It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 78 Ignorant Women

Qi Niang shook her head and said, "I'm not very clear about it, but my aunt's appearance is almost desperate, and my aunt only knows how to cry and kowtow to her son!"

"What about the prince?" Lin always felt that this matter was not so easy to do, so he thought about it and asked solemnly.

"The prince didn't say anything, but it was very difficult to see that."

"Where is the prince now?" Since it's embarrassing for Murong Qing, it's better not to make peace. Anyway, I told Lin Daniu at the beginning that there is no guarantee that it will be done. Now I have done my best. It's just that Yue Niang doesn't have that blessing.

"Sir, the prince went to Gongfu!"

"What?" Isn't it embarrassing? Why can Murong Qing do his best for himself? He remembers the way Murong Qing looked at him before, and then reminds him of the fact that he suffered such a little injury at the beginning. He sent Lingzhi and was in a hurry. Is it possible that the boy still took a fancy to himself? Lin Yi finally realized that Murong Qing's feelings for him were wrong.

"Qiniang, take me to Lin's house." Although I'm not sure what kind of person Gong Fu is, since Murong Qing is quite embarrassed, he must not be an ordinary person. With that, he walked to Murong Wan: "Wan'er, something happened to my adoptive father's family. I'll go out of the house."

"Sister, is it urgent?" Lin Yi has never mentioned leaving the house to herself, let alone go back to that 'home'. Since her father came to the door in the morning, Lin Yi and Qi Niang have been a little distracted. Murong Wan just asked a little question. Seeing Lin nodding, she said, "Then go, sister. If there is anything, I will take care of it!"

"Ye, thank you, Wan'er!" After Lin and Qi Niang finished speaking, they were about to turn around and leave. Murong Wan suddenly called out: "Sister, there are still a few ingots of silver in my box. Maybe it can be used if you take them with you!"

It's really difficult to use money. She didn't want Murong Qing to come out, but she was only a little girl a month. Now Murong Wan opened her mouth in person. Although she was still a little hesitant, considering that Murong Wan treated herself like a sister, it was better to owe her than Murong Qing. . He didn't refuse, took the silver and Qi Niang and left the royal palace.

Age Wu, who was from the second door, let two people out of the house without asking too much.

Out of the royal palace, Qi Niang led the way in front of her and walked for about half an hour before she came to the alley where the Lin family was located. The alley is very narrow. It is now evening. It is dark inside, only the faint light of a few dim yellow kerosene lamps, and the alley is reflected by a blue-gray road.

Is this the place where she has lived for 13 years? Lin Yi has no memory of this place for a long time. Now that he suddenly walks in, he feels like he is in another world. Everything is so strange, but it is a little familiar everywhere.

Following Qi Niang, she went all the way to the end of the alley before stopping in front of a low mud tile house. A dilapidated wooden door was covered with some sporadic light inside. Qi Niang came forward and hit the door.

"Who is it!" It's Lin Daniu's vicissitudes of voice. It seems that it's just such a broken day that he is ten years old.

"Auntie, it's me, Qi Niang!" Qi Niang answered and heard the rapid footsteps running over in the yard.

"Qiniang, come in quickly..." The girl wore a blue-gray cotton clothes, her hair was a little scattered, and her eyes were red and swollen. She opened the door and was ready to let Qi Niang enter. Then she saw Lin Yi beside Qi Niang. She was suddenly a little surprised and at what to do. She lowered her head and glanced at Lin Yi like a child who had done something wrong: "Little girl... After a pause, Lin Daniel followed. As soon as he saw Lin Yi, he retreated away in surprise and opened the door: "It's Xiaoya who is back. Come on, come in!"

Lin Yi was able to pull his nose, but as soon as he saw Lin Daniu's appearance, he still walked in and stood in the courtyard and looked at it. The yard is pitiful, less than one-tenth the size of the kitchen of Rongxuan Pavilion. The house is just two earthen houses, but a small hut on the right side still aroused Lin Yi's idea.

When she closed her eyes, the rainy night came to her mind. She was carried out of the hut, that is, the tattered donkey cart parked in front of the hut was pulled out and thrown away, and subconsciously wanted to leave.

"Xiaoya, are you here for your sister Yue?" Previously, Murong Qing came in person, and Lin Daniu was already flattered. Now that Lin Yi actually came back, he was happy and gratified, but looking at Lin Yi's current shirt, he was still a little cramped.

Lin nodded. Well, didn't you come here to understand the beginning and end of the matter? I had to stop and turn around: "Try to tell me what's going on now!"

"It's cold outside, let's go into the room and talk about it!" Lin Da Niu Dao.

"No, to make a long story short, there is still something else in my house!" Let me enter the room, I still remember that when I lived here, I never went to the table and never slept in the room. Once I happened to go in, I was beaten enough. I don't want to evoke any unpleasant memories.

The lady was trying to wink at Lin Daniu, and Lin Daniel no longer insisted and told the context of the matter.

"What?" Lin Yi finally understood what was going on.

There is a custom in Heyi City that a lotus fairy will be selected to be held in the city before the lotus flowers bloom in May every year. As long as there is an outstanding woman in the city, no matter what the family background is, as long as she pays the registration fee of five taels of silver, she will have the opportunity to show her strengths. Once selected as the first place, there is not only a chance to be selected in the palace. Even if you can't choose the palace, as long as you have the opportunity to get into the eyes of a dignitary, you don't have to worry about your life in the future.

This is actually no different from modern beauty contests. But does the concubine know what the real meaning of such a competition is? She thought she could be elected to the first place just because she had no power and no power?

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is just a pleasure for those boring dignitaries. First, you can search for beautiful women among the people and present them to the court. Second, it can also fill your backyard. Third, even if you really don't like it, you can still take the opportunity to make a fortune. It's simply a move to kill several birds with one stone. Only a stupid girl will spend five taels of silver to send her daughter into the fire in person.

Originally, it didn't matter. Yue Niang was snatched into the house by other ruffians, which deserved it. But I didn't expect that the concubine came home stupidly. She only disliked that the dowry issued by the ruffian was too low and refused to agree. Originally, Lin Daniu begged himself, and it was not difficult to find Murong Qing to save him. Who would have thought that she didn't know who was listening to, and she actually received Gong Fu's betrothal gift in private, saying that as long as she promised to give Yue Niang to the Gong family, the Gong family could not only guarantee that Yue Niang would not be bullied by ruffians, but also enjoy a lifetime when she entered Gong Fu in the future. The bride was confused by the money and immediately signed the marriage certificate without thinking about it.

Later, I learned that Gong Fu was looking for Yue Niang for his 70-year-old father. By the way, Mr. Gong is nearly 70 years old, but there are 17 aunts in the backyard. Yue Niang is the 18th when she enters the house. This is not too tight, but Mr. Gong is terminally ill and dead, which is inevitable. You said that Yue Niang enters the house. If the old man can live for three or five days, Yue Niang may have a good day, but if Yue Niang enters the house, the old man will die. Gong Fu will not count everything on Yue Niang, not to mention glory and wealth. At that time, there may only be burial.

"We can't help you with this matter. You can handle it by yourself!" After hearing the cause and effect, Lin immediately pulled Qi Niang to leave.

"Xiaoya, who can be your sister now besides you!" Since Murong Qing could come to help in person for Lin Yi, the concubine was willing to give up so easily. She immediately dragged Lin Yi and refused to let her go. She pleaded with tears in tears.

"I only have a sister, and there is a sister there!" Lin Yi snorted coldly and shook off his wife.

"Little girl, I know that it's my mother who is sorry for you, but at least you and your father have worked so hard and raised you with a handful of shit. Now that you are rich and noble can enter the palace as a erman, but Yue Niang's life is difficult to take care of. For the sake of your father, you also want to find a way to save Yue Niang!" As the lady cried, she winks at Lin Da Niu.

If you make a disaster, you should bear it yourself. Now that you know that you regret it, you want to leave the mess to someone else. There is such a good thing there. Lin didn't think about it, but raised his feet and walked to the door in disgust.

"Xia, Dad knelt down for you and asked you to see it for the sake of the real brother. After all, he only has such a sister. If one day he comes back and sees Yue Niang, tell me, how can I explain it to him!"

Real brother? Yes, there is such a person in this family that I remember, but why didn't I see him today? He left. Where did he go? Anyway, Yue Niang is indeed his only sister. If Lin Daniel and his concubine go in the future, won't the real brother have no relatives in the world?

When it comes to the real brother, Lin Yi's heart softens, but he can't be ruthless, but after all, this matter is no longer under her control. I don't know what the result of Murong Qing's going to Gongfu will be.

You can't agree like this for a moment, let alone promise anything. Lin Yi left a sentence: "You should bear the sins you have done!" I left the Lin family without looking back from Qi Niang. I only hope that I will never have any relationship with the Lin family from now on.

As soon as Lin Yi left, the concubine scolded Lin Daniu: "It's all useless. If you threaten her to death, she can not miss your adoption. If Yue Niang has a good thing, I will go back to my cousin's house immediately. You can live alone in the future!"