It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 82 Teach You

The area of King Chen's Mansion is actually not large. Along the way, Linger introduced the layout of King Chen's Mansion to Qingyin. The small courtyard where they live is located in the west of the royal palace, between the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard. The so-called inner courtyard is actually located in a yard in the east, hidden behind the green forest. It looks very mysterious. Linger explained that it was Prince Chen's place and was usually not allowed to approach. The front yard is the place where Chen Wang and Chen Kang treat guests and deal with government affairs, and there is also a room. Chen Kang also had a yard in the inner courtyard, but because of the partial location and later because he often had affairs to deal with in the middle, he simply moved directly to the front yard to live. So now, in addition to King Chen and Chen Wu living in several yards, she and Linger lived in one place, the servants lived in one place, and the rest were also empty.

Although the buildings in the royal palace are magnificent, they are simple and tough everywhere. At a glance, I knew it was the residence of the general. The scenery along the way is obviously not good, but Sheng is planted with Evergreen trees everywhere. In winter, it looks really green, and it also makes people feel full of vitality everywhere.

Qingyin likes flowers and plants, but I also like this environment very much.

Follow the bluestone path and walk for less than a quarter of an hour to the big kitchen.

The big kitchen is a two-entry yard. As soon as I got to the door, I noticed a cold atmosphere.

Following Linger into the courtyard door, I saw that the yard was empty, but there was a four-story shelf in the corner, with some dustpans on it, and I didn't know what was in it far away.

The yard is not big, and there is a hall facing the door of the courtyard. There is a faint sound from it, but there is no sound of a person talking. However, when he was in the valley, Hui's kitchen was just like this, which made Qingyin not feel too surprised.

Since Linger entered the yard, her footsteps were deliberately light. It was not until she stepped into the hall and walked behind the back of a dark blue robe that she whispered: "Good sister-in-law Jin!"

Jin Niang turned around in the pot with a shovel in her hand and did not look back. She only answered, "There is still one dish left. Wait a moment."

"Sister-in-law, go ahead. I'll take my sister around!"

"Sister?" Hearing this, Jin Niang's movements stopped. She turned her head and saw Qingyin looking at the kitchen curiously. She turned around and sprinkled something into the pot, stir-fried it a few times, then put it on a plate and put it in the insulated food box. Then he wiped his hands on the apron and walked to Qingyin and Linger. The two eyes carefully looked up and down on the voiced body for a long time before squinting and said, "Is this the girl brought back by Xiaokangzi? It's not good-looking!"


I heard Linger say that Jin Niang is fierce, but I didn't say that she is also mean! The first time we met, we were so disdainful. It seems that this Jin Niang is really not a good match. And hearing her name Chen Kang and Kang Zi shows that her status in the royal palace is really not low! Qingyin wants to win the trust of Jin Niang and get in and out of the kitchen smoothly. It seems that it is still a little difficult!

"Jin's sister-in-law..." Ling'er knew Jin Niang's character. She thought that she had suffered a lot of white eyes at the beginning, but the person Your Highness valued so much was washed when she saw Jin Niang for the first time. Ling'er's face was also not good. Her face turned pale and she staped. However, as soon as she opened her mouth, she was stared at by Jin Niang, so it was difficult to say anything else, so she had to turn around. He whispered to Qingyin, "Sister, don't care about it. That's what Sister-in-law Jin said, but she didn't deliberately target you."

"It's okay!" The clear appearance can only be regarded as beautiful. Although a pair of eyes are still long and watery, she really knows that she has nothing to do with beauty after seeing Gong Shangjiao Yuhui.

The voice ignored Jin Niang, and regardless of whether the kitchen was Jin Niang's territory, he wandered around the kitchen. Chen Wangfu's kitchen is really simple, and there are few helpers. There is nothing more than a burning little guy, a handyman, and an apron wearing the same apron as Jin Niang. I guess it was for Jin Niang.

The furnishings inside are also simple and pitiful, but there are two large bowls of kitchens against the wall, and three water tanks, a rice tank and a surface tank are placed next to it. In the middle is a cutting board for cutting vegetables, and then there are the two stoves that Jin Niang just stir-fried.

Qingyin wandered around, Jin Niang followed her like a thief, and her eyes did not leave Qingyin's hands for a moment, for fear that she would touch her anything.

Sure enough, Qingyin walked to the edge of the food box. A small plate with vegetables glanced at Jin Niang who followed closely behind her side face. She bent the corners of her lips and stretched out her thumb and index finger. Without waiting for Jin Niang's group to stop it, she had picked up a bite of the dish and put it in her mouth.

"Not only is your girl not good-looking, but also has no tutor? Didn't your adult teach you to wash your hands before eating? And he even clamped it with his hands. Jin Niang scolded angrily, and then shouted to the handyman, "Xiao Qi, this dish is dirty. Pour it over and feed the dog!"

Isn't Jin Niang's words just a roundabout scolding that is not as good as a dog? The voice was not panicked, but without waiting for the little guy named Xiaoqi to approach, he spit out the food in his mouth to the ground, and even wiped his mouth and said contemptuously, "This is also a vegetable. If you feed the pig, I'm afraid that the pigs will starve to death."

"What are you talking about? You damn girl, how dare you shout at me!" Jin Niang's angry face turned white and her lips trembling.

Linger didn't expect that Qingyin would challenge Jin Niang so boldly. She hurried forward and pulled the sleeve of Qingyin's clothes: "Sister, speak carefully!"

"Originally, can this also be called a dish? The meat is too old, the dishes are too fried, and all the nutrients such as vitamins have been lost. Also, is this overturned to buy salt or something? Can such a thing be swallowed?" Qingyin patted Linger's hand, signaling her peace of mind, continued to count Jin Niang's craftsmanship, and looked directly at Jin Niang without fear.

I don't think several of the little ones in the kitchen have seen anyone challenge their boss, and they were stunned.

Jin Niang took a deep breath, then raised the corners of her lips and took two steps forward: "It's not so easy for you to hit me when you say these two words." He snorted coldly and said proudly, "Dozens of people go up and down in this palace eat the food cooked by me alone, but no one said that my craftsmanship is not good!"

"That's what they dare not!" Qingyin rolled her eyes, turned her face to look at Linger and several little people in the kitchen, and sighed, "Oh! It's really pitiful for everyone. They eat such a meal every day, but they can't stand the mean people who cook, and they don't even dare to complain. Your Highness and the prince eat such pig food every day, and I don't know how they got here! Hey! What a poor man!"

"You..." Jin Niang was angry, gasped, and then pointed to Qingyin disdainfully, "Since you dare to say so, do you think your craftsmanship is on top of me?"

"How can my craftsmanship be higher than my sister-in-law?" Qingyin pretended to be frightened. Looking at the proud look on Jin Niang's face, she smiled and said, "I dare not say that I can compare with the royal chef in the palace, but compared with you, no, you are not even qualified to compare with me at all! It's not a grade at all!"

It's not that Qingyin deliberately wants to make Jin Niang angry, but that she knows that this kind of person has always been very tall. If you can't push her professionally, she won't look at you up for the rest of her life. Importantly, it is estimated that Chen Kang has explained her existence, and for a territory with few women, few women will have a strong desire to dominate. In short, Jin Niang is afraid that her status will be threatened, and looking at her attitude of Chen Kang, she is probably distressed as her son. As soon as she opened her mouth, she said that she would evaluate her appearance, that is to say, the current Jinniang is like a mother-in-law looking at her daughter-in-law.

As soon as Jin Niang heard it, although she was angry at first, although she didn't believe it, Qingyin could have better than her cooking skills at a young age, and she was curious. She took two steps back, stood on the edge of the chopping board, pointed to Qingyin, pointed to the knife and ingredients on the chopping board and said, "In this, why don't you show us your hand and see? How many grades can I make?

"Good!" Qingyin shouted and walked over: "In this case, I don't hesitate to teach you. You should study hard!"