It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 81 Finally Go Home

As soon as Qianqian left the room, Ziyue became more and more uneasy. She lowered her head and twisted her hands on her clothes. She didn't know whether to come forward to serve or what to do. After waiting for a while, Lin Yi said, "Why hasn't Sister Qianqian come back for so long? Miss Ziyue, why don't you go and have a look?"

As soon as Ziyue heard that she had been granted an amnesty, she hesitated a little, but Fu Li still went out of the door.

There were only two of them left in the room, and Jiao frowned and asked, "Miss, what on earth do you want to do?"

Lin went to the door and made sure that there was no one. Then he returned to the table and whispered a few words in the corner. After listening to this, Jiao looked anxious: "How did Miss find out?"

"Just at the gate, I deliberately showed that I was from the Chen family. Those soldiers did not dare to let go, but the leader looked humble. Don't you think it's strange?" Lin Yi asked in a low voice.

"The bodyguard at the gate of the royal palace?" Jiao thought for a moment and asked again.

"Wait a minute..." Lin Yi said a few more words in his ear.

At this time, Qianqian held the tray and walked into the door with a smile, followed by Ziyue.

Lin Yi immediately changed his face, gave a wink at the corner, and greeted him: "It's really annoying sister Qianqian!" With that, he gave Qianqian an ingot of silver.

Qianqian pinched the silver ingot in her heart and said with a smile, "It's the responsibility of the slave family. It's too polite!" Qianqian put the silver in her arms with a smile. Her body was soft and tilted in Lin Yi's arms. She sat down with Lin Yi's waist: "Ziyue, you have to serve that little prince well!"

After Qianqian stared angrily, Ziyue reluctantly sat down next to the corner.

As soon as he sat down, he took Ziyue into his arms and touched his face: "What the prince said is that we can't take this opportunity to come to the imperial capital. Why is it difficult to see the prosperity of the imperial capital?" After saying that, he picked up the wine pot and poured himself a glass of wine. Qianqian hurriedly got up and took the wine pot and said anly, "Ziyue really doesn't know the rules. How can you let the prince do this kind of thing yourself? Why don't you serve the prince well!" With that, he served wine and cloth dishes for Lin Yi. Ziyue had to learn from Qianqian's appearance and poured wine for the corner.

With a few glasses of wine, several people were a little drunk.

Qianqian saw that the time was also ripe. She collapsed in Lin Yi's arms. Her soft lips came to Lin Yi's earlobe and whispered a few whispers. Hearing this, Lin Yi straightened with goose bumps all over, and his face blushed to the root of his neck. He looked like a young man who was new to the world, a little shy: "Then I will all I listened to my sister's arrangement!"

"Good, I will definitely serve the prince properly!" Seeing that her abacus finally started, Qianqian pointed to Ziyue angrily and said, "The prince is drunk. Why don't you help him back to serve the prince to rest!"

"..." Ziyue's face is ugly, which is very difficult.

"Purple Moon!" Qianqian shouted, and Ziyue trembled. She suddenly stood up and hurried to help the corner. Her eyes were half lowered, and her face was drunk. She exchanged a look with Lin Yi, but she was shrewd. There was a smile on his face: "Then the prince will have a good rest. I, I'll retreat first!"

"Go!" As Lin Yi spoke, he was exhausted and had already lay on the table.

Qianqian sent the two people out of the door, then closed the door and turned around to help Lin Yi: "Son, it's uncomfortable here. I'm waiting for you to rest!"

"Ye, er..."

After half a cup of tea, the night was like ink, and the roof of the fragrant courtyard, two black shadows, flew away in the direction of Chen Wangfu in the inner city.

Chen Gallo's yard

"Dad. In half a month, my sister and the ninth prince got married. My sister is still in Heyi, and I don't know how the deployment is. Can she make it in time? Chen Jialuo stood with his hands on his hands and looked up at the smiling portrait. Chen Kang asked worriedly.

"Hope!" Chen Jialuo sighed and turned around and asked, "Phantom has picked up the girl, but she is back?"

"There is no news yet!" Chen Kang looked back, frowning and worried.

"The girl is measured, and there should be no problem!" As he spoke, he heard Chen Wu's low shout in the yard: "Who?"

Chen Kang heard the sound, and the long sword in his hand had come out of the sheath. He jumped out of the door a few steps and came to Chen Wu: "Uncle Wu, what's the matter?"

At this time, two black figures flew down from the roof. The yard was dark and he could not see the appearance of the people. Chen Kang was anxious and looked awe-in. He raised his sword and stood in front of Chen Gallo's study: "Who dares to break into King Chen's mansion?" He said that the long sword in his hand was about to wave to the other party.

But I heard a familiar voice: "Brother, it's me!"

Chen Kang was stunned at first, and then his face was happy. His sword returned to the sheath. Lin slipped out of the darkness a few steps, and his familiar face was exposed to the dim yellow light. Chen Kang looked carefully and was really Lin Yi. He was overjoyed: "My sister is finally back. Dad is worried!"

"Miss!" Uncle Wu was also very excited, and tears flashed in his eyes.

Several people hugged each other and walked to Chen Jialuo's study: "Dad is in the study, and he will be very happy to know that his sister will come back safely!"

"Corner, come in with us!" Lin Yi turned around and shouted at the corner behind him.

"Corner?" At this time, Chen Kang went to pay attention to another man in black who entered the royal palace with Lin Yi. He couldn't help but be surprised to see that the man took off the veil and turned out to be a beautiful woman.

"She is a close bodyguard beside the prince!" Lin Yi briefly introduced. At this time, Chen Jialuo also heard the movement outside the door and went out of the door. As soon as he saw Lin Yi, he was very excited: " girl, you are finally back! Come into the room and talk!" As he spoke, he looked at the corner.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Yi couldn't wait to ask, "Dad, what's going on? Has he really been arrested?"

Chen Jialuo looked at his daughter's worried look and was very distressed, but he had to tell Lin Yi the truth: "Originally, all the deployment was very thorough, but none of us expected that the ninth prince had already seen the prince. Once in public, he recognized the prince was not a real Taoist priest. Later, the imperial doctor The toxic ingredients were detected in the elixir taken by Zhou Xiong, and Zhou Xiong was even more furious when the two of them were about to go to prison.

"This matter was my negligence!" Lin Yi sighed and blamed himself.

"You are not in the imperial capital, what does this have to do with you!" Although he knew Lin's intention, he was a little resentful when he saw that Lin took all the responsibility on himself as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Dad, let me be told later!" Now that the matter has happened, what he is anxious about is to solve the problem. Lin Yi waved his hand and asked anxiously, "What's going on with the big wedding?"

Asked by Lin Yiyi, Chen Jialuo slowly raised his hand and brushed Lin Yi's temples, and his tone was full of self-reproach and sadness: " girl... Dad is sorry for you! But don't worry, Dad will never let you marry that bastard!"