official immortal road

Chapter 166: Amazing guess!

Lin Ran separated from Ning Yu at the exit. After all, tomorrow's game is more cruel. Although they are the strongest three, they can't take it lightly. In case the boat capsized in the sewer, it is not worth it.

A gourd seven-yuan Xuandan, plus the fairy elixir Laojun gave him before, now Lin Ran feels that he has become rich again.

When Lin Ran's cultivation was only a fairy, this man always said that he wanted to refine the elixir by himself, but he has never had time or materials. Until now, he has not begun to refine a grain until he has reached Xuanxian.

However, Lin Ran will not give up refining elixir. After all, the more advanced elixirs there are, the fewer elixirs there are, and even fewer after the golden elixir comes. Moreover, if Lin Ran wants to attack his cultivation in the future, he will definitely need a large number of elixirs, and recover from injuries after the battle. Those who are in charge of the imperial horse prison and patrolling the fairy department need Lin Ran to support him.

If you don't refine the elixir by yourself, it is not enough to rely on Du Ming alone, and that man may not always be the head of Lin Ran.

"When this Immortal Martial Arts Conference of the Four Worlds is over, we must start alchemy." Lin Ran secretly thought to himself that there was no time before that.

After the selection of the immortal martial arts association, Lin Ran will immediately go to the southern divine world. After all, it may be difficult for Lin Ran to devour the immortals within the fairy world, and there are not many monsters at the level of Xuanxian. Even if there is a time, there will definitely be a lot of noise. If he doesn't have time to devour it, won't he lose a lot?

The most important thing is the warning of the ancestor of Bodhi. Lin Ran really thinks that if he continues to devour the old man in the fairyland, he will abandon himself. At that time, he will cry and he doesn't know where to cry.

When Lin Ran returned to the imperial horse prison, a person he didn't expect was already standing at the door of the Maqi mansion waiting for him. Seeing the figure of the man, Lin Ran felt a burst of irritation.

"I've seen Chang'e Fairy." Lin Ran took a deep breath, strode over and said in a surprisingly indifferent tone without any emotion.

Chang'e was dressed in a white dress, with slightly frowning eyebrows, red lips slightly clenched, and a trace of white light.

Lin Ran's heart is very complicated now. At the beginning, after he knew that Lin's village had disappeared, he looked for her crazily, but she seemed to have disappeared and could not be found.

Lin Ran knew that she must have been hiding from herself at that time, and then the appearance of Gu Wutian made Lin Ran unable to believe Chang'e, and Lin Ran himself did not know how she felt about Chang'e now.

At the beginning, when Lin Ran was just a nobody with low reputation and strength, Chang'e took great care of him, gave Xian Dan, sent fairy magic skills, and helped him create a mixed halberd and jade pendants.

It can be said that Lin Ran was the most trusted person to Chang'e at that time, but he hid behind him like a plague god. Lin Ran was nothing on the surface. At that time, it was when he was extremely depressed, and his disappointment with Chang'e was very great in his heart.

Lin Ran does not deny his admiration for Chang'e. Everyone loves beauty, and Lin Ran is naturally no exception. However, Chang'e's high status makes Lin Ran feel inferior and out of reach, and she has been just thinking about it all the time.

But unlike other people who admire Chang'e, their relationship is very close, and Chang'e helped him so selflessly at the beginning, which made Lin Ran have some other ideas. However, the Lin family village incident made Lin Ran completely disappointed with Chang'e. He deeply remembered the feeling that he was about to collapse, which was so unforgettable. At that time, Chang'e disappeared. How could he let Lin Ran feel relieved?

Since that time, the two of them have no contact, and even Lin Ran of Guanghan Palace has not gone again.

Later, I met Ning Yu again. Ning Yu's appearance happened to be on the verge of collapse, which successfully enlightened Lin Ran and let him get out of adversity. Since then, the relationship between the two has risen, especially during the selection of the Xianwu Association, which has become even closer, and their love for Chang'e has gradually been covered by Ning Yu.

But today's sudden sight made Lin Ran feel very stuffy. He couldn't say anything, and his good mood went out in an instant.

Where can't Chang'e hear Lin Ran's voice, and her face is a little sad? "Are you still blaming me for disappearing from you that day?"

Lin Ran suddenly twitched in his heart, his face trembled, and then squeezed out a very reluctant smile, "What, you are a fairy, and I dare not."

Lin Ran's words were quite sad. He knew that no matter how heartless he was, but at this moment, in the face of Chang'e, he still couldn't talk to Chang'e as usual.

How can the cracks in the heart be glued and filled with the passage of time?

An invisible wall has been erected between the two of them and cannot be crossed.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Chang'e's eyes, blinking as if she was controlling something.

"You don't have to distance me like this." Chang'e's voice was very small, but it was like five thunderbolts in Lin Ran's ears, which made his whole body tremble.

"Should I trust you? Where were you when I was most depressed? I have gone to Guanghan Palace more than once to find you, but to no avail. I once thought that you were the only person I could trust in the whole fairyland. You know all my secrets, and I gave you ten thousand years of black ice iron for safekeeping. Lin Ran's face was very ugly, and his voice was slightly crazy.

"But what about you? Do you know the reason for the disappearance of Linjia Village? You knew from the beginning! Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you show up when I was about to collapse? Instead, you are hiding from me? What's the secret in this?

Chang'e didn't dare to look directly into Lin Ran's eyes and clenched her hands tightly.

"The more you know now, the more dangerous it will be. Don't ask me about Linjia Village. The ancestor of Bodhi won't let you know now. Chang'e's tone trembled a little.

Lin Ran sneered, "Ancestor Bodhi? Ha ha, is my fate going to be played by you two? Is it up to you for me to survive?"

Lin Ran is really angry now. He feels that there is a burst of anger in his heart. All the emotions accumulated by Lin Ran in the past poured out at this moment.

"Enough!" Chang'e suddenly scolded loudly, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes

"What's the use of knowing now? Linjia Village has never existed at all! Do you know how important the mission you are carrying now is? He only chose you! Otherwise, do you think I and the ancestor of Bodhi will protect you like this? Lin Ran! Be rational!"

Lin Ran staggered back several steps as if he had been bombarded by five thunderbolts, and his face was as pale as paper.

What does it mean that he only chooses himself? Who does he mean? Ancient and heaven? Or someone else? Lin Ran is confused again.

What made him most confused was Chang'e's other words, "Otherwise, do you think I and the Bodhi ancestor will protect you like this?"

It turns out that Chang'e helped herself like this because she was selected by others? Lin Ran suddenly felt that he wanted to laugh and laugh.

He has always thought that Chang'e is kind to him and has a good impression on him. I didn't expect that for this reason, how affectionate he is? How stupid? If no one chooses himself, I'm afraid he is nothing in Chang'e's eyes, right?

"Ha ha, mission? Don't add those big words to me! What does your conspiracy have to do with me? A ridiculous mission!" Where can Lin Ran calm down now? Where else can there be reason?

When he knew that he had always been a tool for others, that mood almost made him run away! It turns out that without the so-called mission, I am nothing!

Chang'e's face was also very ugly and clenched her lips. "You don't know yet. When you know everything, you will continue your mission."

"Go to his mission!" Lin Ran kicked a stone lion next to him into powder.

"I'm here to tell you that if you are against the ghost Tianjue, don't kill him. The power behind him is not something you can provoke. At that time, there is nothing you can do."

Lin Ran's eyes were covered with blood, constantly sneering in place, staring at Chang'e.

Chang'e's face was a little painful. She walked slowly to Lin Ran. Her delicate and perfect face showed a trace of sadness, and her jade hand scratched Lin Ran's cheek.

"Believe me, no matter what, I'm on your side. It used to be the same now." After saying that, Chang'e's body disappeared in front of Lin Ran in an instant.

Lin Ran stood still in a daze, looking depressed.

"That year? So?" Lin Ran felt that it was so difficult to breathe. Did he know Chang'e in those years? I have been in the fairyland for less than a year. How can I talk about those years? And he is just a 20-year-old teenager. Where can he go back then?

A mess, Chang'e's appearance has made Lin Ran almost lose his mind. Now saying such words makes his head almost burst.

"Bastard!" Lin Ran cursed and walked directly into his room.

Lying on **, Lin Ran tried his best to put together what he knew, but there was no progress.

Now many of the doubts faced by Lin Ran seem to have nothing to do, but on second thought, it seems that they have been pulled together by an invisible thread.

Lin Ran tried his best to calm down and sort out his thoughts with the clearest thinking.

Once he didn't want to touch the truth, but today he has to face it. He wants to know what kind of conspiracy makes Bodhi and Chang'e use themselves like this!

Now, he is no longer the mountain boy at the beginning. After experiencing so many things, he began to mature and learned to control his emotions. The reason for the outbreak just now was that he had saved too long, and the other party was Chang'e, which made him out of control.

Lin Ran found a piece of paper and began to sort out the information he knew with a brush.

"There is no doubt that Chang'e and the Bodhi ancestor are in the same group, and they all know the jade pendant on my body, so the Bodhi ancestor must know the reason for the disappearance of Linjia Village. And the ancestor of Bodhi is even more likely to know the existence of ancient Wutian. As a scattered immortal, he does not belong to any force.

Lin Ran wrote out everything sorted out in the paper*, frowned and kept thinking.

"From the original words of the Bodhi ancestor, I can be sure that the ten-thousand-year spiritual root was left by him, which led me to the fairyland, and then I met Gu Wutian. Is there any connection?"

"Why did you lead me into the fairyland? And Linjiacun then disappeared. I heard Du Ming say that it was a rune illusion. The real only me, so why is it only me? The inexplicable words Chang'e just said. It is said that Chang'e secretly ate Houyi's elixir and became an immortal, and Houyi later became an immortal. So where is she now? I've never seen it or heard anyone mention it.

Lin Ran suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart, and the sweat on his face flowed out, and he quickly wrote what he had analyzed on the paper.

"There is a fairy king in the fairyland who was killed a hundred years ago! Chang'e said that she was on my side as she is now! My mission, the jade pendant symbolizes identity and came out of Linjia Village. The Bodhi ancestor once said that he owes favor to the person in his mouth, isn't it?"

Lin Ran's pupils suddenly stood up, and his whole face turned pale.

"Am I the reincarnation of Hou Yi?"

Lin Ran felt dizzy, and the whole world seemed to begin to collapse quickly in front of him.