official immortal road

Chapter 330: Identity Recognized

Lin Ran's strong attack shocked everyone. Gui Tianjue had just been defeated by a Yunhu. Unexpectedly, Lin Ran's guy was one out of three, making them completely incapable of counterattack.

Yunhu, as a four-yuan Xuanyao, can't catch Lin Ran's four-kill, which is so ironic and incredible.

According to reason, Lin Ran's cultivation is similar to that of Yunhu, but there is one more yuan. No matter how Yunhu is defeated, it is impossible to say that he can't take Lin Ran's four cuts, but the actual result is so ironic.

This time, Lin Ran made many people smell dangerous, including the immortal officials on the side of the fairyland.

"This one is getting more and more horrible now. If I reach Daluo Jinxian in the future, won't I be beaten by him?" Guangmu Tianwang's face is very ugly. According to reason, they should be happy that there is such a powerful figure in the fairyland, because this time the fairyland will win the first place. But they can't be happy.

Lin Ran's extraordinary ability really scares them. Imagine that dealing with a person who is a little lower than his own cultivation can make the other party unable to take over the four cuts. So what about the same cultivation? Eight cuts? Ten cuts? Thinking of this possibility, everyone couldn't help but be smart.

"What a powerful means. If it weren't for the captain, I would be willing to kick the donkey!" Fisher said excitedly.

"Yes! Add me one!" Rex nodded seriously.

Originally, they were not very sure that Lin Ran was Kakarot, but when they saw that Lin Ran was so strong, they directly defeated the other party. This method reminded them of Lin Ran's own efforts to save countless enemies during the civil war in the field.

At the beginning, those seven- or eight-yuan Xuanshen couldn't even survive a round in Lin Ran's hand. Compared with Yunhu, that man was better, at least three cuts.

Yunhu is now completely like a blood man. His body is full of wounds cut by sword gas. He can't stop bleeding. He half kneels on the ground and looks at Lin Ran's eyes without resentment, only fear and fear.

"The demon world admits defeat, the winner, the fairy world." The priest fell to Lin Ran's side, raised Lin Ran's right hand and shouted loudly. Now there is silence, and many people have not recovered from the shock just now.

Lin Ran looked around and felt depressed. Originally, he expected the people on his side to applaud, but he didn't expect that all of them stood stupidly and looked at him.

"Lord Lin is awesome!"

"Good job, Lord Lin!"

No one cheered in the fairy world. On the contrary, a group of people in the divine world in the audience began to shout loudly. Lin Ran was stunned. When did the divine world become so friendly? Turning his head, he saw Rex and others looking at him, smiling and cheering.

"I'm paralyzed, didn't you find my identity? Have I hidden it well enough? "No moves are useful," Lin Ran was puzzled. Seeing the expressions of those birds, it was as if he knew his identity.

The people in the fairyland also began to come to their senses. They don't know why the group in the divine world cheered for Lin Ran, but even the people in the divine world cheered, so their own people in the fairyland did not cheer for Lin Ran. Isn't that the other three worlds show jokes?

Hundreds of people in the fairyland cheered loudly, and the faces of the people in the demon world were extremely gloomy. This time, they wanted to expect a genius from the demon world to defeat the fairyland to enter the finals. The beginning was really good, but Lin Ran made all their faces as soon as he appeared. It was smashed hard.

The people in the demon world helped Yunhu and other three players and left the field directly. What do they want to stay if they lose the game like this? I'm afraid I will leave and go back to the demon world soon.

Lin Ran looked at the side of the demon world, and suddenly a trace of fine light flashed in his eyes. He saw that the flag of the demon world was very familiar and had a sense of familiarity. Two trident-like patterns stood upside down, like fire.

But I just can't remember where I saw it. If I can't think of it, Lin Ran naturally doesn't bother to think about it again. Instead, he returned to the fairyland camp. Now the competition between the Buddhist world and the divine world is not over.

The fat man in the Buddhist world unexpectedly defeated the first player in the divine world. Now the four-yuan Xuanshen is fighting fiercely with the fat man in the Buddhist world, but it seems that the fat man in the Buddhist world is about to be defeated and is extremely embarrassed.

"You are so powerful. How can this make the demon world feel embarrassed?" Jin Chanzi said to Lin Ran with a smile on his face.

Lin Ran smiled and said, "It's a small matter, but it's your Buddhist world. Look, that fat man won't last long."

Jin Chanzi didn't seem to care about the affairs of the Buddhist world at all and shook his head indifferently. "If you lose, you will lose. There is nothing to worry about. Anyway, I didn't expect them to win the first place."

Lin Ran secretly gave a thumbs up to the golden cicada, "You are awesome! I don't know if it's sad or sinful for you to be a prodigal son in the Buddhist world.

Li Jing and others did not say anything to Lin Ran and watched the game directly. In their hearts, they were already a little afraid of Lin Ran. This fear comes from Lin Ran's potential and the strength he has just shown. In time, they really think that Lin Ran will threaten them.

"You show all your cultivation so quickly, which is not like your character. You don't think about that again, do you?" Ning Yu looked worried and stood beside Lin Ran and asked in a low voice. Jin Chanzi also heard it. He looked at Lin Ran with the same ugly face and waited for his answer.

Lin Ran shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "Don't worry, I'm measured. When have you seen me mess around?"

You have always been messed up. Jin Chanzi and Ning Yu thought of it at the same time.

"Lord Lin, can you speak here?" At this moment, Domit and others came over and whispered.

Seeing the people in the divine world coming to Lin Ran, Li Jing and others immediately looked over and wondered what they were looking for.

Jin Chanzi and Ning Yu knew what Lin Ran was doing in the divine world, and they were inevitably worried and looked at Lin Ran.

Lin Ran smiled helplessly, but his tone was very indifferent. "Be paralyzed, what's the matter with me? I don't have time." Lin Ran turned his back to them, and no one saw his current face.

"Captain, I know you are the captain. We won't say it. I just want to ask." Fisher looked a little uneasy and whispered that Rex and others next to him also looked ugly.

Li Jing frowned sharply. Naturally, he could hear their conversation clearly and immediately became suspicious.

" Paralyzed! Are you going to kill me or something? Lin Ran suddenly turned his head and scolded angrily.

Seeing Lin Ran's expression, everyone was stunned and couldn't figure out what his words meant. But Domit was still scheming and immediately understood Lin Ran's words, stopped Fisher, who still wanted to speak, and smiled faintly, "I'm sorry, we recognized the wrong person." Then he pulled the crowd away.

"Li Jing seems to be suspicious of you. If he sues you for an affair with the divine world in the future, you will be in danger." Although Jin Chanzi's voice was not loud, it was completely heard by Li Jing, and the latter's face immediately became ugly.

Lin Ran laughed and said, "Are you afraid of hair? Lao Junyudi knows about my coming to the divine world to be a priest. What is his suspicion? Can you still kill me with this? You know, I almost ruined a field. It's too late to reward me.

The reason why Jin Chanzi said this just now is to let Li Jing know the reason for the matter, so as not to be suspicious of Lin Ran. Although he is not afraid of anything, it will be more or less troublesome. As soon as Lin Ran heard it, he knew the intention of the golden cicada and immediately said it.

Li Jing finally loosened when he heard that his thick eyebrows were released. He still knew something about Lin Ran's coming to the divine world, but he just didn't know what he had done in the divine world. Now hearing what they said, his suspicions were naturally relieved.

For the giants of the fairy world, private communication with the divine world is an absolute must-kill event. If Lin Ran is really like that, Li Jing has the right to kill first and then play.

"Well, I'll see if those bastards have really found out my identity. There is nothing to see in this game. The Buddhist world is bound to lose. Don't go tonight. I still have to catch up with you. It's rare for us two brothers to see each other. Lin Ran patted the golden cicada on the shoulder and walked to the outfield.

Jin Chanzi smiled helplessly and didn't say anything. Ning Yu holding her mouth and looked a little unhappy.

Lin Ran stopped after a few steps and walked to Ning Yu, "Why don't you follow me? Let me show you around."

Ning Yu glanced at Lin Ran, "Who wants to hang out with you?"

said so, but he still left with Lin Ran. Everyone's eyes were on Lin Ran, and they didn't know what the he was going to do at this time.

Jin Chanzi looked at Lin Ran and Ning Yu leaving their backs, with a little solemnity on their faces.