official god

Chapter 2208 The Most Brilliant Era

In the passage of time, many people leave, many people come, and life is an uncertain feast. If there is a beginning, there must be an end. Whether it is a comedy or a tragedy, the moment of the end will always come as scheduled.

In the third year of Xiaxiang's position as a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo, Mr. Qiu said goodbye to the world.

In the fifth year, Mr. Mei passed away.

At the beginning of the term of the second political standing committee of Xiaxiang, his ranking jumped from the last place to the fifth place. At this time, he was already a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Vice Chairman of the The vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China is completely stable in the position of successor. Although Wu Caiyang has left office at this time, Xia Xiang has long grown from a forest to a towering mountain. Even without Wu Caiyang escorting him, his position is so stable that no one can waver.

Another favorable condition for Xia Xiang is that after Wu Caiyang retired, Mei Shengping became permanent. What's more interesting is that Fu Xianfeng has also entered the game. Xia Xiang's position is as solid as a rock in the situation of Mei Shengping and Fu Xianfeng in the ancient autumn.

In such a situation, Mr. Wu can also close his eyes.

Mr. Wu used all his strength to hold Xia Xiang's hand. What appeared on his face was not sadness, but regretless satisfaction: "Xia Xiang, I'm leaving. When I'm old, there will always be a day to leave, otherwise it's also a burden to stay. I'm very happy and satisfied with your current achievements, but it's a pity that I still can't see the day when you reach the top..."

When Mr. Qiu passed away, Xia didn't want to cry. When Mr. Mei left, he also couldn't help crying, but in the face of Mr. Wu, who loved him the most and had always regarded him as his relative, was about to grow up. Even if he was now one of the leaders of the country, he could not restrain his inner

"Old man..." In the face of life and death, any language is as pale as paper.

"What are you crying about? I've had enough of my life. According to folklore, I'm dead now, which is also a joy and mourning, but a little regret. I still walk in front of Lao Gu. He lives better than me..."

Suddenly, the old man's spirit seemed to be much better, and his eyes flashed with a strange look, but the strength in his hand was slowly disappearing. Xia thought was even more heartbroken. The old man's last light of life was burning beyond the ordinary, which was a return of light.

"One thing I have been angry about all my life is that when you were in Yanshi, I attacked you in anger. For many years, I have been avoiding talking about this issue, but I am actually escaping. This matter has always been my heart disease. Now I'm going to die. Xia thought, don't be too late. I want to say sorry to you myself. What happened in the past is indeed my fault. I shouldn't be cruel to a young man..."

"Sir, stop talking!" Xia wanted to cry. He had always known that the old man always remembered the events of those years and never forgot them, but the old man never mentioned it, and he still respected the old man's self-esteem. In addition, the old man's love and love for him for so many years has long made up for the damage of that year.

Why doesn't he know the old man's heart? An old man who is stubborn, self-respecting and unwilling to admit defeat, in addition to being stubborn, has a cute and protective side. He has never hated the old man!

The old man's love for him has even surpassed the love for the descendants of the Wu family. How can he still hate an old man for his anger in order to love his granddaughter?

"If you don't say it, there will be no chance to say it." The old man ignored Xia's objection and continued to say the last words of his life, "Xia Think, I have loved you for so many years. You haven't let me down. I also closed my eyes under Jiuquan. You are a good child. I have always regarded you as more than your own grandson..."

Xia was so heartbroken that he couldn't speak and could hardly stand. He thought he was very strong. He didn't want to be too weak to have strength in the face of the old man's life and death.

"Son, can you call me grandpa?"

"Grandpa!" Xia wanted to cry loudly.

Mr. Wu closed his eyes with a smile, closed his wise eyes forever and conquered countless people's eyes!

After the fall of an old man in a century, half of the capital fell into grief.

The death of Mr. Wu was a great blow to Lao Gu. Lao Gu, who was already old, looked at the growing up Gu Lai and faced the upcoming death so calmly. It's just that several old men passed away one after another, which made him feel lonely. It seemed that he was not accompanied by a few old men. It was very boring for him to live alone in the world.

Now Lao Gu is the only old man with fruitful results. Xia wants to pour all his filial piety into him, and specially picks up his parents from Shancheng to let them accompany him.

Xia thought that he had never seen his grandfather since he was a child. He died when he was very young. His filial piety to the elderly of the next generation may also stem from the lack of love for his grandparents in childhood.

Perhaps based on the same feeling, in the summer when he lost his father in his early years, he took good care of Lao Gu. With the care of Xia Tiancheng and Zhang Lan, Lao Gu's mental state is much better, and it is also because of his love for Xiaxiang. He regards Xia Cheng and Shenglan as his family.

I hope that my parents can accompany Lao Gu and make up for the pain of his bereavement of his son. When Xia Xiang was worried about national affairs, he also considered several old people around him very carefully.

... A few years later, Xia wants to reach the top!

Shortly after Xia wanted to reach the top, the Chinese government declared the South China Sea as China's sea area, and declared that national sovereignty was inviolable. Any mining in China's waters was regarded as a provocation to China's war.

On the third day of the policy announcement, the small country of South Vietnam, at the instugation of its master, dispatched warships to the South China Sea to test China's reaction. In fact, it also wanted to test Xiaxiang's bottom line, or to know whether Xiaxiang had just reached the top, whether he controlled the overall situation and the army

The deeper intention is that although the United States has long known that Xiaxiang is a hardliner, it does not believe that Xiaxiang really dares to launch a war at the beginning of the summit. Moreover, the more insidious idea of the United States is that if Xia wants to tolerate the provocation of small countries in the South China Sea, then his heroic words before reaching the top are just empty talk.

A small country in the South China Sea dispatched several warships. As soon as they entered the demarcated Chinese waters, they were suddenly attacked by submarines. Three warships were sunk on the spot, and the remaining two warships were completely annihished by Chinese aircraft carriers passing by in the process of escaping in confusion.

The news spread, and international public opinion was in an uproar.

The United States immediately accused China of being an unstable factor, trying to kidnap South China Sea countries by force, and claimed to list China as a state of weapons of mass destruction and impose comprehensive sanctions on China.

As soon as the accusations of the United States fell, the Chinese military announced that China's fifth aircraft carrier would be in service within the year. At the same time, China's newly developed intercontinental missile with a range of 14,000 kilometers can break through any defense system in the world.

What's more shocking is that Xia Xiang answered reporters' questions in an interview with Western media and expressed regret for the sinking of the warships of a small country in South Vietnam, but at the same time, he said that the South China Sea owes China a war. If any country wants to test China's patience, it can come forward. The gun hits the bird, and China's steel gun has been polished.

"The Chinese government has the confidence, determination and strength to win one or several local wars. At that time, Zheng Gong said that in terms of geographical location, South Vietnam is also very close to China. I want to say that in terms of geographical location, the whole Asia and Europe are very close to China."

Xia's words immediately caused an uproar in the world, because Xia's words were not only powerful, but also obvious, that is, China should not only draw Asia, but also Europe in his circle within its sphere of influence.

Many years ago, there was a song: "An old man drew a circle on the South Sea of China..." And many years later, a middle-aged man drew a circle on the world map...

After Xiaxiang's speech, the small country of Dongying was furious and informed the Chinese ambassador to Dongying, asking for an explanation of the Chinese government's foreign policy.

China ignored the unreasonable troubles of the small countries in Dongying. It not only unilaterally announced the demarcation of the East China Sea, but also publicly claimed to understand Ryukyu's legitimate demands for independence.

Ryukyu independence has always been a pain in the heart of the small country of Dongying. The small country of Dongying is already small. If it becomes independent of a Ryukyu, it will become a place of bullets and will lose its strategic advantage. China's official remarks immediately aroused the anger of the small country in Dongying.

Anger is good. The Taiwan issue, as China's weakness, has been pinched by others for countless years. Now it is a pleasure to pinch the weakness of others occasionally. In the anger of the small country of Dongying, it raised the threat of severing diplomatic relations with China, and China immediately recalled its ambassador to Dongying to respond firmly.

Seeing the tension of the situation, the small countries of South Vietnam softened, and the United States surprisingly kept silent after China announced the South China Sea, the East China Sea and the Asian and European interest circles.

Silence shows that the United States has retreated under China's tough stance. The retreat of the United States is not scared away by Xia Xiang's hard words. As the oldest hooligan country in the world, it has always believed in the supremacy of strength and has never been scared by big words.

Because the news obtained by the United States from specific sources shows that China, dominated by Xiaxiang, has been so strong that the United States cannot suppress it.

Less than a week after the United States ** was silent, the small country of Dongying began to take a series of proactive measures to repair the relationship with China... In response to the small country of Dongying, China announced that it would hold an unprecedented military parade on the National Day of the year. The military parade was not in the capital, but in two places. OK.

One in the East China Sea and one in the South China Sea. At that time, Xiaxiang will personally board the aircraft carrier and attend two military parades.

In the first year after Xia wanted to reach the top, the world situation changed greatly and entered a new round of reshuffle!

In the east of the world, a dazzling red sun is rising, a brand-new period, the most glorious era, one by one in history, the summer thinking era is coming in full swing.

(the end of the book)