problems. Why does he give up a good opportunity to others?

It was not until the establishment of Xiaxiang's party that many people suddenly realized. No wonder Xiaxiang no longer referred to the successor and changed the practice of several generations. It turned out that Xiaxiang wanted not only a successor, but a party that could inherit the concept!

After Chen Tianyu, Peng Yong's new position was finally finalized.

Peng Yong has won the heart of Fu Xianfeng in Hunan Province. Therefore, Xia Xiang did not worry too much about Peng Yong's next position. It's not that he didn't care about Peng Yong, but that he deliberately gave up the opportunity to Fu Xianfeng.

Fu Xianfeng will spare no effort to promote Peng Yong more than him, and even more directly than him.

Sure enough, Fu Xianfeng did not disappoint Xia Xiang. Peng Yong originally served as the executive vice mayor at the beginning of Hunan Province. Generally speaking, the executive vice mayor will be promoted to mayor in the next step, transitioning to the position of mayor, and then serve as the municipal party committee. Fu Xianfeng was good, and directly let Peng Yong go to In the transition, I served as the [book] of the municipal party committee in one step.

Peng Yong's promotion has caused a lot of sensation in Hunan Province. It is rare to see the promotion of the executive vice mayor directly to the position of the municipal party committee. Peng Yong is the first case in Hunan Province in the past decade.

It is said that there were a lot of objections at that time. Fu Xianfeng tried his best to exclude the crowd and patted the table in the Standing Committee, saying that he would mention Peng Yong to take office. Zheng Sheng's attitude was tacit. Others were forced by the power of Fu Xianfeng and dared not say anything. Finally, it can be said that they forcibly approved Peng Yong's appointment under the push of Fu Xianfeng.

Thinking of Zheng Sheng's departure, Fu Xianfeng is about to be promoted to the Provincial Party Committee in Hunan Province. If anyone has to fight with the future No. 1, isn't it boring?

Fu Xianfeng's strong skills first appeared on Peng Yong's problem, which made everyone in the Hunan Provincial Party Committee worried about Zhong Zhong, and worried that Fu Xianfeng would be more domineering after taking office. Unexpectedly, after forcibly passing Peng Yong's appointment, Fu Xianfeng talked to each member of the Standing Committee alone, not only gently talking about Peng Yong's ability and political achievements, but also implicitly explaining a few words about his strong performance in the Standing Committee.

Fu Xianfeng's two-sided approach is very skillful, which makes many members of the Standing Committee have nothing to say. They can only deal with the vanguard's attitude to express recognition and emphasize the acceptance of organizational arrangements.

The dust of Peng Yong's appointment has been settled, marking the full completion of the national layout of Xiaxiang's political team!

All the pieces of Xiaxiang have fallen. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a new political pattern in China will be basically formed. In the future, with the improvement of his position, his political team will be further promoted.

But I have to say that the layout that has just been completed has greatly increased Xiaxiang's overall strength. It is no exaggeration to say that Xiaxiang is a little stronger than that of a member of the Politburo.

Even the ability of some elite figures in his team made Wu Caiyang secretly admire him. Even the elites in his team were not as good as the head of the central organization department.

Time flies, and the National Day is coming.

Unlike the National Day in previous years, this year's National Day, Xia wants to have a good rest, go home to visit his parents, and stay in the capital with his father-in-law and mother-in-law for two days to relive the long-lost family affection, because he knows that after the National Day, it will only be about ten In the scene of Chaotian, he must be very busy.

Xia wants to go back to Shancheng first, but his current identity is the governor, no more than before. As soon as he was dispatched, the guard accompanied the police car to drive...