official immortal road

Chapter 196: Losing the Edge

With Liu Ming's body as the center, all the golden light burst out within 100 meters. Thunder bursts resounded through his ears. Although Lin Ran's speed was terrible, but at this moment, he could only avoid its edge and quickly hide in the distance.

Liu Ming's eyes are full of blood. He has always been superior and has never paid attention to his peers. This time, the selection of the Xianwu Association has long regarded the champion as the meat in front of him. He didn't expect Lin Ran to be so powerful, which deeply humiliated him.

A genius who was personally handed down by the Jade Emperor and practiced hard for decades is now beaten by a mountain village boy who has risen for less than a year without any power to fight back, and an unprecedented roar fills his heart.

"Lin Ran! Do you dare to fight with me head-on? What is it to hide and sneak up? Liu Ming held a dragon scale long gun, pointed straight at Lin Ran and shouted harshly.

Lin Ran smiled playfully, "Isn't your brain watered? When did I secretly attack? If you are paralyzed and don't have that ability, don't blame others! My sneak attack? OK! Then I will tell you openly before every attack!"

"I'm going to attack!" Lin Ran roared, and his body disappeared again. Liu Ming gritted his teeth angrily and flew high into the sky quickly. However, before he could find Lin Ran's figure, he felt that his head was heavy, and his whole body snorted and fell quickly.

Lin Ran, who was above Liu Ming's head, had a cruel smile on his face, "If you can't beat him, just play tricks? Where is such a good thing in a paralyzed world? I also told you today that I will eat all over the world with one trick! Just use this trick to kill you!"

Space movement can only be used above Jinxian, and only the cultivation above Jinxian can make effective defense and counterattack, detecting the instability of the space. However, with Liu Ming's current cultivation, it can't be seen at all. Lin Ran is really a fresh move, and this move alone is already a victory.

"Fad! Ah! You forced me!" Liu Ming hit the ground heavily and immediately jumped up again with one hand. The dragon scale golden gun disappeared in an instant, and his hands quickly hit the handprints. A crazy golden storm appeared out of thin air and kept spinning around his body.

Lin Ran's eyebrows are locked. Although Liu Ming's use of that move will cost him a lot of immortal power, it is undoubtedly the best way to resist Lin Ran's space movement now. The golden storm is furious, and the space has been torn apart. If Lin Ran uses space to move, he may be accidentally sucked into the crack.

"Gold Storm! Give it all to me!" Liu Ming's eyes burst into dazzling golden light, and two 100-meter golden light burst out of his eyes. Then the golden storm around him began to move quickly to Lin Ran. Black cracks continued to appear around the golden storm, which was terrible.

Lin Ran stood still in the air. He can't use space to move now, otherwise he may be sucked in by the crack and knows where he will go. His hands quickly made fingerprints one by one, and countless purple airflows began to converge on the top of his head and in all directions. The thick thunder and lightning at the mouth of the bowl kept blowing down and bombarded the ground.

The golden storm quickly swept towards Lin Ran, with great force, and the surrounding prohibitions kept flashing, tearing it apart.

Lin Ran was also not panicked at all, and his face was slightly pale. The magnificent purple atmosphere around him began to gather in front of him, like purple bricks, quickly building a 100-meter wall in front of him.

The golden storm hit the big purple wall in an instant, and immediately burst into a earth-shaking roar. The whole site began to shake, attacking and defending, constantly colliding, and a 100-meter thin black cracks like lightning were formed around, which absorbed the golden and purple breath crazily.

The two of them were deadlocked for a while.

"Wasn't the adult just fine? Why does it seem to be equal now? Wang Yu asked with a puzzled face.

Just now, they saw Lin Ran beat Liu Ming wildly, which made them excited and thought that Lin Ran would definitely win the championship this time, but now the two are evenly matched, and it's hard to say whether they will win or lose.

"Lin Ran just used space movement, which can only be used by Jin Xian. Liu Ming, who dealt with Xuanxian, can be completely abused. But the golden storm Liu Ming is using now will tear open the space. Lin Ran is not easy to jump, so he can only fight with him. Du Ming explained.

"But this is good for adults. The trick used by Liu Ming consumes much more immortal power than adults. Moreover, Liu Ming is an attack, adults are defenders, and the two have the same cultivation. In terms of durability, Liu Ming will be defeated!" A trace of excitement flashed in Hongtian's eyes.

As soon as others heard it and thought about it, it was indeed such a truth. If it went on like this, Liu Ming would really be exhausted and be defeated by Lin Ran.

They were excited to think that Lin Ran could win no matter what.

"However, Liu Ming is the apprentice of the Jade Emperor, but I don't know what powerful means he hasn't used." Du Ming said worriedly.

Will the Jade Emperor's apprentice have several killers? I don't believe it after killing them, and this time the reward of the Jade Emperor must have been set up for Liu Ming, and it must have been calculated in all aspects. If Lin Ran is won in this way, what is it called the Jade Emperor?

Sure enough, Liu Ming is now obviously a little unsupported, his face is as pale as paper, and bean-sized cold sweat keeps coming out of his forehead and dripping down his cheeks.

"Lin Ran, I didn't want to kill you, but you forced me!" Liu Ming suddenly roared and patted his hands fiercely, and the golden storm disappeared in an instant.

Lin Ran was stunned, and a sense of crisis filled his heart, and his body quickly flew back.

Liu Ming's eyes flashed with golden light, and his hands quickly stamped. He was so fast that he could only see the remnants. Countless golden words began to appear around his body more and more, and finally wrapped him completely in it.


The sound of breathing cold air at the scene.

"How many runes does this Liu Ming know about Xuanxian's cultivation?"

"The defensive rune on his body is already powerful enough. This one looks at the position, as if it is still above that!"

"Oh, my God! It's a double rune! Two runes are released at the same time!"

The old man in the high platform looked grim and couldn't help clenching his fists.

"It seems that Liu Ming was forced to work hard by Lin Ran!" Tianpeng's face is also very worried.

"Use double runes at the same time, and one is an attack rune, and the other is actually an illusion rune! This Liu Ming is really awesome!" Dongdou Xingjun also looks not optimistic.

"Defense runes, attack runes, and an illusion rune. Tut, this time, Lin Ran is in danger." Tu Dexing said strangely.

In another room, the Queen Mother looked at the Jade Emperor in surprise, "Did you pass on the illusion runes and attack runes to him? Which two?"

The Jade Emperor smiled and said, "My apprentice naturally needs some means. One is Jinlian's life-threatening rune. As for the illusion rune, it is a giant rune."

The Queen Mother was surprised again, "Can he learn both? This Liu Ming is really good. If Lin Ran beats it, he will win. If he can't beat it, he may die.

The Jade Emperor shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, Lin Ran, this good seedling, I won't let him have anything to do. Look at it. Bodhi may have taught him some powerful means."

Paralyzed! How can there be so many runes? Lin Ran scolded in his heart, and the runes used by Liu Ming knew that they were powerful at a glance, which made him feel frightened now.

Small golden fonts around Liu Ming's body poured into his body in an instant. At this moment, Liu Ming's body suddenly rose and became bigger, and immediately formed a 100-meter giant. Golden lotus kept flashing in his hands, and a breath of destruction emanated from the golden lotus.

Everyone took a deep breath again and made their bodies bigger, but it is very rare to use runes to expand their bodies, and their strength and speed will increase exponentially!

And the golden lotus around Liu Ming's body knows at a glance that it is rune. The difference between spells and runes is that spells can only be controlled by the releaser, and rune attacks any target by itself! As long as it is the enemy identified by the owner, there is no need to deliberately control it at all!

Many people are beginning to be not optimistic about Lin Ran. Now Liu Ming's three runes have been added. If he wants to have defense, attack and attack, and speed has been added, how can Lin Ran fight? Now even if he uses space to move, he will be automatically attacked by the golden lotus rune as soon as he appears.

Now Lin Ran is in absolute passive. As long as he is not careful, he will immediately lose the scene and may even die!

"Lin Ran, you are proud enough to force me to use these! Losing is enough for you to show off!" Liu Ming was like a 100-meter statue, staring at the world, and his voice actually echoed and rumbled.

Is that right? Then I should thank you!" Lin Ran sneered, and his body disappeared in an instant. The next moment, he immediately appeared on Liu Ming's back, but before he attacked, the golden lotus the size of a wooden basin beside Liu Ming burst out of golden light in an instant and rushed over.

Lin Ran was stunned and hurriedly moved to the other side again, but what was waiting for him was Liu Ming's several meters wide hand.


With a crisp sound, Lin Ran sprayed a mouthful of blood and flew back quickly. Before he landed, Liu Ming quickly moved and rushed over. The speed was not only weakened by his body getting bigger, but accelerated a little.

"Death!" Liu Ming roared, and his huge fist directly hit Lin Ran's body, completely covering him.


Lin Ran was directly bombarded from the bottom, and the golden rune prohibition burst into a dazzling light. Lin Ran spit out a mouthful of blood again, and immediately moved a space to avoid Liu Ming's attack.

Run? The whole venue is so big. Where can you move? Liu Ming smiled ferociously and waved his hands to rush to Lin Ran, like a mountain, making a rumble, and the ground was shaken by him.

A trace of fierceness flashed in Lin Ran's eyes and used space to move again, but when he appeared, the golden lotus floating beside Liu Ming immediately attacked.

The golden lotus was so powerful that it was quite difficult for him to defend. Just as he resisted the golden lotus, Liu Ming's attack arrived again. He was so huge that Lin Ran didn't have time to avoid it and was immediately spitting blood and flying.

"Haha! Lin Ran! Didn't you just be arrogant? Eat all over the world with one trick! I also send you this sentence now!" When Liu Ming saw that Lin Ran was abused by himself, he laughed wildly and attacked Lin Ran more crazily.

" Paralyzed!" Lin Ran has now suffered a serious injury and has been hit several times in a row. The armor magic weapon has long been broken and completely relied on his body to resist. If it continues like this, Lin Ran may really be shot to death.


Lin Ran was bombarded again, spit out blood, and hit the wall heavily.

"It won't go on like this! This character's rune is too unbelievable! Paralyzed, why is my rune so shabby? Only when it comes to Jinxian's cultivation can powerful runes appear! Damn it!" Lin Ran shouted angrily in his heart, and he was now on the verge of defeat.

"I want to win! You can only break through to three yuan to break the coincidence!" Lin Ran's heart was flat. The medicine power of the two golden elixir in his body was not fully absorbed, but he didn't know why it suddenly fell silent. Now he can only wake up the medicine power and make himself break through!

"Death and then life! Come on, Liu Ming! Make you a breakthrough!" Lin Ran roared, and the mixed halberd in his hand pointed, and the purple air surged. Five hundred-meter purple dragons condensed in an instant and rushed over crazily.