It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 2 Tianshan looking for medicine, many difficulties

Hiding in the dark, he watched Xuan Sa fly away, but his left hand inadvertently put it on his chest. His palm pressed his heartbeat and muttered in his mouth, with a kind of demagogic charm: "It's okay!"

The hanging orchid, the only place in the world can be born, is in the extremely cold northern Tianshan, where there is snow all year round, no sunlight can be seen all day, and there is only a cold wind everywhere. At the top of the mountain, there was a thousand-year ice cave, and the mouth of the cave sealed the thousand-year ice. Almost no one could break the ice without shocking the snow on the mountain at all.

Even if you can enter the cave smoothly, the most toxic plants have grown everywhere in the cave, and the cave is full of poison miasma that has accumulated for thousands of years. No one can enter there and come out safely. Even if Xuan Sa can overcome that kind of difficulties and smoothly approach the upside down orchid, how can it be so easy to get the upside down orchid that has grown in the world for hundreds of thousands of years?

Hiddenly, the eyebrows hidden behind the veil frowned gently, and silently said in his heart, "I just hope that thing can do something!"

The place where the manor is located is located in the south of Heyi, thousands of miles away from the north. Xuanya stepped on a sweaty BMW, kept going all the way north, and finally arrived at the foot of Tianshan Mountain at noon on the second day. It was gloomy everywhere. Only the white snow on the mountain reflected an almost cold white light. The horses were no longer convenient to walk in the mountains, so Xuan Sa had to temporarily banish the horses and climb up on foot.

The snow in Tianshan is very thick, and Xuan Sa has a unique skill, but he has not yet reached the top of the mountain. Because of the extremely cold climate and the protection of Lin Yiyun in the past few days, his body has gradually stiffened, and his limbs are also a little disobedient. Fortunately, he gave him the elixir to protect his heart and kept using true qi. In the evening, he couldn't even see the color of the snow clearly before he reached the top of the mountain.

However, there is only a flat open land with a circle of hundreds of meters on the top of the mountain, not to mention plants and animals, and even the ice cave that is vaguely mentioned.

But Xuan Sa knew that it was impossible to lie to him. Since she said it is, it must be there. However, Xuan Sa was almost exhausted at this time, and he couldn't use any strength, so he had to meditate and rest first. Wait until the sky is slightly brighter.

There is no sunlight in Tianshan, and we can only barely distinguish whether it is day or night from whether the snow can reflect light.

When the blurred white could be seen in the field of vision, Xuan Sa began to look for the ice cave.

But the snow on the top of the mountain is much deeper and thicker than that on the mountain, and most of the bottom has become ice. It is not smooth step by step. After eating all night, Xuan Sa's physical strength can't be supported. I had no choice but to hold the snow in my hand, drive it with internal force, warm it up, and drink it.

When he took the third sip, he found that the rock under his footsteps made an unusual hollow sound. He hurriedly pushed away the thick snow and saw a huge glass of ice as smooth as a mirror below, and saw a dark hole underneath, but saw a faint light flashing in the hole.

It turns out that the ice cave is actually the center of this Tianshan Mountain, which is also in the belly of the mountain.

However, Xuan Sa did not clearly know the depth of the cave and broke the ice. If there was an abyss below, he fell down and at the same time, if he could not find a borrowing point on the mountain wall smoothly, he did not know what would happen to him.

While he was still hesitating, there was a sharp eagle roar in the sky, and suddenly heard the sound of fine ice cracking under his feet. Before Xuan Sa could react, the ice had cracked a small crack from his heel, and then as The cobwebs are winding open. Xuan Sa, who was almost instinctive, stretched out his hand to grab something in the air. His heels were floating, and his body began to fall rapidly.

There was no borrowing point under his feet, so Xuan Sa had to pull out the soft sword at his waist and quickly looked around him while swinging away the falling ice cubes in front of him. Suddenly found a half-sized ice cube beside his legs, bent his legs, his toes gently touched it, pointed to the soft sword in his hand, pointed on the cliff, patted forward with his palms, touched a small bulge on the cliff wall, and grasped it firmly, and stabilized his falling body.

All the ice cubes have fallen to the bottom of the hole, cracking, making a crisp sound, followed by the muffled low echo. It is accompanied by a strong miasma in the raised cave. Xuan Sa's eyes could not be opened wide, and he could only narrow a gap. With the extremely faint light from the mouth of the hole, he could barely see the bottom of the cave, about ten feet.

Xuan Sa groped on the cliff and went all the way down, but the further down, the heavier the miasma became, and he felt that it was slowly difficult to breathe. Xuan Sa could only rely on internal forces to support the bottom of the cave.

As soon as I landed, I felt that my legs were weak, the meridians of my limbs began to retrograde, and a stream of blood in my chest seemed to gushed out. Xuan Sa can no longer act qi rashly, and can only rely solely on his own physical ability. I don't know what other ingredients are contained in the miasma at the bottom of the cave, and I don't even care about the fire folds.

Looking around in the hole, he saw an unusual bright light in the front of him. He vaguely described the shape and characteristics of the upside down orchid. He knew that it was the stamen of the upside down orchid, which was the only one that could save Lin Yi.

He can't use true qi and doesn't know what danger there is in the hole. He can only hold the sword in his hand tighter and carefully approach the upside down Lan step by step. Suddenly, there was a slight sound at his feet, as if a snake crawling on the ground. Without waiting for Xuan Sa to react, his feet had been wrapped around something, and the thing was still climbing up, followed by his legs, which had slowly extended to his waist. Xuan Sa only felt dizzy, and his consciousness began to blur. There are some strange images.

If he hadn't told him that what was growing near the upside down orchid was highly poisonous, he would have been confused by the poison and believe that the image he saw in front of him was real.

I only felt that the skin of the body was tight, and the muscles began to slowly become stiff. With the last trace of strength, the long sword in his hand was shaken, and the 'snap' split was about to wrap around the vines around the neck.

The vine was cut off and made a low roar like a human voice before slowly retreating.

The vine left his body. After a while, his muscles eased from stiffness and his skin began to relax, but he felt more and more wrong. His cold body suddenly became hot, and his body was like a hot fire. His internal organs were about to burst, and his body Every inch of skin seems to be peeled off by a sharp blade, bringing heartache.

Xuan Sa held his head and rolled on the ground several times before he remembered the silver box he gave to him when he was about to leave. He trembled and touched his arms and took out the silver box. It was so familiar. It was the healing elixir Lin Yi gave him at the beginning, and a scene began to appear in his mind. Mu and her scene on Qingquan Mountain, her smile seemed to have a magic that made him forget the extreme pain in an instant.

In this gap, Xuan Sa quickly applied the ointment to the skin outside. A very light fragrance hit the nose, and the skin spread a trace of coolness in an instant, just like soaking in the cool spring in the heat, and the burning heat receded in an instant. The vibration of the heart also returned as usual.

However, Xuan Sa no longer dared to be careless. He quickly put the medicine to protect his heart under his tongue, and then approached the inverted hanging orchid with difficulty.

You hang upside down like a huge banyan tree, but there are no leaves. The roots are intertwined, the roots are connected to the roots, and there are countless poisonous plants under the roots. As long as you touch a root, it can bring out countless poisonous miasma. And the flower is hidden under the root of the tree, and there is no way to pick it off without moving the root, let alone take only a little stamen in the heart of the flower.

And the light in the cave was extremely weak. He vaguely said that he had to take it off when the stamens were still shining in order to exert its effect. Seeing the light of the stamens gradually fade away, thinking of Lin Yi, who was still lying ** completely unconsciously, Xuan Sa also didn't care much. He clenched his teeth and danced with the soft sword in his hand. He cut randomly, and he didn't even know that he had hurt himself. But at this time, something strange happened. Blood dripping from Xuan Sa's wrist fell into the roots of the upside-down orchid. The thick roots seemed to suddenly come to life and began to dance slowly around. Just as Xuan Sa thought there was something strange, the root gradually sank into the mountain wall, even with the roots. The misaligned poisonous plants also disappeared, leaving only the many blooming flowers on the bare mountain wall, and the light of the stamens not only did not go out, but became brighter and brighter until the whole cave was illuminated.

Only then did Xuan Sa see clearly that the mountain wall was like a variety of artificially inlaid gems. If all of them are mined, it will be enough to buy the whole Zhou country, and there is still surplus.

In addition to exclaiming, Xuan Sa also had a little care in his heart, but now a day has passed. In the remaining day of the three days away from the hidden period, Xuan Sa couldn't delay. He quickly picked off the flowers and put them in a wooden box. At this time, there seemed to be a woman singing in the air, singing gently and sometimes sad. Sometimes it's joy. But I can't hear what I'm singing. Just let Xuan Sa's heart follow the song, happy or sad.

Xuan Sa knew that it would not be so easy to take away the hanging orchid. Fortunately, he had been psychologically prepared to be deceived at the last moment and kept muttering something. As for what it was, he didn't know what it was. He just subconsciously sang softly to resist the temptation of the song (harmonious words) ) Confused.

Although the poisoned grass in the hole has disappeared, the poisonous miasma has not completely dissipated. Xuan Sa still can't use internal force, so he has to climb out of the cave step by step from the cliff completely relying on his physical strength.

climbed to the mouth of the cave, and the mountain under it trembled slightly, followed by a violent vibration, and the snow at the mouth of the cave around it also fell trembling.

It's not good! Xuan Sa's heart tightened and knew that Tianshan was going to collapse. He stared hard at the mountain wall and jumped into the air. The low singing behind him turned into a painful cry...