It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 101 Night Detective Lin Yi

Dr. Jiang was most interested in Lin Yi's pulse, but due to Chen Wang's identity, he still bowed down to Chen Wang and had to diagnose Chen Wang's pulse first. However, Chen Wang was worried about Lin Yi's situation and insisted that he see Lin first. Lin Yi was worried about Uncle Wu's injury and said that he would see Uncle Wu first. Dr. Jiang stood in the room with a face of embarrassment and didn't know who to start first.

Seeing this, Chen Kang had to come forward to persuade him: "Uncle Wu's injury is the most serious. Dr. Jiang'd better show Uncle Wu first!"

Dr. Jiang was relieved and diagnosed Uncle Wu's pulse. He was not surprised and even more curious about Lin Yi. He hurriedly turned around and gave Lin a pulse. While diagnosing the pulse, he brushed his white beard and nodded repeatedly: "Miss is just a little weak, but her body is fine. She just needs to recuperate a little." After saying that, he looked up and looked at Lin Yi's face.

Chen Wang's long-hanging heart finally let go, and the expression on his face relaxed: "It's okay! It's not in vain for your Uncle Wu to sacrifice. After saying that, he looked at Chen Wu gratefully.

"It's just where did you learn how to give up your blood? I have been a doctor for so many years, and I have never known that the blood containing inverted orchids has such a magical effect!" Dr. Jiang endured for a long time but still did not suppress his curiosity.

"This, this, is just a method circulating in the world. I heard the master mention it, but I didn't expect it to be really useful!" Lin Yi's vague explanation.

Chen Kang noticed that Lin Yi's current statement is different from his previous and his own statement. Dr. Jiang looked at Lin Yi and looked at himself in disbelief. Chen Kang quickly spoke out to help Lin Yi round: "There are many strange folk medical prescriptions. Dr. Jiang served the emperor in the palace in his early years, and it is common sense that some of them have not been heard of. However, I feel that Uncle Wu's illness does not necessarily depend on his sister's blood, but also thanks to my timely treatment. Otherwise, even if it is delayed for an hour, even the Daluo immortal can do nothing.

"Yes!" Dr. Jiang knew that Chen Kang was intentional. Although he responded, his eyes still glanced at Lin Yi's body from time to time, especially the wrist wrapped in a cloth towel, and his heart was already secretly moved.

"Although Miss's method is useful, you still need to use it less. After all, blood loss is the most harmful to the body. The prince and stewor Wu are old, and now it has come again. The weather is getting colder and colder day by day. If it hurts the wind and cold, I'm afraid that I will fall ill in the future. I have opened a few sets of health prescriptions. The prince and stewer Wu remember that they can't break. I will come to have a look every day in the future. As Dr. Jiang was talking, he put the medicine box on his shoulder. Chen Kang quickly came forward and took it: "I'll send Dr. Jiang!"

"Don't bother Your Highness!" Dr. Jiang was anxious to go back to the palace, so he refused Chen Kang's kindness.

Chen Kang took the opportunity to respond. He only sent Dr. Jiang out of the hospital, then folded back and called two people to settle Chen Wu back to his room.

"Kang'er, I don't need you to watch here. Send your sister back to the yard!" King Chen also looked tired and ordered with half drooping eyelids.

"Yes!" Chen Kang answered and went to Fu Linyi.

"Your sister is weak. If you don't take her back, can't she leave by herself?" King Chen said anxiously.

"Ah?" Chen Kang and Lin shouted together.

"Ah, what! My brother hugged my sister, can't others say anything? Chen Wang didn't agree with the surprised reaction of the two people and gave them a blank look.

"Dad, I can go by myself!" Lin Yi has never been hugged by a man, but he is a brother who grew up together. Chen Kang is nominally his brother, but he has no blood relationship at all. Besides, they have never been so close. Not to mention other people's gossip, Lin Yi himself can't pass this. He quickly stretched out his hand to block his chest.

"Woman, be obedient, you just lost so much blood for your Uncle Wu. What if you feel dizzy on the road and fall again? Do you want your father to continue to worry about you?" Chen Wang frowned and asked earnestly.

"This..." Lin Yi was still hesitating and found an excuse to refuse. Chen Wang said again, "Kang'er, what are you still doing? Why don't you take your sister back to your room to rest?"

"Yes!" It's true that Lin Yi is his sister, but it still feels a little unnatural to let Chen Kang have physical contact with her, but what his father said is also reasonable, and it happens that Chen Kang can use her physical contact to feel whether she can do martial arts or not.

Lin Yixiang had no choice but to be beaten and hugged in his arms by Chen Kang. Chen Wang looked at it and smiled happily. This scene was what he had been looking forward to for 15 years! Now I can finally see with my own eyes that my son and daughter are close, and I have no regrets in my life!

Xuan Sa came out of the valley and didn't stop. He didn't even take a break on the road and went straight to the imperial capital. For dozens of days, he didn't expect to see her again. Looking at Lin Yi nestled in Chen Kang's arms, his eyes looked around. The familiar little face turned red. At the beginning, Lin Yi was still struggling slightly, but slowly his two small hands couldn't help climbing on Chen Kang's neck.

couldn't help but feel that Xuan Sa's heart seemed to have been pricked by something. He twitched his eyebrows in pain, and his fingers couldn't help clenched tightly. Xuan Sa's eyes seemed to be spewing fire. Almost subconsciously, he took two steps forward and instinctively wanted to fly forward and grab Lin Yi from Chen Kang's arms.

When Xuan Sa couldn't help it, he saw Chen Kang coming to the gate of a yard called Rong Xuan Pavilion with a clear voice in his arms. There were two bodyguards standing at the door. When he saw Lin Yi in Chen Kang's arms, there was a trace of surprise at the beginning, but in an instant he felt that it was the most natural thing and saluted the two people. At this time, a little girl in the yard ran out: "Miss, what's wrong?"

"Miss was slightly injured. I will bring the lady's medicine later, and Linger will serve the lady to use it." Chen Kang hasn't put down Lin Yi's intention, but Lin Yi has noticed the seemingly strange eyes of the guard at the door and quickly blushed: "Brother, this has arrived at the door. Let your sister go by herself!"

Brother? Sister? At first, Xuan Sa thought he had heard it wrong, but he paid close attention to the conversation between Chen Kang and Lin Yi to make sure that he had heard it. Thinking of the sourness in my heart when I saw the intimate behavior of the two people on the first day of the lunar new year, I couldn't help laughing at myself. Then I thought, what the hell is going on? Isn't Lin Yi the little girl of Murong's family? Why did she become Chen Kang's sister again?

"You go back to your room and have a good rest. I will send someone to take care of your father. Although Uncle Wu's illness still depends on your blood, you can't worry too much. If you don't rest well, how can you have the energy to treat others?" Previously, when he came out of his father's main courtyard, there were not many people on the road, and he didn't feel ashamed. However, when he arrived at Rongxuan Pavilion, there were three people standing in front of him, looking at the two of them with strange faces. Chen Kang also got up unnaturally, cleared his throat, pretended to order Lin Yi, and deliberately let his subordinates know. He brought her back because of her injury.

At the beginning, I heard that Lin Yi was Chen Kang's sister. Although I felt a little uncomfortable, after thinking about it, it was not a good thing that Lin Yi could have such a home, which also showed that he had the right decision not to stop Lin Yi from coming out of the valley at the beginning. But when he heard it again, his eyebrows frowned more and more tightly.

When she was in the valley, she and the dead old man Renwoxing carried him on their back and treated Shang's wounds with blood. Now Lin Yi is actually kind enough to save others with his own blood. It's just an old man who has been together for a few days. How can he not be angry and sad! Previously, I saw someone guarding at the gate of Lin Yi's courtyard and a girl serving her. Originally, I thought that Lin Yi was living a good life like a young lady in Chen's house, although I could think that she was still suffering. He regretted the original decision.

It's just that since Lin Yi is willing to sacrifice herself to save lives, does it mean that she has remembered the past? Have you already let go of hatred? Does she really treat Chen Kang and the Chen family as a relative? Does she still remember herself... If Lin Yi forgets his and those so-called hatred and restores his memory, it is a good thing for Yu Linyi and he is happy to see, but at the thought that she may no longer remember herself, Xuan Sa still can't help feeling sad.

For a long time, Xuan Sa didn't go anywhere, but hid in the dark on the roof of Chen's mansion and silently stared at Lin Yi's room. Silently watched her take a nap, silently watched her eat, and silently watched her fall asleep. When the light in her room went out and Chen Wangfu also fell into tranquility, Xuan Sa finally couldn't help but quietly touched the outside of Lin Yi's room. He slipped into the door, stood by the bed, and silently looked at her sleeping.

The appearance in memory is just that his face is slightly rounder than when he was in the valley, but his eyebrows are a little more depressed. Even in his sleep, Lin Yi's hands are tightly clenched, as if he is ready to fight back against the enemy at any time.

Xuan Sa couldn't help but feel distressed again. He instinctively wanted to reach out his hand to smooth the folds of her eyebrows, but his hand reached halfway, but stopped, gritted his teeth, and only took out a small silver box from his arms, gently put it on the small table on the edge of the bed, and flew out of the window with a little toes.

Qingyin just dreamed that he had returned to the valley and was cleaning up Xuan Sa's room. Suddenly, he felt a cool breeze behind him. He turned around and saw that Xuan Sa came back. He was about to jump up and called him 'Brother', but his hands were empty. Suddenly, blood-filled figures appeared in front of him, including palaces, merchants, emblems, and There was an old man, Xuan Sa... She was so scared that she sat up from ** and found that she was still in Chen Wangfu.