
Chapter 1 Life and Death

Zhou Cheng felt that he was getting weaker and weaker, and he could feel his blood flowing slowly. Although he had no strength to open his eyes, he found that he could clearly feel that his blood was flowing on the ground and spreading. In just a while, he had dyed a large area of the road red. And the blood spilled on the car in the distance, I don't know why Zhou Cheng only felt that the blood was so red and dazzling.

This red gradually spread, and Zhou Cheng found that everything he saw and felt was covered with a thick layer of blood light. It seemed that the whole world had disappeared, only this piece of blood red.

Everything he had experienced before flashed quickly in his mind, like a fast-broadcast movie, and at the end of the movie was a harsh brake sound and a dazzling blood red.

When Zhou Cheng fell into confusion, a blood-stained car was leaving quickly. After the car left, a group of people were in a circle, pointing in the middle of the road, and a man in * was lying in the middle of the road. The man has almost no human form. He is not only covered with blood, but also has become fragmented, like broken porcelain. Only through his bloody face can he seem to be seen that he seems to be very young. At this time, this young face has a strange expression, which seems to be painful and confused by memories. At the same time, there is also some confusion and some disbelief.

I never thought that human faces could express so many emotions at the same time. Perhaps these onlookers also found this strange expression, so they couldn't help saying, "This young man is so pitiful that he died in vain at such a young age!"

Other people took over: "Yes! This young man is still a policeman! That damn driver is really evil! He killed a policeman, and he dared to run away!"

No matter what the world says, it is no longer Zhou Cheng's business, because the young policeman lying on the ground is himself. A living life has disappeared in just a short moment, and the only thing left is a little memory for the world and a broken body.

No matter what happens, it will not leave a permanent trace in the world. Time passed slowly, and it was another year in a blink of an eye.

What will people look like after death? If Zhou Cheng is asked to answer, then he will definitely say that it will be red after death. But he never thought that after waking up again, he found himself floating in space, in an artificial satellite, with only consciousness and no body.

After Zhou Cheng woke up and figured out his situation, he once thought that he was reborn as an artificial satellite like the story of rebirth in the novel. But gradually he found that this did not seem to be the case, because Zhou Cheng could feel that his consciousness was attached to the shell of the satellite.

Sometimes Zhou Cheng himself wonders why he can still see things without eyes, but these are not important. The key is that he finds that his consciousness is trapped here.

The reason why I was trapped here is that I found that my consciousness can only exist in this small satellite shell. Although I can see things, I can't manipulate and change anything.

After day after day, Zhou Cheng felt secretly happy for himself at the beginning, because no matter what, he was still alive. Although it was a little different, the real death was always much better. He would even enjoy the beautiful scenery of the earth from space with great interest and sighing the strength of space. Li and boundless.

However, after a long time, Zhou Cheng found that the feeling of wandering alone in space was the most horrible and terrible experience in the world. However, Zhou Cheng sadly found that he did not have the ability to change his situation at all, because he was just a piece of iron in addition to being able to see things inexplicably.

Time gradually passed, but Zhou Cheng, who was almost desperate, found that with the passage of time, his consciousness gradually eroded into the satellite.

After repeated observations and experiments, Zhou Cheng finally figured out these changes. Originally, in these days, due to his excitement at the beginning, to irritability later, and then terror and numbness, until the end, his heart was in an empty and quiet state. In this state, Zhou Cheng found that his satellite shell has undergone some wonderful changes due to various radiation, solar irradiation and other factors in the space environment.

Zhou Cheng doesn't know exactly what's going on with these changes, but he can feel that whenever he is in this state, his consciousness can sense some energy through the satellite's shell, and his consciousness can't help absorbing these energy.

Zhou Cheng feels that this energy should be generated by rays or light waves in space shining on the satellite's shell, just like sunlight will heat up when it hits the ground. After absorbing these energies, Zhou Cheng found that his consciousness gradually became clear and agile, his spirit became better and better, and his thinking ability slowly became stronger.

In the end, Zhou Cheng felt that his consciousness had a full feeling, as if he had changed back to a person and had a real feeling again. This feeling is very strange, some of which are like touch, but they are not. And this is his second sensory ability besides vision.

As if it were an invisible hand, Zhou Cheng found that he could extend this sensory ability beyond the satellite's shell, and extended this sensory ability to the rest of the parts of the satellite for a long time, so that his consciousness could exist in that part, just like the assimilation ability of a magnet.

If the thing that exists in consciousness is the body, then Zhou Cheng's body is the hygienic shell, but through that feeling ability, he can slowly transform other parts of this satellite into his own body.

Thinking of this, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but get excited, because if he could really assimilate the whole satellite into his own body, then he should be able to control this satellite! If this satellite can be controlled, can it be used to connect with human beings on Earth through this satellite? For example, through the Internet, telephone, TV, etc.

Although he is not sure, Zhou Cheng, who has almost been tortured by loneliness, did not want to let go of this uncertain opportunity, so he immediately began to take action, actively absorbed the energy and then transformed it into his own mind (that is, that special feeling). Ability, Zhou Cheng felt that this was spiritual power), and then assimilated the satellite he possessed with his mind.

Whenever the mind is consumed, Zhou Cheng will absorb energy again. Over and over again, a year has passed unconsciously. On this day, Zhou Cheng finally assimilated the whole satellite, and the whole satellite became his body.

And in this year, due to the repeated use of mind and long-term silence, Zhou Cheng found that his mind was more than ten times stronger, and even his consciousness seemed to have changed. Consciousness was originally just nothing and empty, but Zhou Cheng found that his consciousness seemed to have a real feeling, just like the yuan god in myths and legends, but he also knew that this was just his own illusion. Even if it was not an illusion, if he really wanted to turn consciousness into real existence, it was not what he could do now. What can be done. But what is gratifying is that Zhou Cheng found that due to the strengthening of consciousness and the rapid progress of his mind, he can touch real substances with his mind and consciousness. For example, he can use his mind to carry objects. Although these abilities are not strong, they have made him ecstatic like a vegetable.