It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 36 Rear Room Rendezvous

In the evening, Murong Luo arrived as promised.

Yuniang loosened her clothes and deliberately changed into a bright pink middle coat. She only loosely tied her belt, loosened her neckline to the collarbone, slightly pink, and covered her pale face. Her lips were not open, and she was still faintly white. Her long hair hung loosely behind her head, making people have a delicate and helpless beauty at a glance. Come on.

As soon as Murong Luo stepped into the room, Yue Niang noticed that Liu Yaer and Murong Luo's eyebrows were affectionate. Her heart was tight and her heart was tight. She bit her lip to resist being angry on the spot. She only said coldly to Liu Yaer, "I have something important to discuss with the second son. You go to the door and don't let anyone approach."

Liu Yaer answered, but her footsteps did not move for a long time. She glanced at Murong Luo, but when she saw Murong Luo nodded silently, she smiled and went out of the door.

Of course, Yue Niang saw all this, and she was more determined to send Liu Yaer. It's just that she hasn't gave birth yet, and there are no good people around her, so she has to endure it first. Moreover, it was not easy for me to see Murong Luo. When Miss Gong entered the house, I didn't know if I could have a chance to see her again. I thought I should try my best to seize a minute and plan well with Murong Luo for the future.

He supported the little guy next to him with one hand and his waist in the other, and got up clumsily from the noble concubine's couch, but his eyes looked at Murong Luo pitifully. That expression really made Murong Luo feel pity for him for a moment. He hurriedly came forward and said, "What are you doing when you are heavy?"

Yue Niang took the opportunity to pull Murong Luo's arm and gently brought it to her side. She leaned into his arms and took a heavy breath, as if the action of getting up just now did exhaust her strength.

Murong Luo also liked Yue Niang, and did not push her. He held her together and let her head lean on his body. From his perspective, he happened to see the faint spring light in Yue Niang's collar. This moon girl is already good-like. Although now because she is pregnant, her body is not as good as before, but with a little makeup, and because of the tears shining in her eyes, she actually adds a little Xi Shi's weakness. Such a woman is loved by men.

I couldn't help holding Yue Niang's hands tightly.

Fee Murong Luo's reaction, Yue Niang's nose was sore and she burst into tears: "The prince is so ruthless that he completely forgot the slave family."

"Yuniang, I really ignored you these days, but don't I also have something important to do? When my business comes to an end, I will definitely treat you well.

Murongluo's uncomfortableness is not too much. As soon as she spoke, Yue Niang remembered what had happened during this period, and she was even more wronged. She cried when she cried. While crying, she looked up and stared at Murong Luo: "The slave family thought that the prince had forgotten the slave family, but it made the slave family so sad... ..."

"How come? Even if I forget you, I can't ignore the child in my belly!" Murong Luo gently wiped the tears on Yue Niang's face and comforted her softly.

"Ye! Prince, it's so hard..."

"Don't worry, I know, but I can't help it, but now is a good opportunity. When he comes back, you always have to find a way to keep him. Not to mention, the child in your belly is not his. If you can't keep him, how can I help you? " Murong Luo coaxed.

"What the prince said about the slave family can't understand that the slave family has been blinded by others, isn't it because he is not favored by him? If the prince hadn't been secretly taken care of him, I don't know if the slave's child can be preserved." Yue Niang cried and whispered, subconsciously straightening her body from Murongluo's body, touched her stomach, lowered her head and stared at Murong Luo.

Murong Luo felt the sudden cooling temperature in his arms. When he turned his head, he saw Yue Niang gently stroking her stomach. He couldn't help stretching out his hand and gently put his palm on Yue Niang's round stomach: "This child must be kept, but you have to try your best to find a way."

"This is also because Yue Niang insisted on seeing you. In the final analysis, there is always a difference between the time the prince left the house and the time the child landed. People in three days and five days will not doubt it. But now, the prince also knows that the people under him are also spreading, saying that the child's bloodline is different. If the time comes, I The stomach hasn't moved yet, so won't they hold on to it? At that time, let alone keep him, I'm afraid that I can continue to stay in the house to serve the prince. Others may not know, but she and Murong Luo are clear about this child. They have been separated from Murong Qing, but it has been at least half a month. If they hadn't bought the doctor, it would have been a few days ago. As Yue Niang said, these three or five days are normal, but the interval is too long, which inevitably makes people suspicious.

Murong Luo forgot this matter because he had been busy with Miss Gong, didn't have time and didn't want to see her. Now that Yue Niang was mentioned, he remembered that he should plan well.

"You don't have to worry too much about this. Since the doctor can calculate your life, there is naturally a way to let the child land on time. As long as it is seamless, others can find loopholes. I'm going to prepare for the wedding these days, but I'm afraid I don't have much time to come to see you. Be careful yourself. If this child has a mistake, it's not good for him, for you or for others. Of course, Yue Niang can hear the meaning of Murong Luo's last sentence. The implication is to warn her to keep the child in her belly. If something happens to the child, he will never forgive her.

Yue Niang's body trembled twice, her face became whiter, and her hand touching her stomach became lighter.

Aware of Yue Niang's strangeness, Murong Luo asked nervously, "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"

Yue Niang squeezed a smile and shook her head gently: "No, it's just that he made a lot of noise and kicked me again. I think it's the temper of a young master."

Really? If you can get a man, the prince will not treat you badly!" Murong Luo's eyes glowed and said happily.

Yuniang suddenly broke her face and said bitterly, "The prince still said that he was kind to the slave family. The prince will marry the eldest daughter of the Gong family soon. I'm afraid that the eldest daughter will enter the royal palace. Can the prince still think of the slave family?"

"Don't you understand my feelings? What is Miss Gong, but it's just the pawn I used. If I hadn't let the Gong family ask for marriage, would my father be willing to let my mother out of the cold plum garden? Saying this, Murong Luo's eyes shot a cold look, clenched his back teeth and said, "However, if anyone wants to bully us in the future, I will never give up!"

Murong Luo's sudden fierceness made Yue Niang tremble with fear: "Son..."

Murong Luo noticed that he had accidentally exposed himself in front of Yue Niang just now and hurriedly hugged Yue Niang: "Well, it's not early. You can rest early. I still have a lot of things to do tomorrow."

"Faun, won't you stay tonight?" However, after saying this for a while, Murongluo was about to leave. Yue Niang was willing to do so. She held Murong Luo's clothes and didn't let go. She looked at him, raised her eyebrows, and deliberately tilted her body, making the loose neckline slide down, revealing half of her chest.

Because of pregnancy, Yue Niang's already plump chest is even higher, and her thin and thin chin is even more coveted.

Murong Luo couldn't help swallowing, and his throat couldn't help rolling. A burning heat gradually spread to his whole body, and his hands couldn't help reaching into Yue Niang's neckline, causing Yue Niang's delicate moan. Soon, she blushed and looked at Murong Luo with blurred and longing eyes.

Liu Yaer outside the door heard the sudden movement in the room and coughed twice, which was just right for the people inside to hear.

Murong Luo suddenly pulled out his hand, took a deep breath to calm down, and inadvertently swept the hem of his clothes: "Uh! Now that you have a body, you'd better rest earlier. I'll come to see you when I have time.

After saying that, she gently pushed away the plump body that was still stuck to her body and got up.

"Son..." Yue Niang was reluctant to give up.

"Good boy! Children are important! When the child is born in the future, will you still worry about not having a chance?" Murong Luo turned around and touched Yue Niang's face, turned around and went out without looking back.

The angry Yue Niang gritted her teeth and spat silently: "Liu Yaer, come in with me."

Liu Yaer was squeezed in her arms by Murong Luo, pinched her chest fiercely, and said coquettishly with pain: "Oh, oh, I'll come!" That's what he said, but Murong Luo pushed her to the wall and couldn't move at all.

Yue Niang also heard the sound of friction outside in the room, and her face turned blue angrily. She shouted again, "Dead hoof, what are you still rubbing? Do you want me to invite you in person?"

"Ye, here it comes." Liu Yaer stretched her neck and returned. Murong Luo approached the root of her neck, bit her earlobe and said two words softly before letting go.

"Aunt Yue, do you have anything to tell me?" Liu Yaer entered the room, brushed her hair, pulled her collar, and asked.

"I can't call the people next to me. You are the girl my aunt called me. Is it possible that I can't help me?" Yue Niang scolded harshly, "What time is it? Why don't you get me hot water to soak my feet? Don't you know that I'm pregnant and my legs are swollen. I have to soak in hot water every night to sleep?"

Yuniang knew that Murong Luo was still outside the door, and she also deliberately told Murong Luo to listen to him. On the one hand, she reminded him that Liu Yaer was just a maid beside her, and on the other hand, so as to let him know that the child was not born, but the mother was the greatest meritorious official.