It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 93 Action

Since Qingyin left the valley, Xuan Sa feels lonely as never before. Every time I returned to the backyard and passed the wooden house, I couldn't help stepping in, as if the voice was always there with a smile. As soon as I saw it, I would jump up, grab his arm, and affectionately call him 'brother'.

But whenever he walks into the empty room, he is always sad.

Everywhere in the backyard, there are traces left by the clear sound, which often makes him have the illusion that the clear sound will suddenly jump out in some corner and play tricks on him. But as soon as he turned around, it was still an empty corridor, an empty yard, and an empty martial arts practice field.

He has also secretly sent people to follow her. Although she is not fully aware of her every move, he also knows that she has been there every step of the way. Although she has been interrupted for two days, he basically knows what happened to her.

Now Gong replied that Qingyin finally entered Chen's mansion safely. He couldn't say whether he was happy or something. He always doubted whether his decision was correct this time. The head of the heart is heavily suppressed by something, which makes me feel breathless. In my mind, the voice and appearance of the voice kept emerging, either shy or cunning, and my fingers unconsciously touched my waist.

Inside the long shirt is a special gift given to him when he finally left.

Through the long shirt, I also felt that the palm of the diaphragm was a little numb.

"Wang?" Gong sensed Xuan Sa's distracted and called softly.

"Huh?" Xuan Sa woke up from his nostalgia for Qingyin and frowned and asked, "Is there still no news from Jia Zhuo?"

"The people we placed in the imperial court have been secretly searching, but there is no clue! The maidservant thought that Jia Zhuo was already more evil than lucky!" No wonder the palace has this suspicion. Although it is not difficult to find a person under the eyes of King Wu of the imperial capital Zhou, they have several eyeliners. After all, they have been in the army for many years and have not been exposed, so that even a trace can be found.

"Live to see people, die to see corpses!" Jia Zhuo's inexplicable disappearance inadvertently exposed their hidden dangers. Xuan Sa said harshly.


"Hasn't the news come back yet?"

"Just say that everything is still working hard!"

Now, it has taken so many years to penetrate the eyeliner in the court to finally become a second-class gatekeeper. Although they can't participate in politics, that position is also extremely important. Whether they can successfully enter the imperial capital in the future depends on such an inconspicuous small errand. As long as their identity will not be discovered by the people of the court during this period, once they are mature, they will annihilate Zhou Xiong in one fell swoop.

Quietly retreated from the hall, and the palace walked on the corridor, but hesitated whether to return to his yard.

Since Shang knew that she and Hui were secretly making a noise, he let Qingyin leave, and also risked to sneak into the royal palace. On the one's sake of revenge, and on the other, in order to protect their safety, Shang complained about the heart of the palace. Stop talking. As soon as you see her, you will turn your face away. Sisterhood is also temporarily in crisis.

I don't like her very much with Yu.

Shang had always been worried about the whereabouts of Qingyin, but he never asked her in person. He just let Yu turn around the corner. Now that there is finally the exact whereabouts of Qingyin, should she tell Shang or not? After all, Qingyin is only temporary safety. She has been secretly holding Xuan Sa's eyeliner to order the imperial capital. At the beginning, Qingyin was deeply trapped and almost lost her chastity, but she has always hidden it. If she is known by the merchant, I'm afraid she will not forgive herself for a lifetime!

Thinking of this, Gong gritted his teeth and did not go back to the room, but went straight to Hui's room.

"Hui..." As soon as I entered the room, I saw Hui standing in front of the window, looking up at the sky with a solemn face and without saying a word.

Hui turned his face slightly, but did not look back, but there was a hidden worry in his tone: "I'm afraid there will be a change in Qingyin!"

"What?" I just got a reply from the people over there. Didn't they say that everything was fine? Why did Hui say such a brainless sentence? Gong hurriedly asked, "Hui, what did you notice?"

"I'm afraid my dementor won't work on Qingyin soon!" Generally speaking, it is difficult for people controlled by dementors to be resolved by the person who casts the spell personally, but Hui suddenly said so seriously that he did not seem to be lying.

"Didn't you say it was foolproof?" Thinking that the clear sound came out of the valley was also after careful consideration. If it hadn't been for the guarantee of the emblem, she would definitely not have taken risks. But now the person who casts the spell has no confidence. If the dementor on Qingyin has a way to solve it, she wants to come to her real identity. At that time, she will not only fail to help them, but also very likely to cause harm to them. Gong couldn't help getting a little angry and was quite unkind to Hui's tone.

"I don't know why. I just feel the memory sealed in Qingyin's mind, and I'm ready to move!" Hui turned around and shook his head, and his face was also confused.

"Since you can perceive it, there must be a way to control it, right?"

"This... I can only try my best, but I'm not sure if it can work!" Hui looked at the wings on Gong's face, his face moved slightly, and the corners of his lips were pulled.

"In this case, what are you waiting for? Jia Zhuo has no news. I guess it's already auspicious, but in case he doesn't die, it's in Zhou Xiong's hands..." Isn't she the only one who has this suspicion? Isn't Xuan Sa worried that he wants to see people and corpses when he dies? After all, Jia Zhuo is one of the few people until the entrance of the valley.

Although Xuan Sa looks calm on the surface, he has sent people to secretly look for new hiding places so that everyone in the organization can be transferred out as soon as possible. This is not to doubt Jia Zhuo's sincerity, but to be afraid of 10,000 in case, and have to make countermeasures in advance.

"With my strength, my heart is more than enough. Now we must ask for a few help!" Hui Ding looked at the palace, and his eyes were clearly asking.

"Do you mean that we need the help of Yu and Shang?" Gong asked hesitantly.

Hui didn't say anything, just nodded!

Shang did not agree with her to put the safety of the whole family on Qingyin, but now she also wants to let her know that the reason why Qingyin is willing to go out of the valley is not entirely because of her request, but also because she secretly used the dementor of Qingyin behind their back. Not only will they not help her, but they are also likely to threaten her to withdraw Hui from the spell of Qingyin. Doesn't this embarrass her?

"Is there no other way?" Gong asked unwillingly.

"The dementor was originally able to do it, but there is the energy of inverted orchid in Qingyin's body. In addition, now that she is not by my side, I can only rely on the spells planted on her and control her through ideas. I am not a martial artist. If I can borrow your inner strength and can complete it, it's just this method. The damage to the human body is also great. If more people share it, the damage can be minimized, and you have internal cultivation. As long as you recuperate a little, you can recover in no time. However, if only with the power of one person, I'm afraid that this person can't bear it. If it's easy, the martial arts will be lost, and the most important thing is..." Hui rarely said so much. Since she can make an exception to make all the details clear, it is that it is really important to say this matter.

Looking at Hui's inquiring eyes, Gong thought about the situation that Xuan Sa and the people in the organization are about to face. Shang is absolutely unreliable. Now only Yu Shang can fight for it. But if it's clear, I'm afraid Yu won't agree. You have to think of a way.

"I'll take care of this matter, and you can prepare it first!" Gong Chaohui waved his hand, gritted his teeth and said, then turned around and went out of the room and went straight to Yu's room, but Yu was not in the room. He thought that he was practicing martial arts, so he looked for it.