It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 95 Confrontation

As soon as the front foot of the corner left, there were messy footsteps outside the door of the Qinzheng Hall. Lin Yi raised the corners of his lips slightly and quietly retreated behind Zhou Xiong.

With a bang, the palace door was pushed away by great force.

Gong Youdao and the queen led a Yulin army to step into the palace gate with a torch. The Qinzheng Hall was immediately illuminated by the fire.

As soon as the queen entered the temple gate, she saw Princess Nalan and Lin Yi. She looked pale and scolded the Yulin army behind her, "Useless things, how did they come in?"

"The villain is incompetent!" The leader of the Yulin army, who was previously guarding at the door of the Qinzheng Hall, turned pale. He came out of the team and knelt on one knee in front of the queen and bowed his head.

The queen was about to embarrass him. Gong Youdao raised his hand and held the queen's hand with a smile: "Well, anyway, they are all dying people. Let their brothers and sisters be companions on the road, and they will not be lonely!" It's also one of our merits!"

The queen was a little stunned and stopped her hand. She only brushed her sleeves and slapped the leader: "Get back!"


Nalan and Lin Yiyi helped Zhou Xiong stand up from the floor left and right.

Zhou Xiong looked good and recovered his physical strength because of Lin Yi's blood loss. He gave Nalan a wink. Nalan came over and sat down on the dragon chair in the hall, still with the majesty and dignity of today's emperors.

"That's right. I think you tried your best to win this position from Emperor Yan. Anyway, you have also been the master of this week for decades. Only on that can you close your eyes!" Gong Youdao looked at Zhou Xiong indifferently walking back to the dragon chair step by step, with a faint mockery in his tone.

"Do you think you can easily take my life and take away my country?" Zhou Xiong's eyebrows were plain, and he looked at Gong Youdao with disdain and contempt. It seems that every word Gong Youdao said is the funniest laugh in the world.

"Does the emperor not believe it? Then let's try it!" Gong Youdao was a little angry by Zhou Xiong's reaction, but he could still maintain the calm on his face.

"Hahaha..." Zhou Xiong suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled, and Gong You said, "What are you laughing about?"

"I laugh at you for not measuring yourself and actually want to be an emperor! You don't look like your own dog on the floor. What's the dignity of being an emperor? If it hadn't been for me, you would still have been just a low-class businessman who could be the imperial merchant of a country? Don't think that I will let your sister become the queen. You all have two chickens and dogs ascend to heaven and have noble blood!"

"You..." Gong Youdao's face turned pale when he was said by Zhou Xiong. Even the queen trembled, her face was pale, and she stared at Zhou Xiong with resentment.

No matter how rich you are, the status of ancient merchants is unmatched by ordinary people. This is the reason why Zhou Xiong was able to take advantage of Gong Youdao at the beginning. Gong Youdao's family diligently controlled a large part of the property of the State of Yan at that time, but they could never be respected by the nobles. Therefore, Zhou Xiong found him and agreed with him as a noble status and queen in the future. The Gong family readily agreed without thinking much about it. For so many years, the status of the Gong family in the country is indeed no different from that of the aristocracy because of the queen. In addition, Gong Youdao has been stable over the years, and he is not too arrogant because of his help to Zhou Xiong, so he can live safely in the big week.

"What about you? However, he was also a treacherous villain who killed his brothers and framed his friends. If it hadn't been for the help of our Gong family, would have you Zhou Xiong today? My Gong family is loyal to Dazhou, but at this time, you have to deal with our Gong family! It's unbearable. It's all up to you, Zhou Xiong!" Gong Youdao said, his eyes shining, and his fingers clenched tightly in the palm of his hand, as if he could hear the 'clucking' sound of the bone joints because of the force.

"Don't think I don't know. Your Gong family has had a plan to seize power for a long time, but now they come to fight back. Do you think that people in the world can be deceived by the words of your Gong family?" Zhou Xiong didn't care and snorted coldly. He also hated Gong Youdao very much.

"As long as you die, won't we, the Gong family, have the final say in this world? Even the cause of your death was just an accidental fire in the palace as it was more than ten years ago!" Gong Youdao said and forced to take a step forward.

"Presumptuous!" Princess Nalan suddenly shook her shoulder and shouted fiercely.

"Hahahaha..." Gong Youdao laughed a few times, stopped, and stared straight at Zhou Xiong and Princess Nalan beside him: "Your brother and sister are deeply in love. When Huangquan falls, you will also have a companion, and you won't be lonely!"

"Brother..." The queen suddenly took two steps forward and pulled Gong Youdao's sleeves, with a trace of hesitation in her eyes.

"What? He has only used you all his life. He has never really loved you. He didn't even let you leave a child. Are you still reluctant now?

"...of course not!" Gong Youdao said about the queen's pain, his eyebrows twitched, and bit his lips and said viciously, "Since I know why I can't get pregnant, I can't wait to kill him with my own hands, drink his blood, and eat all his meat, which is also difficult to eliminate my hatred!"

I have seen too many scenes of court fights. If there is a force that the emperor does not like, it will not make the woman left by that force in the palace pregnant. Even if it is lucky to be born, it may not be blessed to grow up smoothly. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble in the competition for the throne in the future. It turned out that Zhou Xiong was also so defensive against the Gong family, and he didn't blame the Gong family for rebelling against him. I'm afraid it was the Gong family's plan for a long time. Therefore, the deployment can be so precise in such a short time.

"It seems that my decision was not wrong at all! If you really give birth to a son and a daughter, won't your Gong family turn upside down? However, even so, your Gong family will not take away the world that belongs to me!" Zhou Xiong looked cold, not afraid of the queen's hatred, and even had some joy and ridicule.

There was a crisp sound. When Lin Yi reacted, Nalan had grabbed the queen's arms. The queen's hands and feet were still swinging in the air, and her eyes were full of blood because of hatred. She looked at Zhou Xiong's eyes like a beast that saw the prey: "You beast, those are all your own children, a One, your blood is flowing on your body. How can you bear it? Take their lives one by one, you..." The queen said here, already crying, her body softened, and she collapsed in front of Zhou Xiong's dragon chair. In addition to anger, there was also despair and deep sadness in her eyes.

Will Zhou Xiong do such a thing for the stability of his throne? Lin Yi's eyes widened and looked at Zhou Xiong sitting on the dragon chair, with a calm face, as if what the queen said was irrelevant to him. In the empty hall, even if the lights are bright, it makes people feel that a coolness quickly crawls all over the body from the soles of their feet and spreads, and even the heart is cold to the bottom.