official immortal road

Chapter 314: Millennium Corpse Demon

Two lights and shadows quickly shuttled through the bustling city, and no one found it.

Lin Ran's face became more and more serious, and Ning Yu also frowned, with an unnatural expression.

The closer they got, the more they felt the strong evil spirit, full of pungent blood. This monster must be mainly killed and become a demon. Often this kind of monster's cultivation is very high and violent. What Jin Chanzi and Ning Yu mistakenly thought was Lin Ran's cultivation of the way of killing.

Now the two of them have come to a manor, which is large and simple but luxurious. You can know at a glance which big family's mansion it is.

Lin Ran and Ning Yu suspended at the gate of the manor, frowning, and the strong murderous atmosphere emanated from it.

Seeing three or two servants walking around tiredly, everyone looked pale and weak, with particularly heavy dark circles.

Lin Ran and Ning Yu looked at each other and saw a trace of worry in each other's eyes.

Those servants knew at a glance that they had been sucked by Jingyuan and were not far from death. But in such a place, there is such a monster, why doesn't the land report to the fairyland? Sitting in the mansion, the monster should have lived here for a long time.

"Just kill it." Lin Ran said coldly. Lin Ran is very unindifferent to these monsters, especially the Huaiyin City incident at the beginning, which made him full of murderous monsters who did evil in the mortal world.

Ning Yubei gently shook her thin lips and shook her head. "Look first, the breath is very strong, and the cultivation may not be lower than yours. Now it's time for the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts to begin. You can't have any accidents."

"Kill that one, the credit is ours!" Where can Lin Ran listen to Ning Yu's words? A monster in the evil world still cultivates the way of killing, and it is a credit for killing and reporting to the fairyland.

Ning Yu gave Lin Ran a slightly reproachful look and said, "Let's report to the fairyland and ask the immortals with high cultivation to subdue it. At this time, you can't make any mistakes."

The cultivation speed of all monsters that practice the way of killing is very fast, so when they saw that Lin Ran's cultivation speed was so fast, they suspected that Lin Ran was the way to practice and kill.

Lin Ran smiled helplessly, "It's okay. He's not my opponent yet. Then let's pretend to be mortals and hide our cultivation to explore. If it's powerful, report it to the fairyland. If it's not powerful, we'll kill it directly.

In fact, Lin Ran is eager for the other party's cultivation to be one or two yuan higher than his own. In this way, he has hope to break through six yuan, and he will also have more confidence in the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association.

Ning Yu is more than Lin Ran, so he can only agree.

The two changed into a mortal appearance and hid all their cultivation. It is impossible for the golden immortals to find their identity.

"Are you?" Ning Yu took Lin Ran's hand and walked to the door of the mansion. The two servants who watched the door immediately asked feebly. Seeing Ning Yu's appearance, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Lin Ran smiled and said, "The two of us have traveled around and passed by your place. Now it's getting late. We want to stay overnight. I don't know if we can talk to the host? Don't worry, we will pay for the house or something.

Hearing what Lin Ran said, Ning Yu's face blushed slightly and gently pinched Lin Ran's arm. Lin Ran grinned and felt very happy.

The subordinate asked Lin Ran and the others to wait for a moment and staggered in slowly. Looking at him like that, he could almost blow away in one breath.

Lin Ran frowned slightly, "These servants, there is not much left of Jingyuan, and they may die at any time."

Ning Yu nodded. Those servants were almost dead, and it was really amazing to be able to watch the door.

Lin Ran looked around carefully and found that there was only such a family in this place, and he could see that there were not many servants in it, and he was quite curious. Who would build his mansion in such a remote place? If you encounter any robbery or something, won't you die?

After a while, the subordinate came out and shrugged his eyelids, "Go in, the master is waiting for you two in the hall."

Lin Ran nodded with a smile and walked in with Ning Yu. As soon as he entered, he immediately felt that the smell of evil blood was stronger and almost disgusting. The surrounding flowers and trees are also gray-black and towering, and the whole mansion looks dead and chilling.

"Lin Ran, this place makes me feel very uncomfortable. I think we'd better report to the fairyland." Ning Yu said with a worried face and couldn't help grasping Lin Ran's arm.

A place that can make an eight-yuan fairy feel cold, which means that the cultivation of the monster in it is completely likely to be above Lin Ran!

Lin Ran smiled and gently patted the back of Ning Yu's weak and boneless hand. It's okay. If we can't beat it, we can still run.

Follow the subordinate through several small gardens and finally came to the door of a hall. The subordinate pointed inside and turned away.

Lin Ranxu narrowed his eyes and stood at the door with Ning Yu and did not enter, because he saw that the door was like a latent poisonous snake opening its mouth, waiting for them to enter the sheep and enter the tiger's mouth.

"If you come in, you will be a guest. Come in." A sound like rubbing like dead wood suddenly came out of it, which made Lin Ran feel uncomfortable with goose bumps all over his body.

Lin Ran took a deep breath and strode in holding Ning Yu's hand.

The whole hall is not very large, and there is nothing inside. A jump of brown carpet leads directly to the front, and there are several dark chairs on both sides, and there is no material made. At the top, he is an old man with a thin skeleton. His eyes are extremely dark and gray, without a trace of brightness, and his skin is extremely white. The wrinkles on his face match his white skin, which looks very strange and incongruous.

What surprised Lin Ran was that after he came in, he could no longer feel the original pungent bloody smell.

Lin Ran and Ning Yu looked at each other doubtfully, which was extremely strange in their hearts.

"Ha ha, boy is polite." Lin Ran smiled and greeted the old man above.

The old man grinned, revealing an extremely white tooth, and the two tiger teeth were particularly long.

"Compared with my newlyweds, you two have traveled around, right?" The old man asked, and then continued, "Please sit down. Don't be too polite with me."

Lin Ran nodded slightly and sat down with Ning Yu, and then a woman with a sallow face and maid's clothes poured tea to Lin Ran and the others.

"Please use tea." The maid said a hoarse voice and retreated.

This place is full of strangeness, which makes Lin Ran feel uncomfortable now. But looking at the old man, there is no anger on him, and he doesn't look like that monster, but why can't he feel evil as soon as he comes in? Totally unimaginable.

"I don't know how long you two want to stay?" The old man's smile is still the same and has not changed at all. Lin Ran's face is like this.

"It's only one night, and we will leave tomorrow. The cost of food and accommodation will be paid by our husband and wife. Please don't give in. Lin Ran said politely, even Ning Yu next to him was surprised, which was completely two extreme people with Lin Ran before.

This bastard's acting skills are getting more and more pure, and he hasn't been in the fairyland for so long.

The old man laughed and turned the emerald finger of his thumb. "It doesn't matter, just do what the little brother means."

Lin Ran saw the emerald wrench in the old man's hand, and his eyes suddenly flashed a trace of purple light, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Then ask the servant to take the little brother to the room now to see if he likes it or not. I will send someone to inform my brother at the dinner party. The old man said.

Lin Ran suddenly laughed. Ning Yu and the old man looked at Lin Ran at the same time. They didn't know what nerves the man was.

"Why is the little brother laughing?" The old man's half-squinted eyes flashed a red light, and his tone remained the same.

Lin Ran turned his Xumi ring, stood up, and looked at the old man with a playful face. "It is rumored that there will be an emerald ghost ring on the thousand-year-old corpse demon to hide his corpse and avoid being hunted by people in the fairyland. I don't know if the ring in the old gentleman's hand is the legendary jade ghost ring?

Ning Yu heard Lin Ran's words, her face changed and she hurriedly looked at the old man with vigilance.

The old man's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at Lin Ran with a smile and half-squint. "It seems that the doorway is not shallow."