It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 49 Food Sharing

The Qingyin was just a casual talk, but Xuan Sa was not hasty. When he returned to the wooden house, he really healed Qingyin.

When transporting the internal force, the inverted orchid in the voiceless body suddenly resurrected like last time. If it hadn't been for Xuan Sa's timely control of internal breath, and I don't know how much true qi will be sucked away by the voiceless sound, I don't know how to recuperate for a long time!

Softly meditated, kept running the true qi in the body, and it took a long time to recuperate. However, it also consumed a lot of his physical strength, and his whole body was soaked with sweat. He leaned against the bedpost and looked at the clear sound of **'s red face and sleeping sound, and got up and went out of the door.

As soon as Xuan Sa went out, she bounced up from ** and followed with Ling Bo. Seeing that Xuan Sa went to the hot spring as she expected, she hurriedly turned back to Xuan Sa's yard. At this time, Ren Woxing had hung up all the lanterns high. He sat alone on the edge of the stone table and watched Gong and Shang keep taking out a plate of exquisite food from the food box, with his eyes shining brightly. The two hands kept twisting under the table.

The feather body gently shuttled back and forth between the four trees. As she tiptoed again and again and turned around, all the lanterns were like the elves of the night, emitting colorful light, reflecting the whole yard, which was full of light, and the moon in the sky also lost its color in an instant.

It's so perfect! Qingyin Xuansha's originally deserted yard was so lively and gorgeous that he couldn't help admiring himself.

Now everything is ready, only the protagonist Xuan Sa, who is already the most important protagonist today - crab!

Gong and Shang turned around and saw the clear sound. Gong coldly stagnated and then followed Shang Yingying's blessing. Shang asked, "Miss, look, are you satisfied?"

"Well, that's good!" Qingyin paced forward with his hands and squinted and boasted. Suddenly, he saw a white shadow swinging past the stone table. When he took a closer look, he found that a plate full of dishes had just now was cut off in an instant. Looking at it again, Ren Wexing pretended to be commanding Yu with a shapeless face, but the sleeves on his arms inadvertently shook down and covered his palms.

The clear sound was immediately clear. When Gong and Shang retreated, they went straight to the stone table and sat down with a big thorn. The tip of his nose approached and took a deep breath of the smell of the delicious food on the table and sighed, "It smells so good. I know it won't be bad to eat!" Isn't that the old man?"

Hearing the clear sound and suddenly asking myself, I was smitty, and then I grinned and praised: "Certainly, definitely!"

"I think this table full of braised pig's feet is the best drink!" Qingyin pointed to the plate of halogen pig's feet and looked at me.

Heroes have similar opinions! This girl seems to have a good mouth like herself. But when she suddenly mentioned this, did she find out? Impossible?

"Old man, do you think there are good things, shouldn't we swallow them alone? And it doesn't seem very polite to eat secretly without opening the table!"

"Uh, uh, that's what the girl said! Share it, share it!" Although Qingyin didn't say it clearly, didn't it mean that she found herself? Ren Wuxing said unnaturally and suddenly pointed to the lantern on the treetop: "Woth, do you think that lamp is not..."

Qingyin glanced at me and looked in the direction of his finger. When he turned around, the braised pig's hoof had returned to its original appearance. Ren Woxing rubbed his palms hard on his clothes awkwardly.

A satisfied smile.

At this time, Xuan Sa finished bathing and strode from the courtyard gate.

Wearing a dark cyan python pattern robe, he only loosely knotted a knot around his waist, his long wet hair hanging around his waist, and only tied a same color on his forehead, decorated with emerald forehead. Because his skin had just been soaked in water, it glowed white, and his cheeks also had two extremely light blushes.

As soon as he stepped into the courtyard door, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. He frowned slightly unreachably.

Qingyin was also deeply attracted by Xuan Sa just now. After waiting for me to cough lightly, he hurriedly jumped to him, took his hand, looked up at Xuan Sa like a fairy, smiled and said like a treasure, "Brother, how's it going? Surprise?"

Surprise?" Xuan Sa asked puzzledly.

"Yes, isn't today your birthday?"

"Oh!" Xuan Sa's tone was slightly unhappy, because of his cold and faint response, Qingyin's smiling face suddenly collapsed and lowered his head, like a child who had done something wrong. He pouted and hurriedly slowed down his tone and asked, "Did you do all this?"

"Yes, do you like it?" Feel the subtle changes of Xuan Sa and the voice of tentative questions.

"If you don't like it, the old man will withdraw!" Xuan Sa has been a simple and quiet person since he was a child, but this time, why do I still want to help clear the voice? The purpose is obvious, so he deliberately asked this question.

"Don't bother!" Xuan Sa waved his broad sleeves, strode to the stone table, sat down elegantly, and looked back at the spontaneous voice: "You are not in good shape, come and sit down!"

"Ye" With a clear voice holding his chest, he stepped on a broken step to the table, sat down next to Xuan Sa, lowered his head, and only hung his hands. After waiting for a long time without hearing Xuan Sa's words, he said cautiously, "Brother, if you don't like it, I won't do this next time. I must ask for your permission in advance if I have something to do in the future."

The eyes fluttered, and it looked very pitiful.

Let me help in a timely manner: "Sai, you can't blame the girl. The girl is thinking about helping you have a happy and unforgettable birthday, so she begged me. We tossed these lanterns all night to do. It's not easy for the girl to fall from the tree because she didn't have a good rest this morning!" After saying that, he squeezed his eyes at Qingyin.

Qingyin immediately looked pitiful, tired and weak.

"I don't blame her, but..." Under the colorful light, the tears in the clear eyes were particularly eye-catching. Xuan Sa had to soften her voice and said, "That's all right, my brother likes it."

Really? Long live my brother, my brother is powerful!" After listening to the voice, he jumped up from the stool and cheered. He didn't forget to thank me for his secret nodding.

Qingyin, still a child! It seems that all her anger and sorrow are completely because of her own reaction. If she is happy, she will be happy. If she is unhappy, she will not smile. But why not yourself?

Hui held a tray and came in, which was slowly a large plate of steaming bright red hairy crabs. When I smell the voiceless sound, my index finger moves greatly, and I can't wait to enter immediately.

Gong held a tray with several wine pots and wine glasses followed closely. Then Shang held a box of wood in his hand and didn't know what was good in it.

Hui respectfully put the crab in the middle of the table, and the attention of the voiceless sound was completely attracted. The saliva in her mouth surged straight out. She was about to reach out to grab it. She looked at Xuan Sa and sat obliquely, but she didn't mean to do it. She didn't want to do it first, so she had to withdraw her hand and her eyes. He looked straight at the crab and swallowed his saliva desperately.

Ren I was also ready to move, but I didn't act rashly when I saw the clear sound, and I remembered the words of the clear sound just now, and I also endured it.

Shang slowly walked to Xuan Sa and opened the box in his hand. Qingyin found that there was a set of silver objects, including exquisite small spoons, small hammers, small scissors, and silver. Qingyin felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was for. He tilted his head and asked suspiciously, "Brother, what is this?"

"Crab eating utensils!" Xuan Sa said, took the wet towel handed over by Yu, wiped his hand, took a crab, pried open the crab shell with silver scissors, scooped out the crab roe in the crab shell with a small silver spoon, and slowly tasted it.

Then Shang also handed over a set to Qingyin and Ren wo Xing respectively.

At the beginning, I still learned to look like Xuan Sa, according to the gourd painting ladle, but before he had finished eating the crabs, he was so tired that he sweated profusely. He threw the silver hammer on the table and put it directly in his mouth and chewed it.

The clear sound went step by step for the first time, and soon became as proficient as Xuan Sa.

Xuan Sa looked at it and couldn't help muttering, 'This girl's status seems to be extraordinary in the Murong family. Even such a method of eating is so proficient. It doesn't seem to be as simple as a simple girl'!

There is also this doubt, and there is Gong!

At this time, the banquet was also lively in Murong's mansion.

Suddenly, Zhou Xiong, the king of Zhou Wu, pointed to a dish on the table and asked, "This dish is very delicious. I don't know if it's the chef's craftsmanship?"