It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 49 Honest

"Your Highness, Wan'er sister has loved Your Highness for a long time, and Wan'er's sister is the most suitable object for Your Highness!" Lin Yi also felt the anger in Chen Kang's tone, but almost subconsciously said bitterly.

"That is to say, you don't really hate me?" It turned out that she really didn't like herself, but because Murong Wan liked her relationship, she didn't refuse herself. Thinking of this, Chen Kang's already desperate heart suddenly raised a glimmer of hope.

"The maidservant is different from His Highness's dignity and inferiority. There is nothing to dislike, but please take care of your health. Your Highness will have more important things in the future!" Lin's words are sincere.

Lin Yi's concern made Chen Kang's heart feel warm and harmonious. Thinking in my heart, there are some things or I can solve them! Suddenly, I let go of my heart and my face lit up: "Thank you for your concern. I think I know how to deal with my own affairs!"

Lin Yi saw the brilliance on his face and thought that he had finally understood the distance between himself and him, and a girl like Murong Wan, how many men in the world would be unmoved? Maybe he finally found this and was willing to let go of himself! Although my heart is still a little sour! But when I think of Murong Wan and Chen Kang, a pair of bi people, can achieve good luck with their own help! If you can be happy forever, your current sacrifice is worth it!

At the same time, simple and Murong Qing live in the yard.

Simple standing in the middle of the yard with his hands behind his hand and looking at the attic of Yushuyuan for a long time, he slowly asked Murong Qing beside him, "Do you like that girl?"

"I..." was simply brought back to the yard. Murong Qing remembered the two people alone in the attic. He was always in a little anxious and dry mood. He finally waited for a simple speech. He didn't expect such a question.

Murong Qing couldn't help meditating. When he first met her, he was curious to see that she was different from other beggars. Later, when she returned to the house, she exposed the fact that Wan'er was poisoned to herself regardless of the danger, and he admired Lin Yi again. Later, seeing that she took good care of Wan'er like her own sister, he was moved and grateful for her existence. Then the ambiguous attitude between her and Chen Kang made him feel a little envious and even jealous! But do you like these complex emotions together?

Looking at Murong Qing frowning, but thinking without saying a word, he simply squinting at him and repeated: "Do you like her?"

"I don't know if it's a favorite!" Murong Qing honestly said his doubts simply.

"Okay, I'll change the question, and you can answer it honestly!" Looking at the direction of the attic with burning eyes, Murong Qing narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't you like to see her with His Highness and see them have intimate behavior, will you feel uncomfortable?"

"Ye" Although I am not sure what kind of feelings I have for Lin Yi, there is no doubt about this.

He simply nodded and asked, "If she is in danger, will you try your best to save her?"

Murong Qing thought for a moment and nodded firmly.

"If she is not by your side, you will feel empty in your heart, don't think about tea and food, and it's hard to sit still?" Simple and slow picture.

Murong Qing was simply pulled to face his feelings little by little. Thinking about these days, he did occasionally feel tasteless when he thought of her voice and appearance. Sometimes when he saw Chen Kang, he felt inexplicably happy when he saw her, and he felt very frustrated without seeing her. He just nodded.

"There is one last question!" Simple and solemnly asked, "Would you like to have only one girl around you in the future? You will never marry another concubine?"

She died in a fight with his wife and concubine at the beginning, so he didn't want to see his son's backyard again and fall into such a dispute, and let Lin Yi die in vain like her, so

Even if it is simple to finally determine Murong Qing's feelings for Lin Yi, there is still a very important problem to solve, that is, how deep Murong Qing's feelings for Lin Yi are. And his attitude towards marriage and his beloved woman.

Murong Qing had never thought about this problem before, but since he knew the truth of his mother's death, he secretly vowed in his heart that if he had a beloved woman in this life, he would not fail her like his father! I will always protect her all my life, so I nodded heavily with determination and a trace of hatred in my eyes.

"But prince, you should know that the girl is just a maid in the royal palace after all, a slave. Although she is meritorious now, it is absolutely not enough for the prince to agree to marry such a lowly slave maidservant as the future Princess Murong!" In fact, after Murong Qing experienced his mother's affairs, such a question is simply a question, but he still wants to confirm it again. But there are more realistic problems waiting for them.

"This... even if it is difficult, I will never give up easily!" After such a simple touch, Murong Qing's chaotic feeling for Lin Yi finally became clear. Since he really likes Lin Yi, he will definitely try his best to be with her.

"What if the prince firmly opposes it?"

"Then I will take her away from home and hide my name!"

"Good!" Simplicity is very gratifying. In those years, he also promised her so, but at that time, she could not let go of these two children. If he had made more decisive decisions, would the ending be different?

Now that Murong Qing's attitude has been clear, the rest is to deal with that girl! However, looking at the situation between the girl and Chen Kang, it is estimated that the girl doesn't like Chen Kang, otherwise it would not have happened today! That girl has lived for many years and can't get in touch with a few men. Murong Qing's conditions are so good that I don't believe that she won't be moved!

The haze in my simple heart has finally dissipated, and I am only planning how to achieve such a relationship.

Lin Yi knew that he was being calculated by a beautiful uncle for his life. After leaving Chen Kang, he went to the kitchen to get Murong Wan and Chen Kang for lunch.

Because Murong Qing's command to help Lin Yi take care of Chen Kang, Murong Wan also has a reason to approach Chen Kang openly. After drinking the medicine in the room in a panic, he washed it carefully again, tied his long hair with two beautiful double-ring buns, inserted a few ruby plum hairpins, picked out a new peach-pink jacket, and came to the attic.

Seeing that Chen Kang was the only one in the room, he was also a little hesitant about whether to go in or not. However, Chen Kang seemed to be asleep on the couch, and the quilt on his body slipped below his chest. After thinking about it, Chen Kang had just suffered a cold. If he caught a cold again, it would not be good if his condition worsened. . I didn't care so much. I thought, I just helped cover the quilt and leave. Thinking like this, he gently approached the bed. The closer he got to his favorite person, the more his heart was like a deer.

Finally, he came to the bedside and stared at Chen Kang's well-defined handsome face. His cheeks were already flushed, and his small hands trembling and slowly and carefully touched the quilt.

"You're back!" In fact, when Murong Wan entered the door, Chen Kang had already found it, but because Lin had just said to get a meal for himself, he thought it was her and waited until she approached the bed before making a sound. As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the softness that Murong Wan had just touched the quilt and gently pinched it.

"Ye, Brother Chen Kang!" Murong Wan seemed to be a child who was caught doing something wrong. Her body stiffened and subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand, but she was tightly grasped in the palm of Chen Kang's hand and felt the faint temperature and touch of the palm with cocoons, and she couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic. There is no doubt that the 'you' mentioned by Chen Kang is Lin Yi! I replied happily.

"Why is it you?" Chen Kanghuo opened his eyes wide, and the strength in his hand suddenly took it back. Murong Wan's little hand slid down.

"I... I'll come and see Brother Chen Kang!" Why can't he let go of his hand as soon as he hears him? Doesn't he like himself? Unconsciously, Murong Wan's nasal cavity is a little sour.

"Oh!" Chen Kang also knew that he had lost his temper just now. Looking at Murong Wanxuan's crying appearance and thinking of her suffering over the years, he smiled and said softly, "Isn't it lunch time now? Why did Wan'er come here?

"I just came here to see if Brother Chen Kang needed me to serve him!" Murong Wan was a little girl, and soon forgot the doubts in her heart. She smiled, reflecting a pink satin, and her face was also bright, and her big eyes were full of shy smiles.

Chen Kang noticed that Murong Wan had appeared in front of him before. Lin Yi said to himself that she had been in love with her for a long time, and she remembered that Lin Yi was deliberately estranged from her because of Murong Wan. Even though she had a little pity for Murong Wan in her heart, she also had a little pity for her. Some blame.

"Wan'er is very beautiful today!"

"Really? Does Brother Chen Kang like Wan'er to dress up like this? Hearing Chen Kang praise herself, Murong Wan was very happy.

"Uh!" Looking at the little girl's expectation, Chen Kang can't bear to hurt her, but there are some things that he can't let her continue, otherwise the harm to her will only be deeper.

Chen Kang doesn't know that he and Lin Yi meet each other!

"Wan'er..." After all, Murong Wan has been tortured for so many years, so Chen Kang tried his tone to be gentle and must minimize the degree of injury.

Murong Wan suddenly felt Chen Kang's soft tone, and thought that Chen Kang had something private to say to herself. His heart was like a deer, but now his heart was raised to his throat, with a shy face lowered his head, and his hands were constantly wringing on his clothes.

"Wan'er, I like Lin Yi!" Chen Kang closed his eyes and suddenly said.

"Ah?" Murong Wan raised her eyes and stared at Chen Kang in disbelief, and her red face suddenly turned white!