Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 165 Win or lose

Yuan Kong's strength is already very strong, and he has grown greatly in the six fields, and he has been able to compete with the master of boxing immortals.

"Five elements of killing, Huatian tomb!" Liu Xueha tried to use the five elements again, but she felt that she could not communicate with the world at all.

"There is only the power of reincarnation in the six realms, and your five elements are most suppressed." Yuan Kong looked at the other party and said.

Liu Xueha knew what Yuan Kong said was true. It seemed that the six reincarnation boxings were indeed better than the five-election killing fists, otherwise Yuan Kong could not compete with himself.

Reading this, a sense of unwillingness surged up in his heart. He snorted coldly and said, "After all, you are innate and don't know the means of boxing immortals."

"What means? Let me see if you use it." Yuan Kong said.

"I'm afraid you'll lose your life." Liu Xueha regained her calm, Xianyuan urged, and the power of the five elements was more condensed and thick. One punch attack gave people a kind of pressure of collapse.

Yuan Kong was also lucky to resist when he saw this. Now he is well-versed and has understood the six ways of coexistence. Heaven restrains the way of hell, the way of hell restrains the way of evil ghosts, the way of hungry ghosts restrains the way of Shura, the way of Shura restrains the way of demons, the way of demons restrains the way of the world, and the way of heaven restrains of heaven.

Six paths run together and echo each other, as if a magical array has been formed, and Yuan Kong is the eye.

He repeatedly hit the unicorn's palm to resist, and the ancient lines between his palms were like armor, which shocked Liu Xueha and couldn't help retreating.

However, Xianyuan's power is powerful. Liu Xueha's five-finger sky attack has risen to another level. Every time he hits, he attacks together with Yuan Kong's body and soul. If it hadn't been for Yuan Kong's strong in the field, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to support it.

Yuan Kong was weak before that he could only use one force alone at a time. Even if the two moves together, they could not be connected to each other. Now it's different. He has six connections, and finally used the first form of six reincarnation fists, yin and yang hands!

The heavens and the earth are divided into yin and yang, and the power of the six paths is condensed on Yuan Kong and turned into two strands.

One is mainly wrapped around Yuan Kong's left hand, and one is mainly wrapped around his right hand.

I saw that his left hand was wrapped with a white cloth belt, and his right hand was wrapped with a black cloth belt, which was dripping with blood. The blood exuded the smell of gods and demons, like the power of the ages, but it was still hot.

Liu Xueha saw that the five-finger sky strike had no effect on Yuan Kong, and his own field could not be stimulated, so he had to use explosive boxing.

"Water and fire rush to the sky!" Now his Xianyuan water and fire have exploded, and his power is several times stronger than before. The momentum has shaken Yuan Kong's six fields.

Yuan Kong frowned slightly and saw a flash of bloody thunder and lightning under his feet. He had appeared behind the other party, and his left hand hit the back of his neck with a knife.

There was no fluctuation of vitality. Yuan Kong's left hand was wrapped with a white cloth belt stained with blood to completely cover up his breath and Zhenyuan.

However, when Liu Xueha saw Yuan Kongteng move, he knew that the other party was going to sneak up on him. In addition to the previous battles, he suddenly guessed that Yuan Kong was going to hit the stuffy stick behind him.

Yuan Kong went down with a knife. Liu Xuehe bowed directly without looking at it and avoided it. At the same time, he retreated and split into Yuan Kong's waist.

When Yuan Kong saw this, he directly held his ankle with his right hand, pulled him over hard, and hit him with his left fist.

But he won't lose, because losing at this point means death.

"I can split such a tall mountain with a knife. When can I have such power?" Some nymphomaniac female disciples are still recalling Yuan Kong's clean and neat move before.

A dancing butterfly flew over hundreds of miles away, and a few breaths appeared on Shangguan Feifei's shoulder. This is her companion beast, called Nightmare Butterfly.

"Feifei, you're right. The domineering did lead people to lurk here and rest in a valley three thousand miles away." The butterfly communicates with Shangguan Feifei with his heart.

"The Heavenly King Competition is about to begin, and Fang Tian is pressing again step by step. If the domineering brothers want to get the power to compete with it, they must first annex my Mengling Mansion. Not only can't he wait, but I can't wait." Shangguan Feifei's faint voice came into the nightmare butterfly's heart: "Xiaodie, have you contacted Mu Jingchen? What's going on with him now?"

"He is domineeringly imprisoned in the Heavenly God Stone. The Heavenly God Stone has its own space, which is airtight. Only domineering can enter. I waited for a long time before I contacted Mu Jingchen with my heart when he went in. Nightmare Butterfly said, "Mu Jingchen promised us that as long as we ensured that Yuan Kong was safe in this battle, he would be willing to hand over the secret book of acupuncture points."

"Yuan Kong, it's the boy below. He is Yuan Fang's son. What's the idea of Mu Jingchen?" Shangguan Feifei thoughtfully and said, "Yuan Fang and Mu Jingchen have completely changed since they came back from the Valley of Death, and I can't see through what's in it."

"Do you want me to inquire about it again?" The nightmare butterfly asked.

"No, you didn't find anything when you went in last time. It's useless to go again this time. You'd better help me contact the fierce wind and let him take people to the black volcano in the west to ambush. If there is no mistake, the domineering reinforcements will attack from there." Shangguan Feifei said.

The nightmare butterfly flew around her a few times and left quickly.

The fight between Yuan Kong and Liu Xueha has become white-hot. The two of them competed with each other, and they did their best in every move, and the landslide and cracked.

Up to now, the bodies of both sides are scarred and almost exhausted, especially Liu Xueha. In the field of Yuan Kong, he can no longer absorb vitality from heaven and earth, and he is about to exhaust.

Liu Xueha gasped and stared at Yuan Kong. The opponent's combat experience was too high, and all his moves were cracked by him. Is this the power of the six reincarnation fists?

Yuan Kong is better than him, but his nose breathing is heavier, and he can clearly see the violent ups and downs of his chest muscles.

Liu Xueha could no longer withstand the protracted battle. He slowly closed his eyes and quickly calmed down the flesh and blood movement in his body.

Gradually, both of them regained their composure and stood at each other from afar.

The breeze stroked gently, and the smoke and sand were biased. Both of them showed a quiet appearance, as if they were enjoying the natural breath.

The last move, this move will determine the winner. Both sides began to unite the final strength with recognition and respect for each other.

"This move is called the five-element burial, which is the most powerful trick I can use at present." Liu Xueha said softly.

His body began to glow with five colors, slowly suspended like the arrival of a divine mansion.

When Yuan Kong saw this, he also said to him, "Among my peers, you are the only person I admire at present."

The six reincarnation fields were taken back, and the six battle wheels returned to the six bodies one after another. The lines on Yuan Kong's body also slowly shrank to the inner house, and there was a cloth belt wrapped around his hand. Yuan Kong returned to his original appearance. He tidied up the chaotic dragon robe to show etiquette and respect.

"Have you reached the realm of returning to the truth? You are the second person I admire in my generation, and the first one is dead."

After saying this, Liu Xueha closed his eyes again and punched Yuan Kong the strongest. He knew that Yuan Kong would not hide.

Yuan Kong looked at him quietly, and at the same time urged the power of Shura to reverse the reincarnation and triple punches!

This punch is completely different from the previous innate middle period. Yuan Kong can now burst all the power of Shura at one time, and the momentum generated is shattered by layers of the void.

There was no sound, and everyone held their breath and stared. The two fists collided in an instant, and the colorful light suddenly broke out, and everywhere they passed was annihilated.

At that moment, it seemed that the stars suddenly lit up, and the colorful light broke the void and darkness, which only reflected the whole sky and was colorful and beautiful.

After a long time, the soft eyes could see clearly. Liu Xueha quickly fell from the air and fell to the ground, raising a piece of dust.

Yuan Kong also slipped from mid-air to the ground, and his footsteps were swayed, and he almost didn't stand firm.

"Snow!" Ye Zhu immediately flew to Liu Xuehe and took him up. His tears flowed and said, "Are you all right?"

Liu Xueha slowly raised her head and concentrated on Ye Zhu's face. While stretching out her trembling hands to help her wipe her tears, she said, "Don't cry, second master. It's not good to cry."

Hearing this, Ye Zhu quickly held his outstretched right hand and said, "Second master, don't cry. Don't talk. We'll heal you right away."

At this time, Liu Xueha's other four masters also flew over, all looking at Liu Xueha worriedly.

However, all five people knew that Liu Xueha was hopeless. Yuan Kong's last punch blew up his internal organs and brain. Even if he barely pulled back his life, he was a wasteful person. With Liu Xueha's arrogance, life was not as good as death.

"Winner, Yuan Kong!" Although He Zhen was a pity, he also immediately announced the result of the game.

Tens of thousands of people all over the mountain suddenly burst into cheers, as well as scolding, crying, and all kinds of emotions burst out.

Yuan Kong moved his seriously injured right hand, looked up at the wooden smoke in the distant stands through the heavy white fog, and gently moved his lips and said, "I won."

Mu Yaner nodded to him when she saw the crescent-like squint in his eyes