Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 13 Heart Demon

"I owed your father a favor in those years." Xiaoyao Thief didn't care how Yuan Kong reacted and continued to say. I won't kill you today, and I can also promise you a request and pay back your father's favor in those years.

Hearing this, Yuan Kong was so cheered that he couldn't help thinking of his father again. Unexpectedly, his father saved his life again.

"Say your request, and I will help you complete it as long as I can." At this time, the voice of the thief once again broke Yuan Kong's thoughts.

Yuan Kong immediately came with a clear mind, and his thoughts suddenly changed, but he thought of Xu Jiang. Xiaoyao thief may let himself go because of his father, but Xu Jiang is definitely not in proportion.

Reading this, Yuan Kong looked up and said to Xiaoyao thief, "I hope you can let the two of us go."

Xiaoyao frowned, looked at Xu Jiang in the distance, and asked, "You want this request."

Yuan Kong is not so afraid now. From Xu Jiang's mouth, he knew that Xiaoyao Thief was about to enter the spiritual disaster. He was looking for his heart and a solid heart, so he would never do anything against his heart. Perhaps his father's kindness to him in those years was also a barrier in his obsession, otherwise he would not have been so kind-hearted and re-entioned the old. Things.

Hearing the question of the thief, Yuan Kong was no longer timid and nodded heavily.

Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly. He was a little surprised by Yuan Kong's request. Unexpectedly, Yuan Kong did not seize this opportunity to win the greatest benefit for himself, but thought of others. This kind of person is really stupid!

Abrupt, Xiaoyao steals the pupil. Is this kind of person really stupid? A pain suddenly rose in his heart, and Xiaoyao frowned in an instant.

Yuan Kong saw that Xiaoyao's eyes changed, and his heart was shocked. Did Xiaoyao thief want to repent? How could he break his word? This is against his heart. He was not afraid of the outbreak of the heart demon and devoured his soul!

At this time, the soul idea of the thief kept flashing a girl's smile. The girl was dressed in a light yellow dress, with dark and beautiful long hair, innocent and cute, pure. She kept laughing hip-hop, revealing cute dimples, sweet voice, Brother Lin, Brother Lin...

The thief seemed to be silent in some kind of beautiful memory, with relaxed eyebrows and gentle eyes.

However, the beautiful and pure girl in yellow suddenly turned into a horrible evil spirit with a ferocious face, "Why, why!" The devil howled, and the ferocious ghost's claws came to Xiaoyao thief. "For a boxing score, you can give me to others. I love you so much!"

The evil spirits sometimes turn into beautiful girls, sometimes turn into ferocious evil spirits, sometimes the warbler smiles, and sometimes the terrible howl... Scene by scene, constantly impacting the soul heart of the thief!

Yuan Kong's decision inadvertently touched Xiaoyao's past memories, aroused his obsession, and opened his heart demon! The thief actually entered the heart demon at this time.

I saw that Xiaoyao's eyes changed dramatically, painful, regretful, unwilling... Why didn't he know his situation at this moment? The girl, it was the same last time, but what could happen? It had happened a long time. What's the use of regret now?

Xiaoyao Thief's eyes suddenly burst out a strong blue light. Yuan Kong was shocked by him, but he did not escape. If Xiaoyao Thief wanted to kill him, it was useless to escape.

But he saw that all kinds of expressions in Xiaoyao's eyes had been forcibly suppressed by him. Pressing it down, he slowly raised his hand and touched the seven-treasure golden bell box. Xiaoyao's body trembled slightly, obviously suppressing the heart demon, which took a lot of effort.

I saw his hands rotating at a high speed on the seven golden round stars on the four long sides of the seven golden bell box, rearranging and combining in a mysterious way. In a few breaths, it was completed.

With a few clicks, the Seven Treasures Golden Bell Box unexpectedly glowed with a dazzling golden light and slowly opened. Yuan Kong opened his stung eyes and saw a small arm in the golden box!

This is the arm of a middle-aged man, only below the lower arm, connected to the palm. The arms are strong and powerful, and the outside is wrapped in simple cyan armor, but the armor is already worn out. Obviously, the owner of the arm has fought with the enemy and was broken by the other party!

However, seeing Xiaoyao's face with surprise, he gently picked up the arm in the gold box and muttered to himself, "Although the soldier of Mu Jingchen's will is incomplete and only has one small arm, his powerful will, as long as it is integrated, I can immediately break through the heart demon with this will!"

The heart demon is the demon condensed by cause and effect in this life. To kill them, in addition to finding the heart and solid heart, there is another way, which is to rely on a strong will and make the right path!

Xiaoyao Thief knew what he had done in those years, and he could not penetrate the idea at all, so he had to correct the way by force, but his own will was not strong enough. The soldier of Mu Jingchen's will was condensed by the pure will of a spirit robbery boxing fairy. If he was integrated by him, he could immediately break through the heart demon and achieve achievements. Boxing Fairy!

Yuan Kong looked at the arm. At first, he thought it was someone's broken body, but after a closer look, he found that there was no trace of blood and no aura fluctuation in the arm. Some, it was just a strong will. This arm emitted an extremely strong will.

Indomitable, never give in, continue to rise, break through all obstacles, go straight to nine days, and even break through nine days!

This will is too strong. Yuan Kong is just by his side. He can't help but feel surging, and his courage and ambition are surging! He even raised a sense of confidence to defeat the thief, defeat him and kill him!