It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 40 Wish to be one-hearted and never be separated

Murong Changtian asked. Murong Qing didn't know how to answer for a moment, but Chen Kang couldn't help kicking him under the table and blurted out in a hurry, "My father, brother Chen Kang and Wan'er have been in love with each other for a long time!"

"Presumptuous!" Unexpectedly, Murong Changtian suddenly scolded him harshly when he heard it.

"Father?" Murong Qing didn't know what he said wrong and called doubtfully.

Chen Jialuo looked optimistic about the play, leaned back, picked up the wine pot in front of him, poured a glass of wine for Murong Changtian, poured another glass for himself, and held it in his hand: "Brother Murong, if you have something to say to the child."

"Brother Chen, listen, listen, there is a brother who said that of his sister?" Murong Changtian took the glass and drank it all at once. Then he shook his head and said, "My Wan'er's door doesn't go out. Not to mention the relationship with Kang'er for the rest of his life, he hasn't even seen him many times. As a brother, it's enough not to help his sister. He even ruined his sister's reputation. You said, if It has spread that anyone in my family dares to marry Wan'er?

"This..." Murong Qing was choked by his father's words. At the beginning, Chen Kang borrowed Murong Wan's name to heal his wounds at Qingquan Villa, but the outside world did not know anything about it. But these two fathers are very clear. Speaking of which, isn't it too much for two people to have no chance to get along with each other at that time? What's more, didn't these two fathers intend to match them? Why did you change your attitude today? Suddenly, Murong Qing also understood, so he had to plead guilty and said, "It's all nonsense! Father and uncle, please forgive me!"

"Forget it, you are also deeply in love with Kang'er, and only a few of us have heard this. I don't think your father will care about you." Chen Jialuo didn't wait for Murong Changtian to speak and waved his hand to Murong Qing first.

Murong Qing answered and sat back. He shook his head at Chen Kang, saying that there was nothing I could do about this matter, and everything could only depend on yourself.

At this time, Chen Jialuo deliberately asked, "I don't know which prince Murong fell in love with?" If it's not convenient for you to come forward, let me say something for you.

"Actually, the princes in this dynasty are also more talented. However, I would like Wan'er to live a more plain life, so on the contrary, I don't care about the nobles in the court, but those hidden families outside. I also think they are also from a scholarly family. It's better that the family is also simpler than Wan'er. Go, there is still a big family to deal with. Speaking of this, Murong Changtian deliberately paused and glanced at Chen Kang. His anxious face turned red, and then discussed with Chen Jialuo again: "You know, Wan'er has been in good health. She has been raised in a boudoir all year round, and she doesn't quite understand those personal feelings. She accidentally said something wrong and offended the family again. The people in it have been wronged, and I feel sorry for them.

"It's true that Wan'er is not as weak as those young ladies. But when Brother Murong said, I really thought of someone.

"Oh? Why don't Brother Chen talk about it and see if we think it's the same person? Murong Changtian and Chen Jialuo sing the oboe. What about Chen Jialuo? He couldn't help giving his son a wink, but Chen Kang still didn't dare to speak, which made him secretly anxious. Forget it, just think of it as the last thing that provoked his stupid son.

"I just look..."

Say it, let alone, when my father and they really say what they think, I will open my mouth, and it will be even more difficult to achieve good things with Wan'er. Thinking of this, Chen Kang no longer cares about shyness. Huo stood up and said urgently, "Father, prince, I have something to report."

"What can be more important than Wan'er's lifelong event? Wait and listen to you when I discuss it with your uncle." The son finally opened his mouth, and Chen Gallo was very happy. However, he still pretended to be unhappy to stop it.

"Son, what the son wants to say is exactly about Wan'er's lifelong happiness."

"Oh? Isn't Kang'er also recommended by a good person in his heart? Murong Changtian has the intention to make things difficult.

Chen Jialuo took a sip of wine and said slightly an angryly, "Kang'er, me and your uncle

We are discussing Wan'er's marriage. You must not do it nonsense.

"Father, my son will never be rash about Wan'er's big event." Chen Kang said, and suddenly took two steps forward and knelt in front of Murong Changtian and Chen Jialuo. He arched his hand and said straightly, "There is indeed someone to recommend your son, but the son is not recommended by others, but by himself?"

"Kang'er, you also said that you didn't do it rashly. Your uncle just refused my proposal. How could he agree to you so soon?" Chen Jialuo deliberately said angrily.

"Shibo, my father's tolerance!" Chen Kang said seriously, "Since the day my son first saw Wan'er, Wan'er has planted roots in his son's heart, and Wan'er is also quite mean to his son, so his son begged that Shibo betrothed Wan'er to Kang'er. Kang'er vows here that from now on, she will take good care of Wan'er all her life. She will not take a concubine or take her house. She will only be loyal to Wan'er all her life. If she violates this oath, Kang'er will not end well.

"Kang'er, this is serious. Please get up quickly, please get up quickly!" Chen Kang had made such a vow in front of the two elders. Murong Changtian could still sit there. He quickly got up and helped Chen Kang up in person and turned his head to look at Chen Jialuo.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jialuo heard his son swearing this. Instead of being unhappy, he nodded happily: "Since you are deeply in love with Wan'er, I also pulled my old face and begged your uncle for this marriage for you."

I wish to be one-hearted and inseparable!

This is the common oath of himself and Chen Kang's mother. For so many years, he has been sticking to it, although she has gone. I didn't expect that their love myth would be continued by their son. Shouldn't he be happy and gratified? Thinking of her, Chen Jialuo's eyes were slightly moist.

"Brother Murong, do we still have any objection to this matter?"

"It is not only a blessing for Wan'er to have a good son-in-law like Kang'er in this life, but also the creation of my Murong family!" Murong Changtian sighed. In this way, there has finally been a little meager compensation for Murong Wan's debts for many years.

"Hahahaha..." Suddenly, Chen Jialuo and Murong looked at each other and smiled.

Murong Qing was just moved by Chen Kang's confession, and now he also came to his senses and laughed cheerfully.

Chen Kang realized that he was always fooled by their son.

Originally, I was still complaining, but in a blink of an eye, I saw the sincere smile on my father's face that had not appeared in more than ten years, and I couldn't help laughing happily.

But I secretly thought that for so many years, since the change of mother and sister, my father has never had such a happy smile. It turns out that my father has been lonely for so many years, and only when he has friends around can he find a little comfort in life!

In fact, if they are not involved in politics, wouldn't it be a good thing for the two families to find a small city to live in seclusion? But will such a life come true one day?

A meal was eaten in a pleasant atmosphere.

Chen Jialuo insisted on letting Murong Wan go through the door earlier, saying that Chen Wangfu had not had such a happy event for many years, which added to his anger. However, Murong Changtian also insisted on keeping Murong Wan by his side because of his guilt for Murong Wan. It was not until the end of the year that he was willing to send it to the Chen family, and even a person was deadlocked for this.

Thinking about Murong Wan and Chen Kang, it has finally been settled. It is also the most comforting thing for Murong Qing after Lin Yi's loss this year. It doesn't matter to him what the final details are. Murong Qing signaled to Chen Kang and said goodbye to the two old men. Chen Kang then followed him out of Murong Changtian's yard, leaving only two old brothers to talk to heart and plan the details of Murong Wan and his marriage.

"Now the stone in my heart has finally landed, right?" Out of the courtyard, Murong Qing put on Chen Kang's shoulder and asked.

"You have the nerve to say that you have long found that those two old men deliberately played with me, but they didn't communicate with me, which made me so worried." Chen Kang dodged to avoid Murong Qing's hand and curled his mouth to complain.

"I didn't know at the beginning!" Murong Qing looked innocent, and then smiled evilly: "However, you look really beautiful in a hurry. When I go to Rongxuan Pavilion, I will talk to Wan'er. After saying that, Murong Qing shook his hand and took two big steps forward.

"Wait, you can't tell Wan'er about this!"

"Why can't you say it? Wan'er, if I knew that you had made such a heavy vow in order to marry her, wouldn't you be moved?

"No, you can't know it anyway."

Murong Qing knew that Chen Kang did not want Wan'er to know that he made such a vow in front of the old man. If Wan'er knew it, she would definitely feel uneasy in front of King Chen. In the future, when facing King Chen, she would also be unable to let go. When I saw Chen Kang, I suddenly felt grateful in my heart: "Brother Chen Kang, when I thought of the four of us, I thought you were the girl Lin Yi, and I was jealous for a long time. Later, I saw clearly that you actually regarded her as a girl. But now, only you and Wan'er can still have this fate to live a good life together. Wan'er is the only one in the world that she can't feel at ease. From now on, you can treat Wan'er well for me and that girl! So that she can know and leave at ease!"

"Have you finally stopped sticking?" At the beginning, they searched down the cliff on Lingyin and found Lin Yi's clothes and cloth on the trees on the cliff. All people, including him, believed that Lin Yi had died. Think about it, the bottom of the cliff is about ten thousand feet deep. Not to mention a person like Lin Yi who has no foundation in martial arts, even if he and Murong Qing accidentally failed, they may not be able to retreat completely. But only Murong Qing insisted on seeing people and dying to see corpses. For so long, he has been aware of the pain in his heart. Isn't it a good thing that he is finally willing to let go?

It's just that I don't know why his heart still can't be happy. I can't help patting Murong Qing's shoulder heavily.

"What if you don't let it go? Now that I'm going to be a father, you're going to marry Wan'er. Many of the past things can't be carried by you and me. Murong Qing looked bitter.

"If the girl in heaven knows that you can think so, she will definitely be relieved!" Chen Kang comforted him and arrived at the gate of Rong Xuan Pavilion in a blink of an eye.

Qiniang had been waiting at the door for a long time. As soon as she saw the two figures, she ran into the yard: "Miss, they are coming!"

They? Although he knew that Chen Kang was coming with his brother, he suddenly heard Qi Niang say this, and Murong Wan's heart couldn't help beating violently.