official immortal road

Chapter 132: Opponent

Li Jing has been murderous to Lin Ran and asked Gui Tianjue to arrest Lin Ran in person and find an excuse to kill him.

In just half a year, his strength has been above the four immortals, which has never appeared in the whole four worlds. If the Jade Emperor knew, he would definitely attach great importance to Lin Ran and focus on cultivation.

Not long after Du Ming rested in Lin Ran, he immediately ran to the Doushu Palace to report to Taishang Laojun. At that time, Laojun was discussing with a group of senior officials about the selection of the Xianwu Association. Seeing Du Ming rushing in, Laojun suddenly knew that something might happen.

When Du Ming told Lao Jun everything about Lin Ran's sudden events, the faces of all the immortals present changed greatly, and Lao Jun even dropped the coffee table in his hand to the ground without notice.

"Quick! Tianpeng! You can bring Lin Ran here in person! Li Jing and others must also know about Lin Ran, and they will definitely kill him! If we take Lin Ran away one step forward, we can kill him! Immediately!" Lao Jun hurriedly said to Marshal Tianpeng below, and his face turned red with excitement.

Tianpeng also knew the importance of the matter and immediately got up and ran to the imperial prison. If it was too late, they might all cry to death.

"Du Ming, do you think Lin Ran has practiced any magic skills? Is the breath violent? A white-haired old man in the seat of His Royal Highness asked worriedly. There was still a woman standing next to him. If Lin Ran was present, he would definitely recognize Ning Yu, who knew him in Huaiyin City, and the old man was her master Dongdou Xingjun.

Hearing Dongdou Xingjun's words, more than a dozen senior officials next to him turned their eyes to Du Ming at the same time, and even Laojun looked worried.

It's not easy to see such a talented seedling. If you practice magic skills, you will be happy for nothing.

Du Ming shook his head, "Lin Ran is clear, and a burst of purple is quite righteous, not like practicing magic skills. At least my subordinates didn't feel any violence in him.

After saying that, Du Ming glanced at Ning Yu and saw Ning Yu's cold expression of not eating human fireworks. He scolded Lin Ran and beast in his heart, and even lied that he was very familiar with Ning Yu! Now Ning Yu doesn't even move her eyelids when she hears about Lin Ran. Obviously, she doesn't know her.

Hearing Du Ming's reply, the people present were obviously relieved, but the hanging heart still did not come down. After all, whether it is the magic skill of cultivation or not still needs to be investigated by Lao Jun himself.

Lin Ran quickly passed through the transmission channel alone. Although he had a token given by Lao Jun and could go to the eight-day Doushu Palace, he still needed to go through several transmission channels and could only go up one by one.

One or two days are fine. Those guards all know Lin Ran's name. Each of them is extremely polite, but it makes Lin Ran depressed when it comes to the four heavens.

As soon as the heavenly soldiers saw him, they immediately shouted and then asked him to hand over the token, which made Lin Ran depressed as if he were facing a big enemy.

Just as Lin Ran arrived at the fifth heaven and was preparing to enter the sixth heaven, he suddenly felt a nameless pressure on him, and the heavenly soldiers around him also looked around with a look of surprise and warily.

Lin Ran raised the corners of his mouth and stood still. "Come out. I'm only here now. I'll be in the eighth day later."

The guard Tianbing didn't know what Lin Ran was talking to himself. He frowned and was about to question Lin Ran. Suddenly, his face changed. I don't know when a man in black brocade floated on their heads.

Who is bold? Don't you know that flying in the sky is not allowed in the sky?" The heavenly soldiers immediately sacrificed their weapons and shouted aggressively.

The man in black didn't even look at the heavenly soldiers and completely regarded them as nothing. In this way, he looked at Lin Ran, and a touch of purple and black gas waung around them like water.

That man is naturally a ghost lord.

"Five yuan, ten days, good, Lin Ran, you are really good." There was a feverish look in Gui Tianjue's eyes.

No immortal at the same time as Gui Tianjue can compare with him, and even Ning Yu doesn't pay attention to it at all, which makes him feel more or less lonely. But Lin Ran's birth made him feel threatened, and he finally saw an opponent who could fight against him, and the long-silent heart was excited again.

"Take it down!" When the heavenly soldier saw that the ghost Tianjue was not a bird at all, he was about to take him down.

"Noise!" Gui Tianjue just said softly, so light that the two-yuan heavenly soldiers below immediately felt like being hit by a heavy hammer in their hearts. They staggered back with a sullen hum and looked at the ghost Tianjue in laughter.

Then he took out a token and threw it to the heavenly soldiers below.

After Tianbing saw the token, his face changed greatly and he hurriedly bowed.

"Talk about it?" Gui Tianjue took the token handed over by Tianbing and looked at Lin Ran and said with a mysterious smile on his face.

Lin Ran shrugged his shoulders and walked straight to a nearby garden. Gui Tianjue also slowly followed, leaving the guard of those heavenly soldiers who looked at each other.

The whole garden is not large, that is, a few mu of land. The path paved with blue tiles leads to all directions, and there is a transmission channel at the end, which leads to other immortal parts of the sevenfold sky.

The two pools are located on both sides of the garden. The pool is filled with lotus leaves emitting a slight golden light, in which colorful butterflies keep dancing and flying. Each pool also has a rockery, which is strange. I don't know where the stream springs continue to flow down from the top of the rockery mountain, splashing with drops of water.

Lin Ran walked to a stone bench and sat down carelessly. Gui Tianjue did not sit down, but stood behind Lin Ran.

"Say it, what are you talking about? Have you only been missing me for a few days?" Lin Ran turned his head slightly and made fun of it.

Gui Tianjue's face showed an evil smile, "It's a little scary to be promoted from one yuan to five yuan in ten days!"

Five-yuan Tianxian, naturally, Lin Ran is hidden again. After all, the front has been exposed. If he is still a Yuan Tianxian, it is impossible to say. It is inevitable that some people will suspect that Lin Ran may have some way to hide.

Lin Ran suddenly laughed, stood up and looked directly at Gui Tianjue, "If I tell you that my current cultivation is more than five yuan, do you believe it?"

The corners of Gui Tianjue's mouth trembled slightly, and a cold light flashed by. Letter."

Lin Ran was surprised by Tianjue's answer, but he didn't care and smiled faintly, "Don't talk nonsense. Li Jing sent you to arrest me back."

"Yes." Gui Tianjue now cherishes words like gold, and he answers one word every time.

"Those garbage sent by Erlang Shen must not be capable of arresting me. They felt my threat again, so they wanted to arrest me before Lao Jun asked me to go to the palace, and then kill me with a crime. As for who to send? That's naturally your confidant, Li Jing, right?

Gui Tianjue's face was a little moved. He knew that Lin Ran might guess the reason, but he didn't expect the guy to guess so in such detail, as if he were immersive.

"You are very smart." Gui Tianjue sneered, "But smart people often die early."

Lin Ran and Gui Tianjue staggered side by side, "Your breath is a little disordered. Is it a satire that those people sent by Erlang were taught by him? Alas, smart people are really jealous!'

This time, Gui Tianjue finally changed his color. Lin Ran's observation ability and speculation ability really shocked him. How did this guy's head be made? Can you even see this? However, it only changed color in a moment and soon returned to coldness.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess that Gui Tianjue's talent must be unpopular on Li Jing's side. Such a potential stock may threaten its status at any time. Whoever likes Gui Tianjue will have ghosts, of course, except Li Jing.

And through the last confrontation of Wan Grottoes Mountain, Lin Ran probably knew some of the character of Gui Tianjue. Arrogant, arrogant, and not afraid of anyone like himself, as can be seen from the transmission channel just now.

Erlang God is Li Jing's confidant, with his left arm and right arm, while Gui Tianjue is Li Jing's apprentice, which is highly valued by him. In that case, Erlang God will naturally not be happy with the ghost Tianjue. Erlang God is the only one who dares to touch the ghost Tianjue in the fairyland. The rest are taken by Li Jing's majesty and dare not do anything to him. At most, he threatens and scolds, and he dares not do it.

With the arrogant character of Gui Tianjue, he will definitely say the wrong of Erlang God to his face. Naturally, he will be hurt by the angry Erlang God, and it is not a big injury. Naturally, Li Jing will not do anything to Erlang God. Even if Gui Tianjue is seriously injured, in Li Jing's view, he will still not severely punish Erlang God. After all, Erlang God is his most effective assistant now, and Gui Tianjue is just a fast-growing little tiger, and it will take a long time to become a big weapon.

"If you know my intention, why don't you run away? You should know that you are not my opponent now. Gui Tianjue calmed down and said coldly.

Lin Ran shook his head with a smile, "Not to mention that you won't catch me. It's a question whether you can catch me or not. This is the fairyland, not the mountain of thousands of caves in the mortal world."

"Oh? Why won't I catch you?" Gui Tianjue was interested and didn't care what Lin said.

"The master is lonely." Lin Ran smiled mysteriously and then came over and patted Gui Tianjue on the shoulder. "You and I are destined to be enemies, which you and I know very well. Because of this, the two of us can have full motivation! Explosive potential, now you won't kill, so naturally you won't take me back. Without me, won't you be boring in the future?"

"Hahahaha..." Gui Tianjue suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and then his eyes became extremely sharp in an instant. His eyes completely turned black, even with white eyes, which looked very strange and scary.

"What if you are wrong? Do I have to take you back?" Gui Tianjue suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Ran.

Lin Ran's eyes were also flashing with purple light. The black and purple energy around the two kept rotating and rubbing, making a "sneer" sound, lifting the dust on the ground and rotating and flying high.

No one spoke, and the momentum kept climbing. The air had been a little disorderly cracked, and a trace of purple-black gap appeared from their strength, absorbing all the rising powder, and their clothes were also drummed.

"Haha! OK! I look forward to your performance in the selection of the Xianwu Association! I hope it won't be brushed down by others. Suddenly, Gui Tianjue put away his momentum, and Lin Rante closed his momentum at the same time. The two jumped away, and Gui Tianjue laughed and said.

"Of course, this first place, ** is too big." Lin Ran grinned and said, with strong self-confidence in his half-squinted eyes.

Gui Tianjue did not reply and turned directly to the transmission channel not far away. Before he entered, Tianpeng's figure appeared from the transmission channel.

Tianpeng saw Gui Tianjue, and his eyebrows were locked. Gui Tianjue entered the transmission channel directly from his side as if he had not seen Tianpeng.

"Hmm!" Tianpeng snorted coldly, and then looked at Lin Ran in front of him and immediately smiled.

"Haha! You bastard! This time it's so developed!"