Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 132

Hearing Xiaoyao's words, the female corpse soldier was also slightly stunned and then said, "My husband should still be alive. I can feel it."

"Really? Anyway, the most important thing is that Brother Yuan has a successor." Xiaoyao said without any emotion in his eyes.

Facing the ruthless eyes of the thief, the female corpse soldier showed a trace of disgust and suddenly asked, "Jiajia, she is not with you. You have something to do with her, right?"

Xiaoyao's pupils shrank when he heard the words, and he still said indifferently, "You'd better not care too much about some things."

"Sure enough, you did something wrong to her. Although you don't know the specific cause and effect, it's what I expected." The female corpse soldier didn't care about the threat of the other party, and said with a sneer.

"Don't force me to kill you!" Xiaoyao Thief was exposed to his face, and the heart demon seemed to be attracted again. He stroked his head hard and said.

"Can you kill me? I don't know the depth of heaven and earth."

Try to know! After saying that, Xiaoyao Thief had moved, flowing and twisted like the wind, escaping into the void and killing Ba Ji.

Ba Ji was still. She stood quietly, and her hair suddenly trembled slightly.

At the same time, the figure of Xiaoyao finally appeared, and he saw his sword pointing vigorously, and a fierce force of the wind stabbed the key point of Baji's waist.

Ba Ji sensed the opponent's attack, and her face was still in the water. She danced back and stroked her body. With one blow, she whipped her hand from top to bottom and attacked the other party's head. The surging power of water made the void roar.

Xiaoyao Thief's face changed. The opponent's attack angle was too tricky to avoid. The most important thing was that Ba Ji leaned back and pulled away her attack distance in an instant. If it continued, it must be himself who got the first move, and then he would be a good move.

These many thoughts flashed in an instant, but Xiaoyao did not stop. At least he was also a figure who has become famous for many years. How can he have two hands?

I saw that he turned his head slightly, intending to avoid the opponent's whip to attack the key point. In this way, although he would be the first to be killed, there were many injuries, and his sword finger could still pierce the other party's acupuncture point.

These changes, in a short time, felt that her whip had fallen, but Ba Ji did not panic. She twisted her waist like a water snake, and Xiaoyao's sword finger also fell empty, which did not hurt her, and even the skin was not punctured.

Xiaoyao's neck has lost a piece of flesh and blood. He can faintly see the artery, and a large amount of blood flows out, but he doesn't have time to pay attention to it. The master's move is changing rapidly, and you can't stop.

Although the previous bully whip was empty, the void vibration force still smashed a piece of flesh and blood on the other party's neck.

Xiaoyao thief missed a blow, but did not flinch, but suddenly turned upside down in the air. The strange situation suddenly changed, like a storm, like a storm, several consecutive whirlwinds to split the mountain legs, directly attacking the opponent's big hole.

As soon as the momentum came out, the power of the wind for a hundred miles was driven by him. When it surged, the mountains shook.

However, she saw a smile on the corners of Ba Ji's mouth. Taking advantage of the wind, her body fluctuated like water, following the wind of Xiaoyao Thief, even punching, and even the power of the wind of Xiaoyao Thief was beaten back by her.

"Borrow your strength!" Xiaoyao thief muttered, and his hands and five fingers suddenly drew endless wind silk. When he drifted, he cut a piece of void into pieces, and the raging power between the two dissipated.