Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 118 Entanglement

The power of the sharp water vortex does not decrease but increases, and the Jinshan array laid by everyone can no longer support it. Although it can burn vitality and burst power, these people all join hands for a short time because of the crisis. It is absolutely impossible to tacitly break out. If one of them suddenly strengthens the vitality and instill, the Jinshan array will instead It should be unbalanced.

And burning vitality, the duration is too short, and it will only waste power. It's better to keep it as an escape.

At this time, a few weak boxers were almost unable to support it, and the Jinshan array mainly began to break up from these people.

"I can't stand it anymore. I'll shout three times. Let's get credit together, and life and death will be in peace!" Tan Zijing also saw the situation at this time, but he didn't have a better way, and it would be more dangerous to drag on.

Without waiting for others to respond, he began to shout. Three counts was only two breaths. Just when Tan Zijing shouted out, everyone was successful at the same time. Jinshan array finally couldn't stand the water vortex, completely collapsed, turned into a little golden light, and dissipated in the waves.

As soon as the golden light array dispersed, Yuan Kong did not care about anyone else, but immediately poured his vitality into the mixed dragon robe. He saw that his whole body was full of thunder, and his whole body rotated at a high speed, just like the water vortex, turning into a rotating thunderbolt spear, and suddenly plunged into the stone wall next to him.

This is the only way to escape. Even if the burning vitality escapes back along the channel, it is useless. The water vortex originally had a speed of 20 miles in an instant, but then suddenly increased its strength, at least 50 miles in an instant, and it is impossible to run at all.

As for the frontal hard resistance, it is a dead end.

As soon as Yuan Kong got into the stone wall, he felt that even the stone wall was swept up by a strong vortex of water, and the stone instantly turned into powder in the stirring of the water vortex.

Yuan Kong was even darker in front of his eyes. He felt that there were tens of millions of fierce horses tearing his body, and his whole body almost collapsed. Fortunately, there was a dragon robe, so he did not follow in the footsteps of the stone. At a critical moment, Yuan Kong forcibly endured the strangling of the water vortex, bit his tongue, forcibly stimulated the power of explosion, poured the dragon robe, and used the explosion. Explosion.

With a bang, Yuan Kong suddenly came out of the vortex and finally got out of the sweeping power of the vortex.

With a big breath, Yuan Kong looked back and found that he was in the middle of the bee pit. Below was a deep pit full of black fog and he could not see the bottom.

It turned out that in these short breaths, the vortex brought everyone back to the middle of the beehive.

Looking around, on the stone walls around the huge bee pit, one of the caves is surging out a thick vortex of water, and ten people can't be surrounded. This is the corpse river vortex that almost killed Yuan Kong just now.

Lifting the explosive escape, Yuan Kong urged the wind escape to fly to a safe raised rock and took a Yuanli elixir. At the same time, he felt that his vitality quickly recovered, and his flesh and blood were extremely painful. Previously swept by the water vortex, Yuan Kong's whole body was almost torn and broken.

The iron cotton robe outside has been completely broken. Yuan Kong pulled off the rag hanging on his body, and the mixed dragon robe wrapped tightly wrapped in his body turned into the original shape. As soon as the mixed dragon robe was opened, a domineering atmosphere burst out and was not controlled by Yuan Kong at all.

The scars torn by the water vortex slowly recovered. After a long time, the impact of the water vortex stopped, but the sound had awakened many black rock snakes. Several of them found Yuan Kong and were approaching him along the steep stone wall at a high speed.

Yuan Kong felt 70% or 80% of his body recovered, and he ignored the approaching black rock snake, but once again stimulated the wind vitality, used the wind escape, and his body jumped to the bottom of the deep pit.

Before, he was overwhelmed and didn't care about other people's situation, but the disciples of the two governments should not be that simple, and there should be many people who survived.

And he also has a little good impression on Guo Xiaoyu, and he can't let him die.

As for Lei Tu, Yuan Kong doesn't believe that he will die. Anyway, he'd better go down and have a look.

Yuan Kong's figure passed through the heavy black fog and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At the bottom of the deep pit, on the undulating black wetland, a huge crystal clear ice was lying flat, and the black fog wrapped around the surrounding area. Slowly, the ice suddenly cracked a gap, and the gap quickly became larger and spread to the whole ice. With a crack, a big hole suddenly opened in the center of the ice cube, a palm It stretched out from inside.

The palm of the hand pulled open the ice hard, and the person inside slowly emerged. It was the back of a woman in blue, but the hand was another person's, a man.

Bai Hanqiang endured the stiffness and sat up from the broken ice. He looked at the woman in blue in his arms and was relieved to find that the other party was injured.

The woman in Qingyi was Guo Xiaoyu. It turned out that the closeness was at the extreme. Bai Han used the secret method to freeze herself and Guo Xiaoyu together, and then avoided death.

"Miss Guo, are you all right?"

At this time, both of them had woken up. Guo Xiaoyu sat on a dry rock with his knees in his arms, with a very entangled expression.

At that time, Yuan Kong was next to her, but at the moment of crisis, Guo Xiaoyu saw that he only cared about his own life, which made Guo Xiaoyu doubt Yuan Kong and himself.

But Bai Han saved himself regardless of life and death. This girl is full of flavors at this moment, very confused and entangled.

Bai Han's words showed a sense of concern. It seemed that this person had a good impression on Guo Xiaoyu.

Hearing Bai Han's words, Guo Xiaoyu shook his head with a smile and looked a little reluctant. Bai Han didn't care. He felt that she might have been scared and didn't disturb her, but explored around.

I didn't expect that the bottom of the bee pit was so wide. Because of the dark fog, Yuan Kong didn't know where he was, but he walked for nearly half an hour and had not found any living place, which made him a little impatient. He already had the idea of looking for "Buddha Demon Nine Turns of God Fist" alone.

Suddenly, there were subtle words in the distance. Yuan Kong's eyes moved, used the dark escape, and quietly approached the source of the sound.

At this time, it is better to be careful to avoid overturning in the sewer.

After sneaking for a while, Yuan Kong could already hear the other party's voice clearly. Judging from the tone, there were three people, one of whom was Lei Tu. Yuan Kong remembered his voice very clearly, and the other two seemed to be Tan Zijing and He Shumian.

Leaning against the stone wall, it turned out that Yuan Kong had unconsciously reached the edge of the bee pit.

There are several corpses of black rock snakes scattered in the cave, and three figures stand in them. It is Lei Tu, He Shuxu and Tan Bauhinia.

The three people were tattered and looked embarrassed, but they stood there with their hands behind their backs and didn't lose their temperament.

Tan Zijing and He Shumen seem to be confronting Lei Tu. It is estimated that there is some kind of conflict.

"Lei Tu, in the current situation, do you think you have a chance of winning, or tell me honestly, who are you? Don't try to perfunctory us with the previous nonsense." He Shu said harshly to Lei Tu. At the same time, he had secretly stimulated his vitality and was ready to take action at any time.

Tan Zijing also looked at him coldly. It seemed that he joined hands with He Shumen to oppress Lei Tu.

Lei Tu was also secretly lucky, guarding against the other two, and said at the same time, "Believe it or not, but if you really fight, even if I die, I will definitely pull a cushion on my back."

"It seems that you don't see the coffin and don't shed tears, so I have to complete you."

Tan Zijing had lost his patience and his language was cold. His right fist began to burst into purple electricity, and his momentum also rose rapidly. It seemed that he was going to take action. Seeing this, He Shu also stimulated his vitality and suddenly strode forward, and the power of nearly a million catties oppressed Lei Tu.

Lei Tu was caught off guard and was suppressed by him to take a step back. Suddenly, his face changed, and he was about to take action. Suddenly, Lei Tu seemed to have found something. He retreated slowly, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Tan Zijing and the other two were puzzled, but they suddenly looked at the two and laughed and said, "Come out. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Tan Zijing and He Shu were shocked. They turned around and looked back and saw a dark shadow slowly coming out of the dark cave.