official god

Chapter 2199 All kinds of people, etc.

Just in the summer, when I wanted to mention Fu Xianxian, many people were worried that the Fu family in the capital did not participate in the conference. The economic team was greatly relieved, that is, out of the four families and three were together, how could there be a shortage of Fu family?

When Fu first pushed the door and entered, the first sentence he said was not Governor Xia but Xia Xiang, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the worry was superfluous. The Fu family not only sent Miss Fu to the meeting, but it seemed that Miss Fu also had an extraordinary relationship with Governor Xia.

Everyone smiled understandingly. In this way, the most worrying Fu family has the closest relationship with Governor Xia. There is a relationship between Fu Xian and Xiaxiang. The relationship between the Fu family and Xiaxiang is only closer, not the closest.

Many people here have witnessed the past of Xia Xiang's fight with Fu Xianfeng. They all sweated with sympathy for Fu Xianfeng in their hearts. Thinking about the insidiousness of Fu Xianfeng in those years, Xia wanted to die. Now that his sister has returned to Xia Xiang, and his brother-in-law is not wronged.

As soon as Xia wanted to leave, the venue was suddenly very lively. Everyone shook hands, handed out business cards, left the phone, and met each other late. They couldn't wait to sign the project cooperation agreement immediately.

Cheng Dacai, Lian Ruohan and Li Qin were surrounded in the middle, and countless people were consulting about funding and other issues.

Sun Xianwei was also surrounded by people, and many people gathered together to discuss the long-term development model of xxx Yi Hospital. At the economic team meeting after Xiaxiang left due to an emergency, not only was not interrupted, but the discussion was more heated.

Xiaxiang had a lot of opinions on the Xiama District Party Committee and District Government. He was very annoyed by the news he got from various sources, not to mention Mrs. Wang's suicide by jumping into the river. After Xu Zhiqiang and Wei Qicai set up a team, they took power in the dismounting area and excluded dissidents.

If the political struggle is for economic development, Xia wants to be reluctantly acceptable, but what Xu Zhiqiang and Wei Qicai did is only to eliminate the influence of him and Jiang Tian, and both of them have a political struggle. There is no good way to develop the economy. In addition to the whole person, it is the whole person. With the purpose and fun of A disequiting area made the smoke miasma.

Now the economy of the disema zone is stagnant, those who have the ability are squeezed out, and those who are incompetent are promoted. The good situation is no longer good, which makes Xia think well.

If it's another district, it doesn't matter. However, Xiaxiang is the district that Xia wants to devote the most effort to. It is also the only district where he serves as the district governor and the district party committee xxx. It is also a district that leaves him a lot of deep memories. He doesn't care about the saying that others respect his The exhibition only cares about whether the life of the people in the xia horse area is happy and healthy!

After Xia Xiang called Gao Jinzhou, he took out the phone and called Zhang Guowei: "Guowei, you come to Xiama District People's Hospital quickly."

It's past 9 p.m., and Zhang Guowei is reading the newspaper at home. If it's normal, he has fallen asleep now, but he hasn't been sleepy today. It seems that he always feels that something is going to happen. As soon as Xiaxiang's call came, he suddenly ** high, almost jumped up, and immediately said "

While dressing quickly, he thought with no evil interest that Governor Xia was really quick, and he began to do it after half a day in the disemaqu? OK, that's great.

When he got on the bus, Zhang Guowei still tried to keep calm and not let the insidious smile he had rarely shown hang on his face.

Xiaxiang himself was in the Lower Horse District, so he was the first to come to the Lower Horse District People's Hospital.

I heard Fang Zhou's shout from afar: "Let go, I'll let you go!" I'll count to three. If you don't let it go, don't blame me for being rude.

"Why do you think you're welcome?" Tang Tianyun took the lead and came to a few people who were pulling. His face darkened. He said coldly to Fang Zhouzi, "As a people's policeman, you know that Mrs. Wang is sick, and you still have to take away the patient?" And regardless of the image, there is a lot of noise in the hospital. Where is the quality of the national public officials?

Before, Fang Zhouzi was severely beaten by the onlookers. When he got up from the ground, the crowd had dispersed. It was impossible to find the murderer. His nose was crooked, his mouth was swollen, and his two eyes became panda eyes. He was so angry that it was regarded as a great shame in his life.

How could Fang Zhouzi swallow such a bad breath, but when he heard that the person he collided with today was Xiaxiang, he still took a cold breath like a toothache - in fact, it was also a real toothache, and one of his front teeth was knocked out - why was it so unlucky to meet the mourning star Xiaxiang?

There are two kinds of evaluations about Xiaxiang in Xiama District. One is called Xiaxiang the father of Xiama District, and the other is Xiaxiang is the bereaved star of Xiama District. Fangzhou is naturally the latter.

Although Fang Zhouzi was a little afraid of Xia, he still couldn't swallow his anger. He went to the hospital for treatment with his eyes crooked eyes and his mouth. He simply bandaged it. When he returned to the district committee, he happened to meet Xu Zhiqiang and Wei Qicai.

Xu Zhiqiang and Wei Qicai wanted to see Xia, but they couldn't see it. They were extremely depressed. When they saw the embarrassed appearance of Fang Zhouzi, they were even more angry. Wei Qicai immediately slapped Fang Zhouzi in the face and scolded him as a fool and a bastard. He was a big man who could eat or not.

Although Wei Qicai didn't think that Xia wanted to do anything about him, it was also an affirmation for Xia to be received by him. However, Xia wanted to see Zhang Guowei, not him and Xu Zhiqiang. He was obviously pretious, and his words were not too tactful, so he completely shut him and Xu Zhiqiang out.

That is to say, there is no possibility of meeting. Wei Qicai feels very aggrieved. Xia Think is too big. Although he and Xia Think are not in the same camp, the officialdom is originally carried by everyone in the officialdom. What's wrong with Xia Think is the governor? He is not the governor of Yan Province!

The more Wei Qicai thought about it, the more indignant he became. He was a little shallower than Xu Zhiqiang's city government. He always couldn't control his emotions. His unhappiness was revealed on his face, while Xu Zhiqiang was nothing to do. He didn't seem to pay attention to the things that Xia wanted to After a few questions, he turned around and left.

As soon as Xu Zhiqiang left, Wei Qicai asked about the scene at that time with concern. After hearing that Xia wanted to jump into the river to save Mrs. Wang, he suddenly realized what was wrong. I'm afraid that Xia wanted to make a fuss and put Mrs. Wang's affairs on the outline. Now the whole country is speculating Seeing the attitude, he was immediately shocked.

It's not good, it's going to be bad.

Wei Qicai quickly closed the door, asked about the scene at that time in detail, and then told Fang Zhouzi like this, and gave his face to Fang Zhouzi and taught him face to face.

Fang Zhouzi nodded repeatedly and took the order.

It should be said that Wei Qicai is also a talent. He was keen to find out the problem, so he immediately sent Fang Zhouzi to control Mrs. Wang - it is said to control. Meiqi's name is that the district party committee and district government is responsible for treatment. In fact, it is still necessary to control Mrs. Wang in his own hands as Transform.

But Wei Qicai made two fatal mistakes in Mrs. Wang's incident. First, Fang Zhouzi should not be sent - Admittedly, Fang Zhouzi is the person he trusts the most and a relative, but Fang Zhouzi's success is not enough to fail. Second, he seriously overestimated his own weight. He thought that Xia wanted to use Mrs. Wang to take action against him. He was wrong. With Xia's current governor's respect, how could he look down and argue with him!

Xia thought that he wanted to use Mrs. Wang's incident to make a big deal, but not specifically aimed at him, but aimed at the current reform of the pension system and medical care. It is a high-level political struggle at the policy level, not the low-level political struggle against him that Wei Qicai thought.

Although Wei Qicai repeatedly told Fang Zhou to follow the rules, he also asked a secretary of the district government office to accompany him. But Fang Zhouzi was not a person who knew the rules in the first place, and because he was beaten with hatred, it was strange that he could go to the hospital to have rules.

It doesn't matter if there are no rules. Fang Zhou's character is still lustful. As soon as he saw a beautiful woman guard next to Mrs. Wang, he immediately forgot to get down to the business. Unexpectedly, he chatted with Fu Xian in the name of checking the documents. Fu Xianxian, as a former little witch, saw a lot of low-level perverts like Fang Zhou, and let Fang Zhou go with a few words.

Fang Zhouzi was beaten first and then humiliated. Today was very unlucky. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. After he proposed to take Mrs. Wang away, he was rejected by Fu Xianxian, he said a few hard words.

Fu Xian didn't argue with him first. He left him and left. He thought he could take Mrs. Wang away now. Unexpectedly, the doctors and nurses in the hospital were responsible and refused to say anything. He even dispatched a security guard to confront him, adding fuel to his anger.

In fact, it's not that the hospital is so strong. If you dare to fight against the police, the main thing is that Fu Xianxian is smart enough to tell the doctors and nurses before leaving. If Mrs. Wang is taken away, she will directly bring the mayor to ask for an explanation.

When Fang Zhouzi was deadlocked with the hospital, Tang Tianyun did not give Tang Tianyun face and looked at Tang Tianyun contemptuously: "I'm sorry, my image has nothing to do with you, and I don't need to be responsible to you!"

"Do you need to be responsible for me?" A man flashed out of the door, with his hands behind his back, his face was cold, and his eyes stared straight at Fang Zhouzi... It was Li Fei, the executive deputy mayor of Xiama District.

Fang Zhouzi took a step back and reluctantly smiled: "Li District Chief, I have to listen to your words, but I am implementing the spirit of Wei District Chief's instructions..."

"What is the guiding spirit of District Chief Wei?"

Another person came in from outside the door. It was okay that Fang Zhouzi didn't look at it. He was so scared that he shrank his neck. It was Zhang Guowei, the most fearful person in Yan City.

Somehow, Fang Zhouzi was deliberately afraid of Zhang Guowei, and always felt that behind Zhang Guowei's smile was unfathomable and insidious.

"Zhou Zi, you call District Chief Wei and say that I'm in the hospital and invite him to come over." When Zhang Guowei spoke, his face was as calm as water, but there was an unfathomable depth that made Fang Zhouzi look down at a glance.

"No need to call, we're already here." As soon as the words fell, Wei Qicai's voice sounded from outside the door. When the door rang, Wei Qicai pushed the door in. There were two people behind him, one was Xu Zhiqiang, the district party committee xxx, and the other was xxx Lu Ru, the Yan Municipal Party Committee. RO