Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 4 Trading

"My name is Zuo Zixin, and your name is Lin Yue. I know your situation, hehe, the medicine stove will die in a few days. Don't you resent it? Are you willing? Did you let go of those who bullied you like this? Are you really willing to die like this?" Zuo Zixin gracefully floated to the table and poured herself a cup of tea. The best Mao Jian, which should be raised by ancient aura, is indeed extraordinary. Zuo Zixin took a sip and couldn't help admiring.

"I..." Lin Yue felt that her words pierced her pain and wanted to refute, but she didn't know what to take to refute. "I'm not reconciled, so what?" She looked lonely. Now she is already in this kind of field. Even if there are thousands of unwillingness in her heart, there is nothing she can do.

"I can help you!" Zuo Zixin smiled and stroked the edge of the cup. She looked at the hesitant Lin Yue, raised her eyes and slowly opened her mouth. She has made great efforts to develop her welfare in these ten days, and then with her understanding of the world, her ability should be regarded as fetal breath!

"Can you really help me?" Lin Yue also forgot her fear, and her eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, which was touching.

"It's a deal. I'll help you escape from here and get rid of the fate of the medicine stove, but you also need to help me do something." Zuo Zixin is also a businessman. She doesn't like to do things without interests.

"What...what's the matter?" Lin Yue's face became unnatural, and the blood color that had just recovered also disappeared. Her voice was knotted, and she was afraid that Zuo Zixin would make some terrible demands.

"It's very simple. I want to borrow your body." Zuo Zixin's eyes emitted a strange red light, and then her whole body suddenly moved forward like the wind and entered Lin Yue's body.

"What do you want to do? What's going on?" Lin Yue was shocked. She felt that her soul was squeezed into a narrow space, which was white, and Zuo Zixin was also in that space. Moreover, she can't control her body.

"Friend Lin Yue, it's okay. I'll borrow your body for 20 days. When I find the person I'm looking for, I'll return it to you. Have a good sleep now! When you wake up, everything will be fine." Zuo Zixin slowly approached her, and then pointed a little on her forehead, and Lin Yue collapsed to the ground.

Lin Yue's body stiffened, and her eyes became disgraceful. Suddenly, a red light flashed, and Lin Yue's body seemed to move. Her originally desolate face showed a cunning smile, and her whole face became vivid, seven points less weak and three more bright. She raised her arms, moved her body, and circled.

Ha ha! Finally, I have a body. Although my body seems to be a little weak, it is generally good. Zuo Zixin was very happy. After being trapped for so long, now she finally sees the sun. In fact, why she chose Lin Yue's body is because she was born on the lunar calendar. The yin on her body is relatively heavy, and her body does not hurt her so much.

Zuo Zixin opened the door and breathed fresh air. She stayed in the painting for too long to feel the sunshine. At a glance, it is a deep path surrounded by beautiful flowers and trees. It is like a park, which is very beautiful. Zuo Zixin couldn't help walking out and slowly walking along the path. She didn't meet many people along the way.

Lin Yue has been brought into this manor for a few days, but she has been staying in her small room and has never gone out at all. It's a pity that Lin Yue's friends didn't come out to see such a beautiful scenic spot. Zuo Zixin sighed for her in her heart.

Wh! There is someone in front of him, Zuo Zixin is a ghost, so he is especially **. She felt a breath of a living person in front of her, who should be the owner of the manor. Mu Feng, she has seen that person. He is a gentle person, but he is carrying too much helplessness. His eyes have always been full of sadness, and this kind of person must have suffered a lot in his heart. However, these have nothing to do with her. Her only purpose is to find that person early and then OOXX try to survive.

"Young master, why don't you go to see Miss Lin?" Mullin frowned and looked at his young master looking at a pool of lotus with a calm face.

"Mulin, I still don't go to see her. What's the point of seeing her or not seeing her?" Mu Feng's voice could not hide his hoarseness, and a faint sadness spread, and the air became depressing.

Mu Lin took a look at Mu Feng, lowered his head, and stopped answering.

Zuo Zixin was not far away and looked at their strange scene. She suddenly remembered the sentence, silence, silence, not dying in silence, just broke out in silence. Far away, far away, she saw his frowns, his sad eyes, and the eternal sadness, which made her feel a sense of heartache.

Heartache? Zuo Zixin couldn't help turning her eyes. How could she be distressed? But her heart really hurts. Is it Lin Yue? So Lin Yue knows him? She explored her mind and searched for Lin Yue's memory. The first love buried in the depths, the haze, and the independent figure on the big red phoenix car, the white belt fluttering, the slender hand, the sound of Yueer, Yueer, Yueer... exploded in Zuo Zixin's mind. She felt that her breathing was so painful, and the most important piece in her heart seemed to be torn apart, tears Just roll down like this.

"Who?" Mu Feng sensed the strangeness behind him. He turned around and saw Lin Yue, who had been in tears for a long time. Those eyes contain resentment, pain, and deep love...

"Month." As soon as Mu Feng's mouth moved, the hoarse voice came out. The moon had too much emotion. His body involuntarily walked to her, raised his hand, and his slender and bony fingers slid across her face, slowly smoothing her tears, but more and more.

"Brother Feng." Lin Yue's mouth squirmed for a long time and finally shouted the name she didn't know how many years ago. I miss you very much. This sentence can only be hidden in my heart, but I can't open my mouth.

Brother Feng's heart suddenly shocked, as if he had returned to the first time he saw Yueer a few years ago. He really wanted to stretch out his hand and hold the beetle in front of him into his arms, but he raised his hand and put it down silently. How did he forget that he had married? That person was Yue'er's sister Lin Han.

"Brother Feng, why?" She raised her head and looked at his face. The outline was still so clear, but the eyes were colorless. Was he not doing well?

"Yueer, I'm sorry!" Mu Feng knew that he knew that Yueer was asking him why he was left in the manor and why he didn't come to see her? If he doesn't fall in love, he doesn't want to see him, but he can't say that. He won't tell her because he was afraid that he would want to possess her and keep her by his side.

"Don't say sorry to me." Lin Yue stretched out her hand, her index finger touched his thin lips, and an electric current spread all over her body. I'm sorry, he wore a big red dress and got out of the phoenix car at that time and also said sorry to her.