official immortal road

Chapter 322: Opening

Although Lin Ran caught Hayes as a hostage on that day, Hayes was careless and didn't want to die with Lin Ran, but anyway, he caught it, didn't he? Lin Ran will fall down with this face. Moreover, the eyes of the man looking at Ning Yu are so **, and Lin Ran's failure to punch him is very contrary to his character.

"Kakarrot!" How could Hayes forget Lin Ran's voice? Since he was held hostage by Lin Ran, many opponents have secretly laughed at him, and he insists that he can't wait to eat it alive.

And Hayes already knew that he was not a man in the divine world, but he was not sure which world he was from. Now he knew that the man was actually their sworn ex of the fairy world.

Gui Tianjue and others all looked at Lin Ran at the same time, and the guy still smiled jokingly, "You have a good memory. Do you remember me? I told you that our hatred will be resolved in the future. Isn't it coming now?"

"You!" Hayes trembled with anger and wanted to rush over, but was pulled by an angel behind him.

The angel knew at a glance that he was a fierce character. Lin Ran couldn't see the other party's cultivation at all, and there was a faint murderous spirit on his body, and his eyes looked at Lin Ran without focus.

"You can't use force at this time. If there is any kindness and resentment, the immortal martial arts of the four worlds will understand it again." The man's voice was very delicate, and compared with his burly figure, he immediately looked so strange.

Hayes snorted heavily, and obviously did not dare to disobey the man's intention, which made Lin Ran curious. Hayes didn't even give face to the Golden God at the beginning. Why is he so obedient now?

"What about the butt? I haven't seen you for a long time. Take me to see your master. The bitter betrayal trick you played at the beginning was smart! Hailong didn't know how he was killed by you. Lin Ran was the most fearless person. Seeing that Hayes was restrained by the man next to him, he did not dare to do anything, and began to provoke again.

Hayes looked at Lin Ran with murderous eyes. Originally, their original plan was to get rid of Hailong. At the last moment, they could kill Hailong so that their status and reputation could reach an unprecedented height, but it was because Lin Ran took him as a hostage and made his opponents laugh at him, all his efforts. Almost all of them have been destroyed by Lin Ran. Why don't you hate Lin Ran?

"If you hadn't been in your own business, Hailong would have died today!" Hayes gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were about to breathe fire.

The ghost Tianjue and Liu Ming next to them stared at Lin Ran strangely, and secretly said in their hearts what did Lin Ran do to the divine world? Let the other party hate him so much? However, thinking of what Lin Ran just said to let Hayes go, I also vaguely understood in my heart.

"Is the sea dragon not dead?" Lin Ran was stunned by the news. After he knew from Domit that Hayes was a spy, he had guessed that all this was actually a plan to kill Hailong, but he didn't expect that such a sinister plan had come out that Hailong was still not dead.

"Are you paralyzed? Are you too wasteful? So many poisons can't kill him? Eat shit!" Lin Ran shouted that he and Hailong were also immortal. He killed his apprentice, and the whole rebellion also rose because of himself. I'm afraid Hailong's hatred for him is no less than Hayes. Knowing that such a potential enemy was not dead, Lin Ran scolded his mother on the spot.

At this time, the three ghost Tianjue couldn't figure out the situation. Lin Ran seemed to be a sworn enemy with Hayes, but how did he get angry when he heard that the sea dragon was not dead? Don't you mean that the enemy of the enemy is a friend? They all looked at Lin Ran doubtfully.

Hayes sneered and glanced at Gui Tianjue and Liu Ming with resentful eyes. When his eyes swept over Ning Yu, he showed a greedy look again.

"He really didn't die and ran away. Now he doesn't know where to hide. You said that if he knew that you were from the fairyland, he must be the murderer of Eroni, and the whole rebellion was also caused by you. Do you think he would fight desperately for you?

Hayes had a ferocious smile on his face. Their players have a rule that they must not do it outside the competition and people in other three worlds. Whoever does it will be disqualified from the competition. This is also the reason why Li Jing asked them to come out. Naturally, Gui Tianjue and Liu Ming will not take the initiative to do it. Lin Ran will not do it with Ning Yu. If The other party did it first, which saved a lot of things.

Hayes obviously wants to find an opportunity to use Hailong's hand to get rid of Lin Ran. The Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association is not allowed to kill people. After all, the other party is the best in all walks of life. Is it okay to be killed like this?

"I'm paralyzed. Where do you think you're better? Although I am *, it is you who made him like this! Are you going to talk about it? Paralyzed, you can come back alive with your surname!" Lin Ran was not afraid of Hayes' threat, and immediately came back with bad words.

"You!" Hayes was choked by Lin Ran's words and didn't know how to say it back. What Lin Ran said was indeed true. Hailong hated Hayes no less than Lin Ran.

Now the relationship between the three of them is that they all want to kill each other.

"Let's go, Lord Bit has something to explain to you." The man next to him said lightly in a tone that could not be refused.

Hayes took a deep breath, snorted coldly, and directly hit Lin Ran's shoulder and walked over.

Seeing Hayes's back, Lin Ran sneered, "You can't kill people. It's okay to waste people if you are careless, right? Ha ha, it's still a five-yuan mysterious god for so long.

"Is he the champion of this immortal martial arts competition in the divine world?" When Hayes and others left, Gui Tianjue asked with a serious face.

Lin Ran nodded, "Well, it's just a perish, but he does have strength."

Although Hayes is not very good, his strength is really good, and it is very clear that he can become a champion.

Gui Tianjue and others nodded knowingly. For them, this powerful character still relied on Lin Ran to deal with, and they were only responsible for dealing with the other two people.

The selection of the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association and the Fairy Martial Arts Association is different. The way of the competition can be said to be very unfair, that is, the wheel battle! First, draw lots to select the opposite world, and then three or three single wheel battles. Who wins, then continue to the next game.

The competition of the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association is only held for four days. The first day, that is, tomorrow's first battle, will decide the last two worlds. The second battle will take two days, that is, the fourth day.

The rules of the game are very simple. In the case of not killing, whoever can stand to the end is the champion!

In this way, the distribution of players needs to be very difficult. Naturally, Lin Ran's strongest strength will not be the first to play. It is the finale. Therefore, when the selection of Xianwuhui from all walks of life is over, the champion will only be selected among the four champions selected by Xianwuhui, which is why Li Jing wants Guitianjue to win the first place.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some unnatural players have defeated all their opponents without waiting for the people behind them to play. This situation rarely occurs.

After being stirred up by Hayes, Lin Ran and others had no intention to travel to the divine world again and returned to the temple of the fairyland. After the dinner, Li Jing told Lin Ran some things to pay attention to and asked them to go back to have a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's game.

If you are lucky, you may fight against the other two worlds and fight against the divine world. If you are unlucky, you may directly fight against the divine world tomorrow.

Lin Ran is very reluctant to deal with people in the Buddhist world first. After all, Jin Chanzi also came this time. The two of them are too friends and are somewhat embarrassed to start.

Lin Ran is curious about the people in the demon world. Although many enemies he meets in the mortal world are monsters, they are not from the demon world. And I heard from Laojun that the demon world is also dominated by human beings, but I don't know if there will be a beast-faced person this time.

Early the next morning, Lin Ran heard the noise outside and making a lot of noise. After getting up and washing up, Li Jing asked each of them to take a five-yuan condensing elixir to participate in the competition in the best condition.

In a short time, a priest came to the temple where they temporarily lived, led them to the competition venue, and the group set out magnificently.

The Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association is about to kick off!