Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 220 Treasure Cave

From the outside of the pavilion, it looks like a pagoda, but when you enter it, you will find that the layout inside is completely different. As soon as Zuo Zixin entered the pavilion, she felt that she was stepping on the soft lawn, surrounded by beautiful flowers.

Zuo Zixin ignored these flowers. It is said that there are fairy artifacts hidden on the first floor, so how can flowers grow? At a glance, I knew that it was a blindfold deliberately made by the flower spirit guarding this layer.

Zuo Zixin stepped on the lawn and walked directly to the front. Sure enough, an underground warehouse appeared in front of Zuo Zixin. There are all kinds of weapons hanging on the cold walls, including fairy weapons, spiritual weapons, and 18 kinds of weapons. Zuo Zixin swept around and didn't know which one to choose?

"If any of you would like to go with me, then give me some hints." Zuo Zixin said softly, then closed his eyes and telepathically with many weapons.

The fairy weapons inserted on the wall trembled slightly and made a buzzing sound. Suddenly, Zuo Zixin felt something coming from her left. She grabbed it with her backhand and then opened her eyes. In her hand is a crescent-like bow and arrow. The whole bow body is made of emerald jade, and the buckle is also inlaid with a huge ten-thousand-year-old dragon's magic elixir pearl. The string is made of the ten-thousand-year-old dragon, and there is also a powerful formation engraved on the bow.

Zuo Zixin stroked her bow and smiled at the corners of her mouth. "From now on, we will fight side by side, and I will give you the name of Covering the Moon." A drop of blood dripped on the bow, and then Zuo Zixin felt the joy of covering the moon.

"Let's go." Zuo Zixin put the moonshaggy behind his back and turned to the corridor next to him. You can't be too greedy. Zuo Zixin already has the moon cover, so the remaining fairy weapons should wait for their owners. Some things are better than abuse, like the magic weapon of life; some things are as good as possible, such as spiritual stones.

Zuo Zixin made up her mind and made up her mind. After leaving the attic, she refined the moon into her own magic weapon. I'm afraid there are not many practitioners who use fairy weapons as magic weapons, right?

Zuo Zixin had just walked to the entrance of the corridor, and a petal flew past her cheek, wiping out a blood stain. Then, attacks came one after another, and countless petal flying knives overwhelmed people.

Zuo Zixin gathered spiritual power into a shield to block the attack of Hualing petals, and the other palm controlled the flying leaves and prepared to attack Hualing. The flower spirit is not a flower demon, but the transformation of the soul after the death of the flower demon. Their task is to test and prevent people from entering the upper level.

This flower spirit was demonized by a sunflower. Zuo Zixin felt her specific position for a long time. Then the flying leaves in her hand flew out and killed around the flower spirit. At the same time, the black line in her hand flew out and tied the endless flower spirit tightly.

"Xiaoyang, how can this stop me?" Zuo Zixin glanced at Hua Ling, who was tied like a zongzi, stepped upstairs, and finally withdrew the black line in Hua Ling's extreme unwillingness.

Sunflower Ling looked at the bondage on her body with a complicated look, her eyes flashed slightly, and her body disappeared in the dark.

The attic is ten floors high, so Zuo Zixin will have to defeat nine guarding flowers to reach the top of the attic. For thousands of years, countless flower demons in the flower world have entered the attic, but no one can go to the top. The most powerful one was the first beautiful man a thousand years ago. He went to the ninth floor, but he was defeated by the spirit of guarding the building and failed.

After he was transmitted by the transmission array, someone wanted to explore the secret of the last floor guarding the building, but he refused. The flower spirit on the ninth floor has undoubtedly become the most mysterious flower spirit, because no one knows who she is, what she looks like, what her cultivation is, and what her body is?

"Oh, Miss Zuo has been in for three days, is it..." The old man Baishu looked at the incense burner and brushed his white beard with a complicated look. I remember that the first beautiful man also went in for three days, but was released.

Not only the old man of the cypress tree was restless, but also the hearts of the flowers onlookers also dared to blink. Legend has it that only one person can walk into the last floor, which is the flower god himself. Moreover, the butterflies caused by her baby flying and flowers bloomed, which verified the legend.

"Oh! My friend, are you lost in it? The peony girl wrapped her head and sat motionless outside the door of the attic. At this time, she looked very embarrassed, her clothes were messy, and her body was covered with dust.

She has never rested for the past three days and has been waiting outside the attic. At the beginning, she went to hit the layer of prohibition. As a result, she was ejected several times and fell to the sky before she finally woke up, so she squatted outside the attic.

Nima, how many holes are there in this broken attic? Zuo Zixin performed a dirt removal technique for herself, removed all the dust on her body, rubbed her head, and thought calmly.

According to the time, it has been three days since she came in. These three days have been no less than the five hundred years in the world. There are countless kinds of flower and grass monsters she encounter every day. Of course, she has also gained extraordinary benefits in it.

Now, she has reached the ninth and tenth floors. As long as she defeats the last flower spirit, she can successfully enter the tenth floor and get the inheritance of the flower god.

"Who is coming?" Just as Zuo Zixin was thinking, a delicate shout sounded, and then a woman in white appeared at the top of the stairs. Her eyes were sharp, and her face was covered with a veil, so she could not see her appearance clearly.

Zuo Zixin also tried to explore with her divine consciousness, but she couldn't see her appearance. The veil on her face may be something that can block the divine consciousness. Despite this, Zuo Zixin also feels that this person has seen somewhere and looks extremely familiar. A long-lost feeling hit her mind, but she was sure that she had never seen her at all.

The memory of people in the world of cultivation is beyond ordinary people, which also causes most practitioners to have unusual resentment and stingy. Zuo Zixin's thinking is well-founded. Ten of the ten Xiuzhen novels will write that a heroine or hero accidentally offended a person, and then revenge hundreds or thousands of years later.

In Zuo Zixin's opinion, these are all about Chen Zhima's rotten grain and rotten grain. Unexpectedly, she still remembers it so clearly that she is unwilling to avenge. This is enough to show that the stingy in the world of cultivation is famous, and the memory is even better.

Conceptedly, since Zuo Zixin is familiar with this woman, she must have seen her. However, she sorted out her memories from the Yunqi mainland and then tossing around several small worlds, but she didn't find out who this person was.

It's not in my memory. Is it possible that it still appeared in a dream?

"Who is coming?" The masked woman in white raised her voice again and asked again, with a faint fairy power in her voice.

"This senior, I'm Zuo Zixin." Zuo Zixin felt the moon on her back tremble a few times, as if expressing a happy and happy feeling. Zuo Zixin's eyes flashed unconsciously, and the moon knew the woman in front of her?

Covering the moon is a fairy weapon, and there is fairy power around the woman in front of her. Is it possible that it is the person who comes down from above? However, can't people in the fairyland come to the human world casually? Besides, she has never been to the fairyland, and it is impossible to see a fairy... Zuo Zixin suddenly opened her mouth and something flashed in her mind.

She finally knew where she had seen her, in her dream.

"Since you want to go to the top floor, you must pass my level." The woman in white brushed her sleeves coldly, and the shining stars floated in front of Zuo Zixin, and then her mind turned white and fell to the ground.

Where is this? After waking up leisurely, she looked at her place strangely. She only remembered that as soon as the woman in white brushed her sleeves, the world stood still and woke up to a strange place. Through her level, is this level related to this fantasy?

Zuo Zixin is now in a cave, where there is nothing, and there is a period of sunshine right in front of it. She thought about it and walked in the direction of the sun. I don't know how long it took. She finally came out of the cave, and there was an unfathomable abyss hanging in front of her.

At the other end of the abyss is another mountain, hundreds of meters away from each other, surrounded by white fog. Where is this?

Zuo Zixin turned around and was surprised to find that the exit had just disappeared, and she was left standing alone on a protruding stone. The stone is very small, even less than a square meter. What's more surprising is that the stone is still disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Nima, what the hell is this place?

Zuo Zixin is not panicked. She is half a fairy now, and flying a distance of hundreds of meters is a piece of cake. She smiled confidently at the corners of her mouth, and then lifted her feet.

The smile gradually changed, because no matter how her feet reacted, and she couldn't mobilize her aura at all. Nima, you have become an ordinary person. A person who is used to using aura and magic formula suddenly lost these things, which is extremely frightening.

Zuo Zixin not only suddenly disappeared in panic, but also the stones under his feet. Damn, she is playing 3366 games, and there are still pumice stones that will disappear. Seeing that half of the stones under her feet disappeared, her heart was also uneasy.

Without spiritual power, it's simply fantastic from here to there.

Without spiritual power, she still has Fengze. After Zuo Zixin thought of Fengze in her magic garden, a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. Fengze's vines are so long that it's not a problem to build a bridge.

So, Zuo Zixin stretched out his hand and summoned Fengze.

As a result, the Magic Garden did not respond at all, and she lost contact with Fengze.

Nima, the most painful thing in the world is probably that she has a lot of treasures on a desert island that can't be exchanged for food at all.

Now, the stone is only enough to stand on two feet.

Will I die? Unless she has wings, she can't go there at all.

If only she were a butterfly and could fly over. Zuo Zixin remembered the celestial phenomena when she had a baby before. Since she could attract tens of thousands of butterflies to worship at that time, she should also be able to attract butterflies now, right?

Is there nothing wrong with this in theory?

Success or failure in this move.

Zuo Zixin took a deep breath, her eyes changed color, and the lotus at the corners of her eyes appeared, turned into a combat form, and gently hummed the ballad.

Butterfly, butterfly, come quickly. I need you.