Ghost wife in charge

Chapter 302 Demon Master

So, when Zuo Zixin didn't know anything, she had been tied into the magic capital. She changed from a hostage whose life was in danger at any time to a proton.

Magic can be regarded as the most beautiful and prosperous place in the demon world. The magic city is located in the middle of the demon world. The four walls surround the magic world. Entering the east gate, it is the market of the human brain. In the way, there is a tall architectural complex, where the nobles of the magic capital live.

After the aristocratic area is the huge palace, the magic palace.

The maid's flying eagle drove through the magic capital and flew into the magic palace. The layout of the magic palace has the smell of small bridges and flowing water. The rockery and water rulers are reflected together. Above the main hall of the demon palace sits a black armored and domineering man. He is the demon palace, the master of the whole demon world.

No one knows what the name of the demon master is. It's probably too long ago. He is the master of the world, and no one dares to call his name at all. Over time, the demon became his name.

He wears a black mask, revealing seven orifices, and black hair on his head, showing his noble status. He only sat there without saying a word, and the pressure around him had leaked out and shrouded the air.

The door of the hall squeaked, and then a masked woman in white entered the door, bent her knees and knelt down. She said respectfully, "Demon Lord, the wife of the Sun Fairy has been caught and is now locked in the dungeon, waiting for the demon to fall."

The demon only raised his eyelids and acted very lazily. His bony hands knocked on the armrest on the throne and said powerfully, "No tears, I let you take people to the Fairy and Demon Valley. Why do you bring people back to the Demon City?"

He seemed to be a little dissatisfied, but he didn't show it.

The tearless head drooped lower, and the breath of the demon was so powerful that she dared not look up at the demon's face every time. I believe that it's not just her that many people in the demon world dare not look at his face.

"Demon Lord, my subordinates found that she was pregnant and might be more valuable, so they brought people here."

The devil's eyes suddenly opened, and he saw an evil wind blowing in the hall. Without tears, who had just knelt on the ground, was stuck in his neck out of thin air.

The feeling of suffocation made the tearless oil frightened, and he did not dare to struggle under the pressure of the Demon Lord, let alone shout for help. The breath of death is approaching.

Just when she thought she would die without tears, the virtual hand on her neck loosened, and her whole body fell from the air and lay on the ground gasped.

"No tears, your heart is soft."

He didn't dare to come out without tears and fell on the ground. "Demon, I know what to do. Ask the devil to give him another chance, right?

For a long time, a big drop of cold sweat appeared on his tearless forehead, and sweat fell down his cheeks on the carpet. Finally, a sound came from the top of his head.

"Well, go and do it."

Without tears, he thanked him, retreated out of the hall and went straight to the dungeon.

Because of the tearless previous arrass, those dungeon guards did not find it difficult for Zuo Zixin to put her in a better cell. At this time, Zuo Zixin had not woken up. She lay on the hay in the corner of the cell, and there was a head-sized mouse running in another corner of the cell.

They did not dare to approach Zuo Zixin. They only looked from afar, sometimes holding their front legs and standing up straight to look at the people sleeping in the corner. Sometimes they called their friends and attracted a large group of demon rat families, and then held a small family meeting next to them, chattering, which was so annoying.

Finally, the sound of the gate came from the distance. When the mouse heard the sound, it immediately chirped, drilled into the cave and disappeared. After the sound of the gate, there were footsteps. The footsteps were light and heavy, and it sounded messy. I don't think I was alone. The footsteps were approaching, and the people came were the leader of the tearless and dungeon and two ordinary magic soldiers.

As soon as the four people arrived at the door of the dungeon, the leader personally tore off the seal of Zuo Zixin's prison and opened the door. The dungeon where Zuo Zixin sleeps can be regarded as the best one in the dungeon. She also has hay here, and there is no blood or other dirt on the walls.

Other dungeons are different. All kinds of blood, excreta and rotten smells are intertwined, as well as messy rooms, wet floors... These are simply terrible.

Desp> Despite this, the tearless eyebrows still raised. Seeing this, the leader quickly flattered him and said, "The maid, this is already the best, otherwise, we will bring people out."

With that, he motioned the magic soldiers behind him to go in and bring them out.

"Forget it, you go out first." Without tears, he stopped and walked into the cell. Seeing this, the leader behind her hurriedly smiled and turned away with her men.

The cell has returned to quiet.

The tearless frown came to the haystack, turned his sleeves over, and a small porcelain bottle fell out of his sleeve. The porcelain bottle is about the size of a finger. Under the guidance of tearsless, it flew to Zuo Zixin's face and automatically opened the mouth of the bottle. The smell inside overflowed and floated to the tip of Zuo Zixin's nose.

Zuo Zixin woke up leisurely.

The first thing she woke up was to look around and see where she was. When she saw the tearsless, she got up from the ground. The rough hay made her tender skin hurt, and the simplicity of the cell made her frown. But these are not important now.

"Linglong, do you want to kill me?" Zuo Zixin took a deep breath and skimmed the corners of her mouth, which was a little bitter.

"Mrs. Xianjun is really forgetful. I said, I'm not Linglong, I have no tears." The tearless eyes did not have a trace of waves, calmly like the sea. She stood in front of you, but it gave people the feeling of being so far away.

"Kill you? How can it be? It's just taking you to Fairy Valley. As for your life or death, it depends on the Sunday fairy. Mrs. Xianjun, I hope Xianjun is willing to give up the fairyland for you on Sunday.

The tearless eyes emerged complicated, and she gave way, "Mrs. Xianjun, please, oh, I forgot to tell you that your cultivation has been banned, so don't try to escape. In case they are caught, they don't care who you are? Do you have any children in your stomach?

Zuo Zixin's body stiffened. Just now, she planned to take the opportunity to escape, but unfortunately she died before she came from birth. She straightened her waist and walked along the path without tears. When she passed without tears, she stopped and said, "No tears, thank you. In fact, you still have goodwill in your heart."

As soon as she finished speaking, she left the dungeon.

After leaving the dungeon, there is a transmission array. The dungeon, as the name implies, is underground, and this transmission array is to transmit the people on the ground to the ground and the underground people up. Such a transmission array is a bit like a modern elevator.

Out of the transmission array, the surroundings became bright, and the bloody sky dyed the broad vision in front of her into a painting. Far from them, two strange-like birds are pulling a carriage. Behind the carriage is a carriage with black curtains, like a cage.

In fact, it is a cage.

Zuo Zixin did not hesitate to get into the car, and the curtain was lowered, blocking her sight. The purpose of entering the hall was black. The curtain not only blocked the light, but also blocked the sound outside.

She stayed in a small space with no light and no sound.

She didn't know how long she had been walking. Suddenly, the carriage staggered, making her lean forward. She protected her stomach with one hand and the carriage with the other hand to stabilize her body.

What happened outside?

She was curious. Her ears were erect and her eyes were wide open, but there was no sound or character, so she had to sigh disappointedly.

At this time, the curtain was lifted, and the dazzling red light came from the gap in the opened corner, shining on her pale face. She covered her face quickly and half squinted through her fingers to see what was going on.

The curtain was finally lifted, and her eyes adapted to the light. She saw clearly the appearance of the man who opened the curtain. He wears a mask, his eyes are shining red, black hair, black horns, armor, demon, why is it him?

She subconsciously retreated to the edge of the carriage. After encountering the hard and cold carriage, she seemed to realize that she was wrong. She suddenly sat up straight and put on a solemn look.


The devil's low voice came, which was like a whisper from the sky in a dream and a lover's whisper. His eyes are full of love, and he looks at her as if he were looking at his intimate lover.

Zuo Zixin's eyes flashed slightly, and her whole body froze there for a moment. Yueer, the voice of this expression call is so familiar that she has a pain in her heart, which makes her unable to even breathe.

Mo Zun's hand touched her face and whispered, "Moon, I finally found you. This time, I will definitely protect you, and no one will hurt you again.

The cold touch made Zuo Zixin feel cold from the inside out. She wanted to avoid the cold hands, but found that she had nowhere to escape.

Her forehead began to drip into cold sweat. Her mind was very confused and she couldn't remember anything. All she knew was that the man had mistaken and he was very dangerous.

Fortunately, this sense of touch did not last long. He finally withdrew his hand on her cheek, but instead led her softness and slowly brought her out.

The red sky was in sight, and Zuo Zixin, the person standing next to him, was no longer in the mood to see it. From the color of the sky, it can be seen that she is still in the demon world. At this moment, her heart sank to the bottom.

The demon took her hand and took her out of the carriage. The person who knelt on the ground next to her was directly ignored by him. His broad cloak stirs up, and he held her waist and rushed to the sky.

The direction they went to is the magic palace.

When the demon's figure could no longer be seen, the person kneeling aside finally stood up. The leading two battles were numb. He came forward flatteringly and asked, "The maid, just now this was..."

The tearless cold light shot at the leader and said coldly, "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. If you know too much, you will die faster."

"Yes, yes." The leader nodded quickly and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

Without tears, he looked in the direction of the devil's departure, his eyes were complicated, and then he returned to cold and went in the opposite direction of the devil.