Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 269 Beggar

Originally, Yuan Kong inferred from some words before his father's death that Mu Jingchen's purpose was to use himself to restore six paths, and then provoke the ancient wilderness war to inject six paths, but now it doesn't seem that simple.

If the three worlds are involved, then Mu Jingchen's plan needs to be re-evaluated. His ultimate goal should be true, but the process is not as simple as he said.

In the Godless Club, everyone gathered again, except for the holy angels and the fallen angels.

"The unparalleled world is dead." Mu Jingchen said that he didn't know what expression he had under the mask, but the voice was a little frightening.

"The power of holy angels and fallen angels is also one of the best among us. It should not be a problem to kill the Dragon Emperor." The devil said.

"I suspect that the organization has a traitor. Although the other party may guess that we will assassinate the leaders of both sides, the killing game is too accidental." Mu Jingchen said.

"The killing game laid by the Dragon Emperor is simply to fight against the holy angels and fallen angels. Obviously, they are assassins in advance, otherwise the general killing game will not be trapped by them."

Everyone was silent when they heard the words. They didn't say anything. Everyone present was a master. It was not easy to judge such things as traitors at will.

"When the task was released, it was only me, Unparalleled World and Unparalleled Time and Space, and everyone else got the news afterwards." Mu Jingchen saw that no one opened his mouth and continued to say, "It's so obvious."

"Of course, the possibility of eavesdropping is not ruled out."

Half a sentence, Mu Jingchen suddenly turned his words and said.

"Is the club exposed? It's not impossible to eavesdrop." The devil said.

When he said this, there were more possibilities, not necessarily a traitor.

"It's really possible, so just in case, the location of the clubhouse will be changed immediately, and I will inform you then." Mu Jingchen said, "That's all for today. Let's break up."

As the crowd left quickly, the clubhouse quickly calmed down.

"If you want to avoid Mu Jingchen's ears and eyes to eavesdrop, no one can do it unless you are not a human." After the reverse positioning through the transmission array, Yuan Kong and Shiguang returned to Gulin again.

"You suspect that the traitor is me." Yuan Kong said.

The sentence of time is obvious. Since he refuses to eavesdrop, the club's exposure can also be ruled out. Only unparalleled time and space, Mu Jingchen can't betray himself.

That is to say, there is something wrong with Yuan Kong.

"Godlessness is not as simple as you think. There must be a reason why they don't find out." Time said.

Yuan Kong was slightly stunned when he heard the words. What does this sentence time mean?

But no matter what, Yuan Kong still had his own things to do, so he was separated from time.

The six-eared macaque is a born spirit beast. This kind of monkey's body is very special, and the flesh and flesh is completely grown together. That is to say, it is impossible for Xiaoliu to be skinned.

At most, his hair is stripped. Six-eared macaques can be said to have no skin, and their bodies are born like King Kong.

It's impossible for the predecessors of the Dragon Emperor not to know this matter, so what their reaction was.

Returning to the Southeast Heavenly King's Mansion, he accidentally learned that Huangquan Youyou had left. Mu Yaner told him that Youyou knew about the destruction of the family and went back to Youzhou.

She is knowledgeable, and the flirting is still good. This man is strong in serving a maid. It's violent, and it kills people afterwards. It's simply a human-faced beast.

"Don't talk nonsense. In those years, your father abolished my meridians. Today, I also did you. Let's see where he can abolish me." At the same time as speaking, he jumped off the war horse and grabbed the flying eagle and grabbed it on Youyou's shoulders.

Youyou threw the burden on his shoulder and fell to the opposite door with a crack, using the power of Zhenyuan drumming, and the cloth-made bag can also flatten Tie Tuo.

The man suddenly fell to the ground in mid-air, got into the bottom of Youyou, raised his hand and scattered a handful of white ash. Youyou had little combat experience. Suddenly, he was hit by a dark move, feeling dizzy and unstable.

This is a fan who is more powerful than drunken fairy smoke, which is specially used for the other party's yellow spring.

Just as the man was smiling and was about to take off his delicate clothes, he felt a pain in his heart. A bloody hand penetrated his chest and held his beating heart in the palm of his hand.

It was the beggar who followed you in Huangquan and killed the scum. The beggar used thunder again. He saw him turning around the thieves, and all the thieves' hearts were suddenly caught by him in an instant.

After that, the beggar squatted down to see the quiet situation of Huangquan.

Just then, monotonous applause came from behind, and two boxers in golden armor slowly came out of the void.

"What a black tiger's heart. The people of the Huangquan family will use this trick at any time."

The beggar's body was obviously tight when he heard the words. He stood up and looked at the person coming. His eyes were still dead, but from his clenched fist, it could be seen that he was excited.

"Today I'm going to kill you to avenge everyone in the family." Although the beggar is dirty, he is powerful and murderous.

"Obediently hand over the Huangquan mirror and leave a whole corpse for you." Because he said.

"If you want Huangquanjing, kill it first!" Huang Quanshan suddenly shouted and attacked the two people with a magic claw.

In order to improve his cultivation in a short time, Huangquanshan did not know what other boxing skills he had practiced, and his whole body was full of evil spirits, but the power of this magic claws was really amazing, and the void of a hundred miles was distorted by his momentum.