official god

Chapter 2202 Surprises continue

Liu Yilin stood up and nodded to everyone. She has been an official in Yan Province for many years and has also held important positions in Yan City. There are many people here who know her.

But there are also many people who don't know him, such as Xu Ziqi and Hu Shuyang.

It doesn't matter whether you know Liu Yilin or not. The important thing is that now we all know that Liu Yilin has become one of Xiaxiang's new political team, and she is still the mayor of Lu City, with a high position and a bright future, which is equivalent to Xiaxiang adding another general.

Everyone gave warm applause to Liu Yilin, and at the same time expected Xia to say another identity of Liu Yilin.

Xia thought but didn't say anything, but Liu Yilin took the initiative to say it.

"My other identity..., to be precise, the previous identity, I used to be a conservative person."

Everyone looked at each other in consterance and was shocked, and they had to admire that Xia's wrist was really smart. He not only dug the corner of the conservative department, but also directly dug up a deputy provincial high-ranking official, which was very powerful.

But on second thought, it is also true that Governor Xia is young, handsome, handsome and charming. If he shows his beautiful man's tricks, I'm afraid Liu Yilin can't stand it, and he will definitely surrender to him.

Of course, after all, there are a few people who hold the above ideas. Most of Xiaxiang's political team can't be said to be very decent, but they all have an in-depth understanding of Xiaxiang and know that Xiaxiang is not a person who judge people by their appearance.

After introducing Liu Yilin, Xiaxiang introduced another mysterious figure that most people don't know: "Ye Tiannankou, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Lingnan Province"

Many people here do not know Ye Tiannan, but the name of Ye Tiannan is like thunderous, and almost no one knows it, not only because Ye Tiannan was once a political opponent who wanted to die in Xiang Province, but also because Ye Tiannan was the backbone of the civilian family.

Just now, some people are thinking that Governor Xia dug a corner of the conservative department. If another civilian leader joins the political team, Governor Xia is really incomparable. Unexpectedly, I just thought about it, there was really a civilian leader present, and he was also the backbone!

Governor Xia is really exciting.

Ye Tiannan didn't talk much. He just got up and motioned and smiled: "It's an honor to meet you."

Two of the mysterious characters have revealed their identities, and who are the other people, which has aroused everyone's appetite.

Unexpectedly, Xia thought that he didn't say the same thing. After introducing Liu Yilin and Ye Tiannan, he let Peng Yunfeng preside over the meeting.

Peng Yunfeng's speech was relatively long. He implicitly and comprehensively introduced the domestic situation, and combined Xia Xiang's political concepts into it, so as to pass on a general direction similar to the guiding ideology to you. You can't say it too clearly. After all, Xiaxiang is not the first person in the country. Today's meeting is only held in the name of a private gathering. The slogan of the tourism economy symposium in Xiama District is held to the outside world.

Xia Xiang meant to challenge the conservatives by this meeting, but the superficial articles should also be sufficient, and the tail should not be raised too high, so that people can grasp the handle. The thing in the officialdom is **, covering up the truth and revealing the illusion.

The political team conference in Shimoma District should not only be held very successfully, but also be held in a very low-key mode to achieve the purpose of deterrence of one side's forces. It is not known to the outside world, and it is not easy to grasp. Fortunately, Peng Yunfeng deeply understood Xiaxiang's intention and arranged all matters very thoroughly to make Xiaxiang completely satisfied.

But Peng Yunfeng also had omissions. In fact, it was not a omission, but Xia wanted to ambush. Among the invited participants, some of them were the characters that Xia wanted to decide in person, and Peng Yunfeng did not intervene.

Peng Yunfeng also knew that there was a reason why Xia didn't let him interfere. Maybe he wanted to bring a surprise to everyone.

Indeed, Peng Yunfengtao was half right. Xia wanted to give everyone a surprise, but in addition to surprises, there were more far-reaching considerations. The reason why he didn't want Peng Yunfeng to handle this matter was that Peng Yunfeng was not qualified.

After Peng Yunfeng's speech to convey Xiaxiang's thoughts, he will continue to introduce the participants. Basically, everyone knows each other, and the introduction is more relaxed and casual, but there are also newcomers who are not familiar with each other.

For example, Li Yifeng.

Li Yifeng and most of the people here don't know each other. He came specially from Hunan Province, which also shows his firm intention to follow. In fact, Xia Xiang didn't invite Li Yifeng at the beginning. He wanted him to become a hidden situation force, but Li Yifeng said anything to participate in the grand event.

Perhaps Li Yifeng realized that this grand event is probably the last grand event of Xia Xiang's political team. With the next rise of Xia Xiang, he must keep a low profile. Whether it is a political team conference or an economic team conference, it will not be held on a large scale. A lifetime visit to the grand event is also a valuable experience worth remembering in a lifetime. You have to come.

If the appearance of Li Yifeng is not surprising, the subsequent introduction of Yuan Mingliang made many people not understand. Yuan Mingliang has no official position, and should be returned to the economic team. How did he appear in the political team meeting?

Yuan Mingliang can't be regarded as Xiaxiang's economic team. His relationship with Xiaxiang is a little complicated. He neither completely follows Xiaxiang's footsteps, nor is too far away from Xiaxiang. He revolves around Xiaxiang like a comet, sometimes close and sometimes far, but always attracted by Xiaxiang's personality charm.

The reason why Yuan Mingliang appeared in the political team was that he was elected as a deputy to the 18th National Congress!

As a deputy to the 18th National Congress of a very small number of private entrepreneurs, Yuan Mingliang has a very special status. Although he has no official position, since he was elected as a deputy to the 18th National Congress, he also has a valuable vote when electing the new central collective.

After Peng Yunfeng introduced Yuan Mingliang's identity, everyone suddenly realized and cast their admiration to Yuan Mingliang. They were all party and politicians here. It was only a procedural problem to be elected as a representative of the 18th National Congress, and it was not difficult. However, it is difficult for private entrepreneurs to be elected as deputies to the 18th National Congress.

After Peng Yunfeng's introduction, he returned the right to speak to Xiaxiang.

Before Xia thought about opening his mouth, many people couldn't wait to raise their ears. When Xia wanted to introduce the mysterious figure, Xia wanted to smile: "Don't worry, don't worry, what you should see, you will definitely see it. Next, let's introduce a few guests. The following rankings are not in order, not according to the height of the position, not according to the stroke of the surname, not according to the pinyin. In a word, do not press anything, the person who is introduced is the one.

"Hehe." Everyone laughed. Politicians cared too much about the ranking. Xiaxiang's jokes defused the overly serious atmosphere in the venue.

"The first guest is Fu Xianfeng, Governor of Hunan Province." Xia wanted to say that he didn't follow the ranking. Sure enough, he didn't follow the ranking. Fu Xianfeng was the first to be launched by him.

There was a warm and lasting applause at the venue.

The name of Fu Xianfeng is known to everyone here. Not to mention the feud between him and Xia for many years, even his identity as the future helmsman of the Fu family must be clearly remembered by countless people.

Fu Xianfeng's face was full of spring breeze, bowing his hand, with a calm attitude and a humble tone: "I'm not a guest, I'm a foil. Today, one is to be the red flowers of Governor Xia, and the other is to visit everyone. I have been away from Yan Province for many years, and I miss you very much.

Everyone applauded more enthusiastically and sighed in their hearts that Fu Xianfeng was much more mature and approachable than before. Time is really a pig-killing knife, killing the edges and corners of many heroes.

"The second guest is Qiu Renli, Secretary of the Qi Provincial Party Committee.

Everyone exclaimed again. Not many people here have seen Qiu Renli, and the Qiu family is also the most mysterious family. No one expected that Qiu Renli would also come to the scene in person. Governor Xia's face was really great.

Qiu Renli smiled and said, "I'm not a guest either. I just came to Xiahe with my family. I happened to hear that Governor Xia was having a banquet in the Imperial Building, so I wanted to come over for free, haha. I'm sorry to bother you."

Qiu Renli's words were pun, which not only explained the reason why he appeared at the venue, but also implicitly showed that he and Xia wanted to be close. However, everyone regrets that Qiu Xufeng accompanied his family to the Ma River...

"The third guest is Mei Shengping, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Chu Province." Xiaxiang then grandly launched Mei Shengping.

Mei Shengping once served as the Minister of Organization of Yan Province. Among the people here, all those who have been officials in Yan Province do not know Mei Shengping's name, and they are even more impressed by Mei Shengping's maverick in those years.

Mei Shengping has changed a lot now. He laughed and said, "Vanguard and Renli do not admit that they are guests. They are dishonest. If you want me to say, I am your guest. When I come to the meeting, I just want to sit down with you, chat and get together. How about you? Do you welcome?"

"Welcome!" Countless people spoke with one voice and no longer cared about their status as a secretary or mayor. When they saw the old leaders and superiors of the past, they all cheered in their hearts.

"The fourth guest"..." Xia wanted to pause and smiled happily. "In fact, he is the last guest. Why do you say so? Because he is from Yan Province, we welcome Secretary Song Dynasty and Song Dynasty.

"Good, Secretary Song!"

"Secretary Song, can you be seen?"

"Secretary Song!"

At the moment when the Song Dynasty pushed the door, the atmosphere reached **. Everyone paid high tribute to the Song Dynasty, which fought against Gao Chengsong and experienced great ups and downs.

Fu Xianfeng, including Mei Shengping and Qiu Renli, are the second generation of family forces. In other words, they are all born in the princely party, and the Song Dynasty is an orthodox civilian background. His achievements today are all the result of his own hard work. He is a model for everyone here to pursue in his life.

Song Chaodu also changed the standard face of the cold-faced Song, with a spring breeze on his face: "Good morning, everyone! Xia wants to be right. I'm not a guest. I'm from Yan Province. My home is in Yan City, and my roots are in Yan City. I'm here today because I miss you, so I must come to visit you and sit with you.

Xia Xiang said with emotion: "For many years, there is a sentence that I have always wanted to give to Secretary Song. Today's opportunity is just right. "The ordinary Yan people, down-to-earth Yan people, Yan people who are not afraid of difficulties, and chivalrous Yan people are the true portrayal of Secretary Song "