It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 58 Handing over the Holy Relith

"Please wash and change your clothes!"

Only then did Lin Yi see that the girl in front of him was about the same age as his current age. She was 15 or 16 years old, but she was a little taller than himself. Her eyebrows had not yet grown, but she could also be seen that she was a little beautiful and looked dignified and honest.

thought to himself, since they have regarded themselves as saints, that is to say, the leader of the Hu clan has recognized him, so it seems that they are about to meet him, so they obeyed the girl's meaning. However, he was still not used to serving others, so he walked to the low table and cleaned his face. The girl came with a set of Hu girl service and a hat with white fox fur. The hood looks very simple, but the sapphire inlaid on it is as big as a thumb, shining in the light, and Lin Yi's eyes are also dull.

In a short time, the girl braided Lin Yi's hair into two thick braids on her chest and changed her clothes. Then he was surrounded out of the tent by the girls. But when he saw two rows of bodyguards outside the tent, he respectfully put his right hand on his left chest and bowed his head to salute Lin. Ren Woxing was dressed in a new dress and slightly decorated on his face. He stood outside the tent with a happy face. When he saw Lin come out, he also bowed and did a Hu etiquette.

Lin stepped forward a few steps and asked, "What have you done? What the hell is going on?"

Ren Xing bent the corners of his lips and said with a smile, "The leader was very happy to hear that the saint returned to the court. Early in the morning, he sent someone to welcome the saint Feng's drive back to the capital account." After saying that, he blinked at Lin Yi, indicating that Lin Yi did not have to panic.

"Please, saint!" The girl waiting for her to dress shouted, and the guard roared in unison, "Oh, oh, oh--"

In the middle of the team, Lin and his entourage only saw many Hu people kneeling on both sides of the team. Their faces were full of surprise and joy, and several of them had covered their faces and cried. The eyes of Lin Yi were full of longing and expectation.

Lin Yi followed the team uneasily all the way. About half a cup of tea arrived at the mouth of the mountain at the foot of Changwu Mountain. Hundreds of soldiers had gathered at the mountain pass. In the middle, a 50-year-old man walked back and forth in panic. Seeing the team coming, he raised his eyes and looked at Lin Yi in a daze for a moment. His face appeared with light and unbelievable joy on his face. He walked to Lin Yi in a few steps, almost burst into tears, and clenched Lin Yi's hands excitedly.

Lin Yi think that this person was the leader of the Hu clan. He was about to bend down to salute, but the man hurriedly stretched out his hand to block him in horror. He suddenly stepped back and knelt on one knee, with his left hand supporting his knee, his right hand on his left chest, and his voice trembled with his head down: "Yours... Welcome the saint back!"

"Are you?" This person also looks quite rich, but he doesn't want to be just a subordinate?

"My subordinate is the father of the former saint, Croon!" The man replied respectfully, and when he looked up again, there were already tears of excitement in his eyes.

That is to say, his grandfather? Lin Yi did not dare to neglect. He hurriedly bent his knees and gave him a blessing in the Central Plains. He got up and looked at the grandfather in front of him. He is also a Hu talent with deep eye sockets, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a tall nose bridge, a big mouth and square lips, a strong lip line, and a style of military general. I don't look like him at all. I just think that I may have inherited my grandmother's genes more. Seeing that his temples have already had a frosty color and a slightly crescent back, I think that over the years, my mother has not been here, and his life has not been satisfactory!

While thinking about it, Crown said, "Wang is very happy to hear that you have returned to the court. At this time, he is waiting in the account with the ministers!"

At this time, it was not the time to gossip. Lin Yi hurriedly followed Krone all the way to the leading tent. On the way, as soon as they saw Lin Yi, they knelt down on the ground and did the courtesy of the Hu people. Like those people, they were all happy, longing, worship, and all kinds of mixed complex look, in their ears. The buzzing is full of the voice of the saint.

After living two lives and being reborn here, this is the first time that Lin Yi has felt such importance. The little vanity inevitably fluttered up, and the walking pace unexpectedly slowed down unknowably.

It took a quarter of an hour to get to the Hu King's tent.

The tent of the Hu king is in the innermost part of the mountain pass, with the same pattern as the imperial capital. The outer circle is the tent of the important ministers of the clan, and the outer circle is the generals. After that, they are the soldiers and finally the people. Naturally, his tent is much bigger and more luxurious than others. Lin Yi didn't have much time to study what his tent looked like. He just lowered his head and followed behind the crown. At the door of the tent, crown respectfully bent down to the curtain and shouted, "The saint is coming!"

Immediately, someone lifted the curtain from inside and sent a message: "Welcome the saint!"

Finally, he is going to see the legendary Hu king. Although it seems that the Hu king seems to attach great importance to her at present, no one knows what kind of attitude he will have after he really met him and listened to his request. After all, he is not a real saint. Thinking of this, Lin Yi became more and more uneasy. Come on, I'm also a little hesitant. Krone reminded softly beside him, "Please also ask the saint to move!"

Lin Yi quickly glanced at Kron, gritted his teeth and took a deep breath of cold air, and then felt a little bold. He bowed down and walked in. He didn't dare to look up and just looked down at the ground. The ground was covered with thick fur cushions, and it was soft and light when stepped on it. As if it were placed in the clouds, the afterglow of the corners of my eyes only saw some people sitting cross-legged in the next two rows. When they saw her coming in and leaning forward slightly, they felt that everyone's breathing in the tent seemed to be stagnated for a moment. Lin Yi's heart hung even to his throat, and he didn't even dare to get out of the atmosphere. Fortunately, after he entered the tent, Krone also followed him closely, with 'parents' beside him. Lin Yifang felt more confident.

Waiting to the front of the main seat, Kron gently pulled her clothes and signaled 'I've arrived'!

Lin Yi hurriedly knelt on his knees and bowed to the person in the seat: "I've seen the king!"

This move seemed to shock the people in the tent. Lin Yi heard the sound of inhaling cold air and whispering in surprise. He quickly approached the footsteps in front of him and felt that his arms were pulled up by a man.

"You are the saint of my Hu clan, which is unusable!" In his ears is the voice of an old man, but there is a majestic momentum accumulated in the upper position for a long time, which makes people involuntarily produce irresistible.

Lin looked up consciously and saw a Chinese square face, thick sword eyebrows into his temples, straight eagle hook nose, thick lips, and slightly trembling. Seeing Lin Yi staring at him, a pair of eyes deep in his eyes also looked at Lin Yi cautiously. After a moment, he stayed on Lin Yi's face and looked at him for a long time. He sighed, with a surprised look on his face, and there was a layer of excited water mist in his eyes: "Just come back. My Hu people have hope!"

At this time, the ministers in the tent went to the middle and bowed to the forest: "I welcome the saint back to the court!"

Lin Yi was flattered and looked at the crown salute him again. He felt uneasy. He was about to get up, but he was pulled by the Hu king and went up to the main seat and placed it on his left.

Since ancient times, Lin Yi has been respected. Although Lin Yi does not know whether the Hu people also follow the customs of the Central Plains, judging from everyone's reactions and attitudes just now, his status in the Hu people seems to be a little more nobler than the leaders, and he feels more frightened.

Wait for everyone to sit down, Lin Yi noticed that at the moment when Croon was given the first place of his subordinate on the left, there was also a trace of panic on his face. Thinking that the former saint had disappeared for many years, he must have been the father of the saint, and he would not be popular among the clan after the saint disappeared. Maybe there were many times of contempt, and now he returned by himself. Come on, everyone's attitude towards him has changed again.

At this time, a man came out of the right seat and kowtowed to the king and Lin Yi, saying, "The saint is honored to return. It's a blessing in the clan, but there is still something uneasy for my subordinates!"

"What's wrong with you, but let's talk about it!" The king of the Hu nationality narrowed his eyes and looked at the people kneeling on the ground and said solemnly.

"Yes!" The man nodded gently and looked directly at Lin Yi and asked, "At that time, the saint got a sacred object from the Central Plains and ran away from the Central Plains, saying that it was for the people to find the energy of the capital. Now 20 years later, the saint not only did not keep the promise of that year, but also married the Central Plains man without authorization behind the people in the clan, but the former saint has passed away. For many years, it is naturally inconvenient for us to pursue their guilt, but there is a saying that my subordinates dare to ask the new saint. Now when they return to the dynasty, will they still leave the honor, humiliation, happiness and disregard of the whole clan like the saint in those years, just because of their own selfishness?

When he came, Lin Yi also thought that the people in the Hu clan would definitely have a little bit about what happened in those years, but he didn't expect it to come so soon! So sharp, he glanced at the crown next to him. At this time, the crown's face was slightly pale, and his lips trembling looked at the man with reproach in his eyes, but he soon turned his face and looked at Lin Yi, with a deep desire and the same doubts as that man.

"This..." Lin glanced at Wang and saw that he also squeezed his lips tightly, looking serious and nervous.

"Since the saint can't guarantee that she is only thinking about our people, as long as we hand over the sacred objects, we can let the saint go again and don't have to follow our people to endure the pain of nomadic migration!" The man took two steps on his knees and approached Lin Yi even more.

Lin consciously reached out and touched the silk thread hanging on his neck, and took the opportunity to hold the jade pendant tightly in the palm of his hand, and his body also looked back slightly. As soon as the man saw Lin Yi's behavior, his eyes stared at Lin Yi's clenched hand for a moment, and his eyes were full of fruit-eating greed. If it weren't for this time, I'm afraid he has already come to rob it.

At this time, several people present had the intention to agree. Gradually, there were more and more people who asked Lin Yi for the sacred object, and the King of the Hu clan did not seem to want to say anything to stop it, so everyone presumptuously asked Lin Yi to hand over the sacred object. Only Crown wanted to protect Lin Yi, but it was just the strength of one person, how could he compete with everyone--