Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 202 Black Fruit

Zuo Zixin climbed on the black rock with both hands and slowly moved down.

She didn't dare to jump directly, and no one was sure what was underneath. I remember that last time, Zuo Zixin also went to a cave to get something. For the first time, she had no experience, so she jumped directly from the hole and unfortunately fell into the belly of the water demon who was opening her mouth.

In the end, Zuo Zixin could only cut open his stomach and escape.

Since then, Zuo Zixin will be careful every time she encounters a cave to prevent him from encountering any monsters again.

The heat wave under it is getting closer and closer, and it seems that this cave is about to end. Zuo Zixin did not dare to be careless and looked straight down. Even if there was indeed a black rock underneath, she did not breathe a sigh of relief. Instead, she explored with one foot first and made sure that it was solid before she went down to the ground.

The temperature at the bottom of the cave is very high, and there is no plant on the rock. She turned a corner and walked for a while, and her eyes finally widened.

A huge natural cave, but unfortunately the cave is hollow, with occasional strange stones protruding from the four walls of the cave. The hollow can't see the bottom, but it can be seen that it is steaming hot. It seems that there must be magma underneath.

On the other side of the place where Zuo Zixin stood, there is a tree with black branches rooted in the black rock. There are many branches, most of which extend to the middle of the hole. On the outstretched branch, there is also a cyan fruit.

Black fruit?

Zuo Zixin was so happy that her heart kept beating, and she seemed to be extremely excited. She just wanted to go when she suddenly felt a strange smell.

Is there a demon spirit?

Zuo Zixin took a step back, hid his body with the help of the stones protruding in front of her body, and carefully checked it. At the upper end of the black flame tree, there is a long section of stone protruding outward. Looking at its end, it is the root of the black flame tree.

The red thin line is undoubtedly not telling Zuo Zixin that it is not a stone, it is a ninth-order black python. This snake is much more powerful than the mutant snake that Zuo Zixin offended. It is highly toxic, especially when it sprays rain.

That's not real rain, but the venom in its mouth, and his power is also extremely strong.

If the mutant snake is meek, then the black python is a tyrant in the brutality, and its evil index is five stars.

Zuo Zixin swallowed her saliva, and her palms were a little cold. Damn, this is the ninth-order black python. Do you want to use the human bomb method again?

The bomb method, as the name implies, is to use the human body as a bomb to achieve the purpose of destroying the enemy. This method is based on the unlimited characteristics of Tianya and exerts the wheel tactics to defeat the enemy.

Specific operation: Zuo Zixin rushed out, tried her best to hurt a corner, and was killed by him. After resurrecting in place, continue to kill until death, and then continue to repeat. After repeated, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they will be killed.

This is to use the human body as a bomb to win.

Zuo Zixin roughly estimated that she would die 10,000 times to destroy the black python. Damn, is there such a cheating thing?

Zuo Zixin now doubts whether this place has been developed by a colleague who likes to play unlimited games, otherwise how could it be so perverted?

Forget it, go ahead.

Zuo Zixin took a deep breath and heard a strange sound before her head could get out from behind the rock. Is there still something lurking here?

Zuo Zixin held down all kinds of grief and indignation and looked around. At this look, Zuo Zixin's face almost turned into a cod liver color. One, two, three... Unexpectedly, there are still three?

In addition, the black python is four, which are the existence of the eighth and ninth levels. She, a little shrimp, wants to grab food from the tigers, which is really lifeless.

In fact, she just wants to die.

The ability of monsters in the world is not as powerful as that of the outside world, perhaps because this is a purgatory-like existence. The intelligence of the monsters in it is not very high, and they have not evolved the transformation or body of external monsters.

In addition, the ghost spirit on Zuo Zixin has a certain degree of suppression for the monsters here.

Desp> Despite this, Zuo Zixin's current cultivation still can't beat them. Unless she becomes a Yuanying and cooperates with the magic formula of the evil wind religion, she will wait for resurrection.

The four entangled monsters were ready to move, and their eyes were fixed on the green black fire fruit. The black python is the closest to the black tree, and the snake's head is leaning against the root of the tree. The fire lark is relatively small and hides in a small gap in the black rock. If it hadn't opened its mouth and exposed its red tongue, Zuo Zixin would not have been able to confirm its specific orientation.

In addition, there is a six-headed fly on the black rock on Zuo Zixin's right hand, lying motionless and rushing up as soon as the time comes.

And there is still a strange plant on the hollow wall, with a small flower with a human head. It is almost integrated with the fog generated by rocks and hot air. If you don't look carefully, you will think it is an ordinary plant.

The seventh-order human head grass is named because the head of the grass is like a human head. Although it is only seven-order, it is no less fierce than other ninth-order monsters. The upper end of the human head grass is divided into two halves and you can see that the cracks are full of white teeth. Legend has 15,70 teeth of the human head grass. As for whether it is true or false, Zuo Zixin doesn't know, and she doesn't plan to try the law by herself.

Now the purpose of the four monsters is obvious. According to the black flame fruit, as soon as the fruit is ripe, they rush up to compete for the fruit.

Zuo Zixin's breath is very special. In addition, she has practiced the concealment technique on the evil wind and jade. Such magic formulas can not only hide her body shape, but also hide her breath and integrate with the surrounding air. In the early stage, at most, the body shape is hidden. In the middle stage, you can hide your breath and avoid the enemy's search with the help of the environment. In the later stage, you can achieve nothing outside the body and integrate into everything.

This concealment technique is simply a must-have for people at home.

Zuo Zixin has been practicing for hundreds of years, and this formula has only reached the middle stage, and she can only hide her body and breath with the help of a specific environment. Fortunately, everything in the end of the world is ghosts, and it is full of ghosts. It is also more convenient for Zuo Zixin to use concealment techniques.

In spite of this, she did not dare to be careless at all. It was not a human being, but a beast, which was much more important to human beings. If she is not careful, she may be exposed to their feelings.

The ripening cycle of black inflammatory fruit is very short, and it takes less than a few days from green fruit to maturity.

Looking at the change of the fruit, Zuo Zixin was a little anxious. She wants to steal the black flame fruit from the four monsters and guardian beasts that have not yet appeared, but the ordinary road is not possible at all. Therefore, she must use tricks to make them kill each other, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman.

This is easier said than done. If she doesn't pay attention, she may be in the mouth of a tiger and never return.

Zuo Zixin was stunned, controlled her breathing, and carefully leaned to the surrounding area. Zuo Zixin was far away from the monster, and she did not dare to use aura. She could only hold the protruding stone with her hand and move forward little by little.

This journey is only a few meters, but when she really walked there, Zuo Zixin was soaked in cold sweat and dared not come out.

With a crisp sound, the black rock stepped on by Zuo Zixin's foot suddenly broke. She was shocked, and her eyes and hands quickly changed their feet and stuck to the wall.

The sound just now completely shocked the four monsters. They gathered their heads one by one and stared at the place where the sound was made. Fortunately, Zuo Zixin's concealment was very home. They didn't find anything strange, so they withdrew their exploration.

The crisis was resolved, but Zuo Zixin did not dare to move. There is no other reason. Just now, after Zuo Zixin stepped on the air and made a sound, the huge body of the black python closest to her moved, just pressing her hand holding the stone.

The cool touch made Zuo Zixin get goose bumps all over her body.

Nima, is there anything more unlucky?

As long as she moves, the black python will sense her existence, and then...

Zuo Zixin knows the result without thinking about it. She is so entangled and depressed. Now it's really hard to get off. Stealing chickens can't eat rice.

Time flies little by little, and Zuo Zixin clearly feels that purple spots begin to appear on the skin of the green fruit, and the spots gradually expand, gradually covering the whole peel. At this time, the black flame fruit has emitted a fragrance, and the fragrance is light, floating into Zuo Zixin's nose, accelerating the secretion of Zuo Zixin's saliva.

It smells good, like cream.

Black inflammation fruit has a characteristic, and the fragrance emitted can ** all kinds of creatures. Everyone who smells its fragrance will have a fantasy and see it as their favorite and most wanted to eat.

Not only did Zuo Zixin produce ten layers of cream cakes, but also a fat mouse appeared in front of the black python, and several other monsters also had different fantasies.

I really want to eat it. Zuo Zixin swallows saliva, and the cells all over her body are shouting. At this moment, the black python moved, and its long torso slid across Zuo Zixin's hand, fell on the black rock, and climbed towards the black rock.

The cold touch swept by, and Zuo Zixin immediately woke up and wiped the cold sweat on her head.

Thanks to the black python, otherwise she would have rushed over.

The fire lark was ready to move and flew out of the cracks in the rock. Its small wings had not yet flapped on the branches of the black tree. The head of the black python stretched out, and the red letter rolled up the fire lark.

The fire lark is not a good stubble. After being rolled up by the black python, its small mouth spit out flames. The flame fell on the red letter of the black python, which made the black python hurt, the red letter loose, and the fire lark escaped from the sky and flew to the black flame fruit.

How can the black python let the fire lark approach the black flame fruit? The snake shook its letter and attacked the fire lark regardless of the pain. The two beasts, you attack me, I defend you, and refuse to give in.

At this time, the monsters hidden in the other two places also took action. Six-headed flies and human-headed grass learned the other two lessons, step by step, and carefully approached the black fruit little by little on the basis of in situ.

The two move slowly and at a short distance, but they are persistent. When the fire lark and the black python fought hard, the two beasts finally got closer and closer to the black fire fruit.

The six-headed fly quietly climbed up the black fire tree, and the head of the human head grass rose, approaching the black flame fruit.

When the lightning flashed, they finally moved.