official immortal road

Chapter 278: Infiltration

"It's ahead. This is already in our camp. Hayes is at the end to deal with the logistics of the army."

Lin Ran is now in a mountain range in the divine world with the Siyuan Xuanshen. There are many sentries around him, constantly patrolling back and forth, and many angels are carrying things. It seems that they are gathering supplies for the final general attack.

After inquiry, Lin Ran learned that the four-yuan Xuanshen was named Dute, who was originally the captain of a team under Hailongwei to help Hailong deal with the lower bounds court.

Lin Ran narrowed his eyes. There were too many guards on the other side. It was very difficult to sneak in unconsciously, and it was easy to find Hayes and seize the mixed gold furnace.

If he is found, then he will have no way to enter the earth. There is absolutely no death and no life. Hundreds of thousands of troops are stationed. I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to go out alone.

"Is there any way to get in without being found?" Lin Ran frowned and asked.

When Dute heard Lin Ran's words, his face shook. Now he is completely in the same boat as Lin Ran. He brought Lin Ran, a man from the fairyland, to their headquarters. If the defendant sent it out, he would definitely be dead again.

Of course, Lin Ran repeatedly assured him that he would recommend him to return to the Bith camp when Hayes was killed. Although Duter did not believe it, he could not believe the situation at present. Thousands of Lin Ran were killed without blinking, let alone him? And it's still the enemy!

"It's easy to get in. You just need to follow me and become my follower, but if you really kill Hayes, I'm afraid neither of us can run away!" Duter said palely that he really didn't want to joke about his life.

Lin Ran was also worried about this and frowned, "Then can you deceive Hayes out? Anyway, it's a death penalty for you to bring me here now.

Duter smiled bitterly, "Hayes is now a celebrity in the divine world. How can I contact him? Now Hailong's protection for him is very strict, and there are no less than ten golden gods around him. Kakarot, I think it's better to forget it? Why don't you trick other captains or leaders to kill you?"

Lin Ran sighed secretly, and he also wanted to forget it! However, if you can't get the golden furnace, it will be very unfavorable to your future development. Even the Bodhi ancestor so valued it must be a treasure among treasures. If you return to the fairyland like this, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death by the Bodhi ancestor.

"No, it must be Hayes! It doesn't matter whether you kill him or not, but I must get what's on his neck!"

"Are you talking about that little golden thing?" Duter looked at Lin Ran in astonishment and said, and then turned his eyes, "If you don't kill Hayes, it may be much easier."

"Ty!" Lin Ran's eyes flashed and asked quickly.

"If Hayes is killed, the movement will definitely be very big. In that case, a golden god will definitely find it at the first time, but if he just grabs what's on his neck, he can rob it when he doesn't care! Then run! That golden thing is not a big deal. It was given to him by Bit. He can only take it. Now he doesn't know whether to bring it or not.

Lin Ran rolled his eyes. This Dutt was really not an ordinary fool. He suspected that this man wanted to die by himself. The methods he said were no different from finding death.

However, there are still some desirable things in the last sentence. According to the words of the Bodhi Patriarch, that thing is only useful for himself, and it is only a spiritual gathering period in Hayes. A mysterious god-level figure is still a fairy martial arts player. It's really shabby to bring that thing.

"Go and have a look! If he didn't bring that thing, inquire about the whereabouts!" Lin Ran quickly typed a fingerprint. Before Dutt came to his senses, a trace of golden runes quickly hit his forehead.

"This is a taboo unique to the fairyland. If you don't come back or report the news, then as soon as I start, you will die immediately! You can't believe it. As long as someone helps you resolve it, I will immediately notice it. At that time, you will know the consequences. Lin Ran said lightly.

Dute was originally happy to hear Lin Ran's previous words, but the latter sentence once again threw him into 18 layers of hell, and his face was like dead ashes.

"You are cruel!" Duter gritted his teeth and spit out a sentence, then took a few deep breaths, sorted out his clothes, and walked quickly forward.

Looking at Dute's distant back, Lin Ran smiled faintly. How could he have such a powerful rune? It's just to scare him. The man is extremely greedy and afraid of death, and Lin Ran is not afraid of himself.

To Lin Ran's surprise, Dute hurried back in less than half a column of incense and sweated profusely.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ran saw the man's expression, which should be good news.

"He really didn't wear that! But give him a female guard named Monica. Duter said hurriedly, then paused and said, "I've inquired about the news for you now. Should you lift that taboo?"

Lin Ran smiled faintly, "Don't worry, I will help you solve it, but not now!" Have you found out where the female guard named Monica is now?

Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief. It would be much easier for others, otherwise he really didn't have the confidence to grab the mixed yuan gold furnace alive.

"His guard is naturally beside him. You know who Hayes is, and Monica is his new favorite." Duter looked at Lin Ran with bitter eyes and said, if Lin Ran didn't help him lift the taboo for a day, didn't he have to listen to his order all the time? I feel very annoyed when I think about it, but there is nothing I can do.

Lin Ran frowned suddenly and looked at Duter with cold eyes. The paralyzed man was simply beaten! What's the difference between this and wearing Hayes? Aren't you going to rob it?

"What kind of baby is that?" Duter asked in a low voice that it was absolutely a good thing for people in the fairyland to come and get it in person.

Lin Ran looked at Dutt coldly, "You shouldn't know or need to know! Go and help me find a way to bring out the one named Monica!"

Duter smiled, and then his face turned bitter again, "How can I lead her out?" It's strange that Hayes doesn't doubt it.

" Paralyzed!" Lin Ran cursed softly, and then said cruelly, "Let's go! Take me there!"

Dut was shocked by Lin Ran's words. Lin Ran didn't want to live, but he still wanted to live for thousands of years! Isn't it killing like this?

"When I sneak in, you can go somewhere else to set fire! Then I'll do it again!"

"What? Did you ask me to set it on fire?" Dutt's face soon turned green, and now he is completely dead! Where is he willing to do it?

"If you don't go! The paralyzed old man will kill you immediately! Choose for yourself! Hurry up, I don't have much time to talk!" Lin Ran said viciously that he didn't have much time and had to go to the fairyland, and there would be a big war here soon. He didn't want to get involved anymore.

"Okay." Duter returned dejectedly. Now he was completely forced to Liangshan by Lin Ran, and there was no way out at all. He also knew that Lin Ran did not have to kill him at all.

The people in the divine world actually helped the fairyland. In such a very exclusive place as the divine world, who knew that he was dead, even if Lin Ran let him go, he would not dare to tell others.

Who? Come out for me!" Just as they were about to sneak in, Lin Ran suddenly turned his head, sacrificed out, and shouted in a low voice.

When Dute heard Lin Ran's words, he suddenly jumped up and turned pale. If they were found, they would die immediately.

"It's us! Kakarot!"

In a forest behind Lin Ran, more than a dozen people jumped out. Lin Ran was slightly stunned. It turned out to be Domit! Rekins is also there, but he only knows Domit and Rekins. He hasn't seen anything else. It should also be the cultivation of the Golden God.

"Is it you?" Seeing that it was his own, Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief and put away his weapons.

"Carrot! You are not dead! Haha!" Domit and Regins walked over excitedly.

In the battle in the field, Lin Ran's life to save everyone has spread, and no one disrespects him as a man! Even Hailong has said that if this Kakarot does not fall, he will definitely be a character in the future!

"What are you doing here?" Lin Ran asked doubtfully, and Dutt was too scared to speak at all.

"Let's prepare for sneak attack on their logistics! The war is about to start, but there are too many of them, and the adults sent us to cut off their logistics. Domit said with a smile.

They are really happy that Lin Ran is not dead.

Lin Ran was ecstatic, "Okay! You came just in time! Dutt, you take them to the sneak attack! Then go straight back with them!"

Duter nodded bitterly, and he had no intention to follow Lin Ran's words at all.

Seeing Dutt next to him, Domit and others looked at Lin Ran doubtfully, "Is he?"

"He came here, and then he will take you to sneak attack!"

"What about you?" Regins asked with a frown, and he faintly heard something uneasy.

"I still have something to do! You can just go, and it can also distract me!" Lin Ran returned with a smile.

With their participation, Lin Ran was very confident that he won the mixed yuan gold furnace and then fled back to the fairyland in one fell swoop.

His cultivation has reached the peak of the five-yuan Xuanxian, and his purpose of coming to the divine world has been basically achieved. After all, Hayes is still five yuan now. There is still some time for him to return to the fairyland, and it is not a problem to break through to six yuan.

"What the hell are you going to do? Just stay here. If adults knew that you were not dead, they would be very happy! Your team is also very happy! You are too weak now. You'd better go back first!" Domit said with a worried face.

Lin Ran shook his head and smiled slightly. Naturally, he couldn't tell them where he was going. "I have a very important thing to do. I have to go. It's useless for any of you to persuade me."

"Rekins, can I ask you something?" Lin Ran looked at Rekins and said.

"Ty, I will definitely help you finish it." Regins nodded heavily.

"The team that helped me take more care of me, if it hadn't been for them, I would have died in the temple, and there was a village called Slot in the lower world, where there was a widow and her daughter, Avril Lavini, who saved me. Now that the lower world is in turmoil, I hope you can send someone to protect them.

"What on earth are you going to do? I'll accompany you. Protect them by yourself!" Regins' eyebrows were nervous and his tone was unquestionable.

"When Kakarot is a brother, listen to me once! I promise I won't die! We will definitely meet in the future! Although it may be the enemy at that time, hehe. Lin Ran smiled bitterly and said the voice of the latter sentence only by himself.

"The time is coming." Regins and Domit wanted to say something else, but a golden god came up behind and whispered.

"Okay! Duter, take them there! Take action now!" Lin Ran didn't want to say anything more to them.

Duter sighed and walked to Domit with some fear. "Please pretend to be everywhere. I know where the important logistics supplies are."

"Kakarrot!" Domit shouted unwillingly.

"Less fucking talk! Go!" Lin Ran cursed impatiently, and then his whole body disappeared into the earth in an instant.

Domit clenched his fist and stared at the ground.

"Well, let's go. He's fine." Regins sighed and was afraid of patting Domit on the shoulder. More than a dozen people prepared, put on the overlooking of their entourage and sneaked into the enemy's camp.

After they left, Lin Ran came out again with a wry smile.

"Although you are very brothers now, you won't know if we meet in the future."

(I'm sorry that something happened yesterday and there was no update.)