official god

Chapter 2194 Nosy

Many times, "even if you see it with your own eyes," what you see may not be the truth.

In the eyes of outsiders, as soon as a person jumped into the river, a hero did not hesitate to go underground to the river to save people. His resolute posture jumped down from a bridge more than ten meters high, drawing a perfect and touching curve, which moved countless people!

If they know that Yingwei, who saved people, is the governor, I'm afraid it will be the biggest and most sensational news for the Chinese people.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

To be fair, if it had been in the past, Xiaxiang would not have hesitated to save people from the underground river, but now his identity is different. His body has affected countless people, and it may also lead to serious political events. It doesn't matter to save one person, but because of this, it has fallen into the truth of the conservative forces, and it is troublesome to be accused of being immature and unable to take on heavy responsibilities.

The helplessness of a politician lies in the advantages and disadvantages of the title. Niu is not an ordinary person. As a key fulcrum, he must be concerned about the overall situation of the world and no longer be brave for a moment.

What's more, Xia wants to travel now. There are drivers and guards. If he dives to save people, not only the impulse and recklessness of being a senior provincial and ministerial official, but also the guards will be embarrassed. However, at the moment when someone jumped into the river, Xia thought almost turned over and jumped into the river to save people, but in an instant, he thought of all kinds of possible serious consequences and still withdrew his steps.

But he didn't think that he was pushed down the river by Song Yifan and Fu Xian.

Xiaxiangren was still thinking when he was in mid-emptiness. In case he died heroically because of this, he would die pitifully and ridiculously. Fortunately, he can not only swim, but also has good water. He simply makes mistakes. Just think of going down the river to save people.

As soon as Xia wanted to fall into the water, he immediately shocked many people!

Song Yifan said "ah" and opened his mouth wide. He stared at Xia wanted to fly into the river. Then the waves flashed and Xia wanted to enter without his head, and she disappeared. Only then did she realize that she had caused a big disaster and was stunned. Suddenly, she cried loudly: "Brother Xia, I didn't mean to. It's intentional, I..."

Under the heart of the fire, Song Yifan did not come up in one breath. He fell straight to the ground and fainted.

Fortunately, Wei Xin and Fu Xian were close, and I held Song Yifan with my hand, one left and one right.

Song Yifan was in a coma. Wei Xin was anxious, but he didn't care about Xia. She knew that Xia wanted to know the water, and she should be fine, but there was still a burst of heartache in her heart. She only hoped that the person who fell into the water was her.

Compared with Song Yifan's coma and Wei Xin's worry, Fu Xianxian's heart was a knife-like pain. If Song Yifan's eyes hadn't been closed on her body, she would have jumped into the river under the horse after Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to fall into the water, but Fu first believed that it was her reason. No matter what Xia wanted to do, she hated her stupidity. How could she make a fuss by mistake and pushed Xia into the water? In case it was a cliff, how could Xia think of life?

Why is she so stupid and stupid? Fu Xian can't forgive himself!

For a long time, she thought that although she liked Xiaxiang, the difference from other women Aixia wanted to love was that she thought that she would not be fettered by one person for a lifetime. She believed that one day when she had enough play, she would turn away without hesitation and would not be hindered by Xiaxiang for the rest of her life.

But when Xia wanted to fall into the water, Fu Xian's heart was like a knife. At the moment he saw Xiaxiang's head submerged in the water, it seemed that something had been broken in his heart. An uncontrollable pain spread all over her body, making her almost unable to stand.

She finally knew that she loved Xia so deeply that she was willing to sacrifice everything for him.

At this time, there was an endless stream of people on the Xiama River Bridge, and at least dozens of people were enjoying the beautiful scenery of the sunset. An old man fell into the water, and another person then dived to save people. A series of things happened so quickly that the crowd around him had no time to react. After a short silence, the crowd suddenly burst into thunderous applause.

"Good job!"


While the applause had just sounded, another incredible scene appeared - two shadows jumped up like lightning, like two shells shot, and fell into the river almost at the same time. After splashing a tiny wave, the figure disappeared.

It is Song Li and Lu Yi.

Suddenly, Song Li and Lu Yi had no time to come close to the front. Xia thought fell into the water. The two of them were so scared that their liver was cracked. What is the identity of Governor Xia? The body of a daughter. In case there was a mistake, the two of them died.

How can they care about what to think? The two of them understood each other's intentions with only one look, and they tried their best to save Governor Xia.

Fortunately, both of them saw clearly that they were inadvertently pushed down the river by Song Yifan and Fu Xianxian, instead of jumping into the river to save people. It's up to them to save people. If the governor still needs to go into the water to save people, what's the use of their guards?

Song Li and Lu Yi just got out of the water, and the other guards of Xiaxiang also quickly dispatched. They got off the bridge in just half a minute and answered at any time along the river.

The four people fell into the water, but they all sank in the water after splashing four waves in the river. A minute passed and no one was seen. A minute and a half later, the river was still flowing. Two minutes later, the turbulent gun kan river was like a great joy with a big mouth open, "After swallowing up the four people," he continued to rush on the bridge and the shore, surrounded by heart-wrying crowds. Many people pointed and looked forward to the arrival of a tense time.

Finally, a man's head came out of the water, an old man with silver hair. Then, another person surfaced, and it was Xiaxiang who jumped down immediately after him - Yixia wanted to save the old man!


"That's great!"

The crowd of onlookers, who were so nervous that they could hardly breathe, violently burst out one cheer after another.

Then, Song Li and Lu Yi also swam to Xiaxiang. One of them took over the old man who had fallen into a coma, and the other took over Xiaxiang.

In the Xiama River in October, the river was slightly cold. After Xia wanted to go ashore, he trembled with cold. Fortunately, he successfully saved the old man who fell into the water, and it was not in vain to be pushed into the water.

Then, Tang Tianyun, the driver and other people gathered around one after another, pulled out the clothes for Xiaxiang, and surrounded Xiaxiang to get on the car.

At this time, the onlookers who did not know the truth realized that Xia's origin was extraordinary. Judging from the exhibition surrounded by countless people around him, he must be a senior official. Many people talked about it and guessed what Xia thought came from.

I don't know who has sharp eyes. Finally, he recognized the hero who was surrounded by the crowd. It was Xiaxiang, the secretary of the district party committee of the lower horse district in those years, and shouted tentatively, "Is it Secretary Xia? Hello, Secretary Xia, the people of Xiama District miss you!"

Xia wanted to get on the bus. Seeing that she was recognized, she had to stop and waved her hand to the crowd: "You are fine. I miss you too, my hometown."

Xia's answer was equivalent to acquiescence to his identity.

It has been more than ten years since Xia wanted to serve as the secretary of the District Party Committee. Time can dilute everything and can also wash everything. Xiaxiang has made great achievements in those years. After experiencing the dilution of several district party committee secretaries, his influence has basically disappeared. But Xia Xiang is not an ordinary person. The dismounted area rose from nothing in his hands, rose from the waste, and quickly grew into a vibrant urban area.

Moreover, Xia Xia wanted to fight the flood in the Xia Ma River, which has been spread among the people. His reputation in the Xia Ma District is an inheritance that he could not even imagine.

The crowd of onlookers was restless.

"Is it really Secretary Xia?"

"Is it Secretary Xia who jumped into the river to fight flood relief?"

"Is it Secretary Xia who created the Lower Horse District?"

"Is it Secretary Xia, the father of Xia Ma District?"

The crowd suddenly rushed forward and stretched out their hands to Xia.

"Xia Shuhua is good."

"Secretary Xia, I was still present when you were fighting floods and disaster relief. I have always missed you, Secretary Xia."

"Secretary Xia, I'm Lao Yu. When there was a flood, you saved my life. Do you remember? Secretary Xia, you are a good man.

Song Li and Lu Yi are iron-blooded soldiers. They have always been cold and easily emotional.

When they met Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang was already a senior deputy provincial official, so they had never seen Xiaxiang's beloved scene, but today, they were really moved. Seeing countless crowds coming, they wanted to shake hands with Xia. They did not stop them. They knew that the group of people in front of them were the most simple people. What is surging in my heart is gratitude and reverence, and there is no threat to Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to shake hands with the people one by one, regardless of the cold on his body. He was surrounded by the enthusiastic people in the middle and once again felt the happiness of being an official for the benefit of one party, and his heart was full of mixed feelings. How much wealth can be taken away in a person's life? You can't take a single point away! Only officials who have done practical and good deeds can really keep the people in mind.

A siren sounded from far to near, and the police car came.

As soon as the police car stopped, three or five policemen got out of the car, separated the crowd aggressively, and came to the silver-haired old lady - yes, the old man who jumped into the river was an old lady who was over 70 years old and drove the old lady as soon as she got up and turned around and was about to leave.

Xia wanted to take a step forward to stop the other party's way: "Do you want to go to the old man to the hospital, or do you want to lock the old man up?"

Is the leading policeman

one? Young in his early years old, he looked at Xia with slanted eyes and said, "Who are you? Do you want me to mind your own business? Get out of the way."

Xia thought that he had actually guessed something and said seriously, "Have you received a notice from your superior that all ** and people who are easy to cause trouble should be strictly controlled first..."

The disbandoning area is about to gather high-ranking officials, and the district must take a series of measures to strictly prevent and defend. From the normal state of officialdom, it is understandable that Xiaxiang will not dictate the affairs of the disemeratement area. However, there was an incident of a 70-year-old man jumping into the river. Since Xia wanted to meet him, he had to take care of it.

Xia wants to leave the Xiama District for many years. Now he is not an official in Yan Province, and he really can't control the affairs of the Xiama District, but with his influence in Yan City, Yan Province, he can really ask about the current situation.

It doesn't matter, but it has a series of great troubles.