It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 94 The Green Spirit Distressed

The doctor opened the prescription, and Mother Rong sent the doctor away and gave the prescription to the porter.

Aunt Su took Lin Yi and Liu Yaer to the flower hall and interrogated them.

"What do you think is the matter with Aunt Yue's mistakenly eating medicine to relieve menstruation and promote blood circulation?"

Lin Yi knew what was going on and suddenly remembered the conversation between Chunhuan and Murong Luo in the yard in the morning. If the most hostile to Yue Niang is only the Green Spirit, although the Green Spirit lives in this Zhiquan Pavilion with Yue Niang, he will never step on half a step in the west courtyard. Even if he wants to do it, there is no chance at all. Moreover, Lin Yi has also been careful, for fear that the child in her belly will make a mistake. Except for her and Liu Yaer, she will check the water she usually drinks in person and won't let others get their fingers. Even the food was made by Xianglin herself. What's the problem?

Liu Yaer was young. At that time, she knelt on the ground in fear and cried, "Aunt Su noticed that this matter has nothing to do with me!"

Listening to Liu Yaer's aunt Su's call for a month, Aunt Su became disgusted. When she had time, it was time to change these names, and she would be misunderstood. At the thought of the white-haired old man looking at her, Aunt Su felt a numbness in her back.

"Ok, since I sent you to serve Yue Niang, I naturally trusted you and will not wrong you for nothing."

"Thank you, Aunt Su, for believing in me." Liu Yaer then sucked her nose, but she didn't dare to get up from the ground without Aunt Su.

"What about you? What's your opinion? Aunt Su turned her face and asked Lin Yi.

"This, the maidservant doesn't know where the problem is." In his heart, he doubts the green spirit and is not smooth, but without real evidence, Lin Yi will never wrong anyone. You should know that the affairs of children in ancient times were the top priority, otherwise Yue Niang would not have been accepted into the palace by the elders without the knowledge of Murong Qing.

"Don't you find any doubts? Then why did I leave you two to take care of your mother?" In this courtyard, there are many such filth. Many times there seems to be no clues, but as long as you are willing to draw silk and peel cocoons carefully, you will definitely be able to find out the culprit behind the scenes. And although Murong Changtian doesn't like Yue Niang, he still cares about the child in his belly. From time to time, I have to ask about my fifth aunt Yue Niang. Think about it, Murong Changtian is also at this age, and none of his three sons will worry about him. Naturally, he can only pin his hopes on the next generation. Thinking of this, Aunt Su was a little impatient.

"The maidservant didn't find anything suspicious after thinking about it for a long time." Lin Yi frowned and thought for a moment: "In the afternoon, Yue Niang was uncomfortable and ate very little."

"Is the food made by Xianglin's sister-in-law? But is there anything left?" Since both girl said that there was no doubt, is it possible that the problem is Xianglin's sister-in-law?

When she was a girl, Xianglin had been serving Murong Wan's mother's meals, and she was also the most reliable person for the former princess. After the princess went there, she moved to Murong Wan's yard. Every day, she would hardly leave Murong Wan's yard except for receiving materials. Because she served the former princess and was quite respected by Murong Changtian, everyone was afraid of her in the royal palace, and they were usually respectful to her, and even some people deliberately flattered her. After all, he is also the most heartfelt person to Murong Wan and Murong Qing. How can he hurt Murong Qing's flesh and blood? But there are exceptions to everything!

The fifth aunt fell into meditation, and Lin Yi was also in a dilemma. If there is anything left at noon, it's not simple. As long as you take it to check to see if there is any abnormality in it, the problem will not be as difficult as it is now. But the key to the problem is that the lunch has been eaten by the wife, and there is still left there.

Lin Yi only thought about the crux of the problem, and didn't notice that Aunt Su had always known that Yue Niang's food was made by Xianglin's sister-in-law.


"Isn't it that Yue Niang only ate a little at noon, and the rest of the things can be pulled out for inspection even if they are poured down!"

"In the morning, Yue Niang's mother came to the house, and Yue Niang left her to eat in the house, and everything was eaten for her. However, Xianglin's sister-in-law didn't know that the food Yue Niang ate every day came from her, so she cooked it with Wan'er's food. Maybe Wan'er could still find clues. Yes, when she was eating at Murong Wan's place at noon, she remembered that there was still a little left. As soon as Lin thought of this, although Aunt Su said, he asked Liu Yaer to go to Rongxuan Pavilion.

M Mother Rong is an old man. She knows a little about the drugs that can cause pregnant women to slip. She smelled the leftovers and turned them over, but there was no abnormality in them.

Things became more confused.

"Can the meal be delivered by someone else?" Since the problem is not with the raw materials, it is very likely that someone has been tamped with during transportation.

"I went to get the things myself. When I brought them back, my wife said it was cold. It was Liu Yaer's own hot dish, and no outsiders touched it at all."

"Yes, when the maidservant cooked the dishes, the women in the kitchen had already used the meal and went back to the yard. I was the only one who passed by from head to toe!" Liu Yaer followed by explained.

"If you say so, does Yue Niang take the medicine by herself?" There was no result after asking, and Aunt Su roared restlessly.

Looking at the two girls muffled and standing aside, it was useless. Aunt Su was even more angry. Just as she was about to be angry, she saw an abnormal look on Lin Yi's face: "What did you think of?"

I heard that there are some strange fragrances, such as musk can also cause pregnant women's miscarriage. Lin Yi remembered the disgusting fragrance on the woman's body: "I think of the powder rubbed on the girl's body. The moon girl doesn't seem to be very good at noon, and I don't know if it's because of the powder."

"What does the powder taste like?"

"It smells like roses, and the concubine wipes a lot, and now there is still a smell in this room!"

It was Aunt Su who noticed that there was a faint fragrance of roses everywhere in the room. No matter how ignorant she is, she will not be stupid enough to use things that are harmful to Yue Niang. She just wiped too much, so she felt uncomfortable. She waved her hand and said, "Rose is harmless to the fetus. The problem is not here!" Think about it again, what special happened today, or who has been here?

"Is there nothing special?" Liu Yaer tilted her head and thought for a long time before saying, "I was in a hurry for a while when the food was hot. I went to the toilet. When I went back to the kitchen, I met Sister Green Spirit and said that she was going to boil water, but when I saw that I was on fire, I said forget it, and I didn't go into the kitchen!"

"You are useless, and I don't remember it until now." Aunt Su scolded Liu Yaer, her eyes shrank, and a trace of fierceness flashed in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and said, "It must be that bitch, Mother Rong, immediately brought someone to bring me the green spirit and sent someone to search her room. If nothing can be found, just let me find it out and see if I don't clean up her well."

Mother Rong was vigorous, but in a quarter of an hour, she returned to the courtyard with the shawl green spirit in one hand. As soon as she entered the door, she threw the green spirit on the ground, went to Aunt Su and handed Aunt Su a bag of things. Suddenly, it was a bag of saffron.

Aunt Su patted the table and raised her finger to the green spirit: "You are so bold that you should do your father-blood."

"The maidservant is wronged!" Green Spirit's face was red and swollen. Obviously, he had just been cleaned up by Mother Rong. At this time, his eyes were red, tears were full of tears, and he shouted bitterly.

"I dare to say that this thing was not found in your room. Now that the evidence is conclusive, you still have the face to shout injustice."

"That red flower is indeed a slave maidservant, but the maidservant has not been looking well recently. It is used to regulate her body. Even if the maidservant has ten courage, she will not dare to poison the prince's child next time!" The green spirit's face has really not looked good since Yue Niang and Murong Qing had that incident. It is thought that it is caused by qi and blood accumulation, and the saffron does have the effect of regulating endocrine, but all this is too coincidental. I guess no one will believe it.

"You cheap hoof, don't you just hate that Yue Niang has Qing's flesh and blood and was carried as an aunt? I didn't expect you to be so vicious."

"I am loyal to the prince, and heaven and earth can be seen. Although I have made tricks to look down on Yue Niang and have the prince's flesh and blood, I will never dare to do anything to hurt the prince. Please be clear and ask Aunt Su to be clear and be innocent!" As he spoke, Green Ling kowtowed heavily to Aunt Su, who was very pious and didn't look fake.

"You first prepared a bag of saffron, and then were bumped into by Liu Yaer and appeared in the kitchen. Now that there are all the human evidence and physical evidence, you still deny it. It seems that you don't give you a strong look, and you don't tell the truth." Aunt Su shouted sharply, "Mother Rong, give me a slap in the mouth until she pleads guilty."

"Yes!" Mother Rong took the order to take off her sleeve, raised her foot and walked to the green spirit. She leaned over with a fierce ear scraper, and the green spirit fell heavily to one side. Mother Rong simply pulled the green spirit's hair and slapped her cheeks left and right. However, after a while, the green spirit's appearance disappeared, replaced by a red and swollen face like two hair cakes, and red blood flowed from the corners of her lips, but the green spirit still bit her mouth and refused to plead guilty.

While Lin Yi was scared when he saw the scene, he also began to suspect that even if the green spirit was stubborn, the good man did not suffer immediate losses, not to mention the evidence in front of him. If it was really what she did, how could she not plead guilty? Looking at Aunt Su's usual attitude towards her servants, Yue Niang is not a big problem now. Green Spirit has been serving Murong Qing for so long. If she admits it obediently, she will not suffer the crime now.

Mother Rong twitched for a while, her hands were a little sore, and the green spirit was almost stunned. Aunt Su said, "Are you a trick now?"

"The maidservant is wronged, the maidservant is wronged..." The green spirit crawled on the ground, and his mind was unclear. He only knew how to repeat this sentence.

"Hey! Why do you suffer? Originally, I saw you look good and kept you by Qing'er's side. Sooner, aren't you all Qing'er's people? But you are jealous and vicious. If I stay with you by Qing'er'er's side now, it will be great in the future!" Aunt Su began to whisper, saying that later suddenly raised her voice, and the pupils in her eyes closed and shot out a beam of light.

"No, no, please, don't let me leave my son. I'm really wronged!" Hearing that Aunt Su was going to leave Murong Qing's side, the already confused green spirit also instantly regained a trace of reason. He crawled two steps ahead and climbed to Aunt Su's feet, hugged Aunt Su's leg and looked up to plead.

The blood rubbed by the green spirit, Aunt Su kicked away the green spirit with disgust: "Don't move yet, keep beating me!"

Mother Rong's face flashed a trace of embarrassment, but she didn't dare to neglect it. She came forward and pulled the green spirit, moved her wrist, and slapped her face to the green spirit again.

Liu Yaer made Lvling fall into such a situation because of her words. She felt very guilty. Hearing the slap on the green spirit's face, she shrank her shoulders in horror, turned away, closed her eyes and did not dare to look, but silently shook her body and shed tears.

In this ancient house, a girl like Green Spirit is the most pathetic. Since childhood, it has been hinted that he will be a child for his master in the future, following him and serving him close to him. That feeling has long been deepening in the company day by day. However, if you can get the like of the master, it will be the best ending to be an aunt in the future, but if the master doesn't like it and can't give a reputation, he is just a sleeping girl. No matter how bad it is, she will always be a girl. The good end is that the master's grace and a little man can live a plain life when she is still young. But even so, the most precious love of her life has long been dedicated to her master in the years, and there will be real happiness for the rest of her life? Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help feeling sad.

"Aunt Su, I think it's okay. Since the evidence is conclusive, it's just to send her away. After all, Yue Niang is pregnant with a child and it's not easy to see blood! It shocked Aunt Yue and moved the fetal gas again!"

"Bah! You don't have to plead with me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have today!" Green Spirit did not appreciate it, but spit out a mouthful of blood foam in the direction of Lin Yi, and stared at Lin Yi with wide eyes.

To be honest, whether the green spirit is the poisoned person or not, she does have a great relationship with herself today. While Lin Yi is distressed for Yue Niang, he is also very guilty. Looking at Yue Niang now, she is really unbearable.

"Since you say so, that's all. Mother Rong found a dentist to send it out, which is also a blessing for Qinger's unbirth child. I hope God bless the child to be born smoothly and safely from now on!" Aunt Su put her hands together with a veil and closed her eyes and said outside. She was also a compassionate Bodhisattva face. What she saw there was the fierce determination to deal with the green spirit just now.

"If you frame me, you will have retribution. Wait, even if I die, I will become a fierce ghost to come to you... Hahaha... Haha... Lin, wait for me..." The green spirit was dragged out by Mother Rong, and the cursed voice gradually faded away, but Lin Yi's heart did not Can calm down.