Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 85 Weird Team

"Ms. An, you are willing to use it to make your shadow flag. You don't pity the jade." The poisonous lady covered her mouth and smiled, and cleverly escaped from Mr. An's arms.

"Poisonous lady, how can those vulgar fans compare with you?" Mr. An narrowed his eyes with an ambiguous smile on the corners of his mouth, and stretched out his hand to catch the poisonous lady's hand.

"All the way." Meng Laomei shouted loudly and immediately shook back Mr. An's hand that was about to reach out.

Mr. An smiled ambiguously at the poisonous lady, and then walked to the four-legged chair and sat elegantly, but he took out a fan from somewhere and pretended to be a beautiful man.

The poisonous woman twisted her enchanting body, and the peach on her chest trembled, as if telling everyone that it was mature and needed to be picked. She finally sat in a chair when her waist was about to be twisted, but she kept winking at Meng Lao.

Mon's old face couldn't hang up, so he simply put his face aside and was not upset.

"Old Meng, let's begin." Mr. He walked to the front and motioned to Mr. Meng. After getting approval, he stood out. He looked at the people outside, and then made a move, but a middle-aged man came over, "Told them to start the fight and get ready."

"Yes!" After the middle-aged man got the order, he went down from the tall building and whispered to the steward.

At this time, the Shura field boiled again, and everyone began to draw lots according to the request of the stewor. The selection of the city owner is the strong residence. First of all, the participating people will be selected. Everyone will get a house number when they enter the game. The competition is a group of five people, and the winner can enter the second round.

After a while, everyone got their house number and stood outside the ring, looking at the four elders in the high building with anxious and expectant eyes. Shura field suddenly became noisy, and all kinds of disdain, contempt, or other tone were intertwined here.

So, Meng Lao's hand raised his hand, and everyone suddenly calmed down and held their breath, waiting for the people in the stands to announce this exciting moment. Finally, Mr. Meng glanced at the crowd with a shrill look, and then Weihe's voice came out, "The game begins."

The crowd suddenly boiled, followed by various shouts and curses...

"Meng Lao, the position of city lord is at your home this time." Mr. He stared at the other place of competition next to the ring. There was Meng Fei in white. The sword in his hand had not yet come out, but as soon as the cultivation broke out, there was a black light around it. Then the black light swept them and lifted it to the ground and kept bleeding.

Meng Lao looked at his grandson and nodded. Yes, one move was fatal. However, he also said modestly to Mr. He, "That boy is just a fluke."

Between the two talking, Meng Fei had already come from the ring. He was dressed in white and had an indefinable face with a cold breath. This man is like the lotus man who chased and killed Yan. Fortunately, Zuo Zixin is still on the road, but even if he arrives, he can't know anything when he is still awake.

"Grandpa." Meng Fei was respectful to Mr. Meng, but also nodded to Mr. He, which was a greeting.

"Eunzi, look, isn't this Mr. Meng's granddaughter?" When the poisonous lady saw Meng Fei coming, she covered her mouth and smiled. The laughter made people's eardrums hurt.

Meng Fei's arched back stiffened, his face was cold, and his eyes were gloomy. His hand was clenched into a fist, and his heart was full of anger, but in the end he was suppressed and didn't even look back.

"Poisonous lady, you are wrong. That's Mr. Meng's grandson, but..." Mr. An smiled obscenely, fanned a few times, and then continued, "It's just a partial woman. Don't talk nonsense, otherwise it's not good to offend people."

Although Mr. An said so, there was no guilt on his face, but he was arrogant.

"Ha ha, Mr. An, what offends you? I am also the four elders of Shura City, and I am not afraid of anyone except our city lord. The poisonous woman shook the silk handkerchief and deliberately said to Meng Fei's back. Then, after seeing that Meng Lao's face was not good, she shook the silk handkerchief again and pointed to the field to change the topic.

The poisonous lady looked at the young suzerain of Tianyin Sect. He repelled one person with one punch, and then punched them out of the competition venue. The other two were deeply frightened. Just now, he was laughing at him for not even needing weapons. How could he know that he actually punched people to spit blood and lost half his life.

"Waste." The man is quite strong, eight feet tall, and slightly burly in the Yunqi mainland. He clenched his fists and then hit it. Before the fist came out, the man screamed and then rolled and crawled out of the field.

The young patriarch curled his cold eyes, then came down from the ring, took the jade card of the rematch, and then took a long leg directly, and the people who followed him followed him and left.

"Look, the young patriarch of Yinzong is afraid that he is the superior candidate of the city lord." The poisonous lady looked at the young patriarch's departure figure with a charming smile at the corners of her mouth.

Suddenly, on the side of the door, a group of strange people came in. The reason why it is strange is that the leading man wears half of the mask, while the maskless side has more than half of the flame tattoos that occupy the face. However, although the man's appearance could not be seen clearly, the momentum emanating from his body and the cold eyes were not to be underestimated.

Next to the man, there is actually a woman in red. The woman is well-behaved, but she is very strangely dressed. The red gauze skirt also faintly reveals the white jade arms, and it is the first time that the poisonous lady has seen a woman who is more** than her. The woman still had a huge night pearl hanging on her head, and the jade ears swayed left and right on her head.

The man and the woman in red embrace each other, and it is not difficult to see the relationship between the two.

However, it is puzzling that there is a burly woman behind her, whose face is full of coldness, and there is a cold lady on the other side, but the spider on her face makes people stop. At the end, there is a lovely girl and an ordinary uncle.

"Son An, who is that?" The poisonous lady's slender hand pointed, and the direction of the finger was exactly the strange group of people. These people are so strange that when such a group of people came to Shura City? Looking at the leader's cultivation, I'm afraid it's at least Jin Dan's cultivation.

Mr. An looked along the poisonous lady's hand. At this time, the powerful man suddenly raised his head. The fierce eyes made him distracted and his chest was stunned. At the same time, there is also a question in my heart, who is this person? Just now, that one look made him angry and blood surged.

Poisonous lady, when Mr. An saw the people below, the other three also found the people. Mr. He and Mr. Meng looked at each other and shook their heads, meaning that they had never seen this person.

Meng Fei's eyes tightened and frowned. He felt that the man must be a master. This opponent is very strong, and his strong breath makes him more excited than his solemnity. This man is worth fighting.

Meng Lao frowned, then waved his hand and whispered to a middle-aged man, and then the man went downstairs to the crowd. I'm afraid the man is going to find out the details of the man.

"My husband, you see, they played so well. You see, that person has vomited blood and flew so far. However, these people are all good, and they are no match for your husband.

As soon as he said it, he immediately got the strange eyes of the crowd, and then the person on the ring stared angrily, and the poisoned knife delayed the speaker's face.

"My husband, they actually stared at me." The voice sounded again, and this person was the brazen Zuo Zixin. She took Yangjun's arm and hung almost the whole weight on him. She still pouted her lips slightly and looked naive.

Tianyi can't hold the corners of his mouth. He just wants to rush forward to worship and snot. Sister Zuo, you are acting as a disaster, not drowning.

"Favor, I like you so much." Zuo Zixin was so shy that she hid in the half of Shangyangjun's arms, which was very shy.

Zuo Zixin's convulsive appearance has made the people behind her achieve the immune effect. They put their heads aside and pretended not to see or hear anything.

For good, Shangyangjun wears a mask and a layer of tattoo on his face, so the dark face can't be seen. However, the whole body was as cold as frost, which made everyone who looked at them unconsciously shiver.

Several people looked at it while walking. It should be Zuo Zixin looking at it while walking. Her eyes turned to the field with a charming color, and then pouted. At these levels, she also wanted to be the owner of Shura City, which was simply out of her mind. If the owner of Shura City has this ability, I'm afraid that Shura City will be renamed Repair City.

"My husband, they are so good that even I can't beat them." Zuo Zixin was close to Shangyangjun. She found that as long as she called Shangyangjun her husband, his hands trembled, and then her breath was in a mess.

So along the way, Zuo Zixin's husband was short, and then Shangyangjun's face plummeted, leaving only iron pot-like black. Shangyangjun also whispered and reminded her to change her name. As a result, Zuo Zixin thought for a while, and then said a large number of names, "Little boy, little baby, dear, Junjun..."

In the end, Shangyangjun was silent, and it was still the same name.

"My husband, where are they?" Zuo Zixin turned her eyes and found that Tianyi had disappeared. It was only because she had just focused on those funny games and forgot to pay attention to the people around her. By the way, when did they disappear?

"It's something." Shangyangjun's answer is simple and sharp.

"Oh!" Zuo Zixin nodded. They should have gone to find out the news. However, according to Zuo Zixin, they can't get any valuable news. Her head rose slightly and saw several people standing on the high building. Where can she get useful things?

Wh! Who is that?

Zuo Zixin moved her eyes from the tall building and saw the familiar sound on the ring.