Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 192 Looking for a Wife for Thousands of Miles

Of course, Zuo Zixin didn't know all this at all. Even if she knew it, she was afraid she would just sneer and ignore it. The moat of Shura City is not so good, otherwise, how can the evil practitioners survive well in Yunqi mainland? This is all due to the moat.

After taking a beautiful shower, Zuo Zi came out of the magic garden and couldn't wait to visit the city master's mansion. Last time, she went to Shura City, only visited the streets and had no chance to enter the city lord's mansion.

Zuo Zixin also wandered in the yard for half a night, and suddenly a white light flashed in front of her and went to the bamboo forest behind.


Zuo Zixin frowned, was curious and chased after him. The bamboo forest is deep, and the bamboo leaves make only mottled light and shadow on the ground.

Zuo Zixin tracked to this point and didn't see anyone. Was she dazzled just now? At the moment of doubt, a big hand came in the void and pulled her waist.

Zuo Zixin only felt a flower in front of him, and the scene changed, so he was dragged by the bamboo forest to the magic garden and stood on the vast grassland.

"Mr. Shangyang, are you finally willing to appear?" Zuo Zixin directly ignored why Shangyangjun appeared here, but slapped his hand sticking to his waist, opened the distance between the two, and gritted his teeth.

Counting the days when he was imprisoned in Diqingzong, Zuo Zixin has been away from Shangyangjun's sight for four months. For such a long time, he did not take the initiative to find himself, especially to make her angry that she almost died, and the man did not come to save her.

In the face of Zuo Zixin's complaint, Shangyangjun squeezed the corners of his mouth and stretched out his hand helplessly. Without moving, he came to Zuo Zixin, and the outstretched hand fell on Zuo Zixin's soft hair.

"Good boy." Shangyangjun took Zuo Zixin and held her tightly in his arms.

Hum! I knew it was wrong at this time. Zuo Zixin grinned in Shangyangjun's arms, stretched out his hand and bent into a fist against the chest of the two, "Shangyangjun, tell me honestly, did you already know that I was going to suffer this disaster, so I deliberately avoided it?"

"Good boy, I'm delayed." Shangyangjun rubbed Zuo Zixin's hair, his eyes flashed cold, and then calmed down.

"Really?" Zuo Zixin took off his arms, turned his head, looked up and down at Yangjun, and asked doubtfully.

Shangyangjun's face looks quite tired, and he really was delayed by something. She saw Shangyangjun nodded and said nothing more.

"Faband, the moat of Shura City is not accessible to ordinary people. How on earth did you get in?" As soon as the matter was solved, Zuo Zixin couldn't help frowning and became curious about how Shangyang Jun entered Shura City.

"Madam, do you believe me?" Shangyangjun's face changed, and a dark light flashed in his eyes. He suddenly grabbed Zuo Zixin's hand and asked strangely.

Wh! What's wrong with Shangyangjun? He always asks some strange questions these days. Is there something wrong with his brain?

His forehead is attached to the back of his hand, and the temperature is quite normal, so what is he smoking? "husband, is there something big going to happen again?" The most important thing is whether her life can survive?

Golden finger, golden finger, obviously she traveled through with a golden finger, why did it become a sadistic article? Last time, after Shangyangjun said something inexplicable to himself, her identity was discovered and then abused.

Now, Shangyangjun has said another suspenseful sentence. This sentence sounded more mysterious than before. A chill came from the inside, which made Zuo Zixin shiver.

I have to say that Zuo Zixin's sixth sense has always been very accurate, and Shangyangjun now has a very tricky thing in front of him. However, it's not the time to tell her yet, so he chose to be silent.

When Zuo Zixin saw Shangyangjun's old monk sitting down and ignored her appearance, her heart was itching. To explain in official words, Zuo Zixin is very curious; in layman's terms, Zuo Zixin is actually a brain.

"Husband, what's going on? Can you tell me?" Zuo Zixin took the initiative to put her arms around Shangyangjun's neck, close to him, and kept winking.

Shangyang Jun Liu Xiahui's upper body was unmoved. There is no way to tell her about this at all, and she can't deal with it with her current cultivation.

Zuo Zixin was angry. She put down her reservedness and ** him, but he didn't say anything. At the beginning, her beauty trick was tried many times, and now why is it deviated?

The two ink for a while, but Zuo Zixin still didn't find anything useful from it.

"Shangmen, the moat of Shura City is so powerful that you can't go there without a suspension bridge." The five elders' eyelids jumped. They stayed outside Shura City for a long time and couldn't even enter the door, let alone catch Guixiu.

A Taoist priest fell on the table next to him and fell into deep thought. Previously, he also tried to cross the Styx River. As soon as he arrived in the middle of the river, a suction came from the bottom of the river and almost sucked him down.

Since then, he has tried several times, but still can't get through.

In addition to the head of the Diqing Sect, the ancestors of the Ouyang family also tried and could not cross the river.

Realists can walk in the air, but this river, like their natural enemies, can only look far away and cannot fight in close proximity.

When the Taoist priest was thinking, several other old people also came in to discuss countermeasures together. The four families were all trying to catch ghosts. Who let Zuo Zixin go to the three families and remove their spiritual stones. The only ancestor of the family who was not "taken away" died at her hands again.

Zuo Zixin's behavior can be said to be indignant and outrageous, so the people of the four major families united to catch her and clean up the insults of the family.

The four families have a grudge against Zuo Zixin and come together, which makes sense. However, other small sects also come up to join in the fun, which is puzzling.

The so-called differences do not work together. Since they are united, they must have reached some consensus.

He rubbed his eyebrows and felt a buzzing sound in his ears. The people in front of him were so big that they were so red that they almost lifted the roof.

"That's all, that's all. Don't be impatient." The Taoist priest stood up, and his voice was as loud as a bell, which calmed down the people who were still quarreling and turned his eyes to the Taoist priest at the same time.

As the leader of this attack on Shura City and the eradication of Guixiu, the words of the Taoist priest still have a little effect.

"A real person, I'm sitting here now. If the suspension bridge doesn't go down, can't I have to take root here? Taoist priest Yimei, at the beginning, you suggested that we form an alliance and attack Shura City, and catch all the evil cultivations in the Yunqi mainland, but it has been so long, and we are still hovering outside the Styx River. Yimei Zhenren, what should we do about this? Should we give a specific one?

The patriarch of Lianmen under the sect stood up and took the lead in raising doubts.

As soon as the patriarch of Lianmen came out, the people of other small sects looked at each other and whispered. It is said that there is a nine-grade ten-child golden lotus in the master's mansion of Shura City. Eating a lotus seed can improve a level of cultivation.

In the past, they had no hope of soaring. No matter how good the ten golden lotus was, it was equivalent to poison for practitioners. Now it's different. Poison has become a tonic, and all practitioners want to get a piece of the pie.

The Qingzong and the four major families promised that after this attack on Shura City, after getting ten golden lotus, each sect will receive five lotus seeds.

What does five lotus seeds mean? Maybe it can cultivate a fairy. For the sake of the ten sons of Jinlian, the small sect also united to attack Shura City.

Now, they are across the river from Shura City, but they can't enter at all. If they stay here for ten or eight years, their cultivation will not stagnate a lot.

The Taoist priest also knew everyone's concerns, so he shook his hand and said, "Dear Taoist friends, I have my own arrangements for this matter. I hope the Taoist friends will wait for a day. I believe that there will be a movement in Shura City soon."

A long-breasted appearance makes others a little uncertain. Normally, if you want to enter Shura City, you have to take the suspension bridge. Now that the suspension bridge has been carried up by the evil repair, there is no way for them to get it down.

If someone can break the ban and enter, then he has already gone in and has to wait until now?

Not only the people of the small sect are puzzled, but also the people of the four families and several elders of the Diqing Sect are also curious. Is there really no way?

Anyway, since Yimei has sent a message, they will wait for a while. They have been waiting for so many days, and these days are not bad.

After thinking about it, the people of the major sects retreated one after another, leaving the Taoist priest looking at the Styx River in front of them thoughtfully.

Time passed little by little, and the Styx River was shrouded in a vast white fog, in which monsters were hidden in the fog, waiting for the food to automatically come to the mouth.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the east is faintly bright and dawn.

"Brother, big deal, big deal." Early in the morning, the five elders rushed to the long tent with a look of ghosts.

"Brother, why do you look more and more like a hairy boy and pass by more and more?" Yimei Daochang put down the teacup in his hand and raised his eyebrows slightly. He was very dissatisfied with the brother who rushed to disturb himself in the early morning.

"Brother, something big has happened outside." The fifth elder also knew that he was reckless. After the old man blushed, he stiffened his neck and continued, "Brother, the suspension bridge in Shura City came down for no reason. Now the four major families and other sects are surrounded by Qiaokou. I don't know whether to go or not?

Hearing this, the Taoist priest, who was ready to bring tea, stood up with a happy face, "Brother, come with me to have a look."

The Taoist priest took the lead out of the tent and arrived at the section of the suspension bridge. When the people around the bridge saw his arrival, they automatically gave up a passage so that he could enter it and see what was going on.

A pontoon bridge appeared out of thin air and built on the Styx River. He smiled and shouted, "Good, this is God's will. Evil cultivation is full of evil, which should have been eradicated from Yunqi mainland; now there are ghost cultivation in the evil cultivation. If you let them go, you are afraid that Yunqi mainland and even the whole world will be in danger.

"It is my duty to kill evil spirits and destroy ghosts. Today, God's will is here, and we will obey God's will and destroy the evil spirits in the city of Shura. After Yimei Taoist priest said, he sacrificed his flying sword. After a beautiful sword flower, the man jumped on the flying sword and went to Shura City.

The people behind saw this and followed closely.