official god

Chapter 2183 Unprecedented Party

Chu Zi has always been a shrewd businessman. After a lot of experience, he no longer believes in the true feelings and friendship in the world. In particular, he does not believe that there will be a friendship between officials and businessmen without impurities, but now he believes it. Xia wants to and he have maintained a gentleman's friendship for so many years, let His dry heart finally had a long-lost touch.

Chu Zigao greeted Xia with respect and enthusiasm. Cao Shuyu and even Ruohan took the initiative to shake hands with Chu Zigao. Chu Zigao was even more excited and could not suppress his inner movement for a long time, especially Cao Shuyu's words, which almost made him shed tears again.

"Uncle Chu, I've always missed Chu Fenglou's signature dish. I don't know if I can still eat it now?"

"I can, I can, I'll cook it myself.

"The secretary of the provincial party committee does not remember the daughter and the wife of the governor. She is still like the young girl in those years, but her body is very different, but she also calls him Uncle Chu. How can she not let Chu Zigao be flattered?

What made Chu Zigao almost not stand firm was that even Ruohan shook hands with him gently: "I also remember that Uncle Chu's Chu Fenglou has a unique signature dish."

Chu Zigao doesn't know much about politics, but Yan City is too close to the capital. As for the wind and grass in the capital, he knows who even Ruohan is in front of him. He also knows that Wu Caiyang is about to step into the highest political stage in China. Well, the daughter of the national leader also called him uncle. How lucky he is!

Chu Zigao was almost speechless. He felt that he had lived in vain for decades, dizzy and almost unable to stand.

After Xia wanted to enter the restaurant one after another, Chu Zigao woke up and hurried to the kitchen. He pushed the chef away, took off his clothes and rolled up his sleeves in person: "Today I'll take the spoon!"

Chu Zigao was also a chef in those years, but he had not been a spoon for many years. His behavior shocked everyone and stunned. He didn't know what had happened.

When Chu Zigao was so tired that he sweated heavily and brought several signature dishes of Chu Fenglou to the table of Xiaxiang several people one by one, Xia wanted to nod to Chu Zigao and nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, Zigao, I'm very moved to let you cook in person."

One sentence made Chu Zigao feel that his hard work and efforts were worth it.

What's more gratifying to him is that his cooking skills have been unanimously praised by Cao Shuyan and Lian Ruohan, and he soon swept away his dishes, which gives him a great sense of satisfaction than making money, and he is even more beautiful.

Perhaps the first love is the most touching, and the memory is also the sweetest. Lian Ruohan and Cao Shuqi, who have tasted all the world's delicacies, do like a few dishes made by Chu Zigao himself, as if time passes and the past reappears. Recalling those years, Cao Shuqi and Xia wanted to know each other for the first time and met in Chufeng Tower. Thinking of the time when Lian Ruohan commented on Chu Zigao's signature dish in Chu Fenglou, he woke up Chu Zigao, which benefited Chu Zigao a lot and laid the foundation for Chu Zigao's prosperous business in the future.

Yanshi is the place of Xiaxiang and Cao Shuyu's first acquaintance, and also the place of Xiaxiang and Lian Ruohan's first love. It left too many memories and beauty for Xiaxiang and Cao Shuyu and Lian Ruohan. Chu Zigao was the first friend Xiaxiang to know when he started. Although he did not help Xiaxiang Run.

Today's gathering has a lot of emotions and aftertaste of life. Xia wants to invite Chu Zigao to sit down and ask Chu Zigao about some topics about business and future plans, just like chatting, in a kind and casual tone.

Chu Zigao slowly relaxed. He used to be nervous when he saw officials large and small, because he didn't know what excessive demands the other party would make. At the sight of Xia, he was also nervous. He always wanted to do something for Xia, but he didn't dare to open his mouth for fear of criticizing him.

The gap between people is huge, and the gap between senior officials and senior officials is also a world of difference. Chu Zigao has been brewing emotions for a long time. Finally, when he and Xia wanted to clink glasses, he said, "I have known Governor Xia for more than ten years. Thank the leader for his care for me over the years. I have Sending money is too vulgar. I also know that leaders are most disgusted with others sending money. Gift-giving is too vulgar. No gift can express my feelings for the leader. Today, I will dare to make a request to the leader and ask the leader for instructions.

Xia figured out Chu Zigao's intention and nodded slightly: "If you have something to say, Zi Gao is not an outsider."

Chu Zi summoned up his courage: "Over the years, under the guidance of Governor Xia and under the guidance of President Lian, I have also made some money. Although it is not much, I always want to do something for the society. For more than ten years, I have taken out hundreds of thousands of yuan to save every year. To say something unpleasant, in fact, I want to save it to Governor Xia. When Governor Xia needs it, I will take it all out. I calculate that the account is about small, tens of millions. I think it's time to take it out. Please ask Governor Xia for instructions.

Chu Zi's high words are very pleasant to listen to. In fact, he still intends to hand it over to Xia. Although it is not clear about gift-giving, it is no different from gift-giving.

, although there are many tens of millions, compared with the business that Chu Zigao has expanded thanks to Xia's help over the years, it is really not much. It's not that Chu Zi is stingy, but that he is afraid that he will take out too much, which will make Xia want to blame him. But it was too little, and he couldn't do it, so he chose a compromise number. Chu Zigao thought that Xia wanted to shit a few words, and then asked him to transfer the money to a basic gold meeting. Unexpectedly, Xia thought almost didn't hesitate and said, "It's rare for Zigao to have a heart for the country and

Chu Zi was stunned.

Xia thought again: "Take it out, build a nursing home, Zi Gao, and the people of Yan City will always remember your kindness!"

Chu Zigao didn't say a word for a long time. He was both ashamed and moved. He was ashamed that he hadn't seen Xia's person for so many years. He thought that Xia was really a person who loved money. What moved was that Governor Xia took him on the surface. Tens of millions, he inherited his favor. In fact, To the truth, he spent on the blade, and made his name of charity.

Chu Zi stood up and poured a glass full of white wine: "I would like to give a toast to Governor Xia, Mr. Cao and Mr. Lian!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he drank more than three taels of liquor.

Xiaxiang also drank half a glass of white wine. He knew that Chu Zigao would definitely implement his suggestion seriously.

Indeed, Xia wanted to leave Yan City in the afternoon. That night, Chu Zigao chose the location and allocated funds. He also took the initiative to add 5 million yuan, a total of 15 million yuan to build the first nursing home with the most complete facilities and functions in Yan City.

The name of the nursing home, Chu Zigao, thought of the ideal home, which means that the elderly have an ideal home to support.

After Xiaxiang and his party finished their meal in Yan City, they did not stop. They drove straight to the city of Beijing. When they passed by the Xiama River, they looked at the vast river of the Xiama River. Xiaxiang's Enxu drifted away for a moment and inexplicably remembered the years when the Xiama District were burning.

The river has been running for more than ten years, and Xiaxiang's road to the official field has also been singing for more than ten years. Looking at the Imperial Building of the Qi family in the distance ~ Although the name is a little vulgar, it is under the insistence of Qi Yanan, it has to be changed to the Imperial Building. Thinking of the busy events of Peng Yunfeng and others, Xia wants to smile. When he returns to the dismounting area from the city of Beijing, when he stands on the bank The ten-year blueprint for planning is not Yan Province or the Western Province, but the whole country!

When he was about to arrive in Beijing, as soon as he got off the highway, Xiaxiang received another unexpected phone call.

"Hon Hello, Governor Xia, I'm Liu Yilin."

Liu Yilin... Xia thought quickly straightened it out and said, "Good to Mayor Liu."

Liu Yilin seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying, "Goverdue Xia, I have something to talk to you in person. I don't know when you have time? I'm in Beijing now."

"I also just arrived in Beijing." Xia thought about it and didn't know what Liu Yilin was looking for him, but after all, he and Liu Yilin were old friends, so he said, "Well, wait for me to call."

"Okay, it's very important that things are not true. I hope Governor Xia will seriously consider my requirements." Liu Yilin specially emphasized another sentence.

Xia wanted to be depressed. Liu Yilin was in a hurry to meet him. What did she want to do? However, I just thought for a moment and threw it aside again, because the car had entered the residential area of Cao Yongguo.

Lian Ruohan did not accompany him. After getting off the highway, he parted ways with Xia Xiang and went to Wu's house.

Cao Yongguo lives in the family courtyard of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. It is a leap-level house with a total of more than 300 square meters upstairs and downstairs. It is better than a villa than a villa.

It is said that Cao Yongguo has been transferred to Beijing for a long time, but it is the first time for Xia to come to his new home.

Cao Shujun and his wife are also here.

It was another big family reunion. Xia Dong's level of changing roles was quite high. He just played the cute and naughty Sun Zi in front of his grandparents, and then turned into a beloved grandson in front of his grandparents.

Wang Yufen is in a good mental state. As she used to love Xia, she loves Xia very much. It is a typical mentality that her mother-in-law is more and more happy when she looks at her son-in-law. As Cao Shujun grew older, he was much calmer than before. He was no longer arrogant and invincible as before. When he saw Xia, he must be respectful. He just called "brother-in-law" and didn't say much.

Cao Yongguo was full of red light, and he proudly wanted to talk to Xia about his progress in calligraphy, and he had met several well-known calligraphers in the calligraphy industry in Beijing, etc. Anyway, he has fully adapted to the new role. There is no other provincial party committee to remember the loneliness and helplessness after retreating, but full of On the contrary, it is a little healthier physically and mentally than before retreating.

Xia wants to be sincerely happy for Yue's father. When he is old, how many more years can he fall in love with him? Sooner or later, you have to let go. If you relax early, you will have to worry. Maybe you can live a few more years.

The family sat with Meimei to drink tea and chat. It was a rare reunion in recent years. When they were happy, they suddenly heard someone knocking on the door. Cao Yongguo said with a surprised face, "Who will join in the fun? Usually, I don't have many guests here.

Opening the door, Cao Yongguo was stunned. There were not one or two people standing at the door, but several people.

Xiaxiang was also stunned. Come... He knew all of them, and he knew that it would be another unprecedentedly lively party. ( To be continued