It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 84 Ten days is enough

The marriage between the first heterosexual palace and the royal family in the Zhou Dynasty was originally a major event in the Zhou Dynasty. Coupled with the end of the year, the imperial capital is unprecedentedly prosperous. Those officials in the inner city may still have the opportunity to meet the royal family to express their congratulations, but those with a slightly lower status can only rely on the Chen family outside the palace to offer their congratulations to the Tian family and the Chen family.

Originally, he did not want to be too extravagant according to Chen Jialuo's style, but after Lin Yi's words, Chen Jialuo showed unprecedented gratitude for Zhou Xiong's marriage, and also showed a heartfelt joy that his daughter could marry the royal family. No one else saw it. There is no flaw at all.

Some of them sincerely blessed the Chen family. The Chen family was well-deserved to match the royal family in Dazhou. Of course, there are also many jealous people. Although they are superficially congratulations, they are still talking about the Chen family's marriage with the royal family this time. With the help of the royal power, the family will be even more unstoppable in the future, which may threaten the interests of the court. Some people also said that this was just an excuse used by the emperor to contain the Chen family. First, it gave enough face to the Chen family, and then the Chen family had hostages in the royal family. The Chen family no longer dared to do anything against the emperor.

For a while, with Chen's sleepless banquet, there were all kinds of rumors.

Chen Gallo turned a deaf ear to all this and sent it away with a smile every day. He didn't see a guest, so he had to thank him for his holy intention. He looked very humble and polite, but he couldn't catch any handle for those good people.

"Your Majesty, what on earth do you mean by Chen Gallo? Previously, you were unhappy when you gave her marriage, but now you are so high-profile that his daughter has not entered the palace, so she has put on the stage of being the state, as if the world doesn't know that his Chen family has flown out of a golden phoenix!" Gong Youdao is very disdainful.

Gong Youdao has been deployed for many years and has been keeping a low profile, but he is trusted by Zhou Xiong. Originally, Zhou Xiong had made up his mind to completely eradicate the Chen family and the Murong family. At that time, his Gong family would be the first scholar in the Zhou Dynasty. At that time, coupled with his deployment for so many years, even Zhou Xiong would be a little afraid of himself. Who knew that Zhou Xiong would suddenly let the ninth prince marry the daughter of the Chen family at this time? He dares to disagree and can't even show any doubt, but he is always indignant. For his great career, he sacrificed his daughter to marry a mediocre Murongluo. Who would have thought that Zhou Xiong not only did not go out of the Chen family, but also gave the Chen family such an honor.

Zhou Xiong was half leaning in the chair, his face was ruddy, and his lips were also very red. He looked energetic, but from his half-squinted eyes, he could still faintly see a little fatigue. Gong Youdao, who looked at His Highness, shot a fine light in his turbid eyes. He turned his face and took a breath, and raised the corners of his lips: "Do you think Gong Qing's family is different?" The sound was like a bell, and it didn't look sick at all.

"I just think that Chen Jialuo is too flamboyant, contrary to his usual behavior and strange!" At the sight of Zhou Xiong, Gong Youdao's doubts were heavier. He bowed his head respectfully and whispered.

"According to your opinion?" Zhou Xiong's voice is strong, but he feels like he cherishes his words like gold. But now Gong Youdao has his own plan in his heart, but he didn't notice it at the first time.

"My subordinates think that he will take this opportunity to conspire with the important ministers in the court to do something unfavorable to the emperor!" Gong Youdao raised his eyebrows and said.

"Hmm!" Zhou Xiong suddenly snorted coldly, with disdain and sarcasm in his nose: "Even if Chen Jialuo has that thief's heart, he doesn't have that thief power." After a pause, he frowned almost unreachably: "But since Gong Qing's family has doubts, please pay more attention to Gong Qing's family!"

"My subordinates take orders!" After Gong Youdao finished holding his fist, Zhou Xiong waved him to leave, saluted again, and then respectfully withdrew from the hall.

As soon as Gong Youdao left, Dr. Jiang entered the hall with a tray. Zhou Xiong motioned Chen Ren, who was waiting in the hall, to retreat. When he and Dr. Jiang were left in the hall, Zhou Xiong collapsed in the chair, gasped gently, and his face was much whiter than before, and his forehead was finer. The beads of sweat oozed out, reflecting a layer of cold light under the dim yellow candlelight.

"Your Majesty..." Dr. Jiang stepped forward quickly, picked up Zhou Xiong's back, immediately took the medicine in the tray, and helped him breathe for a while. Seeing that Zhou Xiong's face softened a little, he frowned and said, "The emperor's injury can no longer be delayed. If it is delayed any longer, I'm afraid that Weichen will have no way to return to heaven! "

Zhou Xiong took a few deep breaths, and then felt much smoother. Then he slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Dr. Jiang, and said coldly and resolutely, "How long can you protect me?"

"Weichen..." Dr. Jiang hesitated a little. When Zhou Xiong stared at him, he hurriedly knelt down on his knees: "Weichen can still protect the emperor for 20 days. If after 20 days, the emperor still can't get the spiritual blood, there will be nothing Weichen can do!"

"How many days before the wedding?"

"Ten days!"

"Ten days? That's enough! Ten days later, the big week will be just me!" Zhou Xiong was a little excited and carried away, but there was a bottomless chill in his turbid eyes. Even when Dr. Jiang followed Zhou Xiong for several years, he suddenly felt that this winter seemed to be particularly cold!

Since Xuan Sa and Yun's eldest son were arrested, although Chen Ren has not been implicated, he has also been affected by some influence. Zhou Xiong does not seem to trust anyone except the ninth prince and Dr. Jiang. Even Gong Youdao, who has been entrusted with important responsibilities, can also notice that Zhou Xiong has summoned him many times, although it does not seem on the surface. There is a decrease, but the time is obviously not as good as in the past.

Chen Ren naturally knew that Yun's eldest son poisoned Zhou Xiong, but he was very clear about Zhou Xiong's current physical condition. He just knew that he needed to take a dose of decoction every day. Moreover, the guard outside Zhou Xiong's hall is more than ten times strict than in the past. Sure enough, it was shocking the snake at the beginning, but now it is really difficult to get close to Zhou Xiong's life.

That night, in a palace in the southwest corner of the imperial garden, a black figure sneaked through the palace wall and slipped into the quiet palace. All the people in the palace have rested, and only one of the rooms in the main courtyard is still faintly shaken by candlelight. The black figure is gradually approaching--