Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 303 Zhao Xianjie

It should not be a coincidence that the Buddha is responsible for attacking the main city of Yuzhou, because the other party's master will be the sitting deer and the cloth belt in the eighteen arhats, that is, two of them.

Yuan Shi sent them to attack Yuzhou, indicating that he already knew where the Li family was hiding, so he also asked me to look for the Li family.

After killing Zi Beilai, Yuan Kong left Shenzhou and spent more than ten days on the Xianyuan boat to Yuzhou.

Mu Yaner did not act with Yuan Kong. Although she is in a state of harmony, she has profound cultivation, and it is nothing to act alone. Moreover, Mu Yaner's father is not a simple person and will not be dangerous.

Huang Quan Youyou followed Yuan Kong. This time, she refused to leave, so Yuan Kong took her.

At this time, the two had just got off the boat and were leaving the dock to enter the city. Although Yuzhou was the smallest, it was very prosperous.

"Youyou, do you know any secret place in Yuzhou to hide in a family?" Yuan Kong knew that Huang Quanyou had a good understanding of things from ancient times to the present, so he asked casually.

"There are many hidden places. Yuzhou was originally the largest state, but it became smaller because most of the land was sunk in a battle with an armed ape." Huang Quan said quietly, "The most hidden place belongs to the old capital. There is infinite space in it. Without the key, even the god can't enter the old capital."

"Old capital." Yuan Kong was moved when he heard the words. So, the Li family was likely to be in the old capital. As for the key, it should be held on one of the lords of the ten states, or on the Dragon Emperor.

No wonder Yuan Shi wanted to approach the Dragon Emperor by himself, and 90% of the key was on her.

Yuan Kong guessed well. Although Yuan Shi knew that the Li family was hiding in the old capital, he didn't have a key to get in, so he let Yuan Kong get close to the Dragon Emperor.

"Let's go to the old capital first. Do you know how to get there?" Yuan Kong said.

Huang Quan nodded quietly and said, "Yes, but it's difficult to get in."

"It's okay. I'm here." Yuan Kong said.

The two of them rushed to the direction of the old capital, and they were also dusty all the way.

The old capital is located in the eastern part of Yuzhou. This ancient and mysterious city is little known, and its entrance is in the ruins of a desert.

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Yuan Kong knew that the ruins had experienced at least a million years of experience.

"Is the entrance of the old capital here? How to get in?" Yuan Kong asked.

When the wind and sand hit, Yuan Kong remembered the horn of the sandstorm city.

Huangquan Youyou is obviously not used to this environment, and his eyes are squinted for fear of sand entering.

"There is a stone tablet in the ruins, which can be poured into the true element to open the entrance." Huangquan Youyou held Fuyou tightly to prevent the wind and sand from blowing.

When Yuan Kong heard the words, he walked in first. The relic was also complicated and connected in all directions. The two walked for a long time before they found the stone tablet engraved with the word "old capital".

Yuan Kong put his hand on the stone tablet and slowly poured Zhenyuan.

In the breath, the stone tablet rumbled and sank, and the stone wall next to it suddenly opened. It turned out to be a door. The door was dark and nothing could be seen clearly.

Huangquan Youyou seemed to be a little scared, and Yuan Kong still walked in front of him.

The stars shifted, and the two appeared in another space.

This space is full of mirrors, surrounded by two people up and down, left and right, and there is a city in each mirror, which is the old capital.

The ruins are still very stable. There should be no problem for Huangquan to hide in it. If you are really in danger, you can open the infinite space of the old capital to hide.

Yuan Kong rushed out of the ruins and quickly rushed in the direction of the battle between the two. In the vast desert, he soon saw Mu Jingchen and Zhao Xianjie.

Mu Jingchen has returned to his original state. He holds a yellow spring mirror in his left hand and a magic blade in his right. The reincarnated tripod rotates above the Tianling cover, and there is a blood lotus under his feet.

It turned out to be the most precious. It seems that he dare not support a master like Zhao Xianjie.

Zhao Xianjie was dressed in white and didn't take any weapons.

"I'm worried that I can't find other treasures, so you sent it to me."

"I'm also worried that I can't get into the old capital, so you take out the jade dish." Mu Jingchen said.

Zhao Xianjie laughed when he heard the words and said, "It's interesting. Do you know who I am?"

"How can you not know the person who killed the way of heaven?" Mu Jingchen said.

"Since you know, you are still so confident." Zhao Xianjie said.

"When did you kill the way of heaven? Now that you have been resurrected not long ago, even if you get the power of the jade dish, you have not fully recovered. It is not difficult to take you down." Mu Jingchen said.

"Even if God heard my name in those years, I was scared. I didn't expect that someone would dare to take me down today." Zhao Xianjie seemed to remember something and said, "The trick you used just now is Mu Tengjing. You are a Mu family member, but you also have some Mu Yingnan's style."

"I dare not. Since the senior doesn't do it, the younger generation will be offended." Mu Jingchen stepped on the blood lotus, rushed over quickly, and cut down to the other party.

Zhao Xianjie really did not recover his strength. He wanted to delay for a while, but he didn't expect Mu Jingchen to be so direct that he had to retad.

Magic Blade is a weapon that directly attacks the soul. It can't resist with ordinary tricks, and can only stimulate the power of the soul.