Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 318 The Seventh Reversal

When she woke up from the beautiful memory again, the beauty was already in Yuan Kong's arms.

Huangquan Youyou has been resurrected.

Looking at the face close at hand and feeling the hot eyes of the other party, Huangquan Youyou is a little girl in the end, thin-skinned, and pushed Yuan Kong away with a ah.

She lowered her head and grabbed her skirt shyly and didn't dare to look at it again.

"Haha, such a timid girl is rare." Yuan Shi laughed and said, "You dare to sacrifice your life for him. What else is there to be afraid of?"

Huang Quanyou blushed when he heard the words, but he thought about it in his heart. He slowly looked up at Yuan Kong and shouted, "Brother Yuan."

But I don't know what to say.

Yuan Kong was also relieved and said with a smile, "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it later. Wait for me to resurrect your sister first."

"Sister Fang is also dead." Huang Quan was shocked.

Yuan Kong nodded when he heard the words and said to Yuan Shi, "I want to reverse the seven reincarnations and relieve Fang Jie's seven disasters. What should I do?"

Yuan Shi frowned and said, "Are you sure you want to do this? With your current strength, you can reverse six more reincarnations. Even if you don't die, it's almost enough."

Fang Jie has sacrificed himself once, and there are six generations of disasters, that is to say, Yuan Kong only needs to reverse six reincarnations.

"If I reverse it six times, I still have more than 100,000 years of life, which is enough." Yuan Kong remembered this and said.

Yuan Kong can reverse at most eight times, save Huangquan Youyou once, and reverse six times, and still have a life expectancy of more than 100,000 years. There is no problem in him.

"Is it okay not to resurrect your parents and become a twilight old man? What are you going to do with this girl?" Yuan Shi said.

If Yuan Kong consumes most of his life at once, he will indeed become a twilight old man, and in this way, his long-cherished wish to resurrect his parents will not be realized.

"There are many ways to restore life expectancy, as for the resurrection of parents." Yuan Kong thought of what Fang Jie said before, and he also thought a lot at that time.

"Miss Fang is right. The past is over, and now is the most important thing."

When Yuan Shi heard him say this, he knew that he had decided and could not change it.

"Reverse the world seven times, and don't let Fang Jie's life mark leave the reincarnation channel in the process." Yuan Shi said.

That is to say, to let Fang Jie experience life and death six times in the world. Although it sounds uncomfortable, it is only a few breaths and it will pass all of a sudden.

After reversing a reincarnation, Yuan Kong felt a little tired. He calmed down quietly before putting Fang Jie's life mark into the world and protecting it with an absolute vacuum.

As the mark of life moved forward in reincarnation, Yuan Kong soon saw the place where she was first reincarnated, a rich family.

However, before the other party was reincarnated, Yuan Kong had burned his life for 190,000 years and hit the world with all his strength. Suddenly, the whole channel roared and reversed. The souls inside swayed in the power of chaotic reincarnation, and Yuan Kong controlled Fang Jie's life mark and returned against the current.

This is a dead place. There is no breath and no sight. Fang Jie was born for a thousand years in the mother's palace where she became the living dead.

Her birth meant disaster. Everyone who gave birth died violently, and later all the people who adopted her died in the year of her seventh birthday.

Yuan Kong gritted his teeth to prevent himself from crying. His breathing was very heavy. For a long time, he raised his hand to wipe away his tears, took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, and looked at this endless reincarnation channel.

"Brother Yuan, don't." Huang Quanyou was already full of tears. When she saw the appearance of Yuan Kong's thin old man, she was heartbroken.

"Yuan Kong, give up. It's just a lifetime of disaster. Just put up with it and it's over." Yuan Shi said.

"Children's love is long, and heroes are short of breath." Mu Jingchen said such a sentence.

Yuan Kong did not look back when he heard the words. He knew the mood of the three people. The sky treasure knife and the love sword appeared in his hand and slowly integrated into his arms. In the case of insufficient life expectancy, only when he entered the second stage of the sword could he reverse the reincarnation.

"What you said is not wrong, but how can I bear to let Miss Fang suffer like that again?" He has punched at the same time as he spoke, and the last punch was also the end of his life.

How can he understand that kind of pain without experiencing it himself, and Yuan Kong has personally experienced the pain five times. Every time he has a kind of despair of suicide. It is hard to imagine how Fang Jie persisted.


It seems that the sky and the earth are upside down, and the sun and the moon rotate. Yuan Kong saw the sea dry and the rocks, the ends of the earth, and he was drifting there.

At the end of the world is a beautiful countryside. A beautiful girl was waiting for him. The beautiful girl waved to him from afar and smiled beautifully.

Seeing that smile, Yuan Kong felt that it was worth it, at least it made her happy.

"Er, my mother has always been with you." It seems that I saw the depths of the Dragon Tomb again, and my mother held herself in her gentle embrace.

"Empty, in fact, death is not terrible." And what my father said before he died.

"Yuan Kong, what I admire most is that you know that life is not as good as death, but you still choose to live. I can't do it. Every time I am alone, I miss her, want to see her, and want to find her." The gorgeous wings of angels, the light of life.

"Brother Yuan, as long as you don't die, Youyou is not afraid of anything."

"Brother, light is a very beautiful thing. Why cover it?"


"I not only want to be an emperor, but also want to unify the whole world." Brilliant, powerful, the highest throne of the human race, the lord of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

"Kill! Long live the emperor. Golden iron horse, bloody rain and wind, a war that has been brewing for thousands of years, a killing ground at the end of life.

It was a bloody war, the rise of heroes, and the conspiracy behind the scenes.

Yuan Kong saw the truth that at the end of this reincarnation, the ancient killing scene continued to this day.

"So that's it. That's my father's real purpose." He opened his eyes again, full of energy.