Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 171 Stone Pillar Demon VS Octopus Monster (Second Update)

After a while, more than half of the people they entered together were injured. When they woke up, they only saw themselves holding the soil in their hands and protecting them like treasures, and their faces were ashamed and angry.

They were so embarrassed when they entered the door before they died. If someone hadn't reminded them, they would kill each other. They would not give up until there was only one winner left.

They passed through the garden, which is a long corridor. The corridor is so long that you can't forget the end at a glance.

Zuo Zixin held a golden whip in her hand, and she was ready to give him a fatal blow as soon as something went wrong. Her pace is small, but her pace is not too slow in the careful crowd. Once bitten by a snake, I have been afraid of the well rope for ten years.

A pillar of five meters on the corridor is staggered one by one on the left and one. The pillar was carved with patterns that I couldn't understand. Zuo Zixin was full of energy and concentrated on the pillar. Finally, she combined the patterns together and saw its original appearance.

A strange monster with two horns and three feet on the pillar she saw. What kind of monster is this? Zuo Zixin stroked the pillar and rubbed the fine lines. She couldn't guess what it was, so she gave up the pillar at hand and turned to study the pattern monster on the other pillar.

Zuo Zixin didn't know that when she turned around, the monster on the pillar seemed to be alive, and her claws moved slightly.

What exactly is engraved on the pillar? Zuo Zixin looked at several in a row, and the patterns on them were different. Each pillar had a kind of monster.

Endless corridors, monsters on pillars. Zuo Zixin was shocked and held a golden whip in her hand. "Be careful, everyone. I think the pillar is strange." If the monster in the pillar can come out, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Cut! I think the pillar is normal. I didn't expect the leader of Emperor Qingzong to be so timid. A man in the crowd looked at Zuo Zixin disdainly, put his hand on the pillar, and immediately shouted in shock, "Help, help."

Everyone pulled out the magic weapon and prepared to save people. Unexpectedly, the man stretched out his hand and smiled, "Look at your promising points. I really believe that the pillar is strange. I think the people of Diqingzong are weird. They want to swallow the magic weapon alone, so they came up with this trick to make us retreat without a fight.

The man also nodded proudly and glanced coldly at the people of Qingzong.

Other sects and the people of the Diqing sect suddenly distanced themselves, and their eyes changed when they looked at Zuo Zixin.

Fool! Zuo Zixin disdained to argue and clenched the whip and said, "Since you don't believe it, don't blame me for not being happy if something happens." She reminded her kindly, but she didn't expect to be suspected. Sure enough, her good intentions were not rewarded.

"Brother Tianyu, do you believe me?" Zuo Zixin asked Tianyu next to him with an ugly face, and after getting his affirmative answer, he eased his face.

Wait! It's good to have them!

Those who thought that Emperor Qingzong wanted to take away the treasure rushed forward under the leadership of the man just now, without considering the danger at all.

On the contrary, Zuo Zixin's people from Qingzong and others moved forward cautiously and steadily. Zuo Zixin is a rookie. They don't know whether her words have moisture in it. However, the wooden fairy has always been very prestigious in the Qingzong. Even she thinks that what Zuo Zixin said is reasonable, and they should be more careful about this.

"Hurry up, cross the corridor, it's a treasure." The leader shouted, seeing that the end of the corridor was in front of him, and he couldn't stop being ecstatic. He has imagined the scene where he took out many treasures and crossed Jindan.

Everyone should be at peace, as if they had seen the end of victory.

Suddenly, the leader's man let out a scream. He looked in horror as a big mouth opened in the pillar and swallowed his arm. Blood came out of the broken arm and dripped to the ground, and the monster's chewing action could be seen on the pillar.

The scream of the leader sounded nothing to everyone. Who let him scream once just now? This time, everyone thought he was joking again and smiled.

If a man knows what everyone thinks, he must be regretful. He was just joking, but he didn't know it had come true.

Because the man has always regarded Zuo Zixin's warning as nonsense, after being bitten by one arm, the other arm was pulled off by the monster in the pillar on the other side before he even took out the magic weapon.

With his scream, the people behind him found something wrong. In a blink of an eye, it was not bad. The man was eaten by the monsters from the pillars on both sides of the corridor. They moved so fast that they disappeared into the pillars after the division. If it weren't for the blood left on the ground, I'm afraid they wouldn't believe the monsters in the pillar at all.

Is there a monster in the pillar? Just now, the woman clearly reminded them and blamed the man. If it hadn't been for his insinuation, how could they have been so careless? Humph! He died well.

These people forgot that it was obviously their money fascination just now. They listened to the man's words and rushed to the front. Now they actually blame the man, which is really ridiculous.

Now is not the time to complain and scold. They quickly sacrificed the magic weapon and retreated. They thought that since the woman could point out that there was something strange in the pillar, there must be a way to save it.

Zuo Zixin didn't know yet, so she kindly reminded how to establish the throne of queen in everyone's hearts? It seems that she is actually the heroine, not cannon fodder.

Their movements were fast, and the monsters in the pillar moved faster. Many people walking on the edge of the corridor were eaten by the monsters that suddenly appeared in the pillar without even taking out their magic weapons.

Those who sacrificed the magic weapon were not very good. The magic weapon was smashed, and the pillars remained motionless, and the monsters still came out to eat people.

What should I do? Are there monsters on the pillars of the corridor? They set their eyes on the pools on both sides of the promenade. They are flying on the water. Isn't it good to go around the corridor?/

Someone has come up with a way, and of course they have to practice it. A man protruded from the siege, sacrificed a flying sword and flew to the surface of the water. When people in the corridor saw this scene, they followed suit.

Can they escape?

The answer is no. The heroine's words are the truth. Those who don't listen and don't obey blindly are cannon fodder.

The practitioner who flew into the air had just wiped a sweat, and suddenly there was a strange movement on the surface of the water, and a huge bubble appeared. After the bubble, a huge double-clawed octopus floated on the surface of the water.

It is called a double-clawed octopus because the average octopus has only eight claws, and it has sixteen claws. This two-clawed octopus is an adult, and it can be seen from the inexplicable paste floating on the water that it is hungry.

Two-clawed octopus claws are cast into the air, and each claw is wrapped around a person and sent to the mouth. For a moment, the people who just escaped to the surface of the water entered the belly of the two-clawed octopus.

After eating, it seemed that it was not enough to relieve the lusciousness. It stared at the people in the corridor, and saliva kept dripping from its mouth. Finally, its claws moved and went to the people on the corridor. Just as they wailed for my life, the monster on the pillar suddenly attacked and bit its claws.

The blood of the sticky two-clawed octopus sprayed all over the nearby practitioners. Most of the practitioners love cleanliness. Now they are sprayed with the sticky disgusting blood of the two-clawed octopus, and there is no time to scold them. They just quickly attacked the monsters in the pillar and retreated. As for the water, there are two-clawed octopus there, and they dare not come to the surface of the water.

The two-clawed octopus was bitten off by the monster in the pillar and slapped the water angrily. Fortunately, its regenerative ability is very strong. It didn't take long for its claws to shrink back, and it actually returned to its previous length.

The two-clawed octopus bulged from the water and bulged its head like a ball. "Then it opened its mouth and sprayed water. The water was black and smelled. The water fell on the pillar, and the seemingly indestructible pillar was corroded. The pillar did not have a complete pattern, and the monsters inside could not come out to make waves.

Unexpectedly, the pillar on the corridor was afraid of the acid of the two-clawed octopus, and the two-clawed octopus was afraid of being eaten by the monster in the pillar.

Other practitioners only care about running for their lives. How can they analyze it? Some of the acid of the two-clawed octopus splashed on the practitioner's body, and immediately began to corrode from the place where the acid dripped. After hearing Zizi's sound, even the bones were corroded. Therefore, they fled faster.

They should now not only be careful of the attack of monsters in the pillar, but also be careful of the acid of the double-clawed octopus, which is simply a tiger and a wolf. Some people used the magic weapon to resist its acid, but they didn't expect that even the magic weapon was corroded.

"There's something going on ahead. Let's go." Mujin heard the screams in front of her, first looked back at Zuo Zixin, and then told other disciples.

"Sister Zuo, won't you go?" When everyone was almost gone, Tianyu asked the woman who was observing the pillar with a smile. Sister Zuo is very mysterious, isn't she?

Zuo Zixin looked up, looked at the people in front of him, looked at the pillar at hand, and nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look." But in my heart, I said carefully, hum, if you don't listen to my advice, you will suffer losses, you will be frustrated, and you will die.

When Mujin and others rushed there, the ground was blood-stained, and many of the people who escaped were injured. The huge octopus on the water stared at the people on the corridor so that they wanted to swallow them. The monsters on the pillar also stared at each other and prepared to take the opportunity to eat the people on the corridor.

"Ah!" Another scream, and a practitioners who fell behind were bitten in half by the monster from the pillar.

The two-clawed octopus was so angry that it didn't eat it. Why did it feed them? So a mouthful of acid sprayed out and fell on the person who had half a breath left. The acid fell on the body and quickly played a role. The half of the body turned into a pool of black water at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there were no bones left.

The person who came with hisss took a breath of cold air, a strange pillar, a strong attack.