official immortal road

Chapter 6: Promotion?

Today, Lord Yu Can is very depressed, because he was just scolded by his boss Wu Dexingjun. The reason is that he can tolerate the groom to bully the newcomer and break his leg even if he is bullied by the newcomer.

Yu Can is also annoyed. Why did a newcomer abolish his much-appointed groom? She was also seen by Chang'e, the first beauty in heaven, and even helped the newcomer to come out! Those who are abolished are their own men! Why do you blame it all on your own hands? Is there any other reason? Is there any royal law?

Thinking of this, Yu Can, who is the boss of the Royal Horse Supervisor, can't help but go deeper. Why is the newcomer recommended by Taishang Laojun so protected by Chang'e Fairy? Is there anything wrong with it?

Who is Chang'e Fairy? The fourth-grade female official, in charge of the Moon Palace, has a higher official position than himself. Even Wude Xingjun is only a sixth-grade immortal official! I can't fight with a low-class fairy who is not even an official!

Thinking about it carefully, Yu Can felt that there must be some conspiracy in it. Think about it, at least eight or nine mortals introduced by Taishang Laojun to come to the imperial prison, but this Lin Ran made trouble and was protected by Chang'e Fairy. There is a lot of articles in it! And a newcomer who seems to have no Taoism can actually invalidated the legs of the two-land immortals. Why can't he make sense?

Then Yu Can thought of drinking with Ding Hai Shen Zhang Wentong last time. He inadvertently revealed to himself that there might be changes in his official position in the recent period. The Jade Emperor wanted to rectify the fairy wind, and suddenly became cheerful.

It turns out that this guy is a detailed work! Specially to investigate internal problems and make small reports! This kind of person is the most hateful, but he can't be provoked, which makes Lord Yu Can feel very depressed.

Marshal Tianpeng likes Chang'e Fairy tightly, because Tiantiao can't take action on the surface, but he must protect Chang'e. Lin Ran may also be Chang'e's person, that is, Marshal Tianpeng. By the way, it must be so! Otherwise, how can the Beihe be abolished with Lin Ran's strength? It must have been Tianpeng who hid his strength! Tianpeng is also a person of Taishang Laojun. Recently, he has fought fiercely with Li Jingxianjun, which has affected us small officials. It happens that I am also Li Jingxianjun's side. Taishang Laojun is vicious! It turned out that he wanted to remove me by grabbing me through Lin Ran's hand! Fortunately, I reacted quickly! No, I'm going to visit Lin Ran and severely punish Beihe. I can't let him catch his own handle to protect his shortcomings!"

Lord Yu Can only passed this little information and came up with so many inside stories. If he let Taishang Laojun know that he would definitely praise this guy as a "talent"!

He didn't think about it. If the old man wanted to deal with him, why would it be so troublesome? How could the struggle of the senior officials in the heavenly court be joined by these small officials? The immortal official is divided into eight grades, and Yu Can is only a seven-grade immortal official, which will have any impact on the struggle of the upper class. The official of Bima Wen can be said to be the most despised by immortals. What are you thinking as a horse raiser?

The official Lin didn't know that his momentary impulse made Yu Can think so much. Now he is still lying in ** eating grapes that Du Ming didn't know where he got from, with a happy face.

Since he woke up, he found himself lying **, and Du Ming's attitude towards himself turned 180 degrees, almost worshiping himself as his grandfather.

Du Ming kept listening, wanting to know where Lin Ran was and could abolish the Beihe River in one move. Lin Ran was also depressed. He was kicked out directly in front of him. How could he know what had happened? However, it was also shocking to learn from Du Ming that he actually abolished the Beihe. When did he become so awesome?

Moreover, Beihe is a proud subordinate of Yu Can and did not stand up for him, which makes Du Ming more sure that Lin Ran is extraordinary.

Although Lin Ran was puzzled, he adhered to the principle of pretending to the end, patted Du Ming on the shoulder very mysteriously and said cautiously, "Go well with me. Your benefits are indispensable."

Beihe cried bitterly when he heard this man's words. After coming to the fairyland for more than ten years, he was finally going to get out of his head. Someone covered him.

While Lin Ran was talking with Du Ming, Lord Yu Can and Ma Wen, the boss of the imperial horse supervisor, suddenly came in and came in with a golden gourd in his hand with a smile on his face.

Du Ming quickly got up and bowed. Lin Ran was also shocked. He thought he was coming to stand up for Beihe, but he secretly said it was not good.

"Lin Ran, how is the injury? Is it better?" Yu Can sat by Lin Ran's bed with a smile on his face and asked with concern.

Lin Ran was stunned for a while and looked at Du Ming, who was also stunned. This guy still spoke coldly to himself in front of him. Why did he beat his men and care about his kindness instead?

"It's okay. It's just a little injury. How can I bother Lord Yu to come?" Lin Ran hurriedly said, completely flattered and didn't understand that Yu Can's brain was wrong.

Yu Can suddenly showed a look of grief and indignation, "That bastard in Beihe is too ignorant of heaven and earth!" Don't worry, I will punish you severely! Alas, I'm also wrong as an adult, and I don't take good care of it." After saying that, he handed the golden gourd in his hand to Lin Ran, "This bottle is a bone cure elixir, and there are eight in it. You only need one injury to recover."

In fact, Yu Can's heart is dripping blood and paralyzed. I can only get ten binary elixir every month! Now I'll give you eight. I've done it for nothing this month!

Lin Ran didn't know the benefits of this bone elixir, but Du Ming knew that his eyes were green and staring at the golden gourd, and his throat knot kept rolling up and down.

Lin Ran casually took the bone cure elixir, put it on the bedside, and forced a smile, "How can adults spend so much? It's all small fights. It's already very flattered that adults can take time to see the small ones in their busy schedule."

My bones are not broken. Why are you treating me with bone elixir? Anyway, the boss of the imperial horse prison must have a lot of oil and water, right? So stingy! Lin Ran almost scolded Yu Can all over his heart.

Yu Can confirmed his guess when he saw that Lin Ran didn't care about the bone elixir he gave at all. Will he still care about his binary elixir if he can get the Sanyuan elixir at Chang'e? Well, it seems that we still need to find another way to block this guy's mouth!

Du Ming didn't dare to say a word on the side. He thought to himself whether Lin Ran knew what the bone elixir was? Why are you so calm?

"Well, what, because of Beihe's dereliction of duty, he will be removed from his official position, and there is no one to replace him for a while. How about that?" Yu Zhen smiled and looked at Lin Ran and said. Xiandan doesn't work. You should be satisfied with the promotion, right?

Lin Ran couldn't believe what he heard. He looked at Yu Can with a surprised face and his tone trembled a little, "What? Promotion? Shall I replace the location of the North River? OK, OK!"

Lin Ran suddenly found that Lord Yu Qian had become so cute that he had been promoted not long ago. Thinking about Du Ming, he couldn't help but feel very happy when he was still a toilet after so long.

Look at you. You have been promoted in less than half a day. Can you compare this? I said that the fairyland is good!

"Ha ha, that's good to be satisfied. I'm a very enlightened fairy official. As long as my subordinates have the strength, they will be promoted. Can't let Lao Jun misunderstand that I don't like the person he brought, right?" Yu Can's expression was also depressed when he saw Lin Ran's expression. Why didn't his ecstasy expression look like pretending? But the words have been said, and they can only go along.

Du Ming's hatred, paralysis! Why is there such a big gap between the people brought in by Taishang Laojun? They have been abolished for less than a day and have been promoted. Why do they have to wash their own toilets?

Who is Lin Ran? He is so shrewd that he can understand in an instant when he hears Yu Can's words. How dare he think that the other party is in front of Lao Jun? But isn't Du Ming also cheated by Lao Jun? Why is there no treatment like that? In the end, I can only think that Du Mingxian can't do it.

After a moment of cold, Yu Can left with business. After Lin Ran recovered, he went to Maqi's house to find him and took over the official position. Lin Ran nodded happily.

I sighed in my heart that the fairyland is not so difficult to get along? The old man Taishang Laojun really didn't lie to me. He was really covering me!

How did he know that Taishang Laojun didn't know this at all? No one in the place of Yuma prison would care about anything, so Yu Can took himself seriously.

"I said Du Ming, what is this bone elixir? Yu Can can also give such a humble gift. Lin Ran said, playing with the golden gourd in his hand.

Du Mingqiang suppressed the idea of beating Lin Ran. Now he is extremely unbalanced, but Lin Ran's official position is bigger than himself. Although he replaces Beihe, he is also an eight-grade immortal official. Why is he much better than himself, a lower fairy.

He took a deep breath and said, "The bone cure elixir is a binary elixir. One grain can heal all your bone wounds, and even if the bones are crushed, it can be cured."

"Ha? So awesome? I said, how can I send this? Haha, it's developed. Come on, I'll give you two. I said that you can't be fooled by me, and no one dares to bully you in the future. Lin Ran looked bold and poured two bone-treating pills and threw them to Du Ming. Du Ming hurriedly catched it and hid it carefully.

"By the way, what's wrong with the binary elixir? Is the elixir also graded? Lin Ran picked up the golden gourd and asked.

Du Ming's mood after getting two bone-treating elixirs is obviously much better, and smiled slightly, "Of course, the elixir is divided into six-class elixir, from low to high are earth elixir, Tiandan, Xuandan, golden elixir, Wang elixir and divine elixir. Each grade is also divided into nine yuan. It is already very good for ordinary immortals to get a three yuan elixir. Lord Yu Can's monthly payment is only ten yuan elixir. It is said that Jindan can only be obtained by immortal officials above the second grade. Some Jindan has the effect of life and death, and some can also increase the life expectancy of Taoism, not to mention Wang Dan. And that elixir is sought by people at the level of Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun.

Lin Ran was stunned when he heard it. It turned out that there was such a saying about fairyland elixir? Dare Yu Can's goods only deserve binary elixir? Increasing the ** power of Taoism is very important for Lin Ran. If he can refine the elixir and eat hundreds of grains every day, isn't his cultivation rubbing up? At this moment, Lin Ran made up his mind that he must learn alchemy!

Thinking of this, Lin Ran suddenly thought of a question, "Du Ming, how old is the official position in Beihe?"

Du Ming had long expected that Lin Ran would ask, "Eight immortal officials, pay a hundred yuan a month."

"How many grades does that official have?" Lin Ran suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Eight products." Du Ming replied very simply.

"It's paralyzed! After a long time, it's still the lowest waiting! Is it really difficult for him to get along in the fairyland!" Lin Ran howled with a chagrined face.

Du Ming's mouth twitched, and it was good to be a fairy official as soon as he came! I still wash the toilet! I haven't called it for ten years! What's your name?