official immortal road

Chapter 223: Sacrifice

The hundreds of purple fireballs were completely condensed by Lin Ran using the sky fire and rushed straight forward. As soon as they touched the enemy, they immediately burned the other party into ashes, leaving no residue.

The dozens of mysterious gods and several golden gods were palpitated and used their strongest moves to block Lin Ran's skyfire meteors, but they found that they were useless at all. Hundreds of fireballs directly swallowed up their offensive, and the few low-cultivated mysterious gods in the front also directly turned into ashes.

At this time, all the people panicked. Those fireballs were completely against the sky. Whoever touched them immediately turned into flying ashes. Even those golden gods did not dare to touch them and hurriedly jumped into the sky.

The parallel fireball quickly skipped forward. How dare those soldiers to stop it? They quickly spread out to both sides and directly gave up a 100-meter passage. The soldiers behind were submerged by the fireball without knowing what was going on.

After using the sky fire meteor, Lin Ran immediately felt dark in front of him and staggered a few times. At this time, he rushed to the tower, directly picked up a piece of black cloth wrapped around Lin Ran and resisted him.

"Let's go! Now is the best opportunity! Let's work hard!" Domit didn't expect that Lin Ran's move would be so powerful that even he was shocked, and he didn't dare to pick up the fireball of the evil door.

Hearing Domit's order and seeing the perverted move that Lin Ran had just used, everyone ignited hope and rushed forward crazily. The golden gods were around defending against the attack of the enemy next to them and let their men escape.

Lin Ran's fire meteor seemed to have life. Instead of rushing into the ground, he kept moving in parallel, frantically sweeping the whole battlefield and burning the enemy to ashes. Those golden god-level priests were afraid of the power of the fire that day and had never dared to take action, but kept following and wanted to rush in from time to time, but He was immediately beaten out by the Golden God inside.

This juncture is very important. No one knows when the fireball will dissipate. If it disperses, they will really be besieged and killed. Three or 400 people are running crazily. Except for those golden gods, other soldiers completely give up attack and defense.

The speed of the sky fire meteor is very fast. If they slow down, they will still be besieged and killed, so they can only fight desperately.

Lin Ran now feels extremely dizzy, and the immortal power in his body is completely exhausted. Now he is carried by the tower like a dead dog. He doesn't even know what nerves he has, so desperately to save them.


Finally, a fireball burst, and the gorgeous flame splashed around crazily. Whenever there was a trace on the body, it immediately turned into ashes, without exception! Even if you use energy to protect your body, you don't have it at all, just like paper being burned by fire and swallowed up in an instant.


After pushing forward three or four kilometers, the fireballs burst one after another, and several burst in front of Domit. He was so scared that he hurriedly retreated and was almost attacked.

Now they have rushed to the edge of the field, and they only need to go more than a thousand meters to kill, and there are more and more enemies around them.

If they don't respond, they will die even if they rush out, but Bit will have no backhand, otherwise the order will completely push them to death.

"Hold on, everyone! There is a transmission array in front! As long as we get there, we can escape from here!" Domit roared as soon as he saw that he was about to arrive at the big destination.

The transmission array of the divine world and the transmission channel of the fairy world have the same meaning. The meaning is to let them rush to the transmission array, where there are more than a dozen golden god guardians, which is enough for them to leave safely, but only if they can rush over.

Everyone was once again aroused by Domit's words and rushed forward crazily. At this time, Rekins and several other golden gods also brought a group of people and they would get together. For a moment, their strength improved a lot, and the enemies around them had nothing to do with them.

The teleport array is close at hand, and many people can faintly see more than a dozen golden gods a few meters tall fighting with the enemy to guard the teleport array.

The fight near the transmission array is also very fierce, and they are all masters. The momentum is terrible. The hearts of Domit and others have been hanging. If the transmission array is also lost, they will really die here.

After a period of rest, Lin Ran had recovered some mobility. He hurriedly took out more than a dozen Juyuan Dan and swallowed it. Then he looked at Rex and others behind him. Seeing that his team members did not die again, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and jumped directly from the Benta.

"Are you all right?" Benta saw Lin Ran jump down and asked worriedly. Lin Ran's behavior just now had deeply convinced them. He had no prejudice against him, but more grateful.

If Lin Ran hadn't used the fire meteor that day just now, they might not have rushed here, and they might have all been killed.

Lin Ran knocked hard on his dizzy head. Now he is grateful that his limbs are weak, but he can still keep up with the army. It's okay. It's just a little weak. How's it going now? Can you rush out?"

Domit also came to Lin Ran's side and was relieved to see that Lin Ran was fine, but his face was ugly. "The current situation is very dangerous. We have just made peace with Regins now. There are about 800 people. I don't know how many people have rushed out. Now we are completely surrounded by most of the enemies, and there is a teleportation array in front of us, but there is still a lot of distance. I'm afraid it's difficult to rush over. What do you think?

Now Domit has completely put Lin Ran in the same position and wants to ask for his opinion.

Lin Ran was surprised. He didn't expect that Regins could still lead people to get along with them. He remembered that Regins blocked the eight-yuan Xuanshen for him at that time. Why did he save others at once?

Lin Ran looked forward and saw a huge blue cylinder less than 800 meters away, which was extremely gorgeous. However, the front is full of enemies, and there are also many highly cultivated enemies chasing after them. Time is very tight. If you want to rush there in a short time, I'm afraid Lin Ran needs to use a sky fire meteor.

Lin Ran smiled bitterly. His current physical condition is already very bad. If he uses it again, he may faint directly, and his cultivation may go backwards. Lin Ran didn't want to retreat like this.

In fact, Domit also meant that, which made Lin Ran use the Skyfire Meteor again, but he also knew that it was very harmful to Lin Ran. How could he speak now? Lin Ran's ability to use this trick in front has made him admire him very much. Which of them doesn't have some unique tricks? But I don't dare to use it for my own life.

"No! There are more and more enemies, and many of the Golden God's cultivation have come!"

At this time, Benta roared loudly. Lin Ran and Domit looked back at the same time, and their pupils suddenly contracted, and they saw no less than 20 golden gods rushing towards them aggressively.

" Paralyzed!" Lin Ran scolded, and then looked at the fifteen members of the revenge team with desperate faces behind him, and felt very uncomfortable.

When Fisher and Rex saw Lin Ran's eyes, their hearts thumped and immediately knew what he was going to do. At this time, this is the most dangerous time. If Lin Ran uses that move again, he is likely to be killed by the enemy! The goal is too obvious!

Fisher and Rex immediately shook their heads desperately at Lin Ran. They could support the golden god Domit behind them, but if Lin Ran used that move, he would definitely die!

The golden god-level priest can completely kill Lin Ran, who is weak to faint from a distance! And it's so close now that they don't want Lin Ran to take this risk again.

"Fuck you! I owe you! Domit, ready to take people to the transmission array in one breath! Fisher, bring that bastard here!" Lin Ran finally felt that he was using the sky fire meteor, but before that, he needed to devour the seven-yuan Xuanshen.

Lin Ran's move moved everyone around him, and Domit was also very uncomfortable. He had a unique move, but he was determined to die when he used it, but now Lin Ran is so selfless, which makes him feel ashamed.

Of course, many golden gods feel ashamed.

"Captain! I can't!" Fisher shouted immediately, and Rex also shook his head desperately.

"What's the matter! Bring it to me!" Lin Ran roared, and he knew that this might be the stupidest thing he had done in his life.

For the dozen members who fought desperately to protect him at that time! What does it matter for him to die?

Lin Ran jumped directly in front of Fisher and took the fainted Qiyuan Xuanshen in his hand.

Fisher immediately grabbed Lin Ran's hand, "You will die like this!" Let's try to rush out and maybe we can rush out!"

"Karot, Fisher is right! The Golden Gods are about to rush over. Your move is too loud. The first one to kill at that time must be you!" Rex also grabbed Lin Ran's hand and shouted.

"Captain! No way!" The dozen players behind him also said anxiously.

Domit saw all this scene and admired Lin Ran even more.

"Kakarot, forget it, maybe we can really go out with a rush." Regins couldn't stand it anymore and shouted.

"Shut up! The paralyzed old man finally wanted to be a good person. Who else did I burn? Revenge Team! Cover for me!"

Lin Ran roared and ran crazily. The eyes of the members of the revenge team were covered with blood, biting their teeth heavily, quickly surrounded Lin Ran in a circle, and a piece of black cloth floated out in an instant.

No one knew what Lin Ran was going to do. They were extremely worried about watching, and even the nearby enemies stopped.


A painful moan sounded from the center of the revenge team, and then there was a loud noise. More than a dozen members of the revenge team were shaken away, but they were soon picked up by Domit and others.

I saw Lin Ran's whole body burning with purple flames, and a breathtaking murderous spirit spread from his body to all over the world, which made Domit terrmented.

Lin Ran turned his head and looked at Domit. His eyes were completely full of blood, like a poisonous snake staring at his prey, making him tremble all over.

"People who are optimistic about me! If one of them dies, you can come to see me with your head!" Lin Ran roared, and then hundreds of fireballs gathered around his body in an instant, and his body instantly appeared in the front.

"Skyfire Meteor, go!" Hundreds of purple fireballs immediately rushed out. At this time, Lin Ran's figure was suddenly hit by a golden light and directly spewed out a mouthful of black blood. His body turned into a shadow and flew forward. No one could keep up with the speed of his flight and was directly blown away.

Everyone's eyes turned red, and Lin Ran's sacrifice made many people moved.

"Captain!" Fisher, Rex and others shouted sadly, and tears slowly flowed out.

"Fight! Come on! Don't let Kakarot die in vain! Let me die!" Domit's eyes also turned red, roared angrily, and the soldiers behind him also began to be extremely angry, exactly like a crazy bison, rushing to the transmission array.

Those enemies could not resist Domit's attack at all. They retreated quickly, and with the opening of the sky fire meteor, they had rushed into the transmission array after less than 20 breaths.

Domit was the last one to enter it. A second before entering, he turned his head and looked down, "Kakarot, thank you, thank you for everything you have done for us."

Then he suddenly bowed in the direction of Lin Ran's fall and quickly flashed into the transmission array and disappeared.