official immortal road

Chapter 88: Peace

"Your Excellency, will you provoke Wu De Xingjun like this..." The beaten heavenly soldier just now came to Lin Ran and said worriedly.

Lin Ran smiled and looked at the soldier, "What's your name?"

"My subordinate's name is Li Hu." Tianbing was stunned and then answered immediately.

Lin Ran couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he heard the word tiger. Recently, he has been very predestined with the tiger! The reason why his strength rose so quickly is really due to the contributions of those brothers, otherwise Lin Ran doesn't know when he will be promoted to Tianxian.

"You are good, and I like it. This time I'm Wu Dexingjun. If they weren't his people, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to them. A small gatekeeper can actually beat the immortal officer with one sentence. Not everyone has such courage.

"Ha ha, thank you, my lord." Tianbing rubbed his nose embarrassed by Lin Ran's words. In fact, he also had a fever for a while. If he had changed, he would not dare to kill him now, and he is still afraid now.

Lin Ran is now waiting for Wu Dexing to come here to find himself in person. What he is worried about now is the matter of the imperial horse prison. Two subordinates have died, and Erlang God is there again. I don't know if he will really break it out. If so, he may face demotion again. Another thing is that the combination of the two things is enough to make you demotion.

However, Lin Ran also has his own confidence, that is, Erlang God colluded with the tiger demon to kill himself. If the other party really makes trouble with those things, he will also poke out the matter. Although it may not be able to sue Erlang, it is enough to make him anxious for a while.

"Your Excellency, the leader is back." Li Hu suddenly whispered.

Lin Ran turned around and saw Hongtian stride over with a gloomy face. He seemed to be very angry.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ran had a bad feeling in his heart that things might not be as easy as he thought.

"Let the people of the Fairy Punishment Department let go! He is all a bunch of embarrassed bastards!" Hongtian cursed directly with an angry face.

"You don't even have to go to the program?" Lin Ran was also shocked. Did he catch one and even investigate it like this? Is the Immortal Punishment Department of Wu Dexingjun or something? Wude Xingjun is just a six-grade military attache. How can he have such face?

"Erlang God!" Hongtian stared at Lin Ran strangely and gritted his teeth and said. He asked me to tell you something."

"Ty!" As soon as Lin Ran heard Hongtian say Erlang God, he understood all about it. Did that guy dare to get people out? In this way, the fairy punishment department will definitely listen to it. Anyway, if you don't follow the procedure, why not do it?

"Let's forget these things, otherwise no one will be good." Hongtian said, and then looked at Lin Ran doubtfully, but did not ask why.

"What an Erlang god!" Lin Ran sneered. He didn't know what Erlang Shen said meant.

Erlang God means that he did not investigate Lin Ran's dereliction of duty, which led to the murder of two subordinates of the imperial horse prison, and private things on earth, but Lin Ran doesn't have to catch me and kill you with Jin Chanzi to report me. If you can bear it, I will take it as if I don't know anything and take a step back.

"What's wrong? Is that really the case?" When Hongtian saw Lin Ran's appearance, it seemed that he really planned to do so. Lin Ran couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable and thought that Lin Ran was still a bully and afraid of the hard.

Lin Ran saw Hongtian's idea and smiled, "Do you know what I came back from outside? The tiger demon attacked the imperial horse prison while I was not away and killed my two men. Then I was deceived by Erlang God's false voice and went down to the mortal world through the passage of the imperial horse prison and was intercepted by the two tiger demons. If the golden cicada hadn't arrived in time, it would have been almost finished. All this is just that Erlang God colluded with the tiger demon to get rid of me. Now the two tigers have been killed by me, and one tiger has escaped. It may not be good to calm down like this. At least I don't have to be demoted."

Hongtian was completely stunned and stared at Lin Ran with wide eyes, with a big mouth. What Lin Ran said is completely mysterious. Erlang God colluded with the tiger demon to get rid of Lin Ran? And let Lin Ran kill one? Erlang Shen valued Lin Ran too much, didn't he? He is a heavenly master, and the top figure in the fairy world actually calculated Lin Ran himself? It seems that Lin Ran's potential is indeed great, which makes Erlang feel threatened.

This time, no one can win or lose in the secret confrontation with Erlang God. Erlang God successfully calculated Lin Ran, made him almost die, and violated the heavenly rule. However, Lin Ran was promoted to Tianxian and seized the handle of Erlang's private tiger demon. In the end, they all decided to calm the matter and not the showdown.

"Ha ha, I'm in the lower world. You don't want to deduct me back, do you?" Lin Ran took a deep breath and said joked that he knew that he was fine, and the big stone in his heart was finally put down.

"I haven't seen you come. Go ahead." Hongtian really admires Lin Ran now, and he doesn't fall behind in fighting with Erlang. This man is really as arrogant as the legend.

Lin Ran smiled and patted Hongtian on the shoulder. Then he told him something and took out the token of Guanghan Palace and walked into the transmission channel.

"Lord, do you really want to follow Lord Lin?" Li Hu looked at Lin Ran's departure back, his eyes flashed, and some other heavenly soldiers gathered next to him also looked at Hongtian with an expectant face.

Hongtian laughed and said, "Do you think you can be promoted like this?"

"I can't." Li Hu and others answered immediately.

"Don't worry, I won't let you jump into the fire pit after following me for so long, maybe in the near future..." Hongtian didn't go on after saying that, and his eyes were full of brilliance.


"See the leader." As soon as Lin Ran walked out of the Guanghan Palace, the heavenly soldiers guarding next to him immediately shouted respectfully.

"Ye, thank you for your hard work." Lin Ran nodded quickly, left such a sentence and immediately rushed to the Guanghan Palace. He has no other intention to pay attention to his men now. Since he stepped into the door of the transmission channel, his calm heart has become extremely anxious in an instant.

The heavenly soldiers saw Lin Ran walking to Chang'e's residence again, and their eyes were full of envy. They didn't even dare to approach, let alone see Chang'e. They really envied that Lin Ran had such a good life and had a token given by Chang'e to see her.

The closer to the palace, Lin Ran's heart beat faster, and even his breathing felt a little unsmooth. Stopping in front of the gate of the palace, Lin Ran took several deep breaths, raised his slightly trembling hand and pushed the door open.

It was empty. As soon as Lin Ran walked in, he did not see the trace of Chang'e. The ribbons fluttered, the flowers were fragrant, and many butterflies flew around the flowers, so that the hall did not look so dead.

"Fairy! Is the fairy there? Lin Ran walked in slowly, looked around, and then shouted.

No one answered, and Lin Ran frowned. Chang'e was usually there when she came. Why didn't she see anyone at this time today?

Lin Ran walked into the hall and shouted a few times again, but no one answered. Then he looked at the jewel curtain behind the hall. Behind it should be the place where Chang'e and the rabbit rested, he hesitated whether he should go in. How embarrassing if you go in and see something you shouldn't see?

"Lin Ran?" Just when Lin Ran was entangled, the rabbit came out from behind the bead curtain and saw Lin Ran in surprise in the hall.

Lin Ran saw the rabbit coming forward immediately and hurriedly asked, "Rabbit, do you know where the fairy is? Are you in Guanghan Palace?"

The rabbit muttered happily in an instant, hummed and went to the right position to sit down.

"You will know how to find your sister when you come here! Humph! You are not as good as those people outside.

Lin Ran smiled bitterly. This girl still remembers the hatred and reluctantly smiled, "Rabbit, this time I really want the fairy to have something very important. Can you help me find her?"

"It's important every time! I don't know. She may have gone to visit or something. Take your time to find it yourself. Humph, big liar!"

Lin Ran was really anxious, but the rabbit just didn't say anything and couldn't get angry with her. He walked to the rabbit and smiled bitterly. "Auntie, I really have something to do. You can have a good job. Please pity me. I promise that I will play with you when I have time in the future! Can you play until you are afraid?

"That's what you said last time!" The rabbit was obviously a little moved, and his tone was not as angry as before.

Lin Ran saw the change of the rabbit's tone and immediately said, "You know what happened to me last time. I've never been free! Look, I'm just your friend in the fairyland. Who can I play with if I have time?

"Really?" The rabbit suddenly stood up happily and smiled.

Sweat, it's still a rabbit, so easy to cheat! Lin Ran looked at the rabbit's side and his face was about to change, and he secretly wiped his sweat. At the same time, he sighed that Rabbit really has no scheming and is easy to trust others. No wonder Chang'e won't let Rabbit be present when talking to herself. It's so easy to be used!

"Really! I won't lie to you to death!" Lin Ran immediately looked serious and raised his right palm and said.

"Puff." Suddenly, he was amused by Lin Ran's serious appearance and covered his mouth with a bell-like laugh.

"Well, can't I tell you? What other oath did you make? My sister is not in Guanghan Palace. She rushed out early in the morning and didn't say anything to me. Rabbit said, and then sat down and raised his legs, looking leisurely.

"What? Out? Where have you been?" Lin Ran exclaimed, isn't it too time for Chang'e to leave?

"I said I don't know. You play with me here, and she may come back after a while, but I heard her say she would go for a long time, and I'm not sure." The rabbit made a grimace cunningly at Lin Ran.

"Does she usually go out suddenly like this?" Lin Ran asked anxiously, as if he had vaguely felt something, as if Chang'e was deliberately avoiding himself.

"No, it's just the first time today, and she didn't take me there. Usually she will take me with her." Rabbit was also strange. In the past, Chang'e would basically take her wherever she went. This time, she said she would go with Chang'e, but she was rejected.

Lin Ran rubbed his forehead and decided that Chang'e must know something. When she found that she went to Mount Tai, she immediately hid and didn't see herself. There's nothing she can do now. She can't find it. She has to come back in the future. She can't disappear from now on, can she?

"Hey, you said you wanted to play with me." Looking at Lin Ran, who didn't say a word in front of him, Rabbit said loudly.

Lin Ran was stunned and smiled bitterly, "Where do I have time now? The imperial horse prison was attacked by a tiger demon, and now there are a lot of mess waiting for me to clean it up. Unexpectedly, Chang'e could not be found, so Lin Ran had to go back to clean up the matter of the imperial prison.

Nanhe, you wait for me, paralyzed me like this, and I won't play with you to death! Lin Ran remembered that Nanhe was angry and almost let Erlang Shen and Nanhe die.

"Then take me there! Otherwise, I will ignore you in the future!" The rabbit stood up, grabbed Lin Ran's sleeve and said angrily.

"There are a lot of men there. Where are you going?" Lin Ran had a headache when he saw the rabbit like that. If he followed him to the imperial horse prison, he might have something to do.

"I want it! I want it! Otherwise, you won't want to leave!" The rabbit played a scoundrel and kept shaking Lin Ran's sleeves.

"Okay, okay, but let's say it first. If you cause me any trouble, I'll send you back immediately!" Lin Ran really couldn't resist the girl, so he had to agree.

"Hee, I know! Let's go." As soon as he heard that Lin Ran agreed, the rabbit immediately showed a treacherous expression and pulled Lin Ran away with a smile.