Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 73 My Slave

Zuo Zixin squinted and looked at the tassel. There should be a word on its back! She turned it over and carved the word 'wind' behind it. Her hand stopped. How did she know that there were words there?

Zuo Zixin couldn't help thinking of the girl in red and the man in white armor that appeared in her mind last time. These things appeared in her mind like a mystery. She wanted to find out, but she couldn't find the direction.

"Fengze, where did you find this thing?" Zuo Zixin secretly pinched the fringe, and then frowned and asked Feng Ze. Since it's Fengze for himself, you can follow this vine to find the answer to the answer to the mystery.

Feng Ze tilted his head and looked stupid. Zuo Zixin hated that Tiechenggang quickly patted Fengze's head, and the straight vine was hit to the ground by her strength. "Fengze, how dare you steal?"

Zuo Zixin ignored Fengze's grievances and moved her eyes to the tassels in her hand. Is this stolen goods? She frowned slightly, and all the doubts just now disappeared. She couldn't wait to strangle the guy. She is obviously a young man who is full of roots. How can she keep a pet of roosters and dogs?

Zuo Zixin was a little embarrassed now. She pointed to Fengze and said, "Fengze, if you come to the door, you..." Before Zuo Zixin's words were over, she heard a subtle sound in the jungle, so she put away the tassels and said, "I'm going back to clean you up." As soon as the words fell, he mentioned Fengze and threw it into the magic garden.

As soon as Zuo Zixin's action ended, a red dress flashed in the jungle, and then a man fell firmly in front of her. The man has beautiful sword eyebrows, ruby-like eyes, and petal-like lips.

Who is he?

Zuo Zixin looked at this person secretly, not to mention his appearance. There was a familiar atmosphere in this person's body. This kind of aura and cold air made her step back and unconsciously begin to prepare. The evil man from the Black Wind Mountain is a traitor or a thief, and may be some kind of ghost.

"Who are you?" Zuo Zixin withdrew her eyes, but there was an answer in her mind. Presumably this was the unlucky child stolen by Feng Ze.

"Have you forgotten me? It's so sad." The man listened to Zuo Zixin's words, moved the corners of his mouth, and then formed an aggrieved expression.

Zuo Zixin's mouth twitched. Is this man a man? Her eyes came from the evil face from the bottom, which was the protruding throat knot, and down to the magnificent and slender body. Zuo Zixin dares to guarantee that this man is a man, and a man actually did this charming action. Could it be that she met BT.

Zuo Zixin's heart jumped, his feet moved back, and his face was also strange and difficult to look. Seeing Zuo Zixin's appearance, the man stretched out his hand and flirted with his long bangs and said, "You really don't remember me?"

Zuo Zixin frowned and tried to recall whether she had seen this coquettish man in red at a certain moment in a certain month of a certain year, but she recalled all her memories and did not see this person. If it is a passer-by, Zuo Zixin may forget it, but this kind of person who will shine in the phoenix is guaranteed to be unforgettable for the rest of her life.

"I'm sorry, you have the wrong person." Zuo Zixin put away her mind and reconfirmed that she really didn't know this person.

The man was not unhappy with Zuo Zixin's answer, but opened his jewel eyes, "Oh! Have you really forgotten? My slave."

Have you really forgotten? My slave.

Have you really forgotten? My slave.


Zuo Zixin's mouth is big, and she all suspects that she has hallucinations, slave? The picture quickly switched to N days ago. In the dark and windy sun, in the barren mountain cemetery, Zuo Zixin met a ghost that she would never forget for a lifetime. One is the first ghost she met in another world, and the other is simply an unsightly appearance. It is simply a ghost at the scene of the zombie shooting, the evil wind.

Zuo Zixin swallowed his saliva and couldn't take his eyes off the man in red. The man was like a fiery rose, and the ghost in the cemetery was a typical scene of a car accident. Are the two really the same? Zuo Zixin had to doubt it.

"Do you remember? My slave." The evil wind raised his eyebrows and looked at Zuo Zixin's stunned goose-like expression, and the smile on his mouth became more obvious.

Zuo Zixin only felt like falling into an ice valley, her hands and feet were cold and she couldn't move. This is fake, this is fake, this is fake... Her mouth kept talking, and the sound came to the ears of the evil wind, which made her even more pleasant. He clenched his hand and put it on his mouth and said, "My slave, you finally came to me."

Zuo Zixin was still immersed in her fantasy, and then the evil wind's words came over like an explosion. At this time, she remembered that it seemed that the evil wind had told her to go to Shura City, but because Zuo Zixin had always regarded the cemetery journey as a nightmare and didn't care.

Now that she was suddenly mentioned, she was really embarrassed, and then she felt angry again. She stared at the evil wind fiercely. When did she become a slave? Xie Feng touched his nose and smiled more proudly, as if Zuo Zixin had done a very interesting thing.

The evil wind's smile was so beautiful that she almost shook a woman's eyes. She turned away and didn't look at his beautiful face. She just snorted coldly, "I'm sorry, I'm not your slave, and I don't know you well." After saying that, Zuo Zixin got out of the way and pointed to the road on the side. "The road faces the sky, walk half of each, please."

The evil wind raised his eyebrows and looked at the road that Zuo Zixin gave way, standing still. Zuo Zixin doesn't care about this person? Adhering to the principle of not talking deeply with strangers, he directly found a direction to leave.

Her pace is very urgent. In addition to wanting to get to the gathering place quickly, she doesn't want to have anything to do with this person. I just told her that this person was very dangerous, and it was not good to make trouble.

Zuo Zixin floated for a long time and left the place just now. He should have left, right? Zuo Zixin turned her head and looked back. Behind her were green trees, and nothing had been seen. She put her hand on the tree trunk and breathed a sigh of relief. The ghost finally left.

"My slave, are you looking for me?" A familiar voice came from the top of Zuo Zixin.

Zuo Zixin stiffened and slowly raised her head. A man in red was sitting on the tall tree above her head. The setting sun reflected on his face, which seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light, which made him even more unpredictable. The man showed his white teeth to Zuo Zixin and smiled evilly, "My slave, I knew you were reluctant to part with me."

Zuo Zixin pulled her twitching and deformed mouth with her hand, lowered her head and was silent for two seconds, and then suddenly raised her head, "What on earth do you want?"

"Actually, what don't I want to do?" The evil wind came down from the tree lightly and stood in front of Zuo Zixin, holding the tree trunk with one hand and gently lifted the hair falling on the side of his face with the other. The slightly upturned red lips against his jeweled eyes, how amorous.

Zuo Zixin couldn't help blushing and wanted to retreat. As soon as his foot stepped back, he touched his hand. The emotional guy circled Zuo Zixin between him and the tree. Zuo Zixin's face burned badly under the gaze of the evil wind, and he couldn't find a hole to get in. All the conspiracies are left behind, leaving only two words: evil.

"My slave, am I beautiful?" Xie Feng was quite proud to see Zuo Zixin's red face. His face didn't know how many fairy girls had fascinated the fairyland, and of course, a small ghost cultivation did not talk about it. However, the evil wind only admits that he has also added the art of charm to it.

"Beautiful." Zuo Zixin was in a trance, and the focus of her eyes was not the same. Her soul had been attracted by the charm of the evil wind.

"My slave, would you like to come with me?" Seeing this, the smile at the corners of his mouth expanded, and the holding hand was also withdrawn. It was thought that he had known the result, and he was very confident in his ability.

Zuo Zixin's expression was still dull and numb, and her mouth was open, "I don't want to." As soon as she didn't want to say it, her whole face twisted, clenched her fist, and then punched the evil wind in the chest and said angrily, "How dare you charm me? Humph! Do you also want to defeat me with this little trick?"

After Zuo Zixin punched the evil wind out, she stopped and hugged her chest and looked ugly. She really said just now. If she hadn't practiced the art of charm, she would have been taken away by it and finally become a slave.

Xie Feng thought that Zuo Zixin would definitely be controlled by him, but he didn't expect that she would break her spell and punch herself in the end. He touched his chest, and the strength of this punch was really strong, and now it is still faintly painful.

He narrowed his eyes and stared ahead, and then floated in front of Zuo Zixin, with ruby eyes looking at her unscrupulously. That kind of inquisitive gaze made Zuo Zixin's heart tremble, followed by anger. Does this ghost play her like a monkey?

Zuo Zixin clenched her fist and was about to scold loudly, but the man did not give her a chance. Just as she opened her mouth, Xie Feng suddenly withdrew his eyes and became solemn. He narrowed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. "What's your name?"

Zuo Zixin opened her mouth, and the words changed, "Zuo Zixin."

"Zuo Zixin, I remember. We will meet again." The evil wind suddenly smiled, and the smile removed a lot of the heavy atmosphere just now.

After the evil wind's words, a red shadow flashed, and the whole person disappeared into the forest again.

Zuo Zixin was surprised to see where he disappeared. What did he mean by what he said just now? And what does his last look mean? Zuo Zixin thought for a moment, but she couldn't figure out what he wanted to do, so she simply went to the forest instead of thinking about the evil wind.

Hunting, you should take some prey in your hand. As for the evil wind, won't we meet anyway? Let's talk about it next time.