It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 60 Prisoner

"Uh...that..." Ren I turned red, looked embarrassed, and his eyes dodged.

"Old man, just tell me how you and my mother know each other!" Lin Yi said coquettishly.

Didn't you say there was a luncheon? It's this time, why hasn't anyone come to pass it on yet? I said that this Hu people are unreliable!" As he spoke, he slipped to the edge of the curtain and quickly lifted the curtain to escape.

As soon as the curtain was opened, the instrument took a very clever step forward, half raising his cheek and said obediently, "Your Excellency is going to rest. The tent is ready for you!"

Renwoxing glanced at Lin slightly and said, "Excuse me, girl!"

Lin Yi thought that sooner or later, he would come out of Ren's mouth. It happened that he was also tired at this time. He had to plan well to borrow troops from King Hu, but he did not stop him.

The spirit did not lead the way, but called a soldier next to him: "Take the adult to the outside tent to rest!"

Ren Wexing was a little worried and took a look at Lin Yi's account and left with the soldiers.

Half an hour later, the Hu clan held a grand luncheon to welcome Lin Yi. The banquet was set in an open space outside the tent. In the empty space of only three or four square meters, the soldiers surrounded the open space. King Hu sat in the middle. According to the previous order, they were the important ministers of the court that Lin Yi had seen before, and then the Hu officials who met for the first time. They were all dressed in gorgeous clothes. Everyone's faces looked different and happy. Happy people are also excited, and of course, there are many people who coveted Lin like Musha. On the periphery are the people kneeling on the ground.

As soon as Lin Yi's figure appeared at the banquet, King Hu stood up, and the ministers also stood up one after another, walked to the left side of their seats, bowed their hands, and looked at Lin approaching King Hu step by step.

King Hu circled from the back of the seat to the front to greet Lin Yi in person and sent him to the seat on the left. Lin Yi stood and turned around. Hu Wang bent down to Lin and saluted. The ministers knelt on one knee one after another and shouted in unison, "The Hu people respectfully welcome the saint back to the court!"

Then the people surrounded by soldiers fell to the ground with their hands and echoed in unison: "The whole family welcomes the return of the saint to the court!"

Although there was respect from the people for himself before, Lin Yi stood in such a place and was respected by the people for the first time. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous and excited. He calmed down a little. With the sign of King Hu and the encouragement of Crown, Lin Yi took a breath and said in a loud voice, "Thank you, everyone. Lin Yi valued it. Lin Yi vowed here that he would put the honor and disgrace of the Hu people first, and he would do his best to make our people live a safe and peaceful life!"

"Twenty years ago, the former saint of our clan was exiled away for the happiness of the people. Unfortunately, she was plotted by traitors, so that our people have still been wrapped in a turbulent life for the past 20 years. Now God has pity. Although we have lost a saint, we have sent another saint for us!" King Hu said emotionally, and there were tears flashing in the corners of his eyes. He turned around and looked at Lin Yi and approached Lin Yi's side. He grabbed Lin Yi's hand and raised it above his head and said excitedly, "The new saint, Lin Yi is the daughter of the daughter of the light curtain saint. There is also the noble blood of the light curtain saint. The lonely king believes that all the people should also meet. Xin, with the protection of Lin Yisheng for our family, our people will definitely be able to live the life mentioned by the light curtain saint in the future. At that time, we can have our own fertile land, our own stable home, men and women's weaving, and the harmony of the people will no longer be our dream!"

"H Long live the saint, Long live the Saint Lin Yi--" The people shouted together, and even shed tears of excitement.

Lin Yi was moved. The woman named Light Curtain is really loved by the Hu people, but this kind of love is an inescapable shackle, just like what she feels in her heart now. What she just said is that she will rely on her ability to make the Hu people live a stable and happy life, but it comes from her heart. She also believes that as long as she is willing to work hard, there will be no invincible difficulties. However, when the happiness and humiliation of so many people suddenly fell on the shoulders of a young girl like her, she obviously felt tension and pressure.

She only experienced all this at this moment, but the woman named Light Curtain has been carrying all this since she was born. It can be imagined what kind of pressure she has in her heart. So she wanted to escape, and she also escaped, but Lin Yi could fully understand her.

Sitting down, I saw that Kron's eyes were full of tears, and he looked at himself with love and respect.

Everything went smoothly at the luncheon. Although Musha's attitude towards Lin Yi was still the same, he still knew how to behave and did not embarrass Lin Yi in front of the people. It's just that I didn't get invited by King Hu to attend the banquet. This made Lin Yi somewhat unhappy. Even if the king of Hu is not sure of his relationship with himself, after all, he sent him back to the clan in person. Anyway, he should be regarded as the benefactor of the Hu clan, but the king of Hu deliberately ignored him, which made Lin Yi feel somewhat alert.

The end of the banquet is two hours later. Although the Hu people are nomadic and do not have as much red tape as the Zhou Dynasty, Lin Yi was also very tired when he accepted the greetings of various ministers, but he insisted on holding on with his spirit. Lin Yi felt relieved when he received Krone's concerned eyes from time to time.

When King Hu sent a message, Lin Yi, accompanied by the spirit, returned to the tent camp under the courtesy of the crowd. As soon as he entered the tent, he softly crooked on the fox's couch. Seeing this, the weapon spirit did not disturb him and gently retreated. As soon as the weapon spirit left for a while, Lin Yi was drowsy when he heard the noisy sound outside the tent.

"Why did you stop me from seeing my girl?"

"Your Excellency, please be careful!" Through the curtain, but Lin Yi could interrupt the frightened look on the face of the spirit from the tone of the spirit.

"Be careful? Lin Yi is my apprentice, not who is my girl. Am I wrong with this? Ren Whang's tone was obviously unhappy and sarcastic.

"Your Excellency, the saint may have been your apprentice in the past, but now that the saint has returned to the court, she is the most noble god of her own family. In the future, she will no longer be able to see her casually. If there is no king's permission and the summons of the saint, please wait in the account!" The fear of the spirit disappeared in an instant and regained its calmness.


Lin Yi frowned at this time and couldn't listen any more. He hurriedly got up and walked to the door of the tent, lifted the curtain, and said to me, "Master, come in!"

"Saint, this must be made without the king's order!" The spirit quickly stood respectfully in the middle of Lin Yi and Ren.

"He is my master, who used to be my closest kin, but it's just a meeting between master and apprentice. Does this kind of trifle have to disturb the king?"

"Saint, the king has an order. Any outsider who wants to meet the saint needs to get the king's order or password!" The spirit knelt on the ground and stood in the middle of the two people, with no intention of giving in.

Lin Yi couldn't help but be angry and prepared to forcibly break in. Who knew that the spirit knelt on his loyal knees and bowed to Lin Yi: "Please forgive me. If the saint is not pitiful, the only thing I have to die to thank the king's high hopes!" After saying that, he raised his face and looked straight at Lin Yi, waiting for Lin Yi to speak.

Lin's face turned blue, and Ren Wexing regretted it: "Woman, I don't think this saint has any advantage. Since King Hu treats you like this, we don't have to stay in such a place!" It really means that Lalin will leave.

The spirit was shocked and quickly pulled out a dagger from his waist and lay it across his neck: "The maidservant, please think twice!"

"Woth, King Hu, when you are a prisoner, what do you still care about what they do? I don't believe that this girl is really willing to do it?" Ren Xing raised his feet and took a step forward, forcing him to the spirit, and his tone was disdainful.

Lin Yi was a little embarrassed. He just said at the banquet that he would put the interests of the whole Hu people first in the future and use his best to make the people happy, but King Hu's style is indeed too much. It's enough not to let me participate in the banquet. He obviously respects himself in front of the people, but behind his back, he treats himself as a prisoner, and he can't even see the people around him. It's just that Xuan Sa and Da Zhou are still waiting for their own efforts.

"Witch, don't think too much about that. I don't believe it. Without them, we really won't do anything. My old man also has some connections. Even if it doesn't work, my old man will fight for his life! Don't look at people's faces here!"

The "Saint--" spirit's face condensed, the strength in her hand increased, and there was a blood mark on her neck.

"Qing, you..." Lin was also shocked when he saw the situation. He was afraid that the Qiling would really do something out of the wrong thing. At that time, there would be no good for her big things at that time. He hurriedly retreated and let me: "Please go back and rest first. After I meet the king and ask for an imperial edict, then go to the master to apologize!"

"Woman..." I looked complicated, but when I saw Lin Yi constantly giving me a wink, although I didn't want to, I had to say, "In this case, everything is up to the girl!" After sighing, he stared fiercely and retreated.

"The man has also left. Your task has been completed. You can get up!" Lin Yi turned around and said coldly to the weapon spirit.

"Thank you, maidservant, for your mercy!" The spirit also breathed a deep sigh of relief, slowly got up and wiped it on his neck, which was regarded as stopping the bleeding.

"Prepare for me, I want to meet the king!" The heart of the instrument's hand was red and bright, against her calm face, which made Lin Yi feel shocked. He closed his eyes and squeezed out a few words from his teeth.

"...servant obeys!" The instrument spirit hesitated a little and was stared at by Lin Yi before saying.