It's hard to abandon your daughter

Chapter 112 New Emperor!

However, the people's voice at the gate of the palace did not stop because of this, but became more and more fierce. Finally, a minister in the hall could not sit still. He stood up and interrupted the master of ceremonies: "Water can carry the boat or overturn the boat. The people are the foundation of the country, and the people's hearts are the convenience of the country. If the people's hearts are different, it is the country's failure. Fortunately! Please think twice!"

"Presumptuous, this is the will of the emperor. Let's see who dares to disrespect the emperor! If one people are disrespectful, then kill one. If there are two, kill one pair. If the whole city is disrespectful, let the whole city go to bury the emperor!" The queen leaned forward, but her tone was chilly.

"Wow... I don't want to be an emperor, mother, I don't want to be an emperor..." The little prince suddenly stood up from the dragon chair, ran to the queen, knelt on his knees, pulled the queen's phoenix robe tightly, and cried loudly.

"Get up to this palace. You are the emperor chosen by the emperor and the new master of Dazhou. How can you not do it if you don't do it? Go back to the dragon chair and accept the congratulations of the officials!" As soon as the queen shook her hand and brushed the little prince to the ground, immediately a palace man came forward to help the little prince back to the dragon chair. The little prince wanted to argue about something again, but he saw the queen staring at him fiercely, as if he was going to devour him alive. He was immediately scared and forgot to cry. He was so stiff that he let the palace man drag him to the dragon chair and sit down.

"The person who spoke just now dragged me out and into the heavenly prison. When the new emperor's accession ceremony is over, the car will crack!" Seeing that the little prince was obedient, the queen turned around and ordered the people below, and the Yulin army guarding the hall entered the hall and dragged the person who had just spoken to the hall.

"God's pity, I'm going to die in the first week! Demon queen, your death time is coming, hahahaha..." The man was dragged away by the imperial army, and the crown feathers on his head rolled over the hall, but suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled.

"Bunuch, drag me away quickly!" The man's singing still resounded through the temple gate, and the queen was furious. If it hadn't been for the accession of the new emperor, the queen would have killed people on the spot to set an example.

As the man's crying voice went away, the etiquette official sang the ritual again: "100 officials worship, my emperor ascended the throne!" It seems that nothing has happened just now! The ministers kneeling below were silent as soon as they thought of the queen's last two words 'car cracking' and dared not say more.

However, what was not expected was that after the etiquette officer sang for a long time, the direction of the dragon chair was still silent. No one saw the little prince walk to the steps and let the officials congratulate him. The etiquette officer remembered the scene just now. He thought that it was just that the little prince was young and had nothing to do and was scared, so he deliberately aggravated his voice and sang, but waited for For a long time, the little prince still did not respond. The queen beside her became a little impatient. She frowned and pushed the little prince heavily. She was about to make a sound, but unexpectedly, the little prince's body was pushed by him and softly tilted to one side. The queen was in a hurry: "Your Majesty?"

The palace people around the little prince quickly came forward to check. When they saw the little man on the dragon chair clearly, they were shocked and staggered back two steps: "The emperor's funeral!"

"What?" When the queen heard the words, she hurriedly got up from the phoenix collapse and walked to the dragon chair. There was a trace of red blood on the corners of the little prince's lips. It seemed that she hurriedly reached out and poked at the little prince's nose. For a moment, she was also scared and retreated two steps, her eyes widened, shook her head in disbelief, and her head was full of pearls.

"Your Majesty..." Although the little prince did not accept the worship of hundreds of officials in the end, and the metric system was not completed. Although he also knew that the people on the dragon chair were just the queen's puppets, he suddenly lost two royal people in two days, and everyone still couldn't accept it for a while. The fact. After all, there were not many candidates who could inherit the throne of Zhou Xiong, and there were wails in the hall for a while.

However, there were also people who took the lead in regaining their minds and shouted, "There are also the ninth princes. Now as long as you find the ninth prince, the world will not be in chaos!"

"Yes, please ask the queen to make the decision and pass the throne to the ninth prince!"

Nine Prince?

"Hahahaha..." The queen suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled, and a tear fell from the corners of her eyes.

"My condolences, the queen. Although the ninth prince is not the most suitable candidate, he is also the heir of the former emperor. As long as the queen is in charge, this country is still Zhou's, and the queen is still the empress dowager!" Some of the people kneeling below were from the Gong family. Seeing that the queen was suddenly shocked and afraid that the queen would lose her mind, she hurriedly hinted.

The queen slowly passed her mind and stared at the person speaking below. Her eyes were dull, as if she couldn't understand what the man said. In the man's eyes, she slowly regained her senses, but her tone was helpless and cold: "I will welcome back to the ninth prince immediately and go to the throne tomorrow! "

The people of the Gong family were secretly relieved.

Although the queen hates the ninth prince to the bone, the ninth prince has always been domineering. The ministers in the court have never had much fondness for this ninth prince, but Zhou Xiong's knees are weak, only these two princes. If Zhou Xiong is still there, they still have hope in their hearts. They always think that although the emperor is not confused, there will always be princes, but today, they have no choice. However, as long as there are people from the Gong family in the court one day, no matter who comes to sit in the Zhou Dynasty, it is not their Gong family after all!

The queen slowly walked down the steps and never looked at the weak body on the dragon chair again. The little emperor, who had not had time to accept the worship of hundreds of officials and truly understand the meaning of the emperor, became the weakest victim in a political struggle. In his short life, he did not receive any favor and attention, but at the moment when he looked up to him under the world, he spent the last time of his life in horror! Even so, his passing is like the last dead leaf in winter. No one will remember that there was a saint who almost became their highest!

Because soon, there will be new and brand-new replacements!

And even if the queen is unwilling, she must accept the fate of the ninth prince as her chess piece. However, she believes that as long as Zhou Xiong is no longer in this world, even if her brother is no longer in this world, the Gong family still has enough ability to control the lifeline of the whole Zhou!

And she will be the owner of the future of Dazhou! Replace her lost children and rule this glorious country!

Her high head still shows her, the most noble woman in the whole week!

She walked slowly, as if her magnificent future was in front of her...