official immortal road

Chapter 383: So it is!

Lin Ran now feels dizzy, and the words said by the remnant soul suddenly made his head completely confused and unable to turn around.

When those remnant souls saw Lin Ran's sudden crazy expression, they trembled with fear that they dared not say a word, for fear that Lin Ran would destroy them unhappily.

"Who is the ancient emperor you are talking about! And who is the emperor of heaven?" Lin Ran recovered after a long time, and his face was slightly distorted. Seeing that his mood was very unstable.

"Yes, yes, the adults are angry. We said we would say it right away." Seeing Lin Ran's anger, the remnant souls' faces turned green. Now they have no room to counterar in Lin Ran's hands. As long as Lin Ran's idea can make them disappear in this world.

"The name of the ancient emperor is Gu Wutian, and the name of the emperor of heaven is Tianang. They used to be the masters of the world of the flood and famine, and both of them are emperors. It is said that the two of them used to be brothers and learned the great devouring technique to restrain our remnant souls, so they established the ancient and heavenly clans. When they were there, both the dragon clan and the Tuoba clan needed to submit to them, but since the ancient emperor and the heavenly emperor joined hands to break through the heavenly barrier, the ancient clan and the heavenly clan have fallen, and now it has become a situation of dividing the four families.

"The ancient and heaven! Heavenless! Gu Wutian!" Lin Ran looked in a trance and kept repeating the name. He couldn't believe it at all!

Obviously, the ancient emperor is naturally the one who teaches Lin Ran to eat the decision! Lin Ran's master! Heavenless!

Lin Ran has been wondering how a person as powerful as Gu Wutian could have no reputation in the four worlds! Until this moment, he knew that Gu Wutian was a person in the world of death! And they did break through the heavenly barrier to the four worlds!

Gu Wutian once told Lin Ran that someone in the fairyland was his family, and he was killed by that person! Now it seems that the same door is undoubtedly Tiangan! But there is no one named Tianang in the whole fairyland?

How powerful is the cultivation at the emperor level? Even if the cultivation of the remnant soul body is discounted, there is also the cultivation of the immortal king, right? But the only immortals in the fairyland are Laojun and Li Jing! It's impossible for his father, otherwise how could Gu Wutian teach him to eat the decision?

"It turns out that the master is from here." Lin Ran looked around blankly, and a sadness surged up in his heart.

Gu Wutian was finally able to go out, but he didn't expect to be harmed by that Tianang. If he is still free in the fairyland today, he doesn't know who it is, which makes Lin Ran depressed and bored.

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency... We have said what you want to ask. Can you let us go?" The remnant soul saw that Lin Ran's face was a little relaxed and asked timidly.

Lin Ran looked at the other party and said, "Has this great devouring technique been learned by the ancient and heavenly people?"

Now it is certain that the great phagocytosis is the decisive. Such a powerful fairy formula, these remnant souls themselves also have cultivation. If they continue to devour, it is not impossible to produce another soul emperor-level character.

"No, no, no, no, except for them, the ancient emperor and the emperor's great phagocy can be cultivated by any people with residual soul constitution. At the beginning, they had learned to use it here before they were alive. In the Honghuang dead world, all of them are remnant souls, and no one can learn them. This is well known in the dead world. The remnant soul immediately said.

Lin Ran is slightly relieved that his devouring decision is specialized in restraining the remnant soul, and now only he can do it, so he is a little more confident in the death world.

"Your Excellency, if you know the great devouring skill, you must be the apprentice of the ancient emperor or the emperor of heaven, and you came in from the fairyland in physical condition, so did they really go out?" A remnant soul suddenly asked. When the other remnant souls heard it, their faces changed and immediately looked at Lin Ran with a hot face.

If this is the case, they still have hope! As long as they have enough strength and ability, they can escape! Go to the dead world and take away a person's body, then they can be reborn!

Lin Ran looked at them coldly and immediately closed his mouth. Compared with those, it is still the most important thing to keep his remnant soul at present.

Is it the Great Devouring Technique? Tianang, I will destroy your heavenly clan! This is just a small profit. When I achieve great cultivation and gather four magic needles to break through here, it is time for me to take revenge! Jade Emperor, Tianang and you, the Lord who fell into the well! No one can run away!" Lin Ran's eyes flashed with angry flames and said ferociously.

Those remnant souls also faintly heard what Lin Ran said and looked at each other in horror, with excitement and fear in their eyes!

What excited them was that Tiangon and Gu Wutian were indeed out! Then they still have a chance to say so! Although the opportunity is very slim for them, there are still opportunities for almost tens of thousands of years! No one can say whether they can break through to the cultivation of the Soul Emperor!

What I'm afraid of is that this Lin Ran seems to have a great hatred with Tianang! Unexpectedly, he can devour, so he must be one of the disciples of Gu Wutian and Tianang! But he actually hates Tiancan, so there is only one possibility! It's the hatred between Gu Wutian and Tianang! And Lin Ran is a disciple of ancient Wutian, and he wants to destroy the heavenly clan in the world of Honghuang death!

"Your Excellency, you are not really going to destroy the heavenly clan, are you? The ancient clan and the heavenly clan are an alliance. After all, their Taizu are brothers. If you really deal with the heavenly clan, I'm afraid the ancient clan will not allow it!" A remnant soul said worriedly.

Lin Ran sneered, and then laughed. The laughter chilled all the remnant souls.

"Hahahaha! Brother? Joke! He attacked my master when he broke through the heavenly barrier! This is called Brother!"


"The Heavenly Emperor killed the ancient emperor? How is that possible?"

"How could this happen?"

Lin Ran's words were tantamount to a bomb exploding around them, shaking their heads blank. In their image, Gu Wutian and Tianang are very close. They are in charge of the dead world together. They have never heard of any conflicts, let alone hatred! I can't believe that Tianang would kill Gu Wutian!

Lin Ran also has his intention to say this, and he is not going to kill them and let them spread the news! In this case, the Tian Group will not go out to stop it when dealing with the ancients, right? This is a great rebellion!

I avenge your family and dare to come out to stop it? What is not a great rebellion?

"Tell me how many masters there are in the heavenly clan!"

Lin Ran now plans to attack the heavenly clan, so he needs to know what the strength of the other party is. Otherwise, isn't it a big injustice for him to rush in and be killed by others?

"The Tian clan has fallen for hundreds of years, but they also have three soul kings to guard, who are a soul master. In the current strength ranking, the Tuoba clan is the first! There are ten soul kings of their clan! Among them, their current family owner Tuoba Fengshen has reached the eight-yuan soul king! As for the ancient clan, it is weaker than the heavenly clan, with only three soul kings and twelve soul lords. The dragon clan has also risen rapidly in the past hundred years, and there have been seven soul kings.

Lin Ran frowned, so it seems that it is very dangerous for him to kill the heavenly clan! Three soul kings, ten soul lords, this force is very powerful even in the fairy world! You know, there are only two immortals in the fairy world now.

Lin Ran is not sure what the cultivation of this remnant soul body is like. Is it the same as the fairyland? If so, then Lin Ran should slowly swallow and promote. If not, it can be killed openly.

"Your Excellency, if you really want to avenge the heavenly clan, you can unite with the ancient clan! That day, the emperor Oh, not Tianang actually killed the ancient emperor, and the ancient clan will definitely have resentment! You are also his own disciple. Wouldn't it be better to have the help of the ancients at that time? A replacement suggestion.

Lin Ran thought deeply and felt that it was still inappropriate. Now that he is the only one who has the body in the whole world of death, it is inevitable that he will become the target of everyone. In order to go out, everyone will kill themselves and give up themselves.

"Wait, take it away!" Lin Ran suddenly had an idea in his mind, and then his face changed greatly.

"Departiate! So that's it! What a heaven! What a heaven! No wonder I can't find who you are! It turns out that he has become a member of the fairyland!" Lin Ran gritted his teeth and said.

"Others can go, you, take me to the ancient clan!" Lin Ran pointed to one of the remnant souls and said coldly.